This folder is provided as a reasonable place to copy/develop custom modules. This folder is auto-loaded based on the
This folder is also monitored by the Modules Page for .json
files describing modules available to be installed, the
structure of such a file is:
"title": "Module Title",
"author": "Module Author",
"description": "Module Description",
"name": "code-name",
"class": "Xibo\\Custom\\ClassName"
The module class must extend Xibo\Widget\ModuleWidget
and implement the installOrUpdate method.
We recommend that modules put their Twig Views in a sub-folder of this one, named as their module name. This should be
set in installOrUpdate
like $module->viewPath = '../custom/{name}';
All web accessible resources must placed in the /web/modules
folder and be installed to the library in installFiles
This location can also be used for theme views - we recommend a sub-folder for each theme. The theme config.php
should set its view_path
to PROJECT_ROOT . '/custom/folder-name