Needing less always beats having more
Tools that don't plug in last longer than those that do
Ask better questions
No teachers without books, no books without teachers
Freedom means free time. Anyone who tells you different wants something from you
Any work that dehumanizes you is hard work
The Helping Matrix allows you to locate how your efforts are manifesting in the world. Are you helping, but not helpful? Maybe you are Helping and Helpful. Good job. Don't underrate the power of Not Helping Helpful.
Helpful | Not Helpful | |
Helping | ||
Not Helping |
The Functionality Matrix allows you to locate what type of system, project, or relationship you are stuck in. Is it Dysfunctional yet Functioning? Or perhaps it is shiny, Functional, and totally Not Functioning. Good luck, sucker.
Functioning | Not Functioning | |
Functional | ||
Dysfunctional |