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File metadata and controls

147 lines (121 loc) · 6.2 KB


  • this is a personal-use repository, where i want to outline the need of the framework in bukkit/spigot software development,
  • delegated functions are not full-featured vavr learns from high-level abstraction implementations, and that's where it just leaks.
  • vavr.official
  • vavr.git

Main fp concepts to know during the introduction:

  • architecture conveys habits of functional code based on bukkit software.
  • I recommend the book version FP in Java

Functional programming (FP)

  • was introduced into Java in Java 8.
  • Additional Functional Programming Enhancements were introduced in Java 9 until today is developed
  • Why avoid java.util? it's a mistake by java developers
  • Functional Programming is an essential skill for Java Programmers today.


  • An immutable class is simply a class whose instances cannot be modified.
  • All of the information contained in each instance is provided when it is created and is fixed for the lifetime of the object.

Persistant Data Structures (PDS)

  • A persistent data structure does preserve the previous version of itself when being modified and is therefore effectively immutable.

Referential Transparency (RT)

  • An expression is called referentially transparent if it can be replaced with its corresponding value without changing the program's behavior.
  • This requires that the expression is pure, that is to say the expression value must be the same for the same inputs and its evaluation must have no side effects.
  • An expression that is not referentially transparent is called referentially opaque.


  • io.vavr -> collections are functional data structures.
  • We need to recover a few concepts to understand functional data structures in vavr.

Other Abstractions ex.

  • monoid,
  • monad,
  • functor,
  • semigroup,
  • natural,
  • random number generator,
  • reader,
  • writer,
  • state,
  • input/output (IO),
  • parser,
  • zipper,
  • specification based testing (quickcheck),
  • actors,
  • optics (lens, prism, fold, traversal and others),
  • concurrency and type conversion.


  • Immutability
  • Persistant Data Structures
  • Referential Transparency
  • AND ⬇⬇⬇⬇


  • A Functor is a datatype that preserves structure and implements the map function.
  • Preserving structure simply means that you can put a value inside and the structure itself won’t change it.
  • Map (or mapper/fmap/flatmap) is a function that takes a function as an argument and applies that function to the values in the structure it operates on.


  • A monad is a structure that combines program fragments (functions), and wraps their return values in a type with additional computation.
  • Example from java java.util.Optional - Monad


  • A Monoid is a design pattern expressing function composition of items in a set, is a function that takes two arguments and returns an argument of that type and it supports both the identity property.


  • Core building blocks of a functional program are variables and functions rather than objects and methods,
  • pure functions.


  • A higher-order function is a function that takes one or more functions as arguments or returns a function as a result.
  • In Kotlin, We can define higher-order functions using lambda expressions. ( (A, B) -> C ).
  • Example from kotlin functor fold.
  • A pure function doesn't depend on anything other than its input parameters.


If I mutilate the language somewhere - I apologize based on my experience and I am not a programmer by day... I skip many impl collections from the io.vavr.collection package because the implementation is similar is immutable

Impl Event subscribe, CommandExecutor:

final class CustomCommand implements IBukkitCommandExecutor {
  public void execute(final Player player, final String[] args) {
   // impl

  public String getName() {
   return "commandName";
    final List<IBukkitCommandExecutor> commands = List.of(
            new CustomCommand(),
            new OtherCustomCommand(this),
            new HujsonCommand()

        commands.forEach(command -> Option.of(getCommand(command.getName()))
                        .peek(cmd -> cmd.setExecutor(command)));
final class BukkitVavrListener implements Listener {

    void onPlayerJoin(final PlayerJoinEvent event) {
        final Player player = event.getPlayer();
        event.setJoinMessage(">> " + player.getName());
    final EventListenerRegistrar listenerRegistrar = new EventListenerRegistrar(this); -> listenerRegistrar.subscribeToEvents(this, new CustomListener()))
            .onFailure(ex -> getLogger().severe("> Could not register events: " + ex.getMessage()));
  • Call Bukkit Event Handler
    final EventListenerRegistrar listenerRegistrar = new EventListenerRegistrar(this);
    listenerRegistrar.callEvent(new CustomEvetHandler());

Another repository based on fucked up rx (Reactive Extensions implementation for Java)