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% title:

% author: Carlos X. Hernández, Matthew P. Harrigan, M. Muneeb Sultan, Brooke E. Husic % author: Updated: Jun. 23, 2016 (msmbuilder v3.5)

title: Old-School Analysis of MD Data

  • Analysis happens in walled gardens (Gromacs, Amber, VMD)
  • Exclusively command line interfaces, C and Fortran code
  • Duplication of statistical algorithms by non-experts (e.g. chemists, biologists)
  • Possible code maintainability issues?

title: Jarvis Patrick Clustering in Gromacs subtitle: real code in gromacs

static void jarvis_patrick(int n1, real **mat, int M, int P,
real rmsdcut, t_clusters *clust) {
t_dist *row;
t_clustid *c;
int **nnb;
int i, j, k, cid, diff, max;
gmx_bool bChange;
real **mcpy = NULL;
if (rmsdcut < 0) {
rmsdcut = 10000;
/* First we sort the entries in the RMSD matrix row by row.
* This gives us the nearest neighbor list.

title: Jarvis Patrick Clustering in Gromacs (Cont.)

// Five more pages of this
// You get the idea

// Also, how do we even use this function?
static void jarvis_patrick(int n1, real **mat, int M, int P,
real rmsdcut, t_clusters *clust);

title: Enter Data Science

  • Machine learning is mainstream now!
  • Thousands of experts are using machine learning approaches
  • Well-tested, performant, and facile implementations are available
  • Writing your own is not the way to go!
    • E.g: Is clustering that special and MD-specific such that we need our own custom algorithms and implementations?

title: MSMBuilder3: Design

Builds on scikit-learn idioms:

  • Everything is a Model.
  • Models are fit() on data.
  • Models learn attributes_.
  • Pipeline() concatenate models.
  • Use best-practices (cross-validation)

title: Everything is a Model()!

>>> import msmbuilder.cluster
>>> clusterer = msmbuilder.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=4)

>>> import msmbuilder.decomposition
>>> tica = msmbuilder.decomposition.tICA(n_components=3)

>>> import msmbuilder.msm
>>> msm = msmbuilder.msm.MarkovStateModel()

Hyperparameters go in the constructor.

Actually, everything is a sklearn.base.BaseEstimator()

title: Models fit() data!

>>> import msmbuilder.cluster

>>> trajectories = [np.random.normal(size=(100, 3))]

>>> clusterer = msmbuilder.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=4, n_init=10)

>>> clusterer.cluster_centers_

array([[-0.22340896,  1.0745301 , -0.40222902],
       [-0.25410827, -0.11611431,  0.95394687],
       [ 1.34302485,  0.14004818,  0.01130485],
       [-0.59773874, -0.82508303, -0.95703567]])

Estimated parameters always have trailing underscores!

title: fit() acts on lists of sequences

>>> import msmbuilder.msm

>>> trajectories = [np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0])]

>>> msm = msmbuilder.msm.MarkovStateModel()

>>> msm.transmat_

array([[ 0.75      ,  0.25      ],
       [ 0.33333333,  0.66666667]])

This is different from sklearn, which uses 2D arrays.

title: Models transform() data!

>>> import msmbuilder.cluster

>>> trajectories = [np.random.normal(size=(100, 3))]

>>> clusterer = msmbuilder.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=8, n_init=10)
>>> Y = clusterer.transform(trajectories)

[array([5, 6, 6, 0, 5, 5, 1, 6, 1, 7, 5, 7, 4, 2, 2, 2, 5, 3, 0, 0, 1, 3, 0,
        5, 5, 0, 4, 0, 0, 3, 4, 7, 3, 5, 5, 5, 6, 1, 1, 0, 0, 7, 4, 4, 2, 6,
        1, 4, 2, 0, 2, 4, 4, 5, 2, 6, 3, 2, 0, 6, 3, 0, 7, 7, 7, 0, 0, 0, 3,
        3, 2, 7, 6, 7, 2, 5, 1, 0, 3, 6, 3, 2, 0, 5, 0, 3, 4, 2, 5, 4, 1, 5,
        5, 4, 3, 3, 7, 2, 1, 4], dtype=int32)]

Moving the data-items from one "space" / representation into another.

title: Pipeline() concatenates models!

>>> import msmbuilder.cluster, msmbuilder.msm
>>> from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

>>> trajectories = [np.random.normal(size=(100, 3))]

>>> clusterer = msmbuilder.cluster.KMeans(n_clusters=2, n_init=10)
>>> msm = msmbuilder.msm.MarkovStateModel()
>>> pipeline = Pipeline([("clusterer", clusterer), ("msm", msm)])

>>> msm.transmat_

array([[ 0.53703704,  0.46296296],
       [ 0.53333333,  0.46666667]])

Data "flows" through transformations in the pipeline.

title: Loading Trajectories

You can use MDTraj to load your trajectory files

>>> import glob
>>> import mdtraj as md

>>> filenames = glob.glob("./Trajectories/ala_*.h5")
>>> trajectories = [md.load(filename) for filename in filenames]

Note: for big datasets, you can get fancy with md.iterload.

title: Featurization

Featurizers wrap MDTraj functions via the transform() function

>>> from msmbuilder.featurizer import DihedralFeaturizer
>>> from matplotlib.pyplot import hexbin, plot

>>> featurizer = DihedralFeaturizer(
...        ["phi", "psi"], sincos=False)
>>> X = featurizer.transform(trajectories)
>>> phi, psi = np.rad2deg(np.concatenate(X).T)

>>> hexbin(phi, psi)

title: Featurization (Cont.)

You can even combine featurizers with FeatureSelector

>>> from msmbuilder.featurizer import DihedralFeaturizer, ContactFeaturizer
>>> from msmbuilder.feature_selection import FeatureSelector

>>> dihedrals = DihedralFeaturizer(
...         ["phi", "psi"], sincos=True)
>>> contacts = ContactFeaturizer(scheme='ca')
>>> featurizer = FeatureSelector([('dihedrals', dihedrals),
...                               ('contacts', contacts)])
>>> X = featurizer.transform(trajectories)

title: Preprocessing

Preprocessors normalize/whiten your data

>>> from msmbuilder.preprocessing import RobustScaler
>>> scaler = RobustScaler()

>>> Y = scaler.transform(X)

This is essential when combining different featurizers!

Also check out MinMaxScaler and StandardScaler

title: Decomposition

Reduce the dimensionality of your data

tICA finds the slowest degrees
of freedom in time-series data
>>> from msmbuilder.decomposition import tICA

>>> tica = tICA(n_components=2, lagtime=5)
>>> Y = tica.fit_transform(X)

Also check out PCA and SparseTICA

title: Markov State Models

We offer two main flavors of MSM:

  • MarkovStateModel - Fits a first-order Markov model to a discrete-time integer labeled timeseries.
  • ContinuousTimeMSM - Estimates a continuous rate matrix from discrete-time integer labeled timeseries.

Each has a Bayesian version, which estimates the error associated with the model.


title: Hidden Markov Models

KDE is to histogram as HMM is to MSM

We also offer two types of HMMs:

  • GaussianHMM - Reversible Gaussian Hidden Markov Model L1-Fusion Regularization
  • VonMisesHMM - Hidden Markov Model with von Mises Emissions

HMMs are great for macrostate modeling!

title: Cross-Validation

from sklearn.cross_validation import ShuffleSplit

cv = ShuffleSplit(len(trajectories), n_iter=5, test_size=0.5)

for fold, (train_index, test_index) in enumerate(cv):
    train_data = [trajectories[i] for i in train_index]
    test_data = [trajectories[i] for i in test_index]

Also check out scikit-learn's KFold, GridSearchCV and RandomizedSearchCV.

If you'd like to see how CV can be done with MSMs, see

title: Command-line Tools

We also offer an easy-to-use CLI for the API-averse

$ msmb DihedralFeaturizer --top my_protein.pdb --trjs "*.xtc" \
    --transformed diheds --out featurizer.pkl

$ msmb tICA -i diheds/ --out tica_model.pkl \
    --transformed tica_trajs.h5 --n_components 4

$ msmb MiniBatchKMeans -i tica_trajs.h5 \
    --transformed labeled_trajs.h5 --n_clusters 100

$ msmb MarkovStateModel -i labeled_trajs.h5 \
   --out msm.pkl --lag_time 1

title: Related Projects

We also maintain:

  • Osprey- machine learning hyperparameter optimization
  • MDEntropy - entropy calculations for MD data

title: Osprey

Fully-automated, large-scale hyperparameter optimization

Not just for MSMs!

title: Osprey: Estimator

Define your model

  # The model/estimator to be fit.

  eval_scope: msmbuilder
  eval: |
            ('featurizer', DihedralFeaturizer(types=['phi', 'psi'])),
            ('scaler', RobustScaler()),
            ('tica', tICA(n_components=2)),
            ('cluster', MiniBatchKMeans()),
            ('msm', MarkovStateModel(n_timescales=5, verbose=False)),

title: Osprey: Search Strategy

Choose how to search over your hyperparameter space


    name: gp  # or random, grid, hyperopt_tpe
      seeds: 50

title: Osprey: Search Space

Select which hyperparameters to optimize

      - ['phi', 'psi']
      - ['phi', 'psi', 'chi1']
    type: enum

    min: 2
    max: 1000
    type: int
    warp: log # search over log-space

title: Osprey: Cross-Validation

Pick your favorite cross-validator

  name: shufflesplit # Or kfold, loo, stratifiedshufflesplit, stratifiedkfold, fixed
    n_iter: 5
    test_size: 0.5

title: Osprey: Dataset Loader

Load your data, no matter what file type

  # specification of the dataset on which to train the models.
  name: mdtraj # Or msmbuilder, numpy, filename, joblib, sklearn_dataset, hdf5
    trajectories: ./fs_peptide/trajectory-*.xtc
    topology: ./fs_peptide/fs-peptide.pdb
    stride: 100

title: Osprey: Trials

Save to a single SQL-like database, run on as many clusters as you'd like*

  # path to a database in which the results of each hyperparameter fit
  # are stored any SQL database is supported, but we recommend using
  # SQLLite, which is simple and stores the results in a file on disk.
  uri: sqlite:///osprey-trials.db
*you'll still need to copy your data to each cluster, however

title: Osprey: Running a Job

Simple command-line interface, easy to run on any cluster

$ osprey worker -n 100 config.yaml
Beginning iteration                                           10 / 100
Loading trials database: sqlite:///trials.db...
History contains: 9 trials
Choosing next hyperparameters with gp...
  {'tica__n_components': 2, 'tica__lag_time': 180, 'cluster__n_clusters': 36}
(gp took 0.000 s)
Success! Model score = 4.214510
(best score so far   = 4.593165)

title: Osprey: Real-Time Analytics

Osprey also makes it easy to create interactive dashboards

$ osprey plot config.yaml