- Drop support for Python 3.6
- Distribute Cython sources instead of C sources to improve compatibility.
- Drop support for Python 3.5.
- Add support for Python 3.13.
- Build Windows wheels.
- Update to jq 1.7.1.
- Include tox.ini in sdist.
- Use the version of oniguruma distributed with jq.
- Update to jq 1.7.
- Add support for building with Cython 3.
- Add support for building with the system libjq and libonig instead of building using the bundled source.
- Include tests in sdist.
- Add input_value, input_values and input_text methods as replacements for the input method. The input method is still supported.
- Add support for slurp when calling input_text.
- Add support for Python 3.12.
- Build macOS arm64 wheels.
- Improve handling of null bytes in program inputs and outputs.
- Update handling of non-finite numbers to match the behaviour jq 1.6. Specifically, NaN is outputted as None, Inf is outputted as DBL_MAX, and -Inf is outputted as DBL_MIN.
- The jq and oniguruma libraries that these Python bindings rely on are now included in the source distribution, instead of being downloaded.
- Add support for Python 3.11.
- Include support for more wheels, including aarch64 on Linux.
- Drop support for Python 2.7 and Python 3.4.
- Return integers larger than 32 bits as ints.
- Include LICENSE in sdist.
- Handle MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET being an integer to improve macOS Big Sur support.
- Update cibuildwheel to 1.6.2 to fix building of OS X wheels.
- Add support for predefined variables.