The goal of this project was to create a plugin for Flake8 to statically analyse your code and find dependencies between variables deemed confidential or inconfidential (high/low in terms of security classes) by the user.
In the following code for example, we don't want any information about the
variable high
to be leaked to the public. We furthermore have a variable low
that is available to the public. Note, that for Python specifically, this may
be less feasible as the inspection of variables is far easier than it is for
compiled languages like C.
def foo(high, low): # flow: High, Low
if high > 10:
low = 10
low = 0
return low
Since high is a high confidentiality variable, we assume that the public does not know anything about this variable. In the example function however, we have an interaction between a publically accessible variable and a confidential variable. The public variable is modified depending on the context of the confidential variable and thus leaks information about the confidential variable.
Using Static Flow Analysis, we can determine that in fact, there is an information flow from a high to a low variable anbd display it as a Flake8 error.
As Static Information Flow Analysis may not be that useful in Python due to inspection being easy, this could still be extended to work on ASTs for other languages, e.g. C (check out the pycparser project). This however is just a simple demonstration of Static Information Flow Analysis based on a so called Hoare-Logic. I added a binding to flake8 such that we can also display the results in an IDE using this linter.
To install this plugin just clone the repo and run these commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
After that the plugin should be installed warnings be reported inside flake8 To test whether it works, run
and you should see an output like this: STA101 Information flow from low variable 'a_long_variable_name' to high variable 'y' in function 'fo
o' STA101 Information flow from low variable 'a_long_variable_name' to high variable 'z' in function 'fo
o' STA301 Information flow from low variable 'x' to local high variable 'c' in function 'bar' STA101 Information flow from low variable 'x' to high variable 'y' in function 'bar' STA101 Information flow from low variable 'y' to high variable 'z' in inner function 'foobar'
If you see this the installation was successful and you can use this inside your favourite IDE/text editor.
Without going into too much detail, Hoare logic is basically nothing else than a
set of rules that allows to make certain statements about the correctness of a
programme. The main concept here is that of a so called Hoare triple
consisting of a pre-condition ${P}$, a command
How is this useful for Static Information Flow Analysis ?
We define a set of rules, one for each statement we want to analyse (e.g.
loops, assignments, or if
statements), that specify how a set of
so-called independences (the pre-condition) is modified (the post-condition) under a statement (the
These rules can then be used in the analysis phase to compute the postconditions
while traversing the AST.
The exact nature of these rules will not be discussed here and the interested reader can look them up in the references down below.
As already mentioned above, the analysis revolves around the concept of
independences. A set of independences
After visiting a statement we can infer from the set of rules that we formed how these independences changed.
For example after analysing the assignment
The final concept is that of the context. A context encapsulates implicit
dependencies, i.e. dependencies that are imposed by the flow of the programme.
More specifically this occurs whenever we encounter a conditional loop or if
Take for example
if x < 5:
y = 10
y = 5
The value of
There are some limitations for this implementation that could be solved by a more sophisticated implementation.
One of these limitations is the following case:
if x < 5:
y = 10
y = 10
Another case is
x = y - y
Again, x is obviously not dependent on the initial value of y since it is always 0 but the implementation is not quite able to grasp that. A solution would be to implement the strongest semantic postcondition which is able to resolve this issue.
It was important for me to have correct type annotations everywhere, since this makes understanding the program a bit easier by abstracting away some of the implementation details. Over the course of the implementation I added some type definitions where I saw fit to abbreviate the signatures of a few functions and methods.
# Core Library modules
from typing import Dict, Set, List, Tuple, Callable
from enum import Enum
class Confidentiality(Enum):
High = "High"
Low = "Low"
NA = "None"
Variables = Set[str]
Indeps = Dict[str, Set[str]]
Errors = List[Tuple[int, int, str]]
FlowConfig = Dict[str, List[Confidentiality]]
ErrorCode = Callable[[str, str, str, str], str]
First off all, I had to find out the context a.k.a. the set of all variables that we want to analyse. For this, I just a simple ast.NodeVisitor
that visits all ast.Name
nodes and collects the values. I had to make some distinctions vis à vis left and right hand side variables as this is important to know for the analysis.
# Core Library modules
import ast
class VariableCollector(ast.NodeVisitor):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.vars: Variables = set()
self.free_only: bool = False
def visit_Call(self, node: ast.Call) -> None:
# IMPORTANT: Do not collect function names
for arg in node.args:
def visit_Name(self, node: ast.Name) -> None:
# Distinguish between left and right hand side variables
if not self.free_only or isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Load):
def visit_For(self, node: ast.For) -> None:
for n in node.body + node.orelse:
def collect(self, tree: ast.AST, free_only: bool = True) -> Variables:
self.vars = set()
self.free_only = free_only
return self.vars
With this visitor, I implemented the two basic functions for collecting information from the AST, collect_free_variables
and collect_all_variables
. As the names imply, collect_all_variables
just simply iterates over all ast.Name
nodes and collects their id.
def collect_all_variables(tree: ast.AST) -> Variables:
c = VariableCollector()
return c.collect(tree, free_only=False)
on the other hand is mainly used on not-top-level nodes to find the free variables in an expression:
def collect_free_variables(tree: ast.AST) -> Variables:
c = VariableCollector()
return c.collect(tree)
These functions might look almost exactly the same, but for the sake of readability, I decided to implement them as separate functions.
Every static analysis operates in a domain. This domain in a theoretical sense defines join and meet operators that are useful for combining information from different analysis branches. I will not go into too much detail about the theory behind all of this since it would go far beyond the scope of this project. In this case the domain is basically given by the independency set and the join operator. The independency set is implemented as a mapping
Over the course of the analysis we will also need to join two such indepedency sets together. This is usually done by simply intersecting the mapped sets for each variable.
def join(s1: Indeps, s2: Indeps) -> Indeps:
""" Join two independency sets by intersection """
return {x: s1[x] & s2[x] for x in s1}
From a theoretical standpoint this does make sense, since we want to find out which variables the analysed variables does not depend on. So if there is a branch where e.g.
Furthermore, I implemented some convenience functions that allow me to intersect/union any amount of sets in a simple and concise way.
from typing import Sequence
def intersect(sets: Sequence[Variables]) -> Variables:
""" Compute intersection of the given sets """
if not sets:
return set()
combined: Variables = sets[0].copy()
for s in sets:
combined &= s
return combined
def union(sets: Sequence[Variables]) -> Variables:
""" Compute union of the given sets """
if not sets:
return set()
combined: Variables = sets[0].copy()
for s in sets:
combined |= s
return combined
The main work is done in the Hoare
class, where the analysis is performed on the AST.
class Hoare(ast.NodeVisitor):
STA100: ErrorCode = (
"STA100 Information flow from high variable '{high}' to "
"low variable '{low}' in {inner_func}function '{func}'".format
STA101: ErrorCode = (
"STA101 Information flow from low variable '{low}' to "
"high variable '{high}' in {inner_func}function '{func}'".format
STA200: ErrorCode = (
"STA200 Information flow from local high variable '{high}' to "
"low variable '{low}' in {inner_func}function '{func}'".format
STA201: ErrorCode = (
"STA201 Information flow from local low variable '{low}' to "
"high variable '{high}' in {inner_func}function '{func}'".format
STA300: ErrorCode = (
"STA300 Information flow from high variable '{high}' to "
"local low variable '{low}' in {inner_func}function '{func}'".format
STA301: ErrorCode = (
"STA301 Information flow from low variable '{low}' to "
"local high variable '{high}' in {inner_func}function '{func}'".format
def __init__(self, lines: Sequence[str], varset: Variables) -> None:
# Context for Hoare logic
self.context: Variables = set()
# Independency sets for Hoare Logic
self.indeps: Indeps = {}
# Set of all variables that we want to consider for the analysis
self.all_vars: Variables = varset
# Errors we found (for flake8).
# TODO: Might have to be extracted to a different module since this is
# not really Hoare logic related
self.errors: Errors = []
# High and low variables. Extracted during the analysis
self.high: Variables = set()
self.low: Variables = set()
self.locals: Variables = set()
self.level = 0
# Parameters
# Code lines
self.lines: Sequence[str] = lines
# Initialize independency sets
for var in varset:
self.indeps[var] = {x for x in varset if x != var}
def calc_indeps(self, free_vars_in_expr: Variables) -> Variables:
"""Calculate the set of independencies for the
given set of variables by intersecting the independency
sets of all variables in the expression."""
if not free_vars_in_expr:
return self.all_vars
indeps: Variables = intersect([self.indeps[x] for x in free_vars_in_expr])
return indeps
def calc_deps(self, free_vars_in_expr: Variables) -> Variables:
"""Calculate the set of dependencies for the
given set of variables by union-ing the complements
of the independency set of every variable in the expression."""
return union([self.all_vars - self.indeps[var] for var in free_vars_in_expr])
def add_var(self, var: str, confidentiality: Confidentiality) -> None:
"""Add a variable with a given confidentiality to the respective set
if confidentiality == Confidentiality.High:
elif confidentiality == Confidentiality.Low:
def add_error(
line: int,
col: int,
tp: ErrorCode,
low: str,
high: str,
func: str,
inner_func: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Add an error of type `tp` at line `line` and column `col` to the
error list"""
self.errors += [
inner_func="inner " if inner_func else "",
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node: ast.FunctionDef) -> None:
"""For each function detect if there is any flow from high to low or
low to high variables."""
flow_conf = extract_flow_config(self.lines[node.lineno - 1])
var_names: List[str] = [arg.arg for arg in node.args.args]
old_high = self.high.copy()
old_low = self.low.copy()
old_locals = self.locals.copy()
self.high = set()
self.low = set()
self.locals = set()
self.level += 1
for x, y in zip(var_names, flow_conf):
self.add_var(x, y)
for high_var in self.high:
for low_var in self.low:
error_type: ErrorCode
if low_var not in self.indeps[high_var]:
# Information flow from low_var to high_var
if low_var in self.locals:
error_type = self.STA201
elif high_var in self.locals:
error_type = self.STA301
error_type = self.STA101
inner_func=self.level > 1,
if high_var not in self.indeps[low_var]:
# Information flow from high_var to low_var
if high_var in self.locals:
error_type = self.STA200
elif low_var in self.locals:
error_type = self.STA300
error_type = self.STA100
inner_func=self.level > 1,
# Restore old variables (in case of nested functions)
self.high = old_high
self.low = old_low
self.locals = old_locals
self.level = max(0, self.level - 1)
def visit_While(self, node: ast.While) -> None:
""" Fixpoint iteration for Hoare logic """
free_vars: Variables = collect_free_variables(node.test)
old_ctx: Variables = self.context.copy()
while True:
deps: Variables = self.calc_deps(free_vars)
prev_indeps = copy.deepcopy(self.indeps)
self.context |= deps
for n in node.body:
self.indeps = join(self.indeps, prev_indeps)
if self.indeps == prev_indeps:
self.context = old_ctx
def visit_For(self, node: ast.For) -> None:
""" Fixpoint iteration for Hoare logic """
free_vars: Variables = collect_free_variables(node.iter)
old_ctx: Variables = self.context.copy()
while True:
deps: Variables = self.calc_deps(free_vars)
prev_indeps = copy.deepcopy(self.indeps)
self.context |= deps
for n in node.body:
self.indeps = join(self.indeps, prev_indeps)
if self.indeps == prev_indeps:
self.context = old_ctx
def visit_Assign(self, node: ast.Assign) -> None:
extracted = extract_flow_config(self.lines[node.lineno - 1])
var_node: ast.Name = node.targets[0]
if extracted:
# If there was a flow configuration for this assignment, we assume
# that it was an initial assignment and thus do not analyse it at
# this point in time.
self.add_var(, extracted[0])
free_vars: Variables = collect_free_variables(node.value)
indeps: Variables = self.calc_indeps(free_vars) - self.context
self.indeps[] = indeps
def visit_AugAssign(self, node: ast.AugAssign) -> None:
old_ctx: Variables = self.context.copy()
target: ast.Name =
self.context |= {}
free_vars: Variables = collect_free_variables(node.value)
indeps: Variables = self.calc_indeps(free_vars) - self.context
self.indeps[] = indeps
self.context = old_ctx
def visit_If(self, node: ast.If) -> None:
old_ctx: Variables = self.context.copy()
free_vars: Variables = collect_free_variables(node.test)
deps: Variables = self.calc_deps(free_vars)
self.context |= deps
intermediate_ctx: Variables = self.context.copy()
for n in node.body:
if_indeps: Indeps = copy.deepcopy(self.indeps)
if hasattr(node, "orelse"):
self.context = intermediate_ctx
for n in node.body:
else_indeps: Indeps = copy.deepcopy(self.indeps)
self.indeps = join(if_indeps, else_indeps)
self.context = old_ctx
The analysis is triggered every time a function definition is visited. To make sure that is also works with nested functions, I keep track of the old function and restore it once the analysis is done.
For every other node, I implemented the inference rule for this type of expression. The exact nature of these inference rules can be looked up by the interested reader in the paper provided in the references.
You will notice that in the visit_Assign
method, I use a function called extract_flow_config
import re
# Matches any code line followed by "# flow: "
flow_regex = re.compile(r".*#\ *(flow:).*$")
def extract_flow_config(line: str) -> List[Confidentiality]:
match = re.match(flow_regex, line)
if not match:
return []
start_flow = match.end(1)
return [
Confidentiality(x.strip()) for x in line[start_flow:].split(",")
This function is important for the integration with flake8 and tackles the issue of "What variables are confidential/trusted/high and which are inconfidential/untrusted/low?".
This flow configuration can be defined by the user by adding comments to assignments and function definitions that clearly define which variables belong to what class.
We have already seen an example for that in the preface, but I will reiterate the usage here anyway to make it clear how to use the plugin.
If you have a function foo
that depends on two variables
def foo(x, y): # flow: High, Low
return x * y
You can also have local variables inside each function and assign them a confidentiality class:
def foo(x, y): # flow: High, Low
c = 1337 # flow: High
return (x * y) % c
There is also a file called
that you can can look into to see how it is used but it should be fairly intuitive and self-explanatory.
Flake8 provides a simple way to define and create plugins by simply specifying the entry point for your module in the
or setup.cfg
. The entry point is a module containing a class called Plugin
that is defined in a fairly specific way.
There is a great tutorial by Martin Thoma that I followed to set up everything and get started with the integration to flake8 in addition to the follwing youtube video.
For convenience, I implemted this method called analyse
that can also be used programmatically to find and display all errors found.
from typing import Optional
def analyse(
tree: ast.AST, lines: Sequence[str], var_set: Optional[Variables] = None
) -> Errors:
"""Statically analyze the given tree using Hoare logic and return any
errors found"""
if not var_set:
var_set = collect_all_variables(tree)
hoare = Hoare(lines, var_set)
return hoare.errors
code = """
def foo(x, y): # flow: Low, High
y = 3 * x
return y
tree = ast.parse(code)
errors = analyse(tree, code.split("\n"))
[(2, 0, "STA101 Information flow from low variable 'x' to high variable 'y' in function 'foo'")]
Finally, the plugin is defined in staticinflowanalysis/
and contains the plugin class that is used by flake8.
# Core Library modules
import ast
import sys
from typing import Any, Generator, Tuple, Type, Sequence
if sys.version_info < (3, 8):
# Third party modules
import importlib_metadata
import importlib.metadata as importlib_metadata
# First party modules
from staticinflowanalysis.hoare import analyse
class Plugin:
name = 'flake8-staticinflowanalysis'
version = importlib_metadata.version(name)
def __init__(self, tree: ast.AST, lines: Sequence[str]):
self._tree = tree
self._lines = lines
def run(self) -> Generator[Tuple[int, int, str, Type[Any]], None, None]:
errors = analyse(self._tree, self._lines)
for line, col, msg in errors:
yield line, col, msg, type(self)
To run this plugin in flake8, you have follow the install directions above and if everything works out, the following line should be executed and display the same errors as displayed in the install section
!flake8 STA101 Information flow from low variable 'a_long_variable_name' to high variable 'z' in function 'foo' STA101 Information flow from low variable 'a_long_variable_name' to high variable 'y' in function 'foo' STA101 Information flow from low variable 'y' to high variable 'z' in inner function 'foobar' STA100 Information flow from high variable 'y' to low variable 'x' in function 'bar'