@fluentui/react-components v9.50.0
1260 commits
to master
since this release
Minor changes
- feat: add @fluentui/react-tag-picker to suite (PR #31321 by bsunderhus)
- BREAKING: fix motion token values and adjust structure to match original source (PR #31262 by robertpenner)
- fix overflowBoundaryPadding being ingored when autoSize was on (PR #31277 by george-cz)
- feat: release stable (PR #31321 by bsunderhus)
- fix combobox empty string and zero value (PR #31170 by ymyqwe)
- fix: expand button should be disabled when Combobox is disabled (PR #31300 by smhigley)
- fix: move styles declared in useDisableBodyScroll() to a separate file (PR #31299 by layershifter)
- fix: Add HC hover active styling to Switch. (PR #31283 by tomi-msft)
- fix: replace internal useKeyborg() with useKeyborgRef() (PR #31295 by layershifter)