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ScanCapture iOS app

The app can capture the following data:

  • images at up to 60 FPS as a compressed video
  • ARKit poses and intrinsics for each frame
  • raw IMU signals at 100 Hz: accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer
  • fused IMU signals at 100 Hz: gravity direction, user acceleration, corrected magnetometer
  • Bluetooth signals at 1 Hz
  • Location data (GPS+wireless)

Other features of the app:

  • Visualize the ARKit feature points and the camera trajectory
  • Monitor the tracking/mapping status and the size of the recorded data
  • Adjust the image framerate from 1 to 60 Hz
  • Export the data easily via Airdrop, email, Google Drive, etc.
  • Readily visualize the data in the Files app

Build and run

  1. Open ScanCapture.xcodeproj in Xcode
  2. Set your signing team in Project -> Signing & Capabilities
  3. Connect your device, select it in Product -> Destination, and run the application with Product -> Run

Tested with Xcode v12.4+ and iOS v13.6+ with iPhone 8 and iPad Pro devices.

Data format

All timestamps are in microseconds since the boot of the device.

  • The images are stored as an MP4 video in images.mp4. You can unpack it into individual frames and timestamps with ffmpeg:

    mkdir ./frames
    ffmpeg -i images.mp4 -vsync 0 -qmin 1 -q:v 1 ./frames/out-%d.jpg
    ffprobe -v quiet -f lavfi -i "movie=images.mp4" -show_entries frame=pkt_pts -of csv=p=0 > timestamps.txt
  • The poses are stored in the comma-separated CSV file poses.txt in the format:

    • timestamp, status, tx, ty, tz, qx, qy, qz, qw, w, h, fx, fy, cx, cy
  • Accelerometer accelerometer.txt:

    • timestamp, ax, ay, az
  • Gyroscope gyroscope.txt:

    • timestamp, rx, ry, rz
  • Magnetometer magnetometer.txt:

    • timestamp, mx, my, mz
  • Fused IMU fused_imu.txt:

    • timestamp, ax, ay, az, rx, ry, rz, mx, my, mz, gx, gy, gz, heading
    • Here gx, gy, gz is the gravity direction and heading is the angle in radians w.r.t. the true north.
  • Bluetooth in bluetooth.txt, if enabled:

    • timestamp, name, uuid, rssi
    • The UUID is assigned by iOS and may change if a device goes out of reach. The MAC address is not exposed by iOS.
  • Geopositioning in location.txt, if enabled:

    • timestamp, latitude, longitude, altitude-above-sea-level, horizontal-accuracy, vertical-accuracy
    • The latitude and longitude are the WGS-84 coordinates in decimal degrees and the altitude and accuracies are in meters.
    • We record in maximum accuracy mode, which likely makes use of both GPS and wireless.


  • Save optimized anchor poses instead of instantaneous camera poses