@fluentui/react-tree v9.7.2
920 commits
to master
since this release
- chore: ensures history navigation keys are respected (PR #31780 by bsunderhus)
- chore: Update react-icons package to ^2.0.245 (PR #31802 by tomi-msft)
- patch: improve strict warning from useTreeItem (PR #31835 by ling1726)
- chore: add eslint react-compiler (PR #31457 by spmonahan)
- bugfix: console error if TreeItem has no parent Tree (PR #31766 by bsunderhus)
- Bump @fluentui/react-aria to v9.13.0 (PR #31861 by mltejera)
- Bump @fluentui/react-avatar to v9.6.31 (PR #31861 by mltejera)
- Bump @fluentui/react-button to v9.3.85 (PR #31861 by mltejera)
- Bump @fluentui/react-checkbox to v9.2.30 (PR #31861 by mltejera)
- Bump @fluentui/react-context-selector to v9.1.63 (PR #31861 by mltejera)
- Bump @fluentui/react-radio to v9.2.25 (PR #31861 by mltejera)
- Bump @fluentui/react-tabster to v9.22.1 (PR #31861 by mltejera)
- Bump @fluentui/react-utilities to v9.18.11 (PR #31861 by mltejera)
- Bump @fluentui/react-jsx-runtime to v9.0.40 (PR #31861 by mltejera)