@fluentui/react-table v9.11.3
1807 commits
to master
since this release
- fix: correct version of @types/react-dom peer dep that matches for 16.x (PR #30259 by micahgodbolt)
- fix: DataGrid selection performance improvement (PR #30288 by ling1726)
- bugfix: add system colors on hover (PR #30073 by bsunderhus)
- bugfix: Omit colliding content property from ComponentProps (PR #29865 by bsunderhus)
- Bump @fluentui/react-aria to v9.7.1 (PR #30299 by bsunderhus)
- Bump @fluentui/react-avatar to v9.6.7 (PR #30299 by bsunderhus)
- Bump @fluentui/react-checkbox to v9.2.6 (PR #30299 by bsunderhus)
- Bump @fluentui/react-context-selector to v9.1.47 (PR #30299 by bsunderhus)
- Bump @fluentui/react-radio to v9.2.1 (PR #30299 by bsunderhus)
- Bump @fluentui/react-tabster to v9.17.1 (PR #30299 by bsunderhus)
- Bump @fluentui/react-jsx-runtime to v9.0.25 (PR #30299 by bsunderhus)