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Colorado RLA Software Development - API Server


The Colorado RLA API server uses the following technologies, appearing in order of importance to the software:

  • Java
  • Spark as the HTTP request and response framework
  • Hibernate as an ORM

Quick start

Check the to get up and running quickly.


One of the first things you will notice is eclipse-project/ directly beneath server/. Free and Fair used Eclipse extensively in their development process. None of the developers from Democracy Works opted to use Eclipse, so development is possible with Eclipse but also with another editor or IDE. Check for setup instructions if you want to use Eclipse.


  • Package: When talking about the API server code, package will be used to denote a Java package. All of these packages can be found listed as the top-level directories under server/eclipse-project/src/main/java/us/freeandfair/corla.

Files and directories

  • server/
    • deploy/: Deployment configuration for the Apache server used in production.
    • eclipse-project/
      • findbugs-exclude.xml: FindBugs rules to exclude.
      • pom.xml: The Maven "Project Object Model", which is the fundamental configuration file for Maven. You can update dependency versions as well as the project version by changing this file.
      • project_configuration/: These are configuration files for the project linters. You can get a sense of which linters are used and how by looking in this directory.
      • script/: Some of these scripts may be useful as they give hints for interacting with the RLA server and PostgreSQL database. Additionally, rla_export/ is housed here.
      • src/
        • main/resources/: Here you can configure logging with, or the Java system properties for the application.
          • sql/: SQL for reports, extracted from the old rla_export tool that used to be separate from the application. These queries are run directly by the code. under us/freeandfair/corla/
        • main/java/: All of the source code lives here. TODO: Link to source docs


Configuration for the API server is primarily done via Java system properties, located in server/eclipse-project/src/main/resources/us/freeandfair/corla/ You may see references to the Java system properties file throughout the documentation - this is what is referred to.


Common tasks

Adding an API endpoint

  1. Write the API endpoint class under the endpoint package. TODO: Link to package-level docs.
  2. Add an entry to server/eclipse-project/src/main/resources/us/freeandfair/corla/endpoint/endpoint_classes containing the name of the class you just wrote. This allows the system to discover the class at runtime.

Using the application

There are two main sections of the application, corresponding to county users and Department of State users, located under the URLs /county and /sos respectively.

Unauthenticated users will always be redirected to /login. If a logged-in Department of State or a county user navigates to /, they will be redirected to /sos or /county, as appropriate.