VS Code used for this tutorial: 1.43.2
Install an OpenSSH compatible SSH client
Install VS Code Extension named "Remote Development".
Hit F1 key and go to "Remote-SSH: Open Configuration File..."
- On linux, add these lines to the file (replace m20leona by your own username):
Host brain1.imt User m20leona Compression yes HostName Host *.imt ProxyCommand ssh [email protected] "/bin/nc `basename %h .imt` %p"
- On Windows, add these lines to the file (replace m20leona by your own username):
Host brain1.imt User m20leona Compression yes HostName Host *.imt ProxyCommand C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe [email protected] "/bin/nc `basename %h .imt` %p"
Hit F1 key and go to "Remote-SSH: Connect To Host..."
Select "brain1.imt"
If you get the following error message :
Failed to find a non-Windows SSH installed. Password prompts may not be displayed properly! Disable
if needed.
It's a known bug. Follow instructions here and downgrade Remote - SSH extension to 0.49.0.
- Enter passwords when prompted
- If asked about fingerprints, hit "Continue"