CS253 Web Development revamp
- Google App Engine project name: milanoid-cs253
- Google Cloud deploy url: https://milanoid-cs253.appspot.com/
- Github: https://github.com/milanoid/udacity-cs253
A very simple Hello, Udacity! app.
- Tag name: Homework1
- path: /
- install Ubuntu version of Google Cloud SKD
- initialize Google Cloud:
sudo gcloud --project=milanoid-cs253 init
- test run the app locally:
gunicorn main:app --reload
- deploy the app to Google Cloud:
sudo gcloud app deploy
Encode text using Rot13 substitution cipher.
- Tag name: Rot13
- path /rot13
Signup form with user input validation. Invalid user input renders the form with error messages. Valid input redirects to /welcome page with greetings.
- Tag name: UserSignup
- path /signup