Deliver App to deliveryTarget (AppSource, Storage, or...)
Name | Description |
Settings | env.Settings must be set by a prior call to the ReadSettings Action |
Secrets | env.Secrets with delivery target context secrets must be read by a prior call to the ReadSecrets Action |
Name | Required | Description | Default value |
shell | The shell (powershell or pwsh) in which the PowerShell script in this action should run | powershell | |
token | The GitHub token running the action | github.token | |
projects | Comma-separated list of projects to deliver | * | |
deliveryTarget | Yes | Delivery target (AppSource, Storage, GitHubPackages,...) | |
artifacts | Yes | The artifacts to deliver or a folder in which the artifacts have been downloaded | |
type | Type of delivery (CD or Release) | CD | |
atypes | Artifact types to deliver | Apps,Dependencies,TestApps | |
goLive | Only relevant for AppSource delivery type. Promote AppSource App to Go Live? | false |