This is currently quite hacky. Vanilla three doesn't run on node. To run file conversion,
- open dynamicFiles.ts
- set the various "generate" flags at the top to true
- npm link /path/to/three/on/the/hacky/branch
- (optional) adjust the file slicing in dynamicFiles.ts to e.g. only test with a few
- npm run dev
- this will generate files. However, settings aren't good for actually using the server; local three doesn't work for some reason.
To run the app,
- open dynamicFiles.ts
- set the various "generate" flags to false
- make sure the file slicing line is commented out
- you may have to delete node_modules and package-lock.json since the local three version is "stuck"
- npm i
- npm run dev
- now things should be back working.
- would be nice not having to hack three for nodejs support
- could probably mock ImageBitmapLoader instead of ImageLoader, maybe even from the outside
- currently can't import the better USDZExporter from needle-tools/engine (same problems running in node)
- copied it here but better would be one codecase; the current approach doesn't have the USDZ animation extension in it
- allow for multiple submodules and structure callbacks for each of them (where to find files and readmes)
- khronos/gltf-sample-models
- usd-wg/assets
- needle/test-assets
- allow generating new files from existing ones
- GLB to USDZ with three
- GLB to USDZ with Blender
- GLB to USDZ with Omniverse
- GLB to USDZ with Reality Converter
- USDZ to GLB with three (*for the files generated with three)
- USDZ to GLB with Blender
- USDZ to GLB with Omniverse
- Screenshots from GLB
- Screenshots from USDZ
- allow to see at a glance what the source format is
- usdz or gltf
- allow to see what features a file has
- gltf-transform for gltf
- usdview for usdz
- switch between files and renderers
- files are GLB or USDZ; there may be multiple versions (e.g. GLB and roundtrip GLB, or GLB and 3 different USDZ conversions)
- renderers can show GLB (needle-engine, model-viewer), USDZ (Autodesk), or both (model)
- e.g. show glTF with needle-engine or model-viewer or model
- show USDZ with model or Autodesk's render delegate
- models
- glTF-sample-models // model source
- Avocado // model name
- Avocado.glb
- Avocado.glb.png
- Avocado.glb.three.usdz
- Avocado.glb.three.usdz.png
- Avocado.glb.three.usdz.three.glb
- Avocado.glb.three.usdz.three.glb.png
- Avocado.glb.three.usdz.blender.glb
- Avocado.glb.three.usdz.blender.glb.png
- Avocado.glb.blender.usdz
- Avocado.glb.blender.usdz.png
- Avocado.glb.blender.usdz.blender.glb
- Avocado.glb.blender.usdz.blender.glb.png
- Avocado.glb.omniverse.usdz
- Avocado.glb.omniverse.usdz.png
- Avocado.glb.three.glb
- Avocado.glb.three.glb.png
- Avocado // model name
- usd-wg-assets
- glTF-sample-models // model source
- submodules
- gltf-sample-models
- usd-wg-assets
- needle-test-assets