@fluentui/react-nav-preview v0.3.0
1094 commits
to master
since this release
Minor changes
- chore: Recomposing NavSectionHeader and Hamburger. Removing HamburgerInNav. Some other pixel pushing. (PR #31387 by mltejera)
- Bump @fluentui/react-aria to v9.12.0 (PR #31586 by Hotell)
- Bump @fluentui/react-context-selector to v9.1.61 (PR #31586 by Hotell)
- Bump @fluentui/react-tabster to v9.21.5 (PR #31586 by Hotell)
- Bump @fluentui/react-jsx-runtime to v9.0.39 (PR #31586 by Hotell)
- Bump @fluentui/react-button to v9.3.83 (PR #31586 by Hotell)
- Bump @fluentui/react-drawer to v9.5.0 (PR #31586 by Hotell)
- Bump @fluentui/react-utilities to v9.18.10 (PR #31586 by Hotell)
- fix: compatibility with Drawer slots (PR #31434 by marcosmoura)