From 50db672b0f919f726fb75bdfd4d935e3c96abe85 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ophir Bucai Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 17:02:02 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/9] feat(lib.dom): Improve CSS Typed OM property return types Narrow down return type of `StylePropertyMapReadOnly.get()` to match CSS Types OM specification. Properties now return their specific CSSStyleValue sub classes: - CSSUnitValue - CSSKeywordValue - CSSTransformValue - Default: CSSStyleValue This change provides better type safety and autocompletion when working with `computedStyleMap()`. Changes: - Added specific return types for common CSS properties in StylePropertyMap - Maintained backwards compatibility with fallback to `CSSStyleValue` - Included links to MDN documentation Tests: - `hereby runtests` completed successfully in the TypeScript repo --- baselines/dom.generated.d.ts | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts b/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts index bf67a90e1..84581cf3c 100644 --- a/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts @@ -22785,6 +22785,14 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "object-position" | "perspective-origin"): undefined | CSSStyleValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ From 17e75fca5e043d01ee6a994c31778c58e8ad5f88 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ophir Bucai Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:05:40 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/9] (feat:lib.dom): Add specific return types for StylePropertyMapReadOnly.get() Move type definitions to overrideTypes to generate corresponding return types, include MDN references Closes #1863 --- baselines/dom.generated.d.ts | 9 --------- inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc | 20 +++++++++++++++----- 2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-) diff --git a/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts b/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts index 84581cf3c..9395a909b 100644 --- a/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts @@ -22785,15 +22785,6 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "object-position" | "perspective-origin"): undefined | CSSStyleValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ has(property: string): boolean; diff --git a/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc b/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc index 7fb0e9a64..7ab90ccc6 100644 --- a/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc +++ b/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc @@ -3600,12 +3600,22 @@ "methods": { "method": { "get": { - // - "signature": { - "0": { - "overrideType": "undefined | CSSStyleValue" + "mdnUrl": "", + "overrideSignatures": [ + "get(parameter: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue", + { + "signature": "get(parameter: \"animation-delay\" | ... | \"y\"): undefined | CSSUnitValue", + "mdnUrl": "" + }, + { + "signature": "get(parameter: \"transform\"): undefined | CSSTransformValue", + "mdnUrl": "" + }, + { + "signature": "get(parameter: \"accent-color\" | ... | \"z-index\"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue", + "mdnUrl": "" } - } + ] } } } From b54d74330645ccee3de25e2690fbe4508cadce4e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ophir Bucai Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:11:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 3/9] fix(lib.dom): Restore MDN reference --- baselines/dom.generated.d.ts | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts b/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts index 9395a909b..bf67a90e1 100644 --- a/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts @@ -22785,6 +22785,7 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ has(property: string): boolean; From 4edb5e8c36cfa0488830b65ac6b72bd0fb1833c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ophir Bucai Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:14:34 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 4/9] fix(lib.dom): Restore CSS Houdini ref --- inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc b/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc index 7ab90ccc6..9d74a8525 100644 --- a/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc +++ b/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc @@ -3602,6 +3602,7 @@ "get": { "mdnUrl": "", "overrideSignatures": [ + // "get(parameter: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue", { "signature": "get(parameter: \"animation-delay\" | ... | \"y\"): undefined | CSSUnitValue", From b2a3f1df7df76a539b47c7114e868efb79814c81 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ophir Bucai Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:30:38 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 5/9] (fix:lib.dom): Ensure correctness of function args --- inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc | 15 +++++++++------ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc b/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc index 9d74a8525..ae34b161a 100644 --- a/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc +++ b/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc @@ -3600,12 +3600,15 @@ "methods": { "method": { "get": { - "mdnUrl": "", - "overrideSignatures": [ - // - "get(parameter: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue", + // + "signatures": [ + { + "overrideType": "undefined | CSSStyleValue" + } + ], + "additionalSignatures": [ { - "signature": "get(parameter: \"animation-delay\" | ... | \"y\"): undefined | CSSUnitValue", + "signature": "get(parameter: \"animation-delay\" | \"animation-iteration-count\" | \"baseline-shift\" | \"block-size\" | \"border-bottom-left-radius\" | \"border-bottom-right-radius\" | \"border-bottom-width\" | \"border-end-end-radius\" | \"border-end-start-radius\" | \"border-left-width\" | \"border-right-width\" | \"border-start-end-radius\" | \"border-start-start-radius\" | \"border-top-left-radius\" | \"border-top-right-radius\" | \"border-top-width\" | \"column-rule-width\" | \"cx\" | \"cy\" | \"fill-opacity\" | \"flex-grow\" | \"flex-shrink\" | \"flood-opacity\" | \"font-size\" | \"font-stretch\" | \"font-weight\" | \"height\" | \"inline-size\" | \"line-height\" | \"margin-block-end\" | \"margin-block-start\" | \"margin-bottom\" | \"margin-inline-end\" | \"margin-inline-start\" | \"margin-left\" | \"margin-right\" | \"margin-top\" | \"math-depth\" | \"offset-distance\" | \"opacity\" | \"order\" | \"orphans\" | \"outline-offset\" | \"outline-width\" | \"padding-block-end\" | \"padding-block-start\" | \"padding-bottom\" | \"padding-inline-end\" | \"padding-inline-start\" | \"padding-left\" | \"padding-right\" | \"padding-top\" | \"r\" | \"scroll-margin-block-end\" | \"scroll-margin-block-start\" | \"scroll-margin-inline-end\" | \"scroll-margin-inline-start\" | \"shape-image-threshold\" | \"shape-margin\" | \"stop-opacity\" | \"stroke-dashoffset\" | \"stroke-miterlimit\" | \"stroke-opacity\" | \"stroke-width\" | \"tab-size\" | \"text-indent\" | \"text-size-adjust\" | \"transition-delay\" | \"transition-duration\" | \"widows\" | \"width\" | \"word-spacing\" | \"x\" | \"y\"): undefined | CSSUnitValue", "mdnUrl": "" }, { @@ -3613,7 +3616,7 @@ "mdnUrl": "" }, { - "signature": "get(parameter: \"accent-color\" | ... | \"z-index\"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue", + "signature": "get(parameter: \"accent-color\" | \"alignment-baseline\" | \"anchor-name\" | \"anchor-scope\" | \"animation-composition\" | \"animation-direction\" | \"animation-duration\" | \"animation-fill-mode\" | \"animation-name\" | \"animation-play-state\" | \"animation-timeline\" | \"animation-timing-function\" | \"backdrop-filter\" | \"backface-visibility\" | \"background-attachment\" | \"background-blend-mode\" | \"background-clip\" | \"background-image\" | \"background-origin\" | \"background-size\" | \"baseline-source\" | \"border-bottom-style\" | \"border-collapse\" | \"border-image-source\" | \"border-left-style\" | \"border-right-style\" | \"border-top-style\" | \"bottom\" | \"box-shadow\" | \"box-sizing\" | \"break-after\" | \"break-before\" | \"break-inside\" | \"caption-side\" | \"clear\" | \"clip\" | \"clip-path\" | \"clip-rule\" | \"color-interpolation\" | \"color-interpolation-filters\" | \"color-rendering\" | \"column-count\" | \"column-gap\" | \"column-rule-style\" | \"column-span\" | \"column-width\" | \"contain-intrinsic-block-size\" | \"contain-intrinsic-inline-size\" | \"container-name\" | \"container-type\" | \"cursor\" | \"d\" | \"direction\" | \"display\" | \"dominant-baseline\" | \"empty-cells\" | \"field-sizing\" | \"fill-rule\" | \"filter\" | \"flex-basis\" | \"flex-direction\" | \"flex-wrap\" | \"float\" | \"font-kerning\" | \"font-optical-sizing\" | \"font-palette\" | \"font-size-adjust\" | \"font-style\" | \"font-synthesis-small-caps\" | \"font-synthesis-style\" | \"font-synthesis-weight\" | \"font-variant-alternates\" | \"font-variant-caps\" | \"font-variant-east-asian\" | \"font-variant-emoji\" | \"font-variant-ligatures\" | \"font-variant-numeric\" | \"font-variant-position\" | \"grid-auto-columns\" | \"grid-auto-flow\" | \"grid-auto-rows\" | \"grid-column-end\" | \"grid-column-start\" | \"grid-row-end\" | \"grid-row-start\" | \"grid-template-areas\" | \"grid-template-columns\" | \"grid-template-rows\" | \"hyphens\" | \"image-rendering\" | \"inset-block-end\" | \"inset-block-start\" | \"inset-inline-end\" | \"inset-inline-start\" | \"interpolate-size\" | \"isolation\" | \"left\" | \"letter-spacing\" | \"line-break\" | \"list-style-image\" | \"list-style-position\" | \"marker-end\" | \"marker-mid\" | \"marker-start\" | \"mask-type\" | \"math-shift\" | \"math-style\" | \"max-block-size\" | \"max-height\" | \"max-inline-size\" | \"max-width\" | \"min-block-size\" | \"min-height\" | \"min-inline-size\" | \"min-width\" | \"mix-blend-mode\" | \"object-fit\" | \"object-view-box\" | \"offset-anchor\" | \"offset-path\" | \"offset-position\" | \"outline-style\" | \"overflow-anchor\" | \"overflow-wrap\" | \"overflow-x\" | \"overflow-y\" | \"overlay\" | \"paint-order\" | \"perspective\" | \"pointer-events\" | \"position\" | \"position-anchor\" | \"position-area\" | \"position-try-fallbacks\" | \"position-try-order\" | \"position-visibility\" | \"resize\" | \"right\" | \"row-gap\" | \"rx\" | \"ry\" | \"scroll-behavior\" | \"scroll-padding-block-end\" | \"scroll-padding-block-start\" | \"scroll-padding-inline-end\" | \"scroll-padding-inline-start\" | \"scrollbar-gutter\" | \"scrollbar-width\" | \"shape-outside\" | \"shape-rendering\" | \"stroke-dasharray\" | \"stroke-linecap\" | \"stroke-linejoin\" | \"table-layout\" | \"text-align\" | \"text-align-last\" | \"text-anchor\" | \"text-decoration-line\" | \"text-decoration-skip-ink\" | \"text-decoration-style\" | \"text-overflow\" | \"text-rendering\" | \"text-shadow\" | \"text-spacing-trim\" | \"text-transform\" | \"text-underline-position\" | \"text-wrap-mode\" | \"text-wrap-style\" | \"top\" | \"touch-action\" | \"transform-style\" | \"transition-behavior\" | \"transition-property\" | \"transition-timing-function\" | \"unicode-bidi\" | \"user-select\" | \"vector-effect\" | \"vertical-align\" | \"view-transition-class\" | \"view-transition-name\" | \"visibility\" | \"white-space-collapse\" | \"will-change\" | \"word-break\" | \"writing-mode\" | \"z-index\"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue", "mdnUrl": "" } ] From 7290472e32a49ba440ce48fbe7e28ccc5dff7c7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ophir Bucai Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:44:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 6/9] (feat:lib.dom): Ensure method types are produced with doc urls --- inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc | 43 +++++++++++++++++++++----------- 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc b/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc index ae34b161a..ecc594ff5 100644 --- a/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc +++ b/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc @@ -3601,23 +3601,36 @@ "method": { "get": { // - "signatures": [ - { - "overrideType": "undefined | CSSStyleValue" - } - ], - "additionalSignatures": [ - { - "signature": "get(parameter: \"animation-delay\" | \"animation-iteration-count\" | \"baseline-shift\" | \"block-size\" | \"border-bottom-left-radius\" | \"border-bottom-right-radius\" | \"border-bottom-width\" | \"border-end-end-radius\" | \"border-end-start-radius\" | \"border-left-width\" | \"border-right-width\" | \"border-start-end-radius\" | \"border-start-start-radius\" | \"border-top-left-radius\" | \"border-top-right-radius\" | \"border-top-width\" | \"column-rule-width\" | \"cx\" | \"cy\" | \"fill-opacity\" | \"flex-grow\" | \"flex-shrink\" | \"flood-opacity\" | \"font-size\" | \"font-stretch\" | \"font-weight\" | \"height\" | \"inline-size\" | \"line-height\" | \"margin-block-end\" | \"margin-block-start\" | \"margin-bottom\" | \"margin-inline-end\" | \"margin-inline-start\" | \"margin-left\" | \"margin-right\" | \"margin-top\" | \"math-depth\" | \"offset-distance\" | \"opacity\" | \"order\" | \"orphans\" | \"outline-offset\" | \"outline-width\" | \"padding-block-end\" | \"padding-block-start\" | \"padding-bottom\" | \"padding-inline-end\" | \"padding-inline-start\" | \"padding-left\" | \"padding-right\" | \"padding-top\" | \"r\" | \"scroll-margin-block-end\" | \"scroll-margin-block-start\" | \"scroll-margin-inline-end\" | \"scroll-margin-inline-start\" | \"shape-image-threshold\" | \"shape-margin\" | \"stop-opacity\" | \"stroke-dashoffset\" | \"stroke-miterlimit\" | \"stroke-opacity\" | \"stroke-width\" | \"tab-size\" | \"text-indent\" | \"text-size-adjust\" | \"transition-delay\" | \"transition-duration\" | \"widows\" | \"width\" | \"word-spacing\" | \"x\" | \"y\"): undefined | CSSUnitValue", - "mdnUrl": "" + "signature": [ + { + "param": [ + { + "name": "property", + "overrideType": "\"animation-delay\" | \"animation-iteration-count\" | \"baseline-shift\" | \"block-size\" | \"border-bottom-left-radius\" | \"border-bottom-right-radius\" | \"border-bottom-width\" | \"border-end-end-radius\" | \"border-end-start-radius\" | \"border-left-width\" | \"border-right-width\" | \"border-start-end-radius\" | \"border-start-start-radius\" | \"border-top-left-radius\" | \"border-top-right-radius\" | \"border-top-width\" | \"column-rule-width\" | \"cx\" | \"cy\" | \"fill-opacity\" | \"flex-grow\" | \"flex-shrink\" | \"flood-opacity\" | \"font-size\" | \"font-stretch\" | \"font-weight\" | \"height\" | \"inline-size\" | \"line-height\" | \"margin-block-end\" | \"margin-block-start\" | \"margin-bottom\" | \"margin-inline-end\" | \"margin-inline-start\" | \"margin-left\" | \"margin-right\" | \"margin-top\" | \"math-depth\" | \"offset-distance\" | \"opacity\" | \"order\" | \"orphans\" | \"outline-offset\" | \"outline-width\" | \"padding-block-end\" | \"padding-block-start\" | \"padding-bottom\" | \"padding-inline-end\" | \"padding-inline-start\" | \"padding-left\" | \"padding-right\" | \"padding-top\" | \"r\" | \"scroll-margin-block-end\" | \"scroll-margin-block-start\" | \"scroll-margin-inline-end\" | \"scroll-margin-inline-start\" | \"shape-image-threshold\" | \"shape-margin\" | \"stop-opacity\" | \"stroke-dashoffset\" | \"stroke-miterlimit\" | \"stroke-opacity\" | \"stroke-width\" | \"tab-size\" | \"text-indent\" | \"text-size-adjust\" | \"transition-delay\" | \"transition-duration\" | \"widows\" | \"width\" | \"word-spacing\" | \"x\" | \"y\"" + } + ], + "mdnUrl": "", + "overrideType": "undefined | CSSUnitValue" }, - { - "signature": "get(parameter: \"transform\"): undefined | CSSTransformValue", - "mdnUrl": "" + { + "param": [ + { + "name": "property", + "overrideType": "\"transform\"" + } + ], + "mdnUrl": "", + "overrideType": "undefined | CSSTransformValue" }, - { - "signature": "get(parameter: \"accent-color\" | \"alignment-baseline\" | \"anchor-name\" | \"anchor-scope\" | \"animation-composition\" | \"animation-direction\" | 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\"d\" | \"direction\" | \"display\" | \"dominant-baseline\" | \"empty-cells\" | \"field-sizing\" | \"fill-rule\" | \"filter\" | \"flex-basis\" | \"flex-direction\" | \"flex-wrap\" | \"float\" | \"font-kerning\" | \"font-optical-sizing\" | \"font-palette\" | \"font-size-adjust\" | \"font-style\" | \"font-synthesis-small-caps\" | \"font-synthesis-style\" | \"font-synthesis-weight\" | \"font-variant-alternates\" | \"font-variant-caps\" | \"font-variant-east-asian\" | \"font-variant-emoji\" | \"font-variant-ligatures\" | \"font-variant-numeric\" | \"font-variant-position\" | \"grid-auto-columns\" | \"grid-auto-flow\" | \"grid-auto-rows\" | \"grid-column-end\" | \"grid-column-start\" | \"grid-row-end\" | \"grid-row-start\" | \"grid-template-areas\" | \"grid-template-columns\" | \"grid-template-rows\" | \"hyphens\" | \"image-rendering\" | \"inset-block-end\" | \"inset-block-start\" | \"inset-inline-end\" | \"inset-inline-start\" | \"interpolate-size\" | \"isolation\" | \"left\" | \"letter-spacing\" | \"line-break\" | \"list-style-image\" | \"list-style-position\" | \"marker-end\" | \"marker-mid\" | \"marker-start\" | \"mask-type\" | \"math-shift\" | \"math-style\" | \"max-block-size\" | \"max-height\" | \"max-inline-size\" | \"max-width\" | \"min-block-size\" | \"min-height\" | \"min-inline-size\" | \"min-width\" | \"mix-blend-mode\" | \"object-fit\" | \"object-view-box\" | \"offset-anchor\" | \"offset-path\" | \"offset-position\" | \"outline-style\" | \"overflow-anchor\" | \"overflow-wrap\" | \"overflow-x\" | \"overflow-y\" | \"overlay\" | \"paint-order\" | \"perspective\" | \"pointer-events\" | \"position\" | \"position-anchor\" | \"position-area\" | \"position-try-fallbacks\" | \"position-try-order\" | \"position-visibility\" | \"resize\" | \"right\" | \"row-gap\" | \"rx\" | \"ry\" | \"scroll-behavior\" | \"scroll-padding-block-end\" | \"scroll-padding-block-start\" | \"scroll-padding-inline-end\" | \"scroll-padding-inline-start\" | \"scrollbar-gutter\" | \"scrollbar-width\" | \"shape-outside\" | \"shape-rendering\" | \"stroke-dasharray\" | \"stroke-linecap\" | \"stroke-linejoin\" | \"table-layout\" | \"text-align\" | \"text-align-last\" | \"text-anchor\" | \"text-decoration-line\" | \"text-decoration-skip-ink\" | \"text-decoration-style\" | \"text-overflow\" | \"text-rendering\" | \"text-shadow\" | \"text-spacing-trim\" | \"text-transform\" | \"text-underline-position\" | \"text-wrap-mode\" | \"text-wrap-style\" | \"top\" | \"touch-action\" | \"transform-style\" | \"transition-behavior\" | \"transition-property\" | \"transition-timing-function\" | \"unicode-bidi\" | \"user-select\" | \"vector-effect\" | \"vertical-align\" | \"view-transition-class\" | \"view-transition-name\" | \"visibility\" | \"white-space-collapse\" | \"will-change\" | \"word-break\" | \"writing-mode\" | \"z-index\"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue", - "mdnUrl": "" + { + "param": [ + { + "name": "property", + "overrideType": "\"accent-color\" | \"alignment-baseline\" | \"anchor-name\" | \"anchor-scope\" | \"animation-composition\" | \"animation-direction\" | \"animation-duration\" | \"animation-fill-mode\" | \"animation-name\" | \"animation-play-state\" | \"animation-timeline\" | \"animation-timing-function\" | \"backdrop-filter\" | \"backface-visibility\" | \"background-attachment\" | \"background-blend-mode\" | \"background-clip\" | \"background-image\" | \"background-origin\" | \"background-size\" | \"baseline-source\" | \"border-bottom-style\" | \"border-collapse\" | \"border-image-source\" | \"border-left-style\" | \"border-right-style\" | \"border-top-style\" | \"bottom\" | \"box-shadow\" | \"box-sizing\" | \"break-after\" | \"break-before\" | \"break-inside\" | \"caption-side\" | \"clear\" | \"clip\" | \"clip-path\" | \"clip-rule\" | \"color-interpolation\" | \"color-interpolation-filters\" | \"color-rendering\" | \"column-count\" | \"column-gap\" | \"column-rule-style\" | \"column-span\" | \"column-width\" | \"contain-intrinsic-block-size\" | \"contain-intrinsic-inline-size\" | \"container-name\" | \"container-type\" | \"cursor\" | \"d\" | \"direction\" | \"display\" | \"dominant-baseline\" | \"empty-cells\" | \"field-sizing\" | \"fill-rule\" | \"filter\" | \"flex-basis\" | \"flex-direction\" | \"flex-wrap\" | \"float\" | \"font-kerning\" | \"font-optical-sizing\" | \"font-palette\" | \"font-size-adjust\" | \"font-style\" | \"font-synthesis-small-caps\" | \"font-synthesis-style\" | \"font-synthesis-weight\" | \"font-variant-alternates\" | \"font-variant-caps\" | \"font-variant-east-asian\" | \"font-variant-emoji\" | \"font-variant-ligatures\" | \"font-variant-numeric\" | \"font-variant-position\" | \"grid-auto-columns\" | \"grid-auto-flow\" | \"grid-auto-rows\" | \"grid-column-end\" | \"grid-column-start\" | \"grid-row-end\" | \"grid-row-start\" | \"grid-template-areas\" | \"grid-template-columns\" | \"grid-template-rows\" | \"hyphens\" | \"image-rendering\" | \"inset-block-end\" | \"inset-block-start\" | \"inset-inline-end\" | \"inset-inline-start\" | \"interpolate-size\" | \"isolation\" | \"left\" | \"letter-spacing\" | \"line-break\" | \"list-style-image\" | \"list-style-position\" | \"marker-end\" | \"marker-mid\" | \"marker-start\" | \"mask-type\" | \"math-shift\" | \"math-style\" | \"max-block-size\" | \"max-height\" | \"max-inline-size\" | \"max-width\" | \"min-block-size\" | \"min-height\" | \"min-inline-size\" | \"min-width\" | \"mix-blend-mode\" | \"object-fit\" | \"object-view-box\" | \"offset-anchor\" | \"offset-path\" | \"offset-position\" | \"outline-style\" | \"overflow-anchor\" | \"overflow-wrap\" | \"overflow-x\" | \"overflow-y\" | \"overlay\" | \"paint-order\" | \"perspective\" | \"pointer-events\" | \"position\" | \"position-anchor\" | \"position-area\" | \"position-try-fallbacks\" | \"position-try-order\" | \"position-visibility\" | \"resize\" | \"right\" | \"row-gap\" | \"rx\" | \"ry\" | \"scroll-behavior\" | \"scroll-padding-block-end\" | \"scroll-padding-block-start\" | \"scroll-padding-inline-end\" | \"scroll-padding-inline-start\" | \"scrollbar-gutter\" | \"scrollbar-width\" | \"shape-outside\" | \"shape-rendering\" | \"stroke-dasharray\" | \"stroke-linecap\" | \"stroke-linejoin\" | \"table-layout\" | \"text-align\" | \"text-align-last\" | \"text-anchor\" | \"text-decoration-line\" | \"text-decoration-skip-ink\" | \"text-decoration-style\" | \"text-overflow\" | \"text-rendering\" | \"text-shadow\" | \"text-spacing-trim\" | \"text-transform\" | \"text-underline-position\" | \"text-wrap-mode\" | \"text-wrap-style\" | \"top\" | \"touch-action\" | \"transform-style\" | \"transition-behavior\" | \"transition-property\" | \"transition-timing-function\" | \"unicode-bidi\" | \"user-select\" | \"vector-effect\" | \"vertical-align\" | \"view-transition-class\" | \"view-transition-name\" | \"visibility\" | \"white-space-collapse\" | \"will-change\" | \"word-break\" | \"writing-mode\" | \"z-index\"" + } + ], + "mdnUrl": "", + "overrideType": "undefined | CSSKeywordValue" } ] } From 19a965da6ec48a1b2a31615a51c4a25482016be5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ophir Bucai Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 18:57:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 7/9] fix(lib.dom): Accept baseline --- baselines/dom.generated.d.ts | 6 ++++++ baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts | 6 ++++++ baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts | 6 ++++++ baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts | 6 ++++++ baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts | 6 ++++++ baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts | 6 ++++++ baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts | 6 ++++++ baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts | 6 ++++++ 8 files changed, 48 insertions(+) diff --git a/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts b/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts index bf67a90e1..9f89dd4ea 100644 --- a/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts @@ -22785,6 +22785,12 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts index b1341e051..77544ed76 100644 --- a/baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts @@ -5049,6 +5049,12 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts index 4d74b2fd2..cd1cc7ffc 100644 --- a/baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts @@ -4856,6 +4856,12 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts b/baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts index eb68821e7..ceefcf094 100644 --- a/baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts @@ -22764,6 +22764,12 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts index b1341e051..77544ed76 100644 --- a/baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts @@ -5049,6 +5049,12 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts index 4d74b2fd2..cd1cc7ffc 100644 --- a/baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts @@ -4856,6 +4856,12 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts index 64b5c5938..5238878ec 100644 --- a/baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts @@ -5779,6 +5779,12 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts index 64b5c5938..5238878ec 100644 --- a/baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts @@ -5779,6 +5779,12 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ From 973891987f1ff1c79acbcf1812e96705248c3726 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ophir Bucai Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2024 03:48:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 8/9] fix(lib.dom): Add specific return types for CSS Typed OM properties CSSUnparsedValue for custom properties --* CSSMathValue for properties accepting calc() CSSImageValue for properties accepting url() Separate properties by their return values MDN references for each overloaded function definition --- baselines/dom.generated.d.ts | 18 +++-- baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts | 18 +++-- baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts | 18 +++-- baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts | 18 +++-- baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts | 18 +++-- baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts | 18 +++-- baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts | 18 +++-- baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts | 18 +++-- inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc | 69 +++++++++++++++++--- 9 files changed, 171 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-) diff --git a/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts b/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts index 9f89dd4ea..fd317d6b0 100644 --- a/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts @@ -22785,12 +22785,22 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts index 77544ed76..00d4eccca 100644 --- a/baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts @@ -5049,12 +5049,22 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts index cd1cc7ffc..0d434573b 100644 --- a/baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts @@ -4856,12 +4856,22 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts b/baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts index ceefcf094..875e6f7ca 100644 --- a/baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts @@ -22764,12 +22764,22 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts index 77544ed76..00d4eccca 100644 --- a/baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts @@ -5049,12 +5049,22 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts index cd1cc7ffc..0d434573b 100644 --- a/baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts @@ -4856,12 +4856,22 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts index 5238878ec..95167c44c 100644 --- a/baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts @@ -5779,12 +5779,22 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts index 5238878ec..95167c44c 100644 --- a/baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts @@ -5779,12 +5779,22 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "animation-delay" | "animation-iteration-count" | "baseline-shift" | "block-size" | "border-bottom-left-radius" | "border-bottom-right-radius" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-end-end-radius" | "border-end-start-radius" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-start-end-radius" | "border-start-start-radius" | "border-top-left-radius" | "border-top-right-radius" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "cx" | "cy" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "height" | "inline-size" | "line-height" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "math-depth" | "offset-distance" | "opacity" | "order" | "orphans" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "shape-image-threshold" | "shape-margin" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "stroke-width" | "tab-size" | "text-indent" | "text-size-adjust" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "widows" | "width" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSTransformValue; + get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ - get(property: "accent-color" | "alignment-baseline" | "anchor-name" | "anchor-scope" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-duration" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timeline" | "animation-timing-function" | "backdrop-filter" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-image" | "background-origin" | "background-size" | "baseline-source" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-image-source" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "bottom" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip" | "clip-path" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-rendering" | "column-count" | "column-gap" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "cursor" | "d" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "field-sizing" | "fill-rule" | "filter" | "flex-basis" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-emoji" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "hyphens" | "image-rendering" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "interpolate-size" | "isolation" | "left" | "letter-spacing" | "line-break" | "list-style-image" | "list-style-position" | "marker-end" | "marker-mid" | "marker-start" | "mask-type" | "math-shift" | "math-style" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "object-view-box" | "offset-anchor" | "offset-path" | "offset-position" | "outline-style" | "overflow-anchor" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overlay" | "paint-order" | "perspective" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "position-anchor" | "position-area" | "position-try-fallbacks" | "position-try-order" | "position-visibility" | "resize" | "right" | "row-gap" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scrollbar-gutter" | "scrollbar-width" | "shape-outside" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-dasharray" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-spacing-trim" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "top" | "touch-action" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "user-select" | "vector-effect" | "vertical-align" | "view-transition-class" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; + /** [MDN Reference]( */ + get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; /** [MDN Reference]( */ diff --git a/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc b/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc index ecc594ff5..ad8613563 100644 --- a/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc +++ b/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc @@ -3600,37 +3600,86 @@ "methods": { "method": { "get": { - // "signature": [ - { + { "param": [ { "name": "property", - "overrideType": "\"animation-delay\" | \"animation-iteration-count\" | \"baseline-shift\" | \"block-size\" | \"border-bottom-left-radius\" | \"border-bottom-right-radius\" | \"border-bottom-width\" | \"border-end-end-radius\" | \"border-end-start-radius\" | \"border-left-width\" | \"border-right-width\" | \"border-start-end-radius\" | \"border-start-start-radius\" | \"border-top-left-radius\" | \"border-top-right-radius\" | \"border-top-width\" | \"column-rule-width\" | \"cx\" | \"cy\" | \"fill-opacity\" | \"flex-grow\" | \"flex-shrink\" | \"flood-opacity\" | \"font-size\" | \"font-stretch\" | \"font-weight\" | \"height\" | \"inline-size\" | \"line-height\" | \"margin-block-end\" | \"margin-block-start\" | \"margin-bottom\" | \"margin-inline-end\" | \"margin-inline-start\" | \"margin-left\" | \"margin-right\" | \"margin-top\" | \"math-depth\" | \"offset-distance\" | \"opacity\" | \"order\" | \"orphans\" | \"outline-offset\" | \"outline-width\" | \"padding-block-end\" | \"padding-block-start\" | \"padding-bottom\" | \"padding-inline-end\" | \"padding-inline-start\" | \"padding-left\" | \"padding-right\" | \"padding-top\" | \"r\" | \"scroll-margin-block-end\" | \"scroll-margin-block-start\" | \"scroll-margin-inline-end\" | \"scroll-margin-inline-start\" | \"shape-image-threshold\" | \"shape-margin\" | \"stop-opacity\" | \"stroke-dashoffset\" | \"stroke-miterlimit\" | \"stroke-opacity\" | \"stroke-width\" | \"tab-size\" | \"text-indent\" | \"text-size-adjust\" | \"transition-delay\" | \"transition-duration\" | \"widows\" | \"width\" | \"word-spacing\" | \"x\" | \"y\"" + "overrideType": "`--${string}`" } ], - "mdnUrl": "", - "overrideType": "undefined | CSSUnitValue" + "mdnUrl": "", + "overrideType": "undefined | CSSUnparsedValue" }, - { + { "param": [ { "name": "property", "overrideType": "\"transform\"" } ], - "mdnUrl": "", - "overrideType": "undefined | CSSTransformValue" + "mdnUrl": "", + "overrideType": "undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue" }, - { + { "param": [ { "name": "property", - "overrideType": "\"accent-color\" | \"alignment-baseline\" | \"anchor-name\" | \"anchor-scope\" | \"animation-composition\" | \"animation-direction\" | \"animation-duration\" | \"animation-fill-mode\" | \"animation-name\" | \"animation-play-state\" | \"animation-timeline\" | \"animation-timing-function\" | \"backdrop-filter\" | \"backface-visibility\" | \"background-attachment\" | \"background-blend-mode\" | \"background-clip\" | \"background-image\" | \"background-origin\" | \"background-size\" | \"baseline-source\" | \"border-bottom-style\" | \"border-collapse\" | \"border-image-source\" | \"border-left-style\" | \"border-right-style\" | \"border-top-style\" | \"bottom\" | \"box-shadow\" | \"box-sizing\" | \"break-after\" | \"break-before\" | \"break-inside\" | \"caption-side\" | \"clear\" | \"clip\" | \"clip-path\" | \"clip-rule\" | \"color-interpolation\" | 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\"hyphenate-character\" | \"hyphens\" | \"image-orientation\" | \"image-rendering\" | \"isolation\" | \"justify-content\" | \"justify-items\" | \"justify-self\" | \"line-break\" | \"list-style-position\" | \"list-style-type\" | \"margin-trim\" | \"mask-clip\" | \"mask-composite\" | \"mask-mode\" | \"mask-origin\" | \"mask-repeat\" | \"mask-type\" | \"math-style\" | \"mix-blend-mode\" | \"object-fit\" | \"orphans\" | \"outline-style\" | \"overflow-wrap\" | \"overflow-x\" | \"overflow-y\" | \"overscroll-behavior-block\" | \"overscroll-behavior-inline\" | \"overscroll-behavior-x\" | \"overscroll-behavior-y\" | \"paint-order\" | \"pointer-events\" | \"position\" | \"print-color-adjust\" | \"quotes\" | \"resize\" | \"rotate\" | \"scroll-behavior\" | \"scroll-snap-align\" | \"scroll-snap-stop\" | \"scroll-snap-type\" | \"shape-rendering\" | \"stroke-linecap\" | \"stroke-linejoin\" | \"table-layout\" | \"text-align\" | \"text-align-last\" | \"text-anchor\" | \"text-combine-upright\" | 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+ { + "name": "property", + "overrideType": "\"-webkit-line-clamp\" | \"column-width\" | \"contain-intrinsic-block-size\" | \"contain-intrinsic-height\" | \"contain-intrinsic-inline-size\" | \"contain-intrinsic-width\" | \"perspective\" | \"scale\" | \"stroke-dasharray\" | \"text-underline-offset\"" + } + ], + "mdnUrl": "", + "overrideType": "undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue" + }, + { + "param": [ + { + "name": "property", + "overrideType": "\"background-position-x\" | \"background-position-y\" | \"column-gap\" | \"cx\" | \"cy\" | \"letter-spacing\" | \"min-block-size\" | \"min-height\" | \"min-inline-size\" | \"min-width\" | \"offset-distance\" | \"padding-block-end\" | \"padding-block-start\" | \"padding-bottom\" | \"padding-inline-end\" | \"padding-inline-start\" | \"padding-left\" | \"padding-right\" | \"padding-top\" | \"r\" | \"row-gap\" | \"shape-margin\" | \"stroke-dashoffset\" | \"stroke-width\" | \"text-indent\" | \"vertical-align\" | \"word-spacing\" | \"x\" | \"y\"" + } + ], + "mdnUrl": "", + "overrideType": "undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue" + }, + { + "param": [ + { + "name": "property", + "overrideType": "\"width\" | \"height\" | \"background-size\" | \"block-size\" | \"bottom\" | \"flex-basis\" | \"grid-auto-columns\" | \"grid-auto-rows\" | \"grid-template-columns\" | \"grid-template-rows\" | \"inline-size\" | \"inset-block-end\" | \"inset-block-start\" | \"inset-inline-end\" | \"inset-inline-start\" | \"left\" | \"margin-block-end\" | \"margin-block-start\" | \"margin-bottom\" | \"margin-inline-end\" | \"margin-inline-start\" | \"margin-left\" | \"margin-right\" | \"margin-top\" | \"mask-size\" | \"max-block-size\" | \"max-height\" | \"max-inline-size\" | \"max-width\" | \"right\" | \"rx\" | \"ry\" | \"scroll-padding-block-end\" | \"scroll-padding-block-start\" | \"scroll-padding-bottom\" | \"scroll-padding-inline-end\" | \"scroll-padding-inline-start\" | \"scroll-padding-left\" | \"scroll-padding-right\" | \"scroll-padding-top\" | \"text-decoration-thickness\" | \"top\" | \"translate\"" + } + ], + "mdnUrl": "", + "overrideType": "undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue" } ] } From ddffdec294b6d6468388122740eb9fe7d186fc4e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ophir Bucai Date: Tue, 24 Dec 2024 04:15:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 9/9] fix(lib.dom) Remove locale from MDN urls --- baselines/dom.generated.d.ts | 12 ++++++------ baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts | 12 ++++++------ baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts | 12 ++++++------ baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts | 12 ++++++------ baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts | 12 ++++++------ baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts | 12 ++++++------ baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts | 12 ++++++------ baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts | 12 ++++++------ inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc | 12 ++++++------ 9 files changed, 54 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-) diff --git a/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts b/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts index fd317d6b0..49a0e799f 100644 --- a/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/dom.generated.d.ts @@ -22785,21 +22785,21 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; diff --git a/baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts index 00d4eccca..84538cc76 100644 --- a/baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/serviceworker.generated.d.ts @@ -5049,21 +5049,21 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; diff --git a/baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts index 0d434573b..6d59a37a9 100644 --- a/baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/sharedworker.generated.d.ts @@ -4856,21 +4856,21 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; diff --git a/baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts b/baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts index 875e6f7ca..fbcf610e6 100644 --- a/baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/ts5.5/dom.generated.d.ts @@ -22764,21 +22764,21 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; diff --git a/baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts index 00d4eccca..84538cc76 100644 --- a/baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/ts5.5/serviceworker.generated.d.ts @@ -5049,21 +5049,21 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; diff --git a/baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts index 0d434573b..6d59a37a9 100644 --- a/baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/ts5.5/sharedworker.generated.d.ts @@ -4856,21 +4856,21 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; diff --git a/baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts index 95167c44c..579f63d3a 100644 --- a/baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/ts5.5/webworker.generated.d.ts @@ -5779,21 +5779,21 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; diff --git a/baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts b/baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts index 95167c44c..579f63d3a 100644 --- a/baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts +++ b/baselines/webworker.generated.d.ts @@ -5779,21 +5779,21 @@ interface StylePropertyMapReadOnly { readonly size: number; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: string): undefined | CSSStyleValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: `--${string}`): undefined | CSSUnparsedValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "transform"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-text-stroke-width" | "animation-delay" | "animation-duration" | "animation-iteration-count" | "border-block-end-width" | "border-block-start-width" | "border-bottom-width" | "border-inline-end-width" | "border-inline-start-width" | "border-left-width" | "border-right-width" | "border-top-width" | "column-rule-width" | "fill-opacity" | "flex-grow" | "flex-shrink" | "flood-opacity" | "font-size" | "font-stretch" | "font-weight" | "line-height" | "opacity" | "order" | "outline-offset" | "outline-width" | "scroll-margin-block-end" | "scroll-margin-block-start" | "scroll-margin-bottom" | "scroll-margin-inline-end" | "scroll-margin-inline-start" | "scroll-margin-left" | "scroll-margin-right" | "scroll-margin-top" | "shape-image-threshold" | "stop-opacity" | "stroke-miterlimit" | "stroke-opacity" | "tab-size" | "transition-delay" | "transition-duration" | "zoom"): undefined | CSSUnitValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "align-content" | "align-items" | "align-self" | "animation-composition" | "animation-direction" | "animation-fill-mode" | "animation-name" | "animation-play-state" | "animation-timing-function" | "appearance" | "aspect-ratio" | "backface-visibility" | "background-attachment" | "background-blend-mode" | "background-clip" | "background-origin" | "background-repeat" | "border-block-end-style" | "border-block-start-style" | "border-bottom-style" | "border-collapse" | "border-inline-end-style" | "border-inline-start-style" | "border-left-style" | "border-right-style" | "border-top-style" | "box-shadow" | "box-sizing" | "break-after" | "break-before" | "break-inside" | "caption-side" | "clear" | "clip-rule" | "color-interpolation-filters" | "color-scheme" | "column-count" | "column-fill" | "column-rule-style" | "column-span" | "contain" | "container-name" | "container-type" | "content-visibility" | "cursor" | "direction" | "display" | "dominant-baseline" | "empty-cells" | "fill-rule" | "flex-direction" | "flex-wrap" | "float" | "font-feature-settings" | "font-kerning" | "font-optical-sizing" | "font-palette" | "font-size-adjust" | "font-style" | "font-synthesis-small-caps" | "font-synthesis-style" | "font-synthesis-weight" | "font-variant-alternates" | "font-variant-caps" | "font-variant-east-asian" | "font-variant-ligatures" | "font-variant-numeric" | "font-variant-position" | "font-variation-settings" | "grid-auto-flow" | "grid-column-end" | "grid-column-start" | "grid-row-end" | "grid-row-start" | "grid-template-areas" | "hanging-punctuation" | "hyphenate-character" | "hyphens" | "image-orientation" | "image-rendering" | "isolation" | "justify-content" | "justify-items" | "justify-self" | "line-break" | "list-style-position" | "list-style-type" | "margin-trim" | "mask-clip" | "mask-composite" | "mask-mode" | "mask-origin" | "mask-repeat" | "mask-type" | "math-style" | "mix-blend-mode" | "object-fit" | "orphans" | "outline-style" | "overflow-wrap" | "overflow-x" | "overflow-y" | "overscroll-behavior-block" | "overscroll-behavior-inline" | "overscroll-behavior-x" | "overscroll-behavior-y" | "paint-order" | "pointer-events" | "position" | "print-color-adjust" | "quotes" | "resize" | "rotate" | "scroll-behavior" | "scroll-snap-align" | "scroll-snap-stop" | "scroll-snap-type" | "shape-rendering" | "stroke-linecap" | "stroke-linejoin" | "table-layout" | "text-align" | "text-align-last" | "text-anchor" | "text-combine-upright" | "text-decoration-line" | "text-decoration-skip-ink" | "text-decoration-style" | "text-emphasis-position" | "text-emphasis-style" | "text-orientation" | "text-overflow" | "text-rendering" | "text-shadow" | "text-transform" | "text-underline-position" | "text-wrap-mode" | "text-wrap-style" | "touch-action" | "transform-box" | "transform-style" | "transition-behavior" | "transition-property" | "transition-timing-function" | "unicode-bidi" | "vector-effect" | "view-transition-name" | "visibility" | "white-space-collapse" | "widows" | "will-change" | "word-break" | "word-wrap" | "writing-mode" | "z-index"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-image" | "border-image-source" | "list-style-image "): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "-webkit-line-clamp" | "column-width" | "contain-intrinsic-block-size" | "contain-intrinsic-height" | "contain-intrinsic-inline-size" | "contain-intrinsic-width" | "perspective" | "scale" | "stroke-dasharray" | "text-underline-offset"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "background-position-x" | "background-position-y" | "column-gap" | "cx" | "cy" | "letter-spacing" | "min-block-size" | "min-height" | "min-inline-size" | "min-width" | "offset-distance" | "padding-block-end" | "padding-block-start" | "padding-bottom" | "padding-inline-end" | "padding-inline-start" | "padding-left" | "padding-right" | "padding-top" | "r" | "row-gap" | "shape-margin" | "stroke-dashoffset" | "stroke-width" | "text-indent" | "vertical-align" | "word-spacing" | "x" | "y"): undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue; - /** [MDN Reference]( */ + /** [MDN Reference]( */ get(property: "width" | "height" | "background-size" | "block-size" | "bottom" | "flex-basis" | "grid-auto-columns" | "grid-auto-rows" | "grid-template-columns" | "grid-template-rows" | "inline-size" | "inset-block-end" | "inset-block-start" | "inset-inline-end" | "inset-inline-start" | "left" | "margin-block-end" | "margin-block-start" | "margin-bottom" | "margin-inline-end" | "margin-inline-start" | "margin-left" | "margin-right" | "margin-top" | "mask-size" | "max-block-size" | "max-height" | "max-inline-size" | "max-width" | "right" | "rx" | "ry" | "scroll-padding-block-end" | "scroll-padding-block-start" | "scroll-padding-bottom" | "scroll-padding-inline-end" | "scroll-padding-inline-start" | "scroll-padding-left" | "scroll-padding-right" | "scroll-padding-top" | "text-decoration-thickness" | "top" | "translate"): undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue; /** [MDN Reference]( */ getAll(property: string): CSSStyleValue[]; diff --git a/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc b/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc index ad8613563..3431db43c 100644 --- a/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc +++ b/inputfiles/overridingTypes.jsonc @@ -3608,7 +3608,7 @@ "overrideType": "`--${string}`" } ], - "mdnUrl": "", + "mdnUrl": "", "overrideType": "undefined | CSSUnparsedValue" }, { @@ -3618,7 +3618,7 @@ "overrideType": "\"transform\"" } ], - "mdnUrl": "", + "mdnUrl": "", "overrideType": "undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSTransformValue" }, { @@ -3648,7 +3648,7 @@ "overrideType": "\"background-image\" | \"border-image-source\" | \"list-style-image \"" } ], - "mdnUrl": "", + "mdnUrl": "", "overrideType": "undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSStyleValue | CSSImageValue" }, { @@ -3658,7 +3658,7 @@ "overrideType": "\"-webkit-line-clamp\" | \"column-width\" | \"contain-intrinsic-block-size\" | \"contain-intrinsic-height\" | \"contain-intrinsic-inline-size\" | \"contain-intrinsic-width\" | \"perspective\" | \"scale\" | \"stroke-dasharray\" | \"text-underline-offset\"" } ], - "mdnUrl": "", + "mdnUrl": "", "overrideType": "undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue" }, { @@ -3668,7 +3668,7 @@ "overrideType": "\"background-position-x\" | \"background-position-y\" | \"column-gap\" | \"cx\" | \"cy\" | \"letter-spacing\" | \"min-block-size\" | \"min-height\" | \"min-inline-size\" | \"min-width\" | \"offset-distance\" | \"padding-block-end\" | \"padding-block-start\" | \"padding-bottom\" | \"padding-inline-end\" | \"padding-inline-start\" | \"padding-left\" | \"padding-right\" | \"padding-top\" | \"r\" | \"row-gap\" | \"shape-margin\" | \"stroke-dashoffset\" | \"stroke-width\" | \"text-indent\" | \"vertical-align\" | \"word-spacing\" | \"x\" | \"y\"" } ], - "mdnUrl": "", + "mdnUrl": "", "overrideType": "undefined | CSSMathSum | CSSUnitValue" }, { @@ -3678,7 +3678,7 @@ "overrideType": "\"width\" | \"height\" | \"background-size\" | \"block-size\" | \"bottom\" | \"flex-basis\" | \"grid-auto-columns\" | \"grid-auto-rows\" | \"grid-template-columns\" | \"grid-template-rows\" | \"inline-size\" | \"inset-block-end\" | \"inset-block-start\" | \"inset-inline-end\" | \"inset-inline-start\" | \"left\" | \"margin-block-end\" | \"margin-block-start\" | \"margin-bottom\" | \"margin-inline-end\" | \"margin-inline-start\" | \"margin-left\" | \"margin-right\" | \"margin-top\" | \"mask-size\" | \"max-block-size\" | \"max-height\" | \"max-inline-size\" | \"max-width\" | \"right\" | \"rx\" | \"ry\" | \"scroll-padding-block-end\" | \"scroll-padding-block-start\" | \"scroll-padding-bottom\" | \"scroll-padding-inline-end\" | \"scroll-padding-inline-start\" | \"scroll-padding-left\" | \"scroll-padding-right\" | \"scroll-padding-top\" | \"text-decoration-thickness\" | \"top\" | \"translate\"" } ], - "mdnUrl": "", + "mdnUrl": "", "overrideType": "undefined | CSSKeywordValue | CSSUnitValue | CSSMathValue" } ]