The user level features I want for logfind are:
- I specify what files are important in a ~/.logfind file, using regular expressions.
- Logfind takes any number of arguments as strings to find in those files, and assumes I mean and. So looking for “zed has blue eyes” means files that have “zed AND has AND blue AND eyes” in it.
- I can pass in one argument, -o (dash oh) and the default is then or logic instead. In the example above -o would change it to mean “zed OR has OR blue OR eyes”.
- I want to be able to install logfind on my computer and run it like other projects. However, don’t push this to PyPI as that’ll really annoy people.
- Extra bonus points if you can let me specify regular expressions as things to find in files.
- Finally, speed counts, so whoever can make the fastest logfind will win the prize. The prize is nothing, but you know you want it.