React Docs: Component Specs and Lifecycle
The official React docs page on component lifecycle -
Understanding the React Component Lifecycle
A good look at which lifecycle methods run in which situations, as well as the signatures of each method. -
Dissecting React Lifecycle Methods
Breaks the lifecycle methods down into "mount/unmount" and "update" categories, and describes the purpose and use of each. -
The React Component Lifecycle
Another useful description of the order and purpose of the lifecycle methods. -
React In-Depth: The React Life Cycle
A deep dive into the lifecycle methods, and various techniques for using them.
Presentational and Container Components
Dan Abramov's foundational article on classifying components based on intent and behavior. A must-read for anyone using React. -
Mixins Are Dead. Long Live Composition
A look at some of the issues with using mixins, and reasons why higher-order components are (usually) an improvement. -
How to use Classes and Sleep at Night
Some pragmatic opinions on when and how to use the ES6 "class" keyword, particularly in relation to React components. -
Higher Order Components: Theory and Practice
Gives practical use cases for HOCs, such as authentication, routing, and data management, with samples. -
Sharing and Testing Code in React with Higher Order Components
Demonstrates extracting HOCs from existing code, and testing them. -
React Higher Order Components in depth
A very detailed article looking at some advanced HoC patterns -
8 no-Flux strategies for React component communication
Very helpful list of ways to have React components communicate back and forth -
How to communicate between React components
Another good list of component communication strategies -
How to Write a Google Maps React Component
Demonstrates how to wrap a third-party component that has an imperative API, lazy-loading the dependencies, and more. -
Building SVG Maps with React
Demonstrates building a component that zooms and pans SVG graphics based on user input. -
How to Sprinkle ReactJS into an Existing Web Application
Looks at how to incrementally add some React-based functionality into an existing app. -
Leveling Up with React: Container Components
Describes the container component pattern and how to use it to split up responsibilities between fetching and displaying data. -
's place with React and Redux
https://medium.com/@adamrackis/finding-state-s-place-with-react-and-redux-e9a586630172 A look at when and how using React component state may be useful, even when using Redux for primary app state -
Dataflow through React
An online book that covers a number of topics on React components and data flow. -
A case for setState
An article arguing that React component state still has a number of uses. -
Smart and Dumb Components in React
Another look at ways to conceptually categorize components based on responsibilities, and some ways you can organize your code based on those concepts.
React AJAX Best Practices
Covers four ways to approach managing queries and data fetching. -
AJAX/HTTP Library Comparison
A useful overview of the most popular AJAX libraries, including platform support and feature comparisons. -
Implementing React Redux with GraphQL
Walks through the implementation of a server/client Todo app that uses GraphQL mutations for the async actions. -
Rendering Backend Requests with React
Describes a pattern for dealing with components that depend on loading data from a backend -
Build a React + Flux App with User Authentication
Builds a React app that calls a remote API and authenticates users. Uses a specific auth provider and basic Flux implementation, but the concepts are widely applicable. -
Building Realtime Collaborative Offline-First Apps with React, Redux, PouchDB, and Websockets
A blog post and sample project demonstrating various layers of client-server syncing, eventually driving a Redux store and React UI.
(Note: the "linked state mixin" and "two-way binding" approaches described in some of these articles are still valid, but mostly discouraged at this point. The more idiomatic approach is "one-way data flow" with "controlled inputs".)
React Docs: Forms
The React documentation page on forms. Describes "controlled" and "uncontrolled" form inputs. -
Learn Raw React: Ridiculously Simple Forms
Covers the basics of implementing form rendering, updates, and validation, in plain JS -
Forms in React and Redux
Demonstrates building a simple set of wrapper components to manage forms using React and Redux -
Form Validation Tutorial with React.js
A good example of setting up form validation in React -
Not-so-simple Forms with React
Explains how to set up more advanced form scenarios such as optional or repeatable sections. -
Managing state and controlled form fields with React
Describes the concepts of "controlled" and "uncontrolled" inputs. -
Two-Way Data Binding and Form Validation in React
Another demonstration of building a form with some logic and validation. -
Using React's state to manage data entry
https://medium.com/@adamrackis/using-reacts-state-to-manage-data-entry-ed92e4fd1a42 Describes how to manage data for forms using React component state and some wrapper components. -
Handling React Forms with Mobx Observables
Some examples of working with forms in React, using MobX for the data management. -
Forms in React and Redux
A good example of how to set up form handling in conjunction with a Redux store.
Scaling React.js Applications
Talk about managing large react.js applications. Covers "Feature" structure, redux-saga and CSS modules. -
Organizing Large React Applications
Describes "File-Type First", "Feature First / Pods" approaches, as well as other related structure issues. -
Four Strategies for Organizing Code
Describes "by component", "by toolbox", "by layer", and "by kind" approaches. -
Rules for Structuring (Redux) Applications
Gives several useful rules for structuring code, with examples. -
A Better File Structure for React/Redux Applications
Suggests a domain-based structure, with tests kept alongside the code they relate to. -
Route-Based Folder Structure
Ryan Florence, an author of React Router, gives his suggested file structure. -
How to Better Organize Your React Applications?
Another feature-style approach, describing things in terms of "components", "scenes", and "services". -
Fractal Project Structure
Docs from the React Redux Starter Kit project describing their "Fractal Project Structure" concept, and advice for file and app organization.
Reddit: "Redux - Reducer composition without slicing state?"
Some very informative discussion on how to organize reducers and actions. -
Wordpress Calypso: Our Approach to Data
The team behind Wordpress's new admin panel looks at their migration from emitters to Flux to Redux, and describes how they organize their state tree, use selectors to extract state, run queries with components, and persist their store state through refreshes. -
Redux and the Elm Architecture
Redux lacks built-in abstractions for real-world, maintainable, scalable applications. In particular, it is difficult to create and distributed encapsulated, reusable components. The Elm Architecture clearly addresses some important areas where Redux alone is lacking. -
So you've screwed up your Redux store - or, why Redux makes refactoring easy
Describes some useful practices for organizing Redux actions, reducers, and selectors.