3.0.0 (2024-06-23)
- Updating angular cdk to 18
- Adding support for Angular version 18
2.0.0 (2024-04-21)
- ng update changes, ngneat overview changes (cfd241f)
- update ngneat overview to v6
- migrated to angular v17
- command.component: re-listen to keymanager changes when items change (f89136a), closes #4
- fix ng-add schematics for standalone app (036e9ac)
- access content children (1c29f3e)
- add classes in host for group, list and separator (393fc34)
- add loader (21abc42)
- add loop in cmdk-list and improve docs (1b8c977)
- change item component to directive (e6b26ca)
- directives behavior and options configuration (a167295)
- examples and remove usage of ng-template (6c84743)
- first commit (78d4843)
- group, list and item components (9de269e)
- handle display through lib css (10b59c3)
- handle dynamic value and item changes (050badc)
- handle group and item renderring dynamically based on search (5fab515)
- handle majority of functinalities from commans component (8df63da)
- initial files (803a759)
- lib dependencies, disabled items (1030b05)
- remove styles (7958784)
- repo change (9f499c0)
- scroll active item into view (39ccf37)
- use angular/cdk key manager (4b97449)
- use ng-template with @ngneat/overview (beec82e)
- Supports Angular 16