Read secrets from GitHub secrets or Azure Keyvault for AL-Go workflows
The secrets read and added to the output are the secrets specified in the getSecrets parameter
Additionally, the secrets specified by the authTokenSecret in AppDependencyProbingPaths and TrustedNuGetFeeds are read if appDependencySecrets is specified in getSecrets
All secrets included in the Secrets output are Base64 encoded to avoid issues with national characters
Secrets, which name is preceded by an asterisk (*) are encrypted and Base64 encoded
Name |
Description |
Settings |
env.Settings must be set by a prior call to the ReadSettings Action |
Name |
Required |
Description |
Default value |
shell |
The shell (powershell or pwsh) in which the PowerShell script in this action should run |
powershell |
gitHubSecrets |
Yes |
GitHub secrets in a json structure |
getSecrets |
Yes |
Comma-separated list of secrets to get (add appDependencySecrets to request secrets needed for resolving dependencies in AppDependencyProbingPaths and TrustedNuGetFeeds, add TokenForPush in order to request a token to use for pull requests and commits). Secrets preceded by an asterisk are returned encrypted |
useGhTokenWorkflowForPush |
false |
Determines whether you want to use the GhTokenWorkflow secret for TokenForPush |
false |
Name |
Description |
Secrets |
A compressed json construct with all requested secrets base64 encoded. Secrets preceded by an asterisk (*) are encrypted before base64 encoding. The secret value + the base64 value of the secret value are masked in the log |
TokenForPush |
The token to use when workflows are pushing changes (either directly, or via pull requests). This is either the GITHUB_TOKEN or the GhTokenWorkflow secret (based on the env variable useGhTokenWorkflowForPush) |