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File metadata and controls

283 lines (239 loc) · 7.1 KB


A Javascript map for showing the Swiss canton Thurgau. It shows the municipalities and Lake of Constance or "Bodensee" in German. Demo will be available soon.


Get the geodata

To get the data about the geographical shapes of Thurgau, I first needed to take steps as explained on the repository "swiss maps". After that, I created the file "tg-municipalities" by entering the command

make topo/tg-municipalities-lakes.json

Thanks to herrstucki for helping me out.

Both versions have the same

Version 2.0

Will be edited in the future...

Version 1.0

html file "index.html"

This is the smallest part of creating a javascript map. I made a link to "main.js", which will execute the code and draw the map. Furthermore there are links to the d3.js and the topojson.js scripts. The design of the html file will be changed soon, but for this part, the design is unnecessary at the moment.

I will probably change this part of the documentation to make it more appealing to the user, after the website is built.

The Javascript file "main.js"

This is the exciting part of creating the map.

Initializing variables

First I need the variables for setting the size of the window and initializing centered, which will be used later, with the path:

var width = 1500,
    height = 900,

To draw the shapes, I have to select the element in the html and make two variables. The variable "svg" draws those shapes and "graph" will be used when the mouse is hovering on a shape.

var svg ="#graph").append("svg")
    .attr("width", width)
    .attr("height", height);

var graph ="#graph").append("div")
    .attr("class", "tooltip")
    .style("opacity", 0);

Class "tooltop" in css:

.tooltip {
    position: absolute;
    text-align: center;
    width: 100px;
    height: 28px;
    padding: 2px;
    font: 12px sans-serif;
    background: white;
    border-radius: 8px;
    pointer-events: none;

Furthermore, I append the shape, the size, the background and a click event at svg.

    .attr("class", "background")
    .attr("width", width)
    .attr("height", height)
    .on("click", clicked);

The class "Background" in css file:

.background {
    fill: none;
    pointer-events: all;

Drawing Shapes

The function for drawing the municipalities and Lake of Constance. All municipalities get the CSS-Id "municipalities" and the click and hover event.

d3.json("tg-municipalities-lakes.json", function(error, tg) {
        .attr("id", "municipalities")
        .data(topojson.feature(tg, tg.objects.municipalities).features)
        .attr("d", path)
        .on("click", clicked)
        .on("mouseover", mouseover);

        .attr("id", "lakes")
        .data(topojson.feature(tg, tg.objects.lakes).features)
        .attr("d", path);

        .datum(topojson.mesh(tg, tg.objects.municipalities, function(a, b) { return a !== b; }))
        .attr("id", "border")
        .style("stroke-width", "1px")
        .attr("d", path);

And those are the CSS-Ids:

#border {
    fill: none;
    stroke: #fff;
    stroke-linejoin: round;
    stroke-linecap: round;

#lakes {
    fill: #b3b3f3;

#municipalities {
    fill: #e3e3e3;

#municipalities :hover {
    fill: #c7c7c7;

#municipalities .active {
    fill: orange;

Mouse Events

To make the map more interactive, an hover and a click event was given to the shapes.

Hover event

Change the color to orange, when the mouse is hovering on the shape.

#municipalities .active {
    fill: orange;

By the way, it will be replaced with a javascript function in the future.

Outputting the name of the municipality as a popover by hovering on the shape.

function mouseover(d) {"opacity", .9)
        .style("left", (d3.event.pageX) + "px")
        .style("top", (d3.event.pageY - 28) + "px");

function getMName(d) {
    for (i = 0; i < muniArr.length; i++) {
        if ( === muniArr[i][0]) {
            return muniArr[i][1];

The function getMName returns the name of the municipality by detecting the associated ID. The names are in an array. I had to write every name of the municipalities.

var muniArr = [
    //Bezirk Arbon
    [4436, "Romanshorn"],
    [4451, "Uttwil"],
    [4426, "Kesswil"],
    [4441, "Salmsach"],
    [4411, "Egnach"],
    [4401, "Arbon"],
    [4421, "Horn"],
    [4431, "Roggwil (TG)"],
    [4461, "Amriswil"],
    [4406, "Dozwil"],
    [4416, "Hefenhofen"],
    [4446, "Sommeri"],

    //Bezirk Kreuzlingen
    [4656, "Güttingen"],
    [4641, "Altnau"],
    [4691, "Münsterlingen"],
    [4643, "Bottighofen"],
    [4671, "Kreuzlingen"],
    [4681, "Langrickenbach"],
    [4683, "Lengwil"],
    [4666, "Kemmental"],
    [4696, "Tägerwilen"],
    [4651, "Gottlieben"],
    [4646, "Ermatingen"],
    [4851, "Salenstein"],
    [4846, "Raperswilen"],
    [4701, "Wäldi"],

    //Bezirk Weinfelden
    [4486, "Hauptwilen-Gottshaus"],
    [4511, "Zihlschlacht-Sitterdorf"],
    [4471, "Bischofszell"],
    [4495, "Hohen-Tannen"],
    [4476, "Erlen"],
    [4501, "Kradolf-Schönenberg"],
    [4506, "Sulgen"],
    [4911, "Bürglen (TG)"],
    [4901, "Birwinken"],
    [4891, "Berg (TG)"],
    [4791, "Wuppenau"],
    [4756, "Schönholzerswilen"],
    [4921, "Bussnang"],
    [4946, "Weinfelden"],
    [4941, "Märstetten"],
    [4711, "Affeltrangen"],
    [4881, "Amlikon-Bissegg"],
    [4951, "Wigoltingen"],

    //Bezirk Frauenfeld
    [4606, "Stettfurt"],
    [4591, "Matzingen"],
    [4611, "Thundorf"],
    [4566, "Frauenfeld"],
    [4571, "Gachnang"],
    [4590, "Hüttlingen"],
    [4561, "Felben-Wellhausen"],
    [4831, "Müllheim"],
    [4841, "Pfyn"],
    [4621, "Warth-Weiningen"],
    [4616, "Uessingen-Buch"],
    [4601, "Neunforn"],
    [4816, "Homburg"],
    [4811, "Herdern"],
    [4821, "Hüttwilen"],
    [4801, "Berlingen"],
    [4864, "Steckborn"],
    [4826, "Mammern"],
    [4806, "Eschenz"],
    [4871, "Wagenhausen"],
    [4545, "Diessenhofen"],
    [4536, "Basadingen-Schlattingen"],
    [4546, "Schlatt (TG)"],

    //Bezirk Münchwilen (TG)
    [4726, "Fischingen"],
    [4751, "Rickenbach (TG)"],
    [4786, "Wilen (TG)"],
    [4761, "Sirnach"],
    [4724, "Eschlikon"],
    [4721, "Bichelsee-Balterswil (Bi.)"],
    [4746, "Münchwilen (TG)"],
    [4781, "Wängi"],
    [4551, "Aadorf"],
    [4723, "Braunau"],
    [4776, "Tobel-Tägerschen"],
    [4716, "Bettwiesen"],
    [4741, "Lommis"]

Believe me, it wasn't pleasant to write all the names. But it won't stay forever, because I'll find a way to output the names from somewhere else.



Mike Zye