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File metadata and controls

130 lines (107 loc) · 4.3 KB

Node REM

NodeJS Rest Express MongoDB (REM) - a production-ready lightweight backend setup.

Build Status Maintainability

Live Demo (login with a test user: [email protected], user111 - inspect API calls to learn more)

🌟 It rains cats and dogs features:

  Typescript      Express   CORS     Helmet    DotEnv   joi (validation)   forever
  Mongoose        Passport  JWT      Await
  Tslint          Apidoc    Docker   Husky    Morgan    Travis   Unix/Mac/Win (Powershell)
            Mocha  Chai     Sinon    istanbul
            HTTPS           HTTP2 (spdy)      Socketio 2.1       Init DB Data
            Slack message   Nodemailer        Mailgun            Email Templates    Forgot Password
            VSCode Debug    Dependabot        Codacy             File upload (multer)
            API response    (data, meta: limit, offset, sort)    Transform res
            apiJson         Pagination query
            Regex query     Whitelist fields in response         Populate deep fields
            mstime          API response time     Stack trace in Response
      UI Example
            CRA, Typescript, React-router, Axios, PostCSS, Tailwind. Components: Login, Home, ItemView.

📦 Installation

Require: MongoDB and NodeJS v8.12.0 +

Clone this project:

git clone your-app
cd your-app
rm -rf .git   (remove this github repo's git settings)
  • Update package.json and .env file with your information.
  • Run yarn dev, it will create a new Mongo DB "node-rem"
  • Verify yarn test can run all unit tests.
  • Verify: use Postman to POST http://localhost:3009/api/v1/auth/register to create a new user. (set payload to have email, password)
curl -k -d '{"email": "[email protected]", "password": "testpsw"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:3009/api/v1/auth/register

🔧 Commands

- Start MongoDB first. Verify .env variables.

yarn dev      launch DEV mode
yarn start    launch PROD mode
yarn stop

yarn test     Run tests   (requires MongoDB)

Frontend Example - uses this node-rem backend:

- First, start the Backend with: yarn dev

- Then, start UI:
cd ./ui
yarn start    (then open http://localhost:3000 - login with a test user: [email protected], user111)

📖 Features

Your simple API Route Handler will have a nice syntax like this: (packed with vitamins cool stuffs)

exports.list = async (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
  try {
    const data = (await User.list(req)).transform(req); // query & run userSchema.transform() for response
    apiJson({ req, res, data, model: User }); // return standard API Response
  } catch (e) {

API Response is similar to JSON API standard:

GET http://localhost:3009/api/v1/users?fields=id,email&email=*user1* (get id & email only in response)
GET http://localhost:3009/api/v1/users?page=1&perPage=20 (query & pagination)
GET http://localhost:3009/api/v1/users?limit=5&offset=0&sort=email:desc,createdAt
    "meta": {
        "limit": 5,
        "offset": 0,
        "sort": {
            "email": -1,
            "createdAt": 1
        "totalCount": 4,
        "timer": 3.85,
        "timerAvg": 5.62
    "data": [
            "id": "5bad07cdc099dfbe49ef69d7",
            "name": "John Doe",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "role": "user",
            "createdAt": "2018-09-27T16:39:41.498Z"
        // more items...

Example of generated API Docs (using apidoc) -

📖 Documentation

🙌 Thanks

All contributions are welcome!

UI Example uses Portable-react