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lukesd edited this page Nov 11, 2018 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the modosc wiki!


Modosc is a library of Max abstractions for processing marker-based motion capture data in real-time. The library performs two main functions: It formats incoming motion capture (MoCap) data into a form that is easier to handle in Max. And it computes various motion descriptors, which are quantities that describe various aspects of movement. For example, velocity is a "low level" descriptor, and is calculated from the incoming position data. A higher-level descriptor is quantity of motion which is based on the velocity and mass of a collection of points on the body.

Modosc was designed to make it easier to implement real-time interaction scenarios using motion capture. The creators of Modosc are especially interested in real-time music interaction. However Modosc may be useful in any situation where movement is used to generate some real-time output or feedback.

The initial alpha release of Modosc works with Qualisys motion capture systems which can stream data as Open Sound Control (OSC) messages. The name Modosc comes from "motion descriptors OSC". The implementation of Modosc relies heavily on the framework from CNMAT.

Getting Started

[Soon this section will describe:]

Installing Modosc

A simple starter patch

Motion Descriptors

[Documentation for each descriptor will be added here soon.]

Modosc data is structured into two basic data types: points and groups. Points represent a single entity in space. The most common use of a point is to store the 3D position of a specific MoCap marker. A point can also store both orientation and position for a 6 degree-of-freedom (6DOF) rigid body. A group is a named group of points. For example all the points on someones left arm might be put in a group named "leftArm". Some Modosc descriptors operate on points, while others operate on groups.

Point Descriptors

  • ****mo.qtm3D
  • mo.qtm6Deuler
  • mo.velocity
  • mo.acceleration

Group Descriptors

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