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File metadata and controls

111 lines (88 loc) · 4.88 KB


⚠️ In progress, everything here may not work and may change ⚠️

Playback is a language for declaratively describing a musical style, and a JS library that can play a given set of chords in that style. It's a big part of Notochord, a lead-sheet editor that is currently under construction.

It's written in TypeScript with a parser written in nearley.

Documentation (this should move)


Playback is built to work with notochord-song songs. The package exports two constructors:

  • Player, which handles playing the song.
    • new Player() or new Player(AudioContext)
    • player.setStyle(PlaybackStyle): Promise
    • - takes a notochord-song. Don't call this until setStyle has finished
  • PlaybackStyle, which represents a style
    • new PlaybackStyle(pathToStyle) or new PlaybackStyle(styleAsText) - takes a string that is either a style in plaintext, a relative filepath, or a URL (see the resolution algorithm)
import Song from 'notochord-song';
import { Player, PlaybackStyle } from 'playback';

const mySong = new Song(/* serialized song, see notochord-song docs */);

const player = new Player();
const style = new PlaybackStyle('./styles/');

  .then(() => {
    // note that browsers may prevent playing audio if the user hasn't initiated it;

How to write a style

For the documentation on how to write a style, see I recommend the file extension .play for styles, because how awesome is that?


Notochord's musical styles were originally described in monolithic JS files, which led to a couple problems:

  • The styles were tedious to write, very repetitive, and hard to decipher after the fact.
  • There's no kosher method to do all of the following in JavaScript:
    • Dynamically load a file from the server
    • Avoid muddying the global scope and DOM
    • Execute code in that file as JavaScript (sure, I could've just fetched the .js files and eval()'d them, but that'd pose a risk to both security and Douglas Crockford's well-being)

So I set off to create my very own language to define a playback style. The end.

Navigating this repository

  • dist/ - the finished product, compiled to diferent kinds of JS as needed
  • src/ - the unbundled source code
    • playback.ts - this doesn't do much except tie all the other bits together.
    • loader/ - the loader loads files from the filesystem and/or via http request, per a resolution algorithm laid out in a comment at the top of that file. It's real hacky and probably needs to change significantly.
    • lexer/ - the lexer takes a .play file as a string and figures out where one token ends and another begins. See Wikipedia for a better explanation. Uses moo.
    • parser - uses the lexer to turn a .play file string into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), which is basically a bunch of objects that represent the contents of the file in a more useful way. This is done using nearley. (If this had to run fast there might be a compilation step here but it doesn't so there's not.)
      • - the definition of the language's grammar. It's written in Nearley's BNF-like syntax.
      • grammar.js - ignore this, it's compiled from the .ne file.
      • parser.ts - ties everything nicely together in a promise-y API so you don't have to talk to nearley at all.
    • ast/ - the definitions for the nodes of the AST. This is where you'll find the code for what a style is actually doing when you're playing it.
    • values/ - a bunch of classes that represent different kinds of values in Playback, like strings, numbers, etc.
  • styles/ - some styles. I might move these to their own repo later
  • test/ - Most directories in src/ have their tests defined locally, but they're bundled together here. (run with npm test or npm test -- -v for verbose)

Building and testing, etc.

  • npm test - run the test suite
  • npm run build - compile and bundle
  • npm run playground - open the playground


The syntax isn't particularly inspired by MMA - Musical MIDI Accompinament, but I did look at some .mma files when I was designing the syntax, so don't be surprised if I subconsciously borrowed something.

Some styles themselves may borrow elements from MMA or iReal Pro's styles until I get the hang of designing them myself, I apologize to Technimo in advance.