using the pathlib library
standard of python - installed by default
first showed up in v 3.4 substitute of the os library
both os and pathlib are useful for file and directory operations
os treats filepaths as strings but pathlib use a path object type
- paths used to be treated as strings
first you need to think of the path:
p1 = 'files/abc.txt'
with open(p1, 'r') as file:
- now pathlib recognizes paths as object types
from pathlib import Path
p1 = Path('files/abc.txt')
$ python local/
<class 'pathlib.WindowsPath'>
benefits not visible in this example but if your code expands
it has many methods you can check methods with Dir(Path):
# you can also write files if the file doesn't exist
p1 = Path('new_file.txt')
if not p1.exists():
with open(p1, 'w') as file:
you can print just the filename:
get filename without extension
or just extension
it's much more work to do this with os.path, these are all methods of the Path class
from pathlib import Path
# reading files:
#p1 = Path('files/abc.txt')
# you can also write files if the file doesn't exist
p1 = Path('new_file.txt')
if not p1.exists():
with open(p1, 'w') as file:
#you can print just the filename:
# get filename without extension
# or just extension
#it's much more work to do this with os.path, these are all methods of the Path class
# let's print the filename of files in a directory
p2 = Path('files')
for item in p2.iterdir():
first, determine where / in what folders these files are, what is the root directory holding the files
need to run it from the right folder (not local/*.py)
lets start with:
from pathlib import Path
# how do you rename files in a path
root_dir = Path('files') # create a Path object instance with files as a string
file_paths = root_dir.iterdir() # this method outputs a file generator
print(list(file_paths)) # prints the files in the directory
let's list all the files:
from pathlib import Path
# how do you rename files in a path
root_dir = Path('files') # create a Path object instance with files as a string
file_paths = root_dir.iterdir() # this method outputs a file generator
#print(list(file_paths)) # prints the files in the directory
for path in file_paths:
new_filename = "new_" + path.stem + path.suffix
Matus1976@DESKTOP-98E2DP4 MINGW64 /d/Files - Google Drive/Files - New Merged/MFD Personal/Programming/python/Udemy/Build-Practical-Programs-with-Python/local (main)
$ python
this is just printing to the screen with the new name, they are not renamed.
you need to use class path.with_name(new_filename)
from pathlib import Path
# how do you rename files in a path
root_dir = Path('files') # create a Path object instance with files as a string
file_paths = root_dir.iterdir() # this method outputs a file generator
#print(list(file_paths)) # prints the files in the directory
for path in file_paths:
new_filename = "new_" + path.stem + path.suffix
new_filepath = path.with_name(new_filename)
we're about to add path.rename(new_filepath) to the for loop
so rename is a class of the path object and takes the argument (new_filepath)
but if we do this, the files actually move up outside the file path
instead we point to path.with_name
going to rename all files in a folder to the prefix of the folder
e.g. a bunch of files in \November and a bunch in \December and then adding the name of the folder to each file, so \November\abc.txt will be renamed to \November\November-abc.txt
start with the Path module, defining the root dir and instantiating the file_paths class:
from pathlib import Path
root_dir = Path('files')
file_paths = root_dir.iterdir()
for path in file_paths:
get the list of files inside each folder:
from pathlib import Path
root_dir = Path('files')
file_paths = root_dir.iterdir()
for path in file_paths:
for filepath in path.iterdir(): # gives list of files inside current folder
There's a more elegant way though you can use glob(pattern)
from pathlib import Path
root_dir = Path('files')
file_paths = root_dir.glob("**/*")
for path in file_paths:
includes everything including first level files
you can use path.is_file():
to check if it is a file and only then print it or act on it:
from pathlib import Path
root_dir = Path('files')
file_paths = root_dir.glob("**/*")
for path in file_paths:
if path.is_file(): # checks if it's a file returns true
seperate the parts of the path/filename out using
from pathlib import Path
root_dir = Path('files')
file_paths = root_dir.glob("**/*")
for path in file_paths:
if path.is_file(): # checks if it's a file returns true
# print(path)
# get the name of the folder the file is in:
parent_folder =
#new_filename = path.
but it's split into different items in a tuple
since it's a tuple use [-2], counting from right to left it's -1, -2, -3 etc
parent_folder =[-2]
from pathlib import Path
root_dir = Path('files')
file_paths = root_dir.glob("**/*")
for path in file_paths:
if path.is_file(): # checks if it's a file returns true
# print(path)
# get the name of the folder the file is in:
parent_folder =[-2]
construct the new filename with
new_filename = parent_folder + '-' +
and you use path.with_name and path.rename:
from pathlib import Path
root_dir = Path('files')
file_paths = root_dir.glob("**/*")
for path in file_paths:
if path.is_file(): # checks if it's a file returns true
# print(path)
# get the name of the folder the file is in:
parent_folder =[-2]
new_filename = parent_folder + '-' +
new_filepath = path.with_name(new_filename) # creaeting a new path object here
path.rename(new_filepath) # apply rename to the path object
and the files get renamed:
fork @ArditS repl Rename Files Based on the sub-sub folders
resulting code:
# file names should contain folder and parent / grandparent folders
from pathlib import Path
root_dir = Path('files') #defines the local root directory
#print("file_paths is: ", file_paths)
#print("printing list(file_paths)")
#file_paths = root_dir.iterdir()
file_paths = root_dir.glob("**/*")
for path in file_paths:
if path.is_file(): # only if it's a file print on it or act on it
parent_folder =[-3:-1]
print("parent folder is: ", parent_folder)
#construct new filename
new_filename = parent_folder[0] + "-" + parent_folder[
1] + "-" +
print("new_filename is: ", new_filename)
#construct new filepath
new_filepath = path.with_name(
new_filename) #creating a new path object here
print("new_filepath is: ", new_filepath)
definitely need to select the right range of the tuple here:
parent_folder =[-3:-1]
to get all the parent folders
you can use the join method instead
new_filename = "-".join(subfolders)
it joins those items and palves the - seperator between them.
how to get the date when a file was created via python and then an exercise to rename a file adding the dates when they were created.
how to get the date when the file was created
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
path = Path('files/December/a.txt')
# if you have a path object you can get data about that object with the path.stat() method
stats = path.stat()
result of print(stats):
$ python
os.stat_result(st_mode=33188, st_ino=264, st_dev=19923088, st_nlink=1, st_uid=1000, st_gid=1000, st_size=2, st_atime=1635878203, st_mtime=1635878203, st_ctime=1665005893)
st_mode some info about permissions
st_uid user identifier
st_gid user group identifier
st_size = file size
what we want is time:
st_atime - last access time stamp, seconds from jan1 1970
st_mtime - when file was last modified
st_ctime - when the file was created
# to get that ctime:
seconds_when_created = stats.st_ctime
$ python
os.stat_result(st_mode=33188, st_ino=264, st_dev=19923088, st_nlink=1, st_uid=1000, st_gid=1000, st_size=2, st_atime=1635878203, st_mtime=1635878203, st_ctime=1665005893)
# to convert epoch time to normal time in python:
date_created = datetime.fromtimestamp(seconds_when_created)
$ python
os.stat_result(st_mode=33188, st_ino=264, st_dev=19923088, st_nlink=1, st_uid=1000, st_gid=1000, st_size=2, st_atime=1635878203, st_mtime=1635878203, st_ctime=1665005893)
2022-10-05 21:38:13.695964
# date_created is not a string though, need to convert it
date_created_str = date_created.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") #creates a string from time
2022-10-05 21:38:13.695964
<class 'str'>
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
# update file names with datetime created:
root_dir = Path('files') #defines the local root directory
file_paths = root_dir.glob("**/*")
for path in file_paths:
if path.is_file(): # only if it's a file print on it or act on it
file_stats = path.stat()
# get time stampe when created
seconds_when_created = file_stats.st_ctime
#convert epoch timestamp
date_created = datetime.fromtimestamp(seconds_when_created)
#format date created string
date_created_str = date_created.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") #creates a string from time
#create new filename
new_filename = date_created_str + "-" +
print("new filename is: ", new_filename)
#create new file path
new_filepath = path.with_name(new_filename)
print("new_filepath is: ", new_filepath)
#rename the file
from pathlib import Path
from datetime import datetime
# change file extension from .txt to .csv
root_dir = Path('files_36') # defines the local root directory
file_paths = root_dir.glob("**/*")
for file in file_paths:
if file.is_file():
#print filename
#get filename without extension
filename_without_extension = file.stem
#create new filename
new_filename = filename_without_extension + ".csv"
print("new filename is: ", new_filename)
#create new file path
new_filepath = file.with_name(new_filename)
print("new_filepath is: ", new_filepath)
#rename the file
from instructor
the rglob selects only those files
you can use rglob("*") for all files
you can use path.with_suffix(".txt") to just update the suffix
rglob is alternative to glob - useful when you have subfolders
rglob is the equivalent of **/*.csv
script to create a bunch of empty files
first we need to import pathlib
from pathlib import Path
and then set the root directory
root_dir = Path('files_38')
from pathlib import Path
# set root directory
root_dir = Path('files_38') # defines the local root directory
for i in range(10,21): # creates 10 files with numbers from 10 - 21
filename = str(i) + '.txt' # construct a filename as a string
filepath = root_dir / Path(filename) # construct a filepath as a Path object
filepath.touch() # create an empty file
use the zipfile library to create zip files:
import zipfile
from pathlib import Path
import zipfile
root_dir = Path('files_39')
# defines the local root directory
#archive_path = Path('')
# defines the archive file name and creates a Path object
# add 'root_dir /' to make it files/
# add 'root_dir / archive_path' to make it files/files_39/
archive_path = root_dir / Path('')
# defines the archive file name and creates a Path object
with zipfile.ZipFile(archive_path, 'w') as zip_object: # creates a ZipFile object, 'w' is the mode for write.
# ok what do we want to do with this object? probably iterate through it
for path in root_dir.rglob("*.txt"): # iterate through all the files in the root_dir
starting off with two zipped files full of either text or csv
put the filesets inside of two different folder.
start with importing Path and zipfile
from pathlib import Path
import zipfile
iterate through the objects looking for zips, using read and extract.
from pathlib import Path
import zipfile
root_dir = Path('files_40') # defines the local root directory
#root_dir = Path('.') # if the files are in the same working directory as the script
#lets also define destination dir/path
destination_path = Path('destination')
for path in root_dir.glob("*.zip"): #rglob will go inside each of the folders, rglob is recursive glob
with zipfile.ZipFile(path, 'r') as zf: #zf is the zip file object, 'r' is the mode for read, 'w' is the mode for write
final_path = root_dir / destination_path / Path(path.stem) # path.stem is the name of the file without the extension
zf.extractall(path=final_path) #this is the method that extracts the files
search a destination folder for a specific file
output will look something like this:
how do you get the absolute path for a file?
from pathlib import Path
path = Path('destination/items1/10.csv')
# output example:
$ python
C:\Files\MFD Personal\Programming\python\Udemy\Build-Practical-Programs-with-Python\local\destination\items1\
# prompt for string to search for in files
search_string = input('Enter a string to search for: ')
root_dir = Path('destination') # defines the local root directory
file_paths = root_dir.glob("**/*")
# get a list of all files in the directory
for file in file_paths:
if file.is_file():
final program:
# search a destination folder for a specific file
from pathlib import Path
# how do you get the abolute path of a file?
#path = Path('destination/items1/10.csv')
# output example:
#$ python
#C:\Files\MFD Personal\Programming\python\Udemy\Build-Practical-Programs-with-Python\local\destination\items1
# prompt for string to search for in files
search_string = input('Enter a string to search for: ')
print(" search string is: ", search_string)
#root_dir = Path('destination') # defines the local root directory
#file_paths = root_dir.glob("**/*")
# get a list of all files in the directory
#for file in file_paths:
# if file.is_file():
# print(file)
# find only the files that contain the search string
root_dir = Path('destination') # defines the local root directory
file_paths = root_dir.glob("**/*")
for file in file_paths:
if file.is_file():
#print(" path is: ", file, " file name is: ",
if search_string in
print(" found: ",
instructor solution
from pathlib import Path
root_dir = Path('.')
search_term = '14'
for path in root_dir.rglob("*")
if search_term in path.stem:
but that returns folders, so you also need if path = file
# suppose you want to sell your computer but you want to destroy all your files
# this script will destroy all files in a directory
# it will first change the contents then delete them
from pathlib import Path
root_dir = Path('destination') # defines the local root directory
for path in root_dir.glob("*.cvv"): # careful, don't use rglob, it will go through subfolders.
with open(path, 'wb') as file: # wb mode is write mode for binary files
file.write(b'0') # write a zero to the file
path.unlink() # delete the file