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182 lines (118 loc) · 9.58 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[v2.0.1] - 2019-01-??]


  • Write your awesome addition here (by @you)


  • Write your awesome change here (by @you)

[v2.0.0] - 2018-12-14]


  • (Breaking Change) New input variables map_accounts_count, map_roles_count and map_users_count to allow using computed values as part of map_accounts, map_roles and map_users configs (by @chili-man on behalf of OpenGov).
  • (Breaking Change) New variables cluster_create_security_group and worker_create_security_group to stop value of 'count' cannot be computed error.
  • Added ability to choose local-exec interpreter (by @rothandrew)


  • Added --with-aggregate-type-defaults option to terraform-docs (by @max-rocket-internet)
  • Updated AMI ID filtering to only filter AMIs from current cluster k8s version (by @max-rocket-internet)
  • Added pre-commit-terraform git hook to automatically create documentation of inputs/outputs (by @antonbabenko)
  • Travis fixes (by @RothAndrew)
  • Fixed some Windows compatibility issues (by @RothAndrew)

[v1.8.0] - 2018-12-04]


  • suspended_processes to worker_groups input (by @bkmeneguello)
  • target_group_arns to worker_groups input (by @zihaoyu)
  • force_detach_policies to aws_iam_role cluster and workers (by @marky-mark)
  • Added sleep while trying to apply the kubernetes configurations if failed, up to 50 seconds (by @rmakram-ims)
  • cluster_create_security_group and worker_create_security_group. This allows using computed cluster and worker security groups. (by @rmakram-ims)


  • Remove aws_iam_service_linked_role (by @max-rocket-internet)
  • Adjust the order and correct/update the ec2 instance type info. (@chenrui333)
  • Removed providers from (by @max-rocket-internet)
  • Removed configure_kubectl_session references in documentation #171 (by @dominik-k)

[v1.7.0] - 2018-10-09]


  • Worker groups can be created with a specified IAM profile. (from @laverya)
  • exposed aws_eks_cluster create and destroy timeouts (by @RGPosadas)
  • exposed placement_tenancy for autoscaling group (by @monsterxx03)
  • Allow port 443 from EKS service to nodes to run metrics-server. (by @max-rocket-internet)


  • fix default worker subnets not working (by @erks)
  • fix default worker autoscaling_enabled not working (by @erks)
  • Cosmetic syntax changes to improve readability. (by @max-rocket-internet)
  • add protect_from_scale_in to solve issue #134 (by @kinghajj)

[v1.6.0] - 2018-09-04]


  • add support for amazon-eks-node-* AMI with bootstrap script (by @erks)
  • expose kubelet_extra_args worker group option (replacing kubelet_node_labels) to allow specifying arbitrary kubelet options (e.g. taints and labels) (by @erks)
  • add optional input worker_additional_security_group_ids to allow one or more additional security groups to be added to all worker launch configurations - #47 (by @hhobbsh @mr-joshua)
  • add optional input additional_security_group_ids to allow one or more additional security groups to be added to a specific worker launch configuration - #47 (by @mr-joshua)


  • allow a custom AMI to be specified as a default (by @erks)
  • bugfix for above change (by @max-rocket-internet)
  • Breaking change Removed support for eks-worker-* AMI. The cluster specifying a custom AMI based off of eks-worker-* AMI will have to rebuild the AMI from amazon-eks-node-*. (by @erks)
  • Breaking change Removed kubelet_node_labels worker group option in favor of kubelet_extra_args. (by @erks)

[v1.5.0] - 2018-08-30]


  • add spot_price option to aws_launch_configuration
  • add enable_monitoring option to aws_launch_configuration
  • add t3 instance class settings
  • add aws_iam_service_linked_role for elasticloadbalancing. (by @max-rocket-internet)
  • Added autoscaling policies into module that are optionally attached when enabled for a worker group. (by @max-rocket-internet)


  • Breaking change Removed workstation_cidr variable, http callout and unnecessary security rule. (by @dpiddockcmp) If you are upgrading from 1.4 you should fix state after upgrade: terraform state rm
  • Can now selectively override keys in workers_group_defaults variable rather than callers maintaining a duplicate of the whole map. (by @dpiddockcmp)

[v1.4.0] - 2018-08-02]


  • manage eks workers' root volume size and type.
  • workers_asg_names added to outputs. (kudos to @laverya)
  • New top level variable worker_group_count added to replace the use of length(var.worker_groups). This allows using computed values as part of worker group configs. (complaints to @laverya)

[v1.3.0] - 2018-07-11]


  • New variables map_accounts, map_roles and map_users in order to manage additional entries in the aws-auth configmap. (by @max-rocket-internet)
  • kubelet_node_labels worker group option allows setting --node-labels= in kubelet. (Hat-tip, @bshelton229 👒)
  • worker_iam_role_arn added to outputs. Sweet, @hatemosphere 🔥


  • Worker subnets able to be specified as a dedicated list per autoscaling group. (up top, @bshelton229 🙏)

[v1.2.0] - 2018-07-01]


  • new variable pre_userdata added to worker launch configuration allows to run scripts before the plugin does anything. (W00t, @jimbeck 🦉)


  • kubeconfig made much more flexible. (Bang up job, @sdavids13 💥)
  • ASG desired capacity is now ignored as ASG size is more effectively handed by k8s. (Thanks, @ozbillwang 💇‍♂️)
  • Providing security groups didn't behave as expected. This has been fixed. (Good catch, @jimbeck 🔧)
  • workstation cidr to be allowed by created security group is now more flexible. (A welcome addition, @jimbeck 🔐)

[v1.1.0] - 2018-06-25]


  • new variable worker_sg_ingress_from_port allows to change the minimum port number from which pods will accept communication (Thanks, @ilyasotkov 👏).
  • expanded on worker example to show how multiple worker autoscaling groups can be created.
  • IPv4 is used explicitly to resolve testing from IPv6 networks (thanks, @tsub 🙏).
  • Configurable public IP attachment and ssh keys for worker groups. Defaults defined in worker_group_defaults. Nice, @hatemosphere 🌂
  • worker_iam_role_name now an output. Sweet, @artursmet 🕶️


  • IAM test role repaired by @lcharkiewicz 💅
  • kube-proxy restart no longer needed in userdata. Good catch, @hatemosphere 🔥
  • worker ASG reattachment wasn't possible when using name. Moved to name_prefix to allow recreation of resources. Kudos again, @hatemosphere 🐧

[v1.0.0] - 2018-06-11]


  • security group id can be provided for either/both of the cluster and the workers. If not provided, security groups will be created with sufficient rules to allow cluster-worker communication. - kudos to @tanmng on the idea ⭐
  • outputs of security group ids and worker ASG arns added for working with these resources outside the module.


  • Worker build out refactored to allow multiple autoscaling groups each having differing specs. If none are given, a single ASG is created with a set of sane defaults - big thanks to @kppullin 🥨

[v0.2.0] - 2018-06-08]


  • ability to specify extra userdata code to execute following kubelet services start.
  • EBS optimization used whenever possible for the given instance type.
  • When configure_kubectl_session is set to true the current shell will be configured to talk to the kubernetes cluster using config files output from the module.


  • files rendered from dedicated templates to separate out raw code and config from hcl
  • workers_ami_id is now made optional. If not specified, the module will source the latest AWS supported EKS AMI instead.

[v0.1.1] - 2018-06-07]


  • Pre-commit hooks fixed and working.
  • Made progress on CI, advancing the build to the final kitchen test stage before failing.

[v0.1.0] - 2018-06-07


  • Everything! Initial release of the module.
  • added a local variable to do a lookup against for a dynamic value in userdata which was previously static. Kudos to @tanmng for finding and fixing bug #1!