diff --git a/inbox/react/migration-guide.mdx b/inbox/react/migration-guide.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1b09447e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/inbox/react/migration-guide.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,878 @@
+title: "Migration Guide"
+sidebarTitle: "Migration Guide"
+description: "This guide outlines the key differences between the `@novu/notification-center` package and the new `@novu/react` package. Follow the steps below to migrate your application to the latest version."
+The `@novu/react` package introduces a more flexible and customizable way to display notifications in your application. This guide outlines the key differences between the `@novu/notification-center` package and the new `@novu/react` package. Follow the steps below to migrate your application to the latest Inbox version.
+## Why you should upgrade to @novu/react
+- **Customization**: The `@novu/react` package provides more customization options for the appearance and behavior of the notification components.
+- **Flexibility**: The new package offers more flexibility in handling notifications and integrating with third-party libraries.
+- **Performance**: It is optimized for performance and provides a smoother user experience.
+- **Bundle Size**: The new package has a smaller bundle size and improved tree-shaking capabilities.
+- **Compatibility with the `@novu/framework`**: The `@novu/react` package is designed to work seamlessly with the `@novu/framework` package for creating and managing notifications.
+## Breaking Changes
+The `@novu/react` package introduces several breaking changes compared to the `@novu/notification-center` package. Here are the key differences:
+### Components
+- The `PopoverNotificationCenter` component has been replaced with the `Inbox` component.
+- The `NotificationCenter` component has been replaced with the `Notifications` component.
+- The `NotificationBell` component has been replaced with the `Bell` component.
+### Styling
+- The `styles` props is replaced by an enchanced and easy to use `appearance` prop to customize the appearance of the notification components. For more information on `appearance` customization visit [here](customization#appearance-prop).
+### Notification
+- Removal of `seen` , `lastSeenDate`, `content`, `templateIdentifier`, `payload`, `cta` properties from the Notification object.
+- We have introduced `archive` functionality to the Notification object.
+type Notification = {
+- _id: string;
++ id: string;
+- content: string;
++ body: string;
+- cta: IMessageCTA;
++ redirect?: Redirect;
++ primaryAction?: Action;
++ secondaryAction?: Action;
+- channel: ChannelTypeEnum;
++ channelType: ChannelType;
+- payload: Record<string, unknown>;
++ data?: Record<string, unknown>;
+- subscriber: Subscriber;
++ to: Subscriber;
+- seen: boolean;
+- lastSeenDate: string;
+- templateIdentifier: string;
++ subject?: string;
++ isRead: boolean;
++ isArchived: boolean;
++ readAt?: string | null;
++ archivedAt?: string | null;
++ avatar?: string;
++ tags?: string[];
+createdAt: string;
+type Subscriber = {
+  id: string;
+  firstName?: string;
+  lastName?: string;
+  avatar?: string;
+  subscriberId: string;
+type Redirect = {
+  url: string;
+  target?: '_self' | '_blank' | '_parent' | '_top' | '_unfencedTop';
+type Action = {
+  label: string;
+  isCompleted: boolean;
+  redirect?: Redirect;
+## Getting Started
+To begin migrating to `@novu/react`, install the package via npm:
+npm install @novu/react
+## Basic Usage
+- Old Implementation
+import {
+  NovuProvider,
+  PopoverNotificationCenter,
+  NotificationBell,
+} from "@novu/notification-center";
+function Novu() {
+  return (
+    <NovuProvider
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+    >
+      <PopoverNotificationCenter>
+        {({ unseenCount }) => <NotificationBell unseenCount={unseenCount} />}
+      </PopoverNotificationCenter>
+    </NovuProvider>
+  );
+export default Novu;
+- New Implementation with @novu/react
+import { Inbox } from "@novu/react";
+function Novu() {
+  return (
+    <Inbox
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APPLICATION_IDENTIFIER"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+    />
+  );
+export default Novu;
+## Notification Center without Bell Icon
+The @novu/react package introduces a flexible way to display notifications as a list without the default bell icon. Utilize the `Inbox` and `Notifications` components to achieve this functionality.
+- Old Implementation
+import { NovuProvider, NotificationCenter } from "@novu/notification-center";
+function Novu() {
+  return (
+    <NovuProvider
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+    >
+      <NotificationCenter colorScheme="dark" />
+    </NovuProvider>
+  );
+export default Novu;
+- New Implementation with @novu/react
+import { Inbox, Notifications } from "@novu/react";
+function Novu() {
+  return (
+    <Inbox
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+    >
+      <Notifications />
+    </Inbox>
+  );
+export default Novu;
+## Custom Bell Icon
+Customize the bell icon that triggers the notifications popover using the `renderBell` prop.
+- Old Implementation
+import {
+  NovuProvider,
+  PopoverNotificationCenter,
+} from "@novu/notification-center";
+import CustomBell from "./CustomBell"; // Your custom bell icon component
+function Novu() {
+  return (
+    <NovuProvider
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+    >
+      <PopoverNotificationCenter colorScheme="dark">
+        {({ unseenCount }) => (
+          <CustomBell
+            unseenCount={unseenCount}
+            colorScheme="dark"
+            unseenBadgeBackgroundColor="#FFFFFF"
+            unseenBadgeColor="#FF0000"
+          />
+        )}
+      </PopoverNotificationCenter>
+    </NovuProvider>
+  );
+export default Novu;
+- New Implementation with @novu/react
+import { Inbox } from "@novu/react";
+import CustomBell from "./CustomBell"; // Your custom bell icon component
+function Novu() {
+  return (
+    <Inbox
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      renderBell={(unreadCount) => <CustomBell unreadCount={unreadCount} />}
+    />
+  );
+export default Novu;
+## Notification Actions
+Handle user interactions with notifications effectively using the action handlers provided by `@novu/react`.
+### onNotificationClick
+Trigger a callback function when a user clicks on a notification item.
+- Old Implementation
+import {
+  NovuProvider,
+  PopoverNotificationCenter,
+  NotificationBell,
+  IMessage,
+} from "@novu/notification-center";
+function Novu() {
+  function handleOnNotificationClick(message: IMessage) {
+    // your logic to handle the notification click
+    if (message?.cta?.data?.url) {
+      window.location.href = message.cta.data.url;
+    }
+  }
+  return (
+    <NovuProvider
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+    >
+      <PopoverNotificationCenter
+        colorScheme="dark"
+        onNotificationClick={handleOnNotificationClick}
+      >
+        {({ unseenCount }) => <NotificationBell unseenCount={unseenCount} />}
+      </PopoverNotificationCenter>
+    </NovuProvider>
+  );
+export default Novu;
+- New Implementation with @novu/react
+import { Inbox } from "@novu/react";
+function Novu() {
+  const handleNotificationClick = (notification) => {
+    // Your custom logic here
+    console.log("Notification clicked:", notification);
+  };
+  return (
+    <Inbox
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      onNotificationClick={handleNotificationClick}
+    />
+  );
+export default Novu;
+### onPrimaryActionClick and onSecondaryActionClick
+Handle primary and secondary actions within a notification explicitly.
+- Old Implementation
+import {
+  NovuProvider,
+  PopoverNotificationCenter,
+  IMessage,
+  MessageActionStatusEnum,
+  useUpdateAction,
+  ButtonTypeEnum,
+  NotificationBell,
+} from "@novu/notification-center";
+function Novu() {
+  const CustomNotificationCenter = () => {
+    const { updateAction } = useUpdateAction();
+    const handleOnActionClick = async (
+      templateIdentifier: string,
+      btnType: ButtonTypeEnum,
+      notification: IMessage
+    ) => {
+      if (templateIdentifier === "friend-request") {
+        if (btnType === "primary") {
+          /** Call your API to accept the friend request here **/
+          /** And then update Novu that this action has been taken, so the user won't see the button again **/
+          updateAction({
+            messageId: notification._id,
+            actionButtonType: btnType,
+            status: MessageActionStatusEnum.DONE,
+          });
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    return (
+      <PopoverNotificationCenter
+        colorScheme={"dark"}
+        onActionClick={handleOnActionClick}
+      >
+        {({ unseenCount }) => <NotificationBell unseenCount={unseenCount} />}
+      </PopoverNotificationCenter>
+    );
+  };
+  return (
+    <NovuProvider
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+    >
+      <CustomNotificationCenter />
+    </NovuProvider>
+  );
+export default Novu;
+- New Implementation with @novu/react
+import { Inbox } from "@novu/react";
+function Novu() {
+  const handlePrimaryActionClick = (notification) => {
+    // Handle primary action
+    console.log("Primary action clicked:", notification);
+  };
+  const handleSecondaryActionClick = (notification) => {
+    // Handle secondary action
+    console.log("Secondary action clicked:", notification);
+  };
+  return (
+    <Inbox
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      onPrimaryActionClick={handlePrimaryActionClick}
+      onSecondaryActionClick={handleSecondaryActionClick}
+    />
+  );
+export default Novu;
+## Avatar Icons
+Customize the avatar displayed alongside notifications by specifying an avatar `URL` at the workflow definition level using `@novu/framework`.
+import { workflow } from "@novu/framework";
+workflow("welcome-notification", async (step) => {
+  await step.inApp("inbox", async () => ({
+    subject: "Welcome to Our Service!",
+    body: "We are thrilled to have you onboard.",
+    avatar: "https://example.com/path-to-your-avatar-image.png",
+  }));
+## Popover Positioning
+For advanced positioning and styling of the notifications popover, integrate third-party popover libraries such as Radix UI.
+- Old Implementation
+import {
+  PopoverNotificationCenter,
+  NotificationBell,
+  NovuProvider,
+} from "@novu/notification-center";
+function Novu() {
+  return (
+    <NovuProvider
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+    >
+      <PopoverNotificationCenter position="left-start" offset={20}>
+        {({ unseenCount }) => <NotificationBell unseenCount={unseenCount} />}
+      </PopoverNotificationCenter>
+    </NovuProvider>
+  );
+export default Novu;
+- New Implementation with @novu/react and Radix UI as an example
+import React from "react";
+import * as RadixPopover from "@radix-ui/react-popover";
+import { Inbox, Bell, Notifications } from "@novu/react";
+function Novu() {
+  return (
+    <Inbox
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+    >
+      <RadixPopover.Root>
+        <RadixPopover.Trigger asChild>
+          <Bell />
+        </RadixPopover.Trigger>
+        <RadixPopover.Portal>
+          <RadixPopover.Content side="bottom" align="end" sideOffset={10}>
+            <Notifications />
+            <RadixPopover.Arrow />
+          </RadixPopover.Content>
+        </RadixPopover.Portal>
+      </RadixPopover.Root>
+    </Inbox>
+  );
+export default Novu;
+## Custom Notification Item
+Customize the appearance and structure of individual notification items using the `renderNotification` prop.
+- Old Implementation
+import {
+  NovuProvider,
+  PopoverNotificationCenter,
+  NotificationBell,
+} from "@novu/notification-center";
+function Novu() {
+  return (
+    <NovuProvider
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+    >
+      <PopoverNotificationCenter
+        colorScheme={colorScheme}
+        onNotificationClick={handlerOnNotificationClick}
+        onActionClick={handlerOnActionClick}
+        listItem={(
+          notification,
+          handleActionButtonClick,
+          handleNotificationClick
+        ) => {
+          return (
+            <a
+              href="/"
+              onClick={(e) => {
+                e.preventDefault();
+                handleNotificationClick();
+              }}
+            >
+              {notification.content}
+            </a>
+          );
+        }}
+      >
+        {({ unseenCount }) => {
+          return <NotificationBell unseenCount={unseenCount} />;
+        }}
+      </PopoverNotificationCenter>
+    </NovuProvider>
+  );
+export default Novu;
+- New Implementation with @novu/react
+import { Inbox } from "@novu/react";
+function Novu() {
+  const renderCustomNotificationItem = (notification) => (
+    <div
+      className={`notification-item ${notification.isRead ? "read" : "unread"}`}
+      onClick={() => notification.read()}
+    >
+      <img
+        src={notification.avatar}
+        alt="Avatar"
+        className="notification-avatar"
+      />
+      <div className="notification-content">
+        <h4 className="notification-subject">{notification.subject}</h4>
+        <p className="notification-body">{notification.body}</p>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  );
+  return (
+    <Inbox
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      renderNotification={renderCustomNotificationItem}
+    />
+  );
+export default Novu;
+## Styling with appearance Prop
+Customize the overall look and feel of the notification components using the appearance prop, which supports both CSS objects and class names (including Tailwind CSS classes).
+- Old Implementation
+import {
+  NovuProvider,
+  PopoverNotificationCenter,
+  NotificationBell,
+} from "@novu/notification-center";
+function Novu() {
+  return (
+    <NovuProvider
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      styles={{ notifications: { listItem: { layout: { color: "#E3554D" } } } }}
+    >
+      <PopoverNotificationCenter>
+        {({ unseenCount }) => <NotificationBell unseenCount={unseenCount} />}
+      </PopoverNotificationCenter>
+    </NovuProvider>
+  );
+export default Novu;
+- New Implementation with @novu/react
+import { Inbox } from "@novu/react";
+function Novu() {
+  return (
+    <Inbox
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      appearance={{
+        baseTheme: {
+          variables: {
+            colorBackground: "#1F2937",
+            colorForeground: "#F9FAFB",
+            colorPrimary: "#3B82F6",
+            colorSecondaryForeground: "#9CA3AF",
+            colorNeutral: "#374151",
+          },
+        },
+        elements: {
+          bellIcon: "text-white",
+          notificationItem:
+            "custom-class bg-gray-800 hover:bg-gray-700 p-4 rounded-md",
+          notificationSubject: {
+            color: "#E2E8F0",
+            fontSize: "18px",
+            fontWeight: "bold",
+          },
+          notificationBody: {
+            color: "#A0AEC0",
+            fontSize: "14px",
+          },
+        },
+      }}
+    />
+  );
+export default Novu;
+For more information on `appearance` customization visit [here](customization#appearance-prop).
+## Multiple Tabs Support
+Organize notifications into different categories using tabs by leveraging the tags property in workflow definitions and the tabs prop in the Inbox component.
+### Create Multiple Tabs
+- Old Implementation
+- After defining the feeds on the Workflow UI, you were able to filter notifications based on the feedIdentifier.
+import {
+  NovuProvider,
+  PopoverNotificationCenter,
+  NotificationBell,
+} from "@novu/notification-center";
+function Novu() {
+  return (
+    <NovuProvider
+      stores={[
+        {
+          storeId: "product-updates",
+          query: { feedIdentifier: "product-updates" },
+        },
+        {
+          storeId: "user-activity",
+          query: { feedIdentifier: "user-activity" },
+        },
+      ]}
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+    >
+      <PopoverNotificationCenter
+        colorScheme="dark"
+        tabs={[
+          { name: "Product Updates", storeId: "product-updates" },
+          { name: "User Activity", storeId: "user-activity" },
+        ]}
+        colorScheme={colorScheme}
+        onNotificationClick={handlerOnNotificationClick}
+        onActionClick={handlerOnActionClick}
+      >
+        {({ unseenCount }) => {
+          return (
+            <NotificationBell
+              colorScheme={colorScheme}
+              unseenCount={unseenCount}
+            />
+          );
+        }}
+      </PopoverNotificationCenter>
+    </NovuProvider>
+  );
+export default Novu;
+- New Implementation with @novu/react
+1. Define multiple workflows with relevant tags.
+import { workflow } from "@novu/framework";
+  "security-alerts",
+  async (step) => {
+    await step.inApp("inbox", async () => ({
+      subject: "Security Alert",
+      body: "A new login attempt was detected.",
+    }));
+  },
+  { tags: ["security"] }
+  "promotional-offers",
+  async (step) => {
+    await step.inApp("inbox", async () => ({
+      subject: "Exclusive Offer!",
+      body: "Get 50% off on your next purchase.",
+    }));
+  },
+  { tags: ["promotions"] }
+2. Assign relevant tags to each workflow to categorize notifications appropriately.
+import { Inbox } from "@novu/react";
+const tabs = [
+  { label: "All Notifications", value: [] },
+  { label: "Security", value: ["security"] },
+  { label: "Promotions", value: ["promotions"] },
+function Novu() {
+  return (
+    <Inbox
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      tabs={tabs}
+    />
+  );
+export default Novu;
+## Localization
+Customize the language and text content of the notification components using the localization prop.
+import { Inbox } from "@novu/react";
+function Novu() {
+  return (
+    <Inbox
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      localization={{
+        "inbox.title": "Notificaciones",
+        "notifications.emptyNotice": "No tienes nuevas notificaciones",
+        "notifications.markAllAsRead": "Marcar todo como leĆ­do",
+        locale: "es-ES",
+      }}
+    />
+  );
+export default Novu;
+## HMAC Encryption
+The process remains the same as before. See the detailed guide [here](advanced-configuration#hmac-encryption).
+## Handling Notifications
+Handle notifications using the methods provided by the notification object.
+### Marking Notifications as Read
+Mark notifications as read using the `read` method provided by the notification object.
+import { Inbox } from "@novu/react";
+function Novu() {
+  const handleNotificationClick = (notification) => {
+    notification.read();
+  };
+  return (
+    <Inbox
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      onNotificationClick={handleNotificationClick}
+    />
+  );
+export default Novu;
+### Marking Notifications as Unread
+Mark notifications as unread using the `unread` method provided by the notification object.
+import { Inbox } from "@novu/react";
+function Novu() {
+  const handleNotificationClick = (notification) => {
+    notification.unread();
+  };
+  return (
+    <Inbox
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      onNotificationClick={handleNotificationClick}
+    />
+  );
+export default Novu;
+### Marking Notifications as Archive
+Mark notifications as archive using the `archive` method provided by the notification object.
+import { Inbox } from "@novu/react";
+function Novu() {
+  const handleNotificationClick = (notification) => {
+    notification.archive();
+  };
+  return (
+    <Inbox
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      onNotificationClick={handleNotificationClick}
+    />
+  );
+export default Novu;
+### Marking Notifications as Unarchive
+Mark notifications as unarchive using the `unarchive` method provided by the notification object.
+import { Inbox } from "@novu/react";
+function Novu() {
+  const handleNotificationClick = (notification) => {
+    notification.unarchive();
+  };
+  return (
+    <Inbox
+      applicationIdentifier="YOUR_APP_ID"
+      subscriberId="YOUR_SUBSCRIBER_ID"
+      onNotificationClick={handleNotificationClick}
+    />
+  );
+export default Novu;
diff --git a/mint.json b/mint.json
index c4e7b2e1..a60cd11c 100644
--- a/mint.json
+++ b/mint.json
@@ -125,7 +125,8 @@
-        "inbox/react/advanced-configuration"
+        "inbox/react/advanced-configuration",
+        "inbox/react/migration-guide"