diff --git a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/Makefile b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/Makefile
index ab04c0b7b..36dfb6ac2 100644
--- a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/Makefile
+++ b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/Makefile
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
# Author: Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, 2018
-# Contributors:
+# Contributors: Blake Walters, 2021
@@ -41,8 +41,14 @@ extra_dep = $(addprefix $(DSOLIBS), $(my_deps))
include $(SPEC_DIR)egspp_libs.spec
+INC2 = -I$(IEGS2) -I..$(DSEP)..
+ $(REMOVE) $(ABS_DSO)$(library)*
@echo "common_h2: $(common_h2)"
+ @echo "INC2: $(INC2)"
@echo "extra_dep: $(extra_dep)"
diff --git a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/array_sizes.h b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/array_sizes.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff8d13668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/array_sizes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# EGSnrc radiative splitting ausgab object array sizes headers
+# Copyright (C) 2015 National Research Council Canada
+# This file is part of EGSnrc.
+# EGSnrc is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+# the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the
+# Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
+# option) any later version.
+# EGSnrc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for
+# more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+# along with EGSnrc. If not, see .
+# Author: Iwan Kawrakow, 2005
+# Contributors:
+# Defines he maximum number of media (MXMED) and the maximum number of
+# particles on the stack (MXSTACK). This file gets included by the egsnrc
+# fortran subroutines (egsnrc_$my_machine.F), the base application
+# (egs_simple_application.cpp or egs_advanced_application.cpp in
+# $HEN_HOUSE/egs++), and possibly the user code, if it uses the particle
+# stack or one of the structures that depends on the maximum number of media.
+#ifndef ARRAY_SIZES_
+#define ARRAY_SIZES_
+#define MXMED 10
+#define MXSTACK 1000000
+#define MXBRES 100
+#define MXBRXS 50
+#define MXEL 50
+#define MXPWR2I 50
+#define MXGE 2000
+#define MXRAYFF 100
+#define MXSGE 400
diff --git a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/egs_radiative_splitting.cpp b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/egs_radiative_splitting.cpp
index fbcd05b52..538d60508 100644
--- a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/egs_radiative_splitting.cpp
+++ b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/egs_radiative_splitting.cpp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
# Author: Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, 2018
-# Contributors:
+# Contributors: Blake Walters, 2021
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
-# - Add directional radiative splitting (DRS)
+# - Testing/debugging directional radiative splitting (DRS)
@@ -45,10 +45,82 @@
#include "egs_radiative_splitting.h"
#include "egs_input.h"
#include "egs_functions.h"
+#include "egs_transformations.h"
+#include "egs_math.h"
+//local structures required
+struct DBS_Aux {
+ int np;
+ EGS_Float E;
+ EGS_Float Z13;
+ EGS_Float le;
+//local functions
+EGS_Float dbs_func_KM(EGS_Float x, void *data) {
+ DBS_Aux *the_aux = (DBS_Aux *)data;
+ EGS_Float Z13 = the_aux->Z13;
+ int np = the_aux->np;
+ EGS_Float E = the_aux->E;
+ EGS_Float k = (E-1)*x;
+ EGS_Float Ep = E - k;
+ EGS_Float r = Ep/E;
+ EGS_Float delta = k/(2*E*Ep);
+ delta *= delta;
+ EGS_Float r2p1 = 1+r*r, rp12 = r2p1 + 2*r;
+ EGS_Float beta = sqrt((E-1)*(E+1))/E;
+ EGS_Float y2min = 0, y2max = 2*beta*(1+beta)*E*E;
+ EGS_Float y2maxi = 1/y2max;
+ EGS_Float a = sqrt(1+y2max);
+ EGS_Float deta = 1./np;
+ double sum = 0;
+ for(int j=0; jZ13;
+ int np = the_aux->np;
+ EGS_Float E = the_aux->E;
+ EGS_Float k = E - exp(u*the_aux->le);
+ EGS_Float Ep = E - k;
+ EGS_Float r = Ep/E;
+ EGS_Float delta = k/(2*E*Ep);
+ delta *= delta;
+ EGS_Float r2p1 = 1+r*r, rp12 = r2p1 + 2*r;
+ EGS_Float beta = sqrt((E-1)*(E+1))/E;
+ EGS_Float y2min = 0, y2max = 2*beta*(1+beta)*E*E;
+ EGS_Float y2maxi = 1/y2max;
+ EGS_Float a = sqrt(1+y2max);
+ EGS_Float deta = 1./np;
+ double sum = 0;
+ for(int j=0; jsetRadiativeSplitting(nsplit);
+ if (( split_type == DRS || split_type == DRSf ) && app->getIbrdst())
+ {
+ initSmartKM(app->getEmax()*1.05);
+ }
description = "\n===========================================\n";
description += "Radiative splitting Object (";
description += name;
@@ -77,18 +154,1510 @@ void EGS_RadiativeSplitting::setApplication(EGS_Application *App) {
description += "===========================================\n";
if (nsplit > 1) {
description +="\n - Splitting radiative events in ";
- sprintf(buf,"%d\n\n",nsplit);
+ sprintf(buf,"%d",nsplit);
description += buf;
+ if ( split_type == URS ) {
+ description +=" using URS\n\n";
+ }
+ else if ( split_type == DRS || split_type == DRSf) {
+ description +=" using DRS with the following parameters:\n";
+ description +=" fs = ";
+ sprintf(buf,"%g",fs);
+ description += buf;
+ description += " cm\n";
+ description +=" ssd = ";
+ sprintf(buf,"%g",ssd);
+ description += buf;
+ description += " cm\n\n";
+ if (ireg_esplit.size()>0) {
+ //we are splitting e-/e+
+ description += " phat e-/e+ will be split ";
+ sprintf(buf,"%d",nsplit);
+ description += buf;
+ description += " times on entering the following regions: ";
+ for (int i=0; igetRotation().xx(),T->getRotation().xy(),T->getRotation().xz());
+ description += buf;
+ sprintf(buf," %.5f %.5f %.5f\n",T->getRotation().yx(),T->getRotation().yy(),T->getRotation().yz());
+ description += buf;
+ sprintf(buf," %.5f %.5f %.5f\n",T->getRotation().zx(),T->getRotation().zy(),T->getRotation().zz());
+ description += buf;
+ description += " translation vector = ";
+ sprintf(buf,"%.5f %.5f %.5f\n\n",T->getTranslation().x,T->getTranslation().y,T->getTranslation().z);
+ description += buf;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ description +=" using an unknown splitting algorithm? :-(";
+ }
- else if (nsplit == 1) {
+ if (nsplit == 1) {
description +="\n - NO radiative splitting";
else {
- description +="\n - BEWARE: Turning OFF radiative events !!!";
+ description +="\n - BEWARE: Turning OFF EGSnrc radiative events !!!";
description += "\n===========================================\n\n";
+void EGS_RadiativeSplitting::initDBS(const EGS_Float field_rad, const EGS_Float field_ssd, const vector splitreg, const int irad, const EGS_Float zrr, const EGS_AffineTransform *t) {
+ fs = field_rad;
+ ssd = field_ssd;
+ ireg_esplit = splitreg;
+ irad_esplit = irad;
+ zrr_esplit = zrr;
+ if (T) {
+ //delete T;
+ T = 0;
+ }
+ if (t) {
+ T = new EGS_AffineTransform(*t);
+ if (!T) {
+ egsWarning("Invalid transform for DBS radiative splitting cone.");
+ }
+ }
+//at least try to get brems working with this
+int EGS_RadiativeSplitting::doInteractions(int iarg, int &killed)
+ //data for initiating particle
+ int np = app->getNp();
+ EGS_Particle pi = app->getParticleFromStack(np);
+ //DBS calculations assume splitting field is centred on Z-axis and ssd is defined relative to Z=0
+ inverseTransformP(pi,T);
+ EGS_Float dneari = app->getDnear(np);
+ int latch = pi.latch;
+ int check = 0; //set to 1 to return to shower
+ killed = 0;
+ if( iarg > EGS_Application::AfterTransport && pi.x.z > ssd ) {
+ //particle is past ssd, no splitting
+ app->setRadiativeSplitting(1);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //use bit 0 to mark phat particles
+ //seems like a temporary solution
+ int is_fat = (latch & (1 << 0));
+ //below was used for debugging but could be true in general
+ //if(pi.wt < 1 && is_fat) exit(1);
+ if( iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeTransport)
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( iarg == EGS_Application::AfterTransport)
+ {
+ if (pi.q && pi.u.z > 0 && is_fat && ireg_esplit.size()>0)
+ {
+ //see if charged particle has entered a splitting region
+ auto it = std::find(ireg_esplit.begin(),ireg_esplit.end(),pi.ir);
+ if (it != ireg_esplit.end())
+ {
+ //split charged particle nsplit times and radially redistributed (if required)
+ EGS_Float wt = pi.wt/nsplit;
+ latch = latch & ~(1 << 0);
+ EGS_Float ang_dbs = 0;
+ if (irad_esplit)
+ {
+ ang_dbs = 2*M_PI/nsplit;
+ }
+ //delete the charged particle and replace with nsplit particles (possibly redistributed
+ //about the Z-axis in untransformed space)
+ app->deleteParticleFromStack(np);
+ for (int i=0; iaddParticleToStack(p,dneari);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if( iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeBrems ) {
+ double E = pi.E;
+ EGS_Float wt = pi.wt;
+ if( is_fat ) {
+ //clear bit 0
+ latch = latch & ~(1 << 0);
+ //reset latch value of top particle
+ app->setLatch(latch);
+ //is the next line necessary?
+ app->setRadiativeSplitting(nsplit);
+ int npold = np;
+ int res = doSmartBrems();
+ if( res ) {
+ app->callBrems();
+ int nstart = np+1, aux=0;
+ killThePhotons(fs,ssd,nsplit,nstart,aux);
+ }
+ //we need to relable the interacting e- as fat
+ //at this point np holds the e-
+ EGS_Particle p = app->getParticleFromStack(npold);
+ latch = latch | (1 << 0);
+ p.latch = latch;
+ app->updateParticleOnStack(npold,p,dneari);
+ }
+ else {
+ app->setRadiativeSplitting(1);
+ app->callBrems();
+ int nstart = np+1, aux=0;
+ killThePhotons(fs,ssd,nsplit,nstart,aux);
+ }
+ check = 1;
+ }
+ else if( iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeAnnihFlight ) {
+ if( is_fat ) {
+ //figure out what to do with the extra stack
+ //the_extra_stack->iweight[np]=1;
+ //set interacting particle to nonphat so this is
+ //passed on to resultant photons
+ //TODO: figure out a better way to do this that does not use latch
+ latch = latch & ~(1 << 0);
+ app->setLatch(latch);
+ app->setRadiativeSplitting(nsplit);
+ }
+ else app->setRadiativeSplitting(1);
+ app->callAnnih();
+ int nstart=np+1,aux=0;
+ killThePhotons(fs,ssd,nsplit,nstart,aux);
+ check = 1;
+ }
+ else if( iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeAnnihRest ) {
+ if( is_fat ) {
+ //app->setNpold(np);not sure why this is necessary--unless it is intended to ensure
+ //overwriting of the annihilated positron, in which case, we should
+ //actually be setting npold=np-1
+ app->setRadiativeSplitting(nsplit);//this also seems like a formality
+ int nsamp = 2*nsplit;
+ //label photons as nonphat
+ latch = latch & ~(1 << 0);
+ app->setLatch(latch);
+ uniformPhotons(nsamp,nsplit,fs,ssd,app->getRM());
+ }
+ else {
+ app->setRadiativeSplitting(1);
+ app->callAnnihAtRest();
+ int nstart=np+1,aux=0;
+ killThePhotons(fs,ssd,nsplit,nstart,aux);
+ }
+ check = 1;
+ }
+ if( iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeCompton ||
+ iarg == EGS_Application::BeforePair ||
+ iarg == EGS_Application::BeforePhoto ||
+ iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeRayleigh )
+ {
+ //if e- splitting is off or Z <= the Russian Roulette plane, only allow phat photons to undergo interaction
+ //unless it is Rayleigh or bound compton
+ if(!is_fat && (iarg == EGS_Application::BeforePhoto || iarg == EGS_Application::BeforePair ||
+ (iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeCompton && !app->getIbcmp())) &&
+ (ireg_esplit.size()==0 || pi.x.z <= zrr_esplit))
+ {
+ if (app->getRngUniform()*nsplit > 1)
+ {
+ //send interacting particle back with zero wt
+ pi.wt = 0;
+ app->updateParticleOnStack(np,pi,dneari);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //keep the photon, increase weight and label as phat
+ pi.wt = pi.wt*nsplit;
+ pi.latch = pi.latch | (1 << 0);
+ //copy pi because we are transforming it before putting it back on the stack
+ EGS_Particle p = pi;
+ transformP(p,T);
+ app->updateParticleOnStack(np,p,dneari);
+ is_fat = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ int nint = is_fat ? nsplit : 1;
+ if(iarg == EGS_Application::BeforePair)
+ {
+ //only split phat interactions if e-/e+ splitting is on and Z > zrr_esplit
+ if (ireg_esplit.size() > 0 && pi.x.z > zrr_esplit)
+ {
+ latch = latch & ~(1 << 0);
+ EGS_Particle p = pi;
+ p.latch = latch;
+ p.wt = p.wt/nint;
+ //Do transform here. Seems more efficient than inside the loop below.
+ transformP(p,T);
+ app->deleteParticleFromStack(np);
+ for (int i=0; iaddParticleToStack(p,dneari);
+ app->callPair();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //let EGSnrc take care of the interaction
+ app->callPair();
+ }
+ }
+ if(iarg == EGS_Application::BeforePhoto)
+ {
+ //only split phat interactions if e-/e+ splitting is on and Z > zrr_esplit
+ if (ireg_esplit.size() > 0 && pi.x.z > zrr_esplit)
+ {
+ //label interacting photon as non-phat and reduce weight (if phat)
+ latch = latch & ~(1 << 0);
+ EGS_Particle p = pi;
+ p.latch = latch;
+ p.wt = p.wt/nint;
+ transformP(p,T);
+ app->deleteParticleFromStack(np);
+ for (int i=0; iaddParticleToStack(p,dneari);
+ app->callPhoto();
+ EGS_Particle pj = app->getParticleFromStack(app->getNp());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ app->callPhoto();
+ }
+ }
+ if(iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeCompton)
+ {
+ int npold = np;
+ if(is_fat && !app->getIbcmp() && (ireg_esplit.size()==0 || pi.x.z <= zrr_esplit) )
+ {
+ //label as nonphat to be passed on to descendents
+ latch = latch & ~(1 << 0);
+ EGS_Particle p = pi;
+ p.latch = latch;
+ transformP(p,T);
+ app->updateParticleOnStack(np,p,dneari);
+ doSmartCompton(nint);
+ }
+ else //straight-up compton
+ {
+ //label interacting photon as non-phat and reduce weight (if phat)
+ latch = latch & ~(1 << 0);
+ EGS_Particle p = pi;
+ p.latch = latch;
+ p.wt = p.wt/nint;
+ transformP(p,T);
+ app->deleteParticleFromStack(np);
+ for (int i=0; iaddParticleToStack(p,dneari);
+ int nstart = app->getNp();
+ app->callCompt();
+ int aux = 1;
+ if (nint == 1 || (ireg_esplit.size()>0 && pi.x.z > zrr_esplit))
+ {
+ //not sure why we do not kill the electron if nint=1, but this is copied from BEAMnrc
+ aux = 0;
+ }
+ killThePhotons(fs,ssd,nsplit,nstart,aux);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeRayleigh)
+ {
+ //TODO: Put all of this in a doRayleigh function
+ if (is_fat) {
+ latch = latch & ~(1 << 0);
+ }
+ EGS_Float gle = app->getGle();
+ int imed = app->getMedium(pi.ir);
+ int lgle = app->getLgle(gle,imed);
+ EGS_Float costhe, sinthe;
+ //delete the interacting particle because we are going to replace it
+ app->deleteParticleFromStack(np);
+ for (int i=0; icallEgsRayleighSampling(imed,p.E,gle,lgle,costhe,sinthe);
+ //adjust scatter angles and apply to particle
+ doUphi21(sinthe,costhe,p.u);
+ //add the particle to the stack
+ transformP(p,T);
+ app->addParticleToStack(p,dneari);
+ //now potentially kill it -- seems like we should kill the particle before adding to the stack
+ int nstart = app->getNp(), aux=0;
+ killThePhotons(fs,ssd,nsplit,nstart,aux);
+ }
+ }
+ check = 1;
+ }
+ else if(iarg == EGS_Application::FluorescentEvent )
+ {
+ if( is_fat ) {
+ EGS_Float ener = pi.E;
+ //label photons as nonphat
+ latch = latch & ~(1 << 0);
+ app->setLatch(latch);
+ uniformPhotons(nsplit,nsplit,fs,ssd,ener);
+ }
+ else {
+ int nstart=np, aux=0;
+ killThePhotons(fs,ssd,nsplit,nstart,aux);
+ }
+ // Do not need to return to shower
+ check = 2;
+ }
+ /*
+ //summary debug statement
+ for(int i=np; i<=app->getNp(); i++)
+ {
+ EGS_Particle p = app->getParticleFromStack(i);
+ int is_fat_test = (p.latch & (1 << 0));
+ if (p.x.z < 0)
+ {
+ egsInformation("after everything: iarg=%d i=%d np=%d iq=%d E=%g wt=%g is_fat=%d x=%g y=%g z=%g u=%g v=%g w=%g\n",iarg,i,np,p.q,p.E,p.wt,is_fat_test,p.x.x,p.x.y,p.x.z,p.u.x,p.u.y,p.u.z);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ if( check ) {
+ if( check == 1 ) {
+ if( app->getNp() >= app->getMxstack() ) egsFatal("Stack size exceeded "
+ "in EGS_RadiativeSplitting::doInteractions()\n");
+ //set weight of particle on top of stack to 0
+ EGS_Particle p = app->getParticleFromStack(app->getNp());
+ EGS_Float dnear = app->getDnear(app->getNp());
+ p.wt = 0.;
+ app->addParticleToStack(p,dnear);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+int EGS_RadiativeSplitting::doSmartBrems() {
+ int np = app->getNp();
+ int iwt = nsplit;
+ int nbrspl = iwt;
+ //clear stack of brems particles
+ particle_stack.clear();
+ EGS_Particle pi = app->getParticleFromStack(np);
+ inverseTransformP(pi,T);
+ EGS_Float dneari = app->getDnear(np);
+ double E = pi.E;
+ EGS_Float ener = E - app->getRM();
+ EGS_Float tau = ener/app->getRM();
+ EGS_Float beta = sqrt(tau*(tau+2))/(tau+1);
+ EGS_Float beta2 = beta*beta;
+ EGS_Vector x = pi.x;
+ EGS_Vector u = pi.u;
+ int irl = pi.ir;
+ int latch = pi.latch;
+ EGS_Float ct_min,ct_max,ro;
+ getCostMinMax(x,u,ro,ct_min,ct_max);
+ imed = app->getMedium(irl);
+ EGS_Float f_max_KM = 1, q_KM, p_KM;
+ int j_KM;
+ //for now do not use doSmartBrems when IBRDST=1 (full KM expression used for brems angular sampling)
+ //this may be implemented in the future with another DBS option in which we use the implementation from beampp
+ //For this reason we have not deleted coding for ibrdbst=1 below.
+ if(app->getIbrdst() == 1) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if(app->getIbrdst() == 1) {
+ q_KM = a_KM[imed]*log(ener) + b_KM[imed];
+ j_KM = (int) q_KM;
+ q_KM -= j_KM;
+ p_KM = 1 - q_KM;
+ f_max_KM = f_KM_max[imed].interpolateFast(j_KM,log(ener));
+ }
+ EGS_Float w1, cmin, cmax;
+ if( app->getIbrdst() == 1 ) {
+ cmin = sqrt(1-beta*ct_min);
+ cmax = sqrt(1-beta*ct_max);
+ w1 = (cmin - cmax)*sqrt(1+beta)/(cmax*cmin*((1+beta)*(1+tau)-1));
+ }
+ else w1 = (ct_max - ct_min)/((1-beta*ct_max)*(1-beta*ct_min)*2*
+ (tau+1)*(tau+1));
+ w1 *= f_max_KM;
+ EGS_Float d = ssd - x.z;
+ EGS_Float dmin = ro <= fs ? d : sqrt(d*d + (ro-fs)*(ro-fs));
+ EGS_Float w2 = fs*fs*d/(2*dmin*dmin*dmin);
+ bool will_rotate = use_cyl_sym && x.z < zcyls;
+ //if( will_rotate ) w2 *= rsamp->getAeff();
+ EGS_Float aux;
+ if( app->getIbrdst() == 1 ) {
+ w2 *= beta*sqrt(1+beta)/(2*(1-beta*ct_max)*sqrt(1-beta*ct_max)*
+ ((1+beta)*(tau+1)-1));
+ }
+ else {
+ aux = (tau+1)*(1-beta*ct_max);
+ w2 /= (2*aux*aux);
+ }
+ w2 *= f_max_KM;
+ EGS_Float wprob = min(w1,w2);
+ if( wprob >= 1 && app->getIbrdst() == 1 ) return 1;
+ int nsample;
+ if( wprob > 1 ) {
+ ct_min = -1;
+ ct_max = 1;
+ wprob = 1;
+ }
+ EGS_Float asample = wprob*nbrspl;
+ nsample = (int) asample;
+ asample -= nsample;
+ if( app->getRngUniform() < asample ) ++nsample;
+ EGS_Float aux1 = ct_max - ct_min, aux2 = 1 - beta*ct_max;
+ EGS_Float wt = pi.wt/nbrspl;
+ EGS_Float sinpsi, sindel, cosdel;
+ bool need_rotation;
+ sinpsi = u.x*u.x + u.y*u.y;
+ if( sinpsi > 1e-20 ) {
+ sinpsi = sqrt(sinpsi);
+ need_rotation = true;
+ cosdel = u.x/sinpsi;
+ sindel = u.y/sinpsi;
+ } else need_rotation = false;
+ int ip = np;
+ int ib = 0;
+ if( w1 < w2 ) {
+ for(int j=0; jgetRngUniform(), cost;
+ if( app->getIbrdst() == 1 ) {
+ EGS_Float tmp = cmin*cmax/(rnno*cmin+(1-rnno)*cmax);
+ cost = (1 - tmp*tmp)/beta;
+ }
+ else {
+ rnno *= aux1;
+ cost = (ct_min*aux2+rnno)/(aux2+beta*rnno);
+ }
+ EGS_Float sint = 1 - cost*cost;
+ sint = sint > 0 ? sqrt(sint) : 0;
+ EGS_Float cphi,sphi;
+ app->getRngAzimuth(cphi,sphi);
+ EGS_Float un,vn,wn;
+ if( need_rotation ) {
+ EGS_Float us = sint*cphi, vs = sint*sphi;
+ un = u.z*cosdel*us - sindel*vs + u.x*cost;
+ vn = u.z*sindel*us + cosdel*vs + u.y*cost;
+ wn = u.z*cost - sinpsi*us;
+ } else {
+ un = sint*cphi;
+ vn = sint*sphi;
+ wn = u.z*cost;
+ }
+ int ns = 0;
+ if( wn > 0 ) {
+ EGS_Float aux = (ssd - x.z)/wn;
+ EGS_Float x1 = x.x + un*aux, y1 = x.y + vn*aux;
+ if( x1*x1 + y1*y1 < fs*fs ) ns = 1;
+ }
+ /*
+ if( !ns ) {
+ if( app->getRngUniform()*nbrspl < 1 )
+ {
+ //odd: we allow the generation of a fat photon here
+ //this is a hangover from the beampp implementation...comment out for now
+ ns = nbrspl;
+ the_fat = true;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ if( ns > 0 ) {
+ if( ++ip >= app->getMxstack() ) egsFatal(dbs_err_msg,
+ "smartBrems",app->getMxstack());
+ if( app->getIbrdst() == 1 )
+ y2_KM[ib++] = beta*(1+beta)*(tau+1)*(tau+1)*(1-cost);
+ EGS_Particle p;
+ p.x = x;
+ p.u = EGS_Vector(un,vn,wn);
+ p.ir = irl;
+ p.wt = wt*ns;
+ p.latch = latch;
+ if(the_fat) p.latch = p.latch | (1 << 0);
+ p.q = 0;
+ particle_stack.emplace_back(p);
+ /* need to figure this out
+ the_extra_stack->icreate[ip] = the_extra_stack->int_num;
+ the_extra_stack->pid[ip] = ++the_extra_stack->pidI;
+ the_extra_stack->iweight[ip] = ns;
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for(int j=0; jgetPoint(fs,x1,y1,iw);
+ //else {
+ do {
+ x1 = 2*app->getRngUniform()-1;
+ y1 = 2*app->getRngUniform()-1;
+ } while ( x1*x1 + y1*y1 > 1 );
+ x1 *= fs;
+ y1 *= fs;
+ iw = 1;
+ //}
+ EGS_Float un = x1 - x.x, vn = y1 - x.y, wn = d;
+ EGS_Float dist = sqrt(un*un + vn*vn + wn*wn);
+ EGS_Float disti = 1/dist;
+ un *= disti;
+ vn *= disti;
+ wn *= disti;
+ EGS_Float cost = u.x*un + u.y*vn + u.z*wn;
+ EGS_Float aux = dmin*disti;
+ EGS_Float rejf;
+ if( app->getIbrdst() == 1 ) {
+ rejf = aux2/(1-beta*cost);
+ rejf *= sqrt(rejf)*aux*aux*aux;
+ }
+ else {
+ rejf = aux2/(1-beta*cost)*aux;
+ rejf *= rejf*aux;
+ }
+ if( app->getRngUniform() < rejf ) {
+ if( ++ip >= app->getMxstack() ) egsFatal(dbs_err_msg,
+ "smartBrems",app->getMxstack());
+ if( app->getIbrdst() == 1 ) {
+ EGS_Float y2 = beta*(1+beta)*(tau+1)*(tau+1)*(1-cost);
+ if( y2 < 0 ) y2 = 0;
+ y2_KM[ib++] = y2;
+ }
+ EGS_Particle p;
+ p.x = x;
+ p.u = EGS_Vector(un,vn,wn);
+ p.ir = irl;
+ p.wt = wt*iw;
+ p.latch = latch;
+ p.q = 0;
+ particle_stack.emplace_back(p);
+ //have to figure out what to do below
+ /*
+ the_extra_stack->icreate[ip] = the_extra_stack->int_num;
+ the_extra_stack->pid[ip] = ++the_extra_stack->pidI;
+ the_extra_stack->iweight[ip] = iw;
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //below generates a single phat photon directed away from the splitting field
+ int ireal = -1;
+ bool take_it = true;
+ EGS_Float un=0,vn=0,wn=1;
+ if( app->getIbrdst() != 1 ) {
+ aux1 = 2;
+ aux2 = 1 - beta;
+ EGS_Float rnno = app->getRngUniform()*aux1;
+ EGS_Float cost = (rnno-aux2)/(aux2+beta*rnno);
+ EGS_Float sint = 1 - cost*cost;
+ sint = sint > 0 ? sqrt(sint) : 0;
+ EGS_Float cphi,sphi;
+ app->getRngAzimuth(cphi,sphi);
+ if( need_rotation ) {
+ EGS_Float us = sint*cphi, vs = sint*sphi;
+ un = u.z*cosdel*us - sindel*vs + u.x*cost;
+ vn = u.z*sindel*us + cosdel*vs + u.y*cost;
+ wn = u.z*cost - sinpsi*us;
+ } else {
+ un = sint*cphi;
+ vn = sint*sphi;
+ wn = u.z*cost;
+ }
+ if( wn > 0) {
+ EGS_Float t = (ssd-x.z)/wn;
+ EGS_Float x1 = x.x + un*t, y1 = x.y + vn*t;
+ if( x1*x1 + y1*y1 <= fs*fs ) take_it = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if( take_it ) {
+ //put a high-weight particle directed away from the splitting field
+ if( ++ip >= app->getMxstack() ) egsFatal(dbs_err_msg,
+ "smartBrems",app->getMxstack());
+ ireal = ip-np-1; //index of this high weight particle in the local particle_stack
+ EGS_Particle p;
+ p.x = x;
+ p.u = EGS_Vector(un,vn,wn);
+ p.ir = irl;
+ p.wt = wt*nbrspl;
+ //label the particle as phat
+ p.latch = latch | (1 << 0);
+ p.q = 0;
+ particle_stack.emplace_back(p);
+ }
+ //get the energies of the brem photons...and the initiating e-
+ getBremsEnergies();
+ if( ip > np && app->getIbrdst() == 1 ) {
+ ib = 0;
+ EGS_Float E = tau+1;
+ EGS_Float unorm = log(0.5*(E+1));
+ for(int j=0; jgetRM();
+ EGS_Float Ep = E - k;
+ EGS_Float r = Ep/E;
+ EGS_Float delta = k/(2*E*Ep);
+ delta *= delta;
+ EGS_Float arg1 = 1 + r*r, arg2 = arg1 + 2*r;
+ if( j != ireal ) {
+ EGS_Float y2 = y2_KM[ib++];
+ EGS_Float x = k/tau;
+ EGS_Float f1,f2;
+ if( x <= 0.5 ) {
+ f1 = f_KM_a[imed][j_KM].interpolate(x);
+ f2 = f_KM_a[imed][j_KM+1].interpolate(x);
+ } else {
+ EGS_Float u = log(E-k)/unorm;
+ f1 = f_KM_b[imed][j_KM].interpolate(u);
+ f2 = f_KM_b[imed][j_KM+1].interpolate(u);
+ }
+ EGS_Float f = f1*p_KM + f2*q_KM;
+ EGS_Float a = y2 + 1, a2 = a*a;
+ EGS_Float rejf = 16*y2*r/a2 - arg2 -
+ (arg1 - 4*y2/a2*r)*log(delta+zbr_KM[imed]/a2);
+ rejf /= (f*sqrt(a)*f_max_KM);
+ if( app->getRngUniform() > rejf ) {
+ particle_stack[j].wt = 0;
+ particle_stack[j].E = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // this is the single high-weight photon
+ // now that we know the photon energy, we must sample
+ // a direction for this photon from 2BS
+ EGS_Float arg3 = -log(delta+zbr_KM[imed]);
+ EGS_Float rejmax = arg1*arg3-arg2;
+ EGS_Float y2max = 2*beta*(1+beta)*E*E;
+ EGS_Float z2maxi = sqrt(1+y2max);
+ EGS_Float rejf,y2,rnno;
+ do {
+ rnno = app->getRngUniform();
+ y2 = app->getRngUniform();
+ EGS_Float aux3 = z2maxi/(y2+(1-y2)*z2maxi);
+ y2 = aux3*aux3-1;
+ rnno *= rejmax*aux3;
+ EGS_Float aux3_4 = aux3*aux3;
+ aux3_4 *= aux3_4;
+ EGS_Float y2tst1 = r*y2/aux3_4;
+ EGS_Float aux4 = 16*y2tst1-arg2,
+ aux5 = arg1-4*y2tst1;
+ if( rnno < aux4 + aux5*arg3 ) break;
+ EGS_Float aux2=log(aux3_4/(delta*aux3_4+zbr_KM[imed]));
+ rejf = aux4+aux5*aux2;
+ } while (rejf < rnno);
+ EGS_Float cost = 1 - 2*y2/y2max;
+ bool take_it;
+ EGS_Float un,vn,wn;
+ if( w2<=w1 || ((costct_max) && w1 0 ? sqrt(sint) : 0;
+ EGS_Float cphi,sphi;
+ app->getRngAzimuth(cphi,sphi);
+ if( need_rotation ) {
+ EGS_Float us = sint*cphi, vs = sint*sphi;
+ un = u.z*cosdel*us - sindel*vs + u.x*cost;
+ vn = u.z*sindel*us + cosdel*vs + u.y*cost;
+ wn = u.z*cost - sinpsi*us;
+ } else {
+ un = sint*cphi;
+ vn = sint*sphi;
+ wn = u.z*cost;
+ }
+ if( w2 <= w1 && wn > 0) {
+ EGS_Float t = (ssd-x.z)/wn;
+ EGS_Float x1 = x.x + un*t, y1 = x.y + vn*t;
+ if( x1*x1 + y1*y1 <= fs*fs ) take_it = false;
+ }
+ } else take_it = false;
+ if( take_it ) {
+ particle_stack[j].u = EGS_Vector(un,vn,wn);
+ }
+ else {
+ particle_stack[j].wt = 0;
+ particle_stack[j].E = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //now add particles to the stack
+ for (int i=0; iaddParticleToStack(particle_stack[i],dneari);
+ }
+ return 0;
+void EGS_RadiativeSplitting::getCostMinMax(const EGS_Vector &xx, const EGS_Vector &uu,
+ EGS_Float &ro, EGS_Float &ct_min, EGS_Float &ct_max) {
+ double d = ssd - xx.z, d2 = d*d;
+ double xo = xx.x, yo = xx.y;
+ double u = uu.x, v = uu.y, w = uu.z;
+ double ro2 = xo*xo + yo*yo;
+ ro = sqrt(ro2);
+ double r = fs;
+ double r2 = r*r;
+ double st2 = u*u + v*v;
+ double st = sqrt(st2);
+ // handle odd cases st=0 and/or ro=0
+ if( st2 < 1e-10 ) {
+ double dmin = sqrt(d2 + (r-ro)*(r-ro)),
+ dmax = sqrt(d2 + (r+ro)*(r+ro));
+ if( w > 0 ) {
+ ct_max = ro <= r ? 1 : d*w/dmin;
+ ct_min = d*w/dmax;
+ }
+ else {
+ ct_max = d*w/dmax;
+ ct_min = ro <= r ? -1 : d*w/dmin;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if( ro2 < 1e-8 ) {
+ double aux = 1/sqrt(d2 + r*r);
+ ct_max = (d*w + r*st)*aux;
+ ct_min = (d*w - r*st)*aux;
+ if( w ) {
+ double x1 = xo + u*d/w, y1 = yo + v*d/w;
+ if( x1*x1 + y1*y1 <= r2 ) {
+ if( w > 0 ) ct_max = 1;
+ else ct_min = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ EGS_Float dmin = ro <= fs ? d : sqrt(d2 + (fs-ro)*(fs-ro));
+ EGS_Float dmax = sqrt(d2 + (fs+ro)*(fs+ro));
+ EGS_Float aux = w*d - u*xo - v*yo;
+ ct_max = aux + fs*st;
+ if( ct_max > 0 ) ct_max /= dmin;
+ else ct_max /= dmax;
+ if( ct_max > 1 ) ct_max = 1;
+ ct_min = aux - fs*st;
+ if( ct_min > 0 ) ct_min /= dmax;
+ else ct_min /= dmin;
+ if( ct_min < -1 ) ct_min = -1;
+void EGS_RadiativeSplitting::getBremsEnergies() {
+ //get energies of brems photons and intiating e-
+ //copied from beamnrc.mortran, which is, in turn, copied from subroutine BREMS in egsnrc.mortran
+ EGS_Float eie, ekin, ese, esg, brmin, waux, r1,ajj,br,rnno06,rnno07,delta,phi1,phi2,rejf,x1,y1,aux;
+ int nsample,ip,j,jj,l,l1, imed;
+ EGS_Float peie,pese,pesg;
+ int np = app->getNp();
+ EGS_Particle pi = app->getParticleFromStack(np);
+ EGS_Float dneari = app->getDnear(np);
+ int irl = pi.ir;
+ imed = app->getMedium(irl);
+ peie = pi.E; //i.e. we have not added particles to the stack yet
+ eie = peie;
+ if (eie < 50.0) {
+ l=0; //index -1 compared to Mortran
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ l=2; //index -1 compared to Mortran
+ }
+ l1 = l+1;
+ ekin = peie - app->getRM();
+ brmin = app->getAp(imed)/ekin;
+ waux = log(ekin) - log(app->getAp(imed));
+ if (app->getIbrnist() == 1)
+ {
+ ajj = 1 + (waux + log(app->getAp(imed)) - app->getNbLemin(imed))*app->getNbDlei(imed);
+ jj = ajj;
+ ajj = ajj - jj;
+ if ( jj > app->getMxbres()) {
+ jj = app->getMxbres();
+ ajj = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int ibr = 0; ibr < particle_stack.size(); ibr++)
+ {
+ if (app->getIbrnist() == 1)
+ {
+ if (ekin > app->getNbEmin(imed))
+ {
+ r1 = app->getRngUniform();
+ if (r1 < ajj) {
+ j = jj+1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ j = jj;
+ }
+ j=j-1; //index -1 compared to Mortran
+ //maybe should use egs++ alias_sample function here
+ int mxbrxs = app->getMxbrxs();
+ EGS_Float* f1 = app->getNbXdata(j,imed);
+ EGS_Float* f2 = app->getNbFdata(j,imed);
+ EGS_Float* f3 = app->getNbWdata(j,imed);
+ int* f4 = app->getNbIdata(j,imed);
+ br = app->callAliasSample1(mxbrxs,f1,f2,f3,f4);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ br = app->getRngUniform();
+ }
+ esg = app->getAp(imed)*exp(br*waux);
+ pesg = esg;
+ pese = peie - pesg;
+ ese = pese;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ // use BH cross-sections
+ rnno06 = app->getRngUniform();
+ rnno07 = app->getRngUniform();
+ br = brmin*exp(rnno06*waux);
+ esg = ekin*br;
+ pesg = esg;
+ pese = peie - pesg;
+ ese = pese;
+ delta = esg/eie/ese*app->getDelcm(imed);
+ aux = ese/eie;
+ if (delta < 1)
+ {
+ phi1 = app->getDl1(l,imed)+delta*
+ (app->getDl2(l,imed)+app->getDl3(l,imed));
+ phi2 = app->getDl1(l1,imed)+delta*
+ (app->getDl2(l1,imed)+app->getDl3(l1,imed));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ phi1 = app->getDl4(l,imed)+app->getDl5(l,imed)*
+ log(delta + app->getDl6(l,imed));
+ phi2 = phi1;
+ }
+ rejf = (1+aux*aux)*phi1 - 2*aux*phi2/3;
+ } while (rnno07 >= rejf);
+ }
+ particle_stack[ibr].E = pesg;
+ }
+ //now (re)set energy of initiating e-
+ pi.E = pese;
+ app->updateParticleOnStack(np,pi,dneari);
+void EGS_RadiativeSplitting::killThePhotons(EGS_Float fs, EGS_Float ssd, int n_split, int npstart, int kill_electrons) {
+ //an adaptation of the Mortran subroutine kill_the_photons found in beamnrc.mortran, beampp.mortran
+ if (npstart > app->getNp()) return;
+ int i_playrr = 0;
+ int idbs = npstart;
+ int np;
+ EGS_Float dnear = app->getDnear(idbs);
+ do {
+ EGS_Particle p = app->getParticleFromStack(idbs);
+ inverseTransformP(p,T);
+ if (p.q == 0)
+ {
+ i_playrr = 0;
+ if (p.u.z < 0)
+ {
+ i_playrr = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EGS_Float dist = (ssd - p.x.z)/p.u.z;
+ EGS_Float r2 = (p.x.x+dist*p.u.x)*(p.x.x+dist*p.u.x) + (p.x.y+dist*p.u.y)*(p.x.y+dist*p.u.y);
+ if (r2 > fs*fs) i_playrr = 1;
+ }
+ if (i_playrr)
+ {
+ if (app->getRngUniform()*n_split > 1)
+ {
+ //kill the particle
+ app->deleteParticleFromStack(idbs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //keep the particle and increase weight
+ p.wt = p.wt*n_split;
+ //set bit 0 of latch to mark as phat
+ p.latch = p.latch | (1 << 0);
+ transformP(p,T);
+ app->updateParticleOnStack(idbs,p,dnear);
+ idbs++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //keep the particle
+ idbs++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //this is a charged particle
+ if (kill_electrons == 0)
+ {
+ //keep it
+ idbs++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (app->getRngUniform()*n_split > 1)
+ {
+ //kill it
+ app->deleteParticleFromStack(idbs);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //keep the particle, increase weight and label as phat
+ p.wt = p.wt*n_split;
+ p.latch = p.latch | (1 << 0);
+ transformP(p,T);
+ app->updateParticleOnStack(idbs,p,dnear);
+ idbs++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ np = app->getNp();
+ } while (idbs <= np);
+ return;
+void EGS_RadiativeSplitting::selectAzimuthalAngle(EGS_Float &cphi, EGS_Float &sphi)
+ //function to randomly select an azimuthal angle evenly distributed on 4pi
+ //returns cos and sin of angle
+ //C++ version of $SELECT-AZIMUTHAL-ANGLE macro in egsnrc.macros
+ EGS_Float xphi,yphi,xphi2,yphi2,rhophi2;
+ do {
+ xphi = app->getRngUniform();
+ xphi = 2*xphi - 1;
+ xphi2 = xphi*xphi;
+ yphi = app->getRngUniform();
+ yphi2 = yphi*yphi;
+ rhophi2 = xphi2 + yphi2;
+ } while (rhophi2 > 1);
+ rhophi2 = 1/rhophi2;
+ cphi = (xphi2 - yphi2)*rhophi2;
+ sphi = 2*xphi*yphi*rhophi2;
+ return;
+void EGS_RadiativeSplitting::uniformPhotons(int nsample, int n_split, EGS_Float fs, EGS_Float ssd, EGS_Float energy)
+ //function to generate photons radiating isotropically from a point that are directed into the splitting
+ //field defined by fs, ssd
+ //modeled after the Mortran routine used in beamnrc, beampp
+ //get properties of interacting particle (annihilating positron or radiative photon being split)
+ EGS_Particle pi = app->getParticleFromStack(app->getNp());
+ inverseTransformP(pi,T);
+ EGS_Float x = pi.x.x;
+ EGS_Float y = pi.x.y;
+ EGS_Float z = pi.x.z;
+ EGS_Float dnear = app->getDnear(app->Np);
+ EGS_Float weight = pi.wt/n_split;
+ //calculate min/max polar angles subtended by the splitting field
+ EGS_Float ro = sqrt(x*x+y*y);
+ EGS_Float d = ssd - z;
+ EGS_Float aux = (ro + fs)/d;
+ EGS_Float ct_min = 1/sqrt(1+aux*aux);
+ EGS_Float ct_max;
+ if (ro <= fs)
+ {
+ ct_max = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aux = (fs - ro)/d;
+ ct_max = 1/sqrt(1+aux*aux);
+ }
+ //calculate fraction of nsample photons that will have polar angles between ct_min/ct_max
+ EGS_Float an_split = 0.5*(ct_max - ct_min)*nsample;
+ int num_split = an_split;
+ an_split = an_split - num_split;
+ if (app->getRngUniform() < an_split) num_split += 1;
+ //now create the num_split photons
+ //note: not all photons will go towards the circle and we will have to play russian roulette with these
+ EGS_Float cost, sint, cphi, sphi;
+ int ns,ip;
+ //delete interacting particle on stack so that we overwrite it
+ app->deleteParticleFromStack(app->getNp());
+ //and update np
+ int np = app->getNp();
+ for (int i=0; i< num_split; i++)
+ {
+ EGS_Particle p;
+ cost = ct_min + app->getRngUniform()*(ct_max-ct_min);
+ sint = 1-cost*cost;
+ if (sint > 0)
+ {
+ sint = sqrt(sint);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sint = 0;
+ }
+ selectAzimuthalAngle(cphi,sphi);
+ aux = d/cost*sint;
+ EGS_Float x_tmp = x + aux*cphi;
+ EGS_Float y_tmp = y + aux*sphi;
+ ns = 0;
+ if (x_tmp*x_tmp + y_tmp*y_tmp < fs*fs)
+ {
+ ns = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //this is directed outside the field, play RR in next if block
+ ns = nsplit;
+ }
+ if (ns > 1)
+ {
+ if(app->getRngUniform()*ns>1)
+ {
+ ns=0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ns > 0)
+ {
+ np++;
+ p.latch = pi.latch;
+ if (ns > 1)
+ {
+ // going outside field, label as phat
+ p.latch = p.latch | (1 << 0);
+ }
+ p.ir = pi.ir;
+ p.x = pi.x;
+ //stuff that we do not inherit
+ p.q = 0;
+ p.E = energy;
+ p.wt = weight*ns;
+ p.u = EGS_Vector(sint*cphi, sint*sphi, cost);
+ transformP(p,T);
+ app->addParticleToStack(p,dnear);
+ }
+ }
+ //now generate (1-(ct_max-ct_min)/2*nsample photons directed outside the field
+ //model this by generating nsample/num_split photons over all polar angles and
+ //rejecting those with angles between ct_min and ct_max
+ num_split = nsample/n_split;
+ for (int i= 0; igetRngUniform()-1;
+ if (cost < ct_min || cost > ct_max)
+ {
+ sint = 1 - cost*cost;
+ if (sint > 0 )
+ {
+ sint = sqrt(sint);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sint = 0;
+ }
+ selectAzimuthalAngle(cphi,sphi);
+ np++;
+ EGS_Particle p;
+ //label particle as phat
+ p.latch = pi.latch | (1 << 0);
+ p.ir = pi.ir;
+ p.x = pi.x;
+ //stuff that we do not inherit
+ p.q = 0;
+ p.E = energy;
+ p.wt = weight*n_split;
+ p.u = EGS_Vector(sint*cphi, sint*sphi, cost);
+ transformP(p,T);
+ app->addParticleToStack(p,dnear);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+void EGS_RadiativeSplitting::doSmartCompton(int nint)
+ //This is based on (i.e. copied from) the BEAMnrc implementation
+ //get properties of interacting particle
+ int np = app->getNp();
+ EGS_Particle pi = app->getParticleFromStack(np);
+ inverseTransformP(pi,T);
+ EGS_Float E = pi.E;
+ EGS_Vector x = pi.x;
+ EGS_Vector u = pi.u;
+ int irl=pi.ir, latch=pi.latch;
+ imed = app->getMedium(irl);
+ EGS_Float AP = app->getAp(imed);
+ EGS_Float dnear = app->getDnear(np);
+ //reduce weight of split particles
+ EGS_Float wt = pi.wt/nint;
+ EGS_Float ct_min,ct_max,ro;
+ EGS_Float d = ssd - x.z;
+ getCostMinMax(x,u,ro,ct_min,ct_max);
+ EGS_Float Ko = E/app->getRM();
+ EGS_Float broi = 1+2*Ko, Ko2 = Ko*Ko;
+ EGS_Float alpha1_t = log(broi);
+ EGS_Float eps1_t = 1./broi, eps2_t = 1;
+ EGS_Float w2 = alpha1_t*(Ko2-2*Ko-2)+(eps2_t-eps1_t)*
+ (1./eps1_t/eps2_t + broi + Ko2*(eps1_t+eps2_t)/2);
+ EGS_Float eps12_t = eps1_t*eps1_t;
+ EGS_Float alpha2_t = (eps2_t*eps2_t-eps12_t);
+ EGS_Float alpha_t = alpha1_t/(alpha1_t+alpha2_t/2);
+ EGS_Float eps1 = 1./(1+Ko*(1-ct_min)), eps2 = 1./(1+Ko*(1-ct_max));
+ EGS_Float eps1_0 = eps1, eps2_0 = eps2;
+ EGS_Float alpha1 = log(eps2/eps1);
+ EGS_Float w1 = alpha1*(Ko2-2*Ko-2)+(eps2-eps1)*(1./eps1/eps2 + broi
+ + Ko2*(eps1+eps2)/2);
+ EGS_Float eps12 = eps1*eps1, alpha2 = (eps2*eps2-eps12);
+ EGS_Float alpha = alpha1/(alpha1+alpha2/2);
+ EGS_Float rej1 = 1-(1-eps1)*(broi*eps1-1)/(Ko*Ko*eps1*(1+eps1*eps1));
+ EGS_Float rej2 = 1-(1-eps2)*(broi*eps2-1)/(Ko*Ko*eps2*(1+eps2*eps2));
+ EGS_Float rejmax = max(rej1,rej2);
+ //determine no. of interactions to sample
+ EGS_Float wc = w1/w2;
+ EGS_Float asample = wc*nint;
+ int nsample = (int) asample;
+ asample -= nsample;
+ if( app->getRngUniform() < asample ) ++nsample;
+ // prepare rotations--not totally sure why this is needed
+ EGS_Float sinpsi, sindel, cosdel;
+ bool need_rotation;
+ sinpsi = u.x*u.x + u.y*u.y;
+ if( sinpsi > 1e-20 ) {
+ sinpsi = sqrt(sinpsi);
+ need_rotation = true;
+ cosdel = u.x/sinpsi;
+ sindel = u.y/sinpsi;
+ } else need_rotation = false;
+ //
+ // sample interactions towards circle
+ //
+ EGS_Float br,sint,cost,cphi,sphi; //declared out here because they are also used for the electron below
+ EGS_Particle p;
+ for(int j=0; jgetRngUniform() < alpha )
+ br = eps1*exp(alpha1*app->getRngUniform());
+ else
+ br = sqrt(eps12 + app->getRngUniform()*alpha2);
+ temp = (1-br)/(Ko*br);
+ sint = temp*(2-temp);
+ rejf = 1 - br*sint/(1+br*br);
+ } while ( app->getRngUniform()*rejmax > rejf );
+ if ( temp < 2 )
+ {
+ cost = 1 - temp;
+ sint = sqrt(sint);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cost = -1;
+ sint = 0;
+ }
+ app->getRngAzimuth(cphi,sphi);
+ int ns=0;
+ if (j==nsample-1)
+ {
+ //potential phat photon directed away from the field
+ if (br > eps1_0 && br < eps2_0)
+ {
+ break; // last time through the loop anyway, but do not generate this phat photon
+ }
+ ns = nint;
+ }
+ EGS_Float un,vn,wn;
+ if( need_rotation )
+ {
+ EGS_Float us = sint*cphi, vs = sint*sphi;
+ un = u.z*cosdel*us - sindel*vs + u.x*cost;
+ vn = u.z*sindel*us + cosdel*vs + u.y*cost;
+ wn = u.z*cost - sinpsi*us;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ un = sint*cphi;
+ vn = sint*sphi;
+ wn = u.z*cost;
+ }
+ if (j 0 ) {
+ EGS_Float aux = (ssd - x.z)/wn;
+ EGS_Float x1 = x.x + un*aux, y1 = x.y + vn*aux;
+ if( x1*x1 + y1*y1 < fs*fs ) ns = 1;
+ }
+ if (ns > 1)
+ {
+ //potentially a 2nd phat photon?
+ if (app->getRngUniform()*ns > 1)
+ {
+ ns = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( ns > 0 ) {
+ //add the photon to the stack
+ p.x = x;
+ p.u = EGS_Vector(un,vn,wn);
+ p.ir = irl;
+ p.wt = wt*ns;
+ p.latch = latch;
+ if (ns > 1)
+ {
+ //label photon as phat
+ p.latch = latch | (1 << 0);
+ }
+ p.q = 0;
+ p.E = E*br;
+ transformP(p,T);
+ app->addParticleToStack(p,dnear);
+ }
+ }
+ //now the electron--Note: br, cost will have the values set for the phat photon
+ EGS_Float Eelec = E*(1-br);
+ EGS_Float aux = 1 + br*br - 2*br*cost;
+ EGS_Float un=u.x,vn=u.y,wn=u.z;
+ if( aux > 1e-8 ) {
+ cost = (1-br*cost)/sqrt(aux);
+ sint = 1-cost*cost;
+ if( sint > 0 ) sint = -sqrt(sint);
+ else sint = 0;
+ EGS_Float us = sint*cphi, vs = sint*sphi;
+ un = u.z*cosdel*us - sindel*vs + u.x*cost;
+ vn = u.z*sindel*us + cosdel*vs + u.y*cost;
+ wn = u.z*cost - sinpsi*us;
+ }
+ p.x = x;
+ p.u = EGS_Vector(un,vn,wn);
+ p.ir = irl;
+ p.wt = wt*nint;
+ p.latch = latch | (1 << 0);
+ p.q = -1;
+ p.E = Eelec + app->getRM();
+ //replace original interacting photon with the e-
+ transformP(p,T);
+ app->updateParticleOnStack(np,p,dnear);
+void EGS_RadiativeSplitting::initSmartKM(EGS_Float Emax) {
+ int nmed = app->getNmed();
+ if( nmed < 1 ) return;
+ EGS_Float logEmax = log(Emax);
+ y2_KM = new EGS_Float [nsplit];
+ f_KM_a = new EGS_Interpolator* [nmed];
+ f_KM_b = new EGS_Interpolator* [nmed];
+ f_KM_max = new EGS_Interpolator [nmed];
+ zbr_KM = new EGS_Float [nmed];
+ a_KM = new EGS_Float [nmed];
+ b_KM = new EGS_Float [nmed];
+ DBS_Aux the_aux;
+ the_aux.np = 128;
+ EGS_Float b = 0.5;
+ int nx = 257;
+ EGS_Float ddx = 0.00390625;
+ for(int imed=0; imedgetAp(imed);
+ EGS_Float logAP = log(AP);
+ int ne = 1 + (int) ((logEmax-logAP)/0.12);
+ a_KM[imed] = ((EGS_Float)ne-1)/(logEmax-logAP);
+ b_KM[imed] = -a_KM[imed]*logAP;
+ f_KM_a[imed] = new EGS_Interpolator [ne];
+ f_KM_b[imed] = new EGS_Interpolator [ne];
+ EGS_Float *tmp_fmax = new EGS_Float [ne];
+ EGS_Float dle = (logEmax-logAP)/(ne-1);
+ int imedm = imed+1;
+ zbr_KM[imed] = app->getZbrang(imed);
+ the_aux.Z13 = zbr_KM[imed];
+ for(int ie=0; iegetRM() + 1;
+ the_aux.E = E;
+ the_aux.le = log(E - b*(E-1));
+ f_KM_a[imed][ie].initialize(0,b,dbs_func_KM,&the_aux,1025,9e-4);
+ f_KM_b[imed][ie].initialize(0,1,dbs_func_KM1,&the_aux,1025,9e-4);
+ EGS_Float fmax = 0;
+ for(int j=0; j fmax ) fmax = f;
+ }
+ tmp_fmax[ie] = fmax;
+ }
+ f_KM_max[imed].initialize(ne,logAP,logEmax,tmp_fmax);
+ //egsWarning("---deleting in initSmartKM()\n");
+ delete [] tmp_fmax;
+ }
+ nmed_KM = nmed;
+ if( nsplit > 0 ) y2_KM = new EGS_Float [nsplit];
+void EGS_RadiativeSplitting::doUphi21(EGS_Float sinthe, EGS_Float costhe, EGS_Vector &u)
+ //This is equivalent to calling the Mortran routine UPHI(2,1) and is used
+ //to adjust particle angles after a Rayleigh event
+ EGS_Float cosphi,sinphi;
+ selectAzimuthalAngle(cosphi,sinphi);
+ EGS_Float a=u.x;
+ EGS_Float b=u.y;
+ EGS_Float c=u.z;
+ EGS_Float sinps2 = a*a+b*b;
+ if (sinps2 < 1e-20)
+ {
+ //small polar angle case
+ u.x = sinthe*cosphi;
+ u.y = sinthe*sinphi;
+ u.z = c*costhe;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EGS_Float sinpsi = sqrt(sinps2);
+ EGS_Float us = sinthe*cosphi;
+ EGS_Float vs = sinthe*sinphi;
+ EGS_Float sindel = b/sinpsi;
+ EGS_Float cosdel = a/sinpsi;
+ u.x = c*cosdel*us - sindel*vs + a*costhe;
+ u.y = c*sindel*us + cosdel*vs + b*costhe;
+ u.z = -sinpsi*us + c*costhe;
+ }
+ return;
// Process input for this ausgab object
@@ -103,14 +1672,89 @@ extern "C" {
return 0;
+ //get type of splitting
+ vector allowed_split_type;
+ allowed_split_type.push_back("uniform");
+ allowed_split_type.push_back("directional");
+ //TODO: Implement beampp-style DBS
+ int split_type;
+ string str;
+ if(input->getInput("splitting type",str) < 0)
+ {
+ split_type = EGS_RadiativeSplitting::URS;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ split_type = input->getInput("splitting type",allowed_split_type,-1);
+ if ( split_type < EGS_RadiativeSplitting::URS ||
+ split_type > EGS_RadiativeSplitting::DRSf )
+ {
+ egsFatal("\nEGS_RadiativeSplitting: Invalid splitting type.\n");
+ }
+ }
EGS_Float nsplit = 1.0;
+ EGS_Float fs,ssd,zrr=0;
+ int irad = 0;
+ vector esplit_reg;
+ EGS_AffineTransform *t;
int err = input->getInput("splitting",nsplit);
+ if (err)
+ {
+ egsWarning("\nEGS_RadiativeSplitting: Invalid splitting no. Radiative splitting will be turned off.\n");
+ }
+ if ( split_type == EGS_RadiativeSplitting::DRS ||
+ split_type == EGS_RadiativeSplitting::DRSf )
+ {
+ int err01 = input->getInput("field size",fs);
+ if (err01)
+ {
+ egsFatal("\nEGS_RadiativeSplitting: Missing/invalid input for splitting field radius.\n");
+ }
+ int err02 = input->getInput("ssd",ssd);
+ if (err02)
+ {
+ egsFatal("\nEGS_RadiativeSplitting: Missing/invalid input for splitting field ssd.\n");
+ }
+ int err03 = input->getInput("e-/e+ split regions",esplit_reg);
+ if (err03)
+ {
+ egsWarning("\nEGS_RadiativeSplitting: Missing/invalid input for e+/e- splitting region.\nCharged particles will not be split.\n");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!input->getInput("radially redistribute e-/e+",str))
+ {
+ vector allowed_irad;
+ allowed_irad.push_back("no");
+ allowed_irad.push_back("yes");
+ irad = input->getInput("radially redistribute e-/e+",allowed_irad,-1);
+ if (irad < 0)
+ {
+ egsWarning("\nEGS_RadiativeSplitting: Invalid input for e-/e+ radial redistribution. Will not radially redistribute split charged particles.\n");
+ irad = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ int err04 = input->getInput("Z of russian roulette plane",zrr);
+ if (err04)
+ {
+ egsWarning("\nEGS_RadiativeSplitting: Missing/invalid input for Z of Russian Roulette plane. Defaults to 0.\n");
+ }
+ }
- //=================================================
+ //option to transform DBS splitting cone
+ t = EGS_AffineTransform::getTransformation(input);
+ }
+ //=================================================
/* Setup radiative splitting object with input parameters */
EGS_RadiativeSplitting *result = new EGS_RadiativeSplitting("",f);
+ result->setSplitType(split_type);
+ if (split_type == EGS_RadiativeSplitting::DRS ||
+ split_type == EGS_RadiativeSplitting::DRSf) {
+ result->initDBS(fs,ssd,esplit_reg,irad,zrr,t);
+ delete t;
+ }
return result;
diff --git a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/egs_radiative_splitting.h b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/egs_radiative_splitting.h
index 7de1b99bf..0a3c8f0d2 100644
--- a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/egs_radiative_splitting.h
+++ b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/egs_radiative_splitting.h
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
# Author: Ernesto Mainegra-Hing, 2018
-# Contributors:
+# Contributors: Blake Walters, 2021
@@ -31,7 +31,9 @@
-# - Add directional radiative splitting (DRS)
+# - Testing/debugging directional radiative splitting (DRS)
+# - Implement e- splitting
+# - Implement beampp-style DBS (DRSf)
@@ -49,25 +51,28 @@
#include "egs_application.h"
#include "egs_scoring.h"
#include "egs_base_geometry.h"
+#include "egs_rndm.h"
+#include "egs_interpolator.h"
+#include "egs_transformations.h"
#ifdef WIN32
- #define EGS_RADIATIVE_SPLITTING_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
- #else
- #define EGS_RADIATIVE_SPLITTING_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
- #endif
+#define EGS_RADIATIVE_SPLITTING_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
+#define EGS_RADIATIVE_SPLITTING_EXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
- #define EGS_RADIATIVE_SPLITTING_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
- #define EGS_RADIATIVE_SPLITTING_LOCAL __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")))
- #else
- #endif
+#define EGS_RADIATIVE_SPLITTING_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
+#define EGS_RADIATIVE_SPLITTING_LOCAL __attribute__ ((visibility ("hidden")))
@@ -81,12 +86,29 @@ events. This ausgab object is specified via:
:start ausgab object:
library = egs_radiative_splitting
name = some_name
- splitting = n_split
+ splitting type = uniform (default) or directional (based on BEAMnrc DBS)
+ splitting = the splitting number (n_split)
+ The following inputs apply to directional splitting only:
+ field size = radius of splitting field centred on Z-axis (cm) -- required
+ ssd = distance of splitting field from Z=0 along +Z-axis (cm) -- required
+ e-/e+ split regions = region number(s) for e-/e+ splitting. On entering this(ese) region(s), phat charged particles will be split n_split times.
+ If set to 0 or omitted, charged particles will not be split.
+ radially redistribute e-/e+ = "yes" or "no" (default) -- if "yes", evenly distribute split e-/e+ in a circle of radius sqrt(x(np)^2+y(np)^2) about the Z-axis
+ Z of russian roulette plane = Z below which russian roulette is not played on low-weight charged particles resulting from e-/e+ splitting (cm) -- optimally set to some value < Z at which particles enter the splitting region(s)
+ Below is an optional input for an affine transform to be applied to the directional splitting cone defined by field size and ssd:
+ :start transformation:
+ rotation = optional 3D rotation vector to be applied to the splitting cone (applied first)
+ translation = optional 3D translation to be applied to the splitting cone
+ :stop transformation:
:stop ausgab object:
- - Add directional radiative splitting (DRS)
+ - Testing/debugging directional radiative splitting (DRS)
+ - Implement e-/e+ splitting
+ - Implement beampp-style DRS (DRSf)
@@ -95,10 +117,10 @@ class EGS_RADIATIVE_SPLITTING_EXPORT EGS_RadiativeSplitting : public EGS_AusgabO
/*! Splitting algortihm type */
- enum Type {
+ enum {
URS, // EGSnrc Uniform Radiative Splitting
- DRS, // Directional Radiative Splitting
- DRSf // Directional Radiative Splitting (BEAMnrc)
+ DRS, // Directional Radiative Splitting (based on BEAMnrc DBS)
+ DRSf // Directional Radiative Splitting (based on beampp DBS)
EGS_RadiativeSplitting(const string &Name="", EGS_ObjectFactory *f = 0);
@@ -107,21 +129,147 @@ class EGS_RADIATIVE_SPLITTING_EXPORT EGS_RadiativeSplitting : public EGS_AusgabO
void setApplication(EGS_Application *App);
+ void initializeData() {
+ //set bit 0 of the first particle in each history to 1
+ //Until a more general solution is implemented (extra_stack), this
+ //bit determines whether the particle (and its descendents) has(ve)
+ //been split (i.e. is/are phat) or not
+ //Note: This means we lose the ability of this bit as a flag for
+ //brem events
+ EGS_Particle p = app->getParticleFromStack(0);
+ int latch = p.latch;
+ latch = latch | (1 << 0);
+ app->setLatch(latch);
+ }
+ int doInteractions(int iarg, int &killed);
+ int doSmartBrems();
+ void doSmartCompton(int nsample);
+ void getCostMinMax(const EGS_Vector &xx, const EGS_Vector &uu,
+ EGS_Float &ro, EGS_Float &ct_min, EGS_Float &ct_max);
+ void getBremsEnergies();
+ void killThePhotons(EGS_Float fs, EGS_Float ssd, int n_split, int npstart, int kill_electrons);
+ void selectAzimuthalAngle(EGS_Float &cphi, EGS_Float &sphi);
+ void uniformPhotons(int nsample, int n_split, EGS_Float fs, EGS_Float ssd, EGS_Float energy);
+ void initSmartKM(EGS_Float Emax);
+ void doUphi21(EGS_Float sinthe, EGS_Float costhe, EGS_Vector &u);
void setSplitting(const int &n_s) {
nsplit = n_s;
+ void setSplitType(const int &type) {
+ split_type = type;
+ };
+ void initDBS(const EGS_Float field_rad, const EGS_Float field_ssd, const vector splitreg, const int irad, const EGS_Float zrr, const EGS_AffineTransform *t);
+ bool needsCall(EGS_Application::AusgabCall iarg) const override {
+ if ( split_type == DRS || split_type == DRSf ) {
+ if ( iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeBrems ||
+ iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeAnnihFlight ||
+ iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeAnnihRest ||
+ iarg == EGS_Application::BeforePair ||
+ iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeCompton ||
+ iarg == EGS_Application::BeforePhoto ||
+ iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeRayleigh ||
+ iarg == EGS_Application::FluorescentEvent ||
+ iarg == EGS_Application::BeforeTransport) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ( ireg_esplit.size()>0 && iarg == EGS_Application::AfterTransport) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
int processEvent(EGS_Application::AusgabCall iarg) {
+ if ( split_type > URS && iarg >= EGS_Application::BeforeTransport )
+ {
+ if( !doInteractions(iarg,killed) )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
return 0;
int processEvent(EGS_Application::AusgabCall iarg, int ir) {
+ if (split_type > URS && iarg >= EGS_Application::BeforeTransport)
+ {
+ if( !doInteractions(iarg,killed) )
+ {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
return 0;
+ //function to rotate/translate particle position and rotate particle direction
+ void transformP(EGS_Particle &p, const EGS_AffineTransform *t) {
+ if (t)
+ {
+ t->transform(p.x);
+ t->rotate(p.u);
+ }
+ }
+ //function to inverse rotate/translate particle position and inverse rotate direction
+ void inverseTransformP(EGS_Particle &p, const EGS_AffineTransform *t) {
+ if (t)
+ {
+ t->inverseTransform(p.x);
+ t->rotateInverse(p.u);
+ }
+ }
+ int split_type; //0 = uniform, 1 = DBS, 2 = BEAMnrc DBS
/* Maximum splitting limited to 2,147,483,647 */
int nsplit;
+ int killed; //no of photons killed
+ EGS_Float be_factor = 0; //Brems enhancement factor--currently set to zero and not used
+ EGS_Float fs; //radius of splitting field
+ EGS_Float ssd; //ssd at which splitting field is defined
+ vector ireg_esplit; //numbers of regions on entering which phat charged particles are split
+ int irad_esplit; //set to 1 to radially redistribute split e-/e+
+ EGS_Float zrr_esplit; //Z value below which Russian Roulette will not be played with split e-/e+
+ bool use_cyl_sym = false; //set to true to use cylindrical symmetry, hard coded as false for now
+ EGS_Float zcyls; //Z below which cylindrical symmetry does not exist
+ //interpolators for smart brems estimates of KM distribution
+ EGS_Interpolator *f_KM_max;
+ EGS_Interpolator **f_KM_a;
+ EGS_Interpolator **f_KM_b;
+ EGS_Float *a_KM, *b_KM;
+ EGS_Float *y2_KM;
+ EGS_Float *zbr_KM;
+ int nmed_KM;
+ bool flag_fluor = false;
+ EGS_AffineTransform *T; //optional transformation of the splitting cone
+ vector particle_stack; //store a stack of brems particles in do_smart_brems
+ vector dnear_stack; //similar for dnear
+ int imed;
+ const char *dbs_err_msg =
+ "Stack size exceeded in BEAMpp_DBS::%s()\n"
+ "Increase MXSTACK (currently %d) in array_sizes.h and retry\n";
diff --git a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/egs_radiative_splitting.macros b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/egs_radiative_splitting.macros
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..47d0d82c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/ausgab_objects/egs_radiative_splitting/egs_radiative_splitting.macros
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+" "
+" EGSnrc common block reorganization for C interface "
+" Copyright (C) 2015 National Research Council Canada "
+" "
+" This file is part of EGSnrc. "
+" "
+" EGSnrc is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under "
+" the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the "
+" Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your "
+" option) any later version. "
+" "
+" EGSnrc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY "
+" WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS "
+" FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for "
+" more details. "
+" "
+" You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License "
+" along with EGSnrc. If not, see . "
+" "
+" "
+" Author: Blake Walters 2021 "
+" "
+" "
+" This is a set of macros used to redefine some macros in "
+" egs_c_interface2.macros as ; (i.e. null). This is coding that is not "
+" required for the subset of egsnrc.mortran used by egs_radiative_splitting "
+" and setting these blocks to null means that we do not have redefine C++ "
+" versions of some subroutines "
+REPLACE {$start_new_particle;} WITH {;}
diff --git a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_advanced_application.cpp b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_advanced_application.cpp
index 5b55abf4f..3443c9254 100644
--- a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_advanced_application.cpp
+++ b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_advanced_application.cpp
@@ -210,6 +210,16 @@ int EGS_AdvancedApplication::initEGSnrcBackEnd() {
return 0;
+//EGSnrc functions needed for radiative splitting ausgab object
+extern __extc__ void F77_OBJ_(brems,BREMS)();
+extern __extc__ void F77_OBJ_(annih,ANNIH)();
+extern __extc__ void F77_OBJ_(annih_at_rest,ANNIH_AT_REST)();
+extern __extc__ void F77_OBJ_(photo,PHOTO)();
+extern __extc__ void F77_OBJ(pair,PAIR)();
+extern __extc__ void F77_OBJ_(compt,COMPT)();
+extern __extc__ void F77_OBJ_(egs_rayleigh_sampling,EGS_RAYLEIGH_SAMPLING)(int *medium, EGS_Float *e, EGS_Float *gle, EGS_I32 *lgle, EGS_Float *costhe, EGS_Float *sinthe);
+extern __extc__ EGS_Float F77_OBJ_(alias_sample1,ALIAS_SAMPLE1)(int &mxbrxs, EGS_Float* nb_xdata, EGS_Float* nb_fdata, EGS_Float* nb_wdata, int* nb_idata);
/* The following 2 functions were used in an attempt to redirect
all fortran I/O to use egsInformationn a degsWarning.
Unfortunately, there were segmentation violations in the
@@ -859,11 +869,11 @@ void EGS_AdvancedApplication::setEIIData(EGS_I32 len) {
#ifdef GDEBUG
- #define MAX_STEP 100000
- EGS_Vector steps_x[MAX_STEP], steps_u[MAX_STEP];
- int steps_ireg[MAX_STEP], steps_inew[MAX_STEP];
- EGS_Float steps_ustepi[MAX_STEP], steps_ustepf[MAX_STEP];
- int steps_n = 0;
+#define MAX_STEP 100000
+EGS_Vector steps_x[MAX_STEP], steps_u[MAX_STEP];
+int steps_ireg[MAX_STEP], steps_inew[MAX_STEP];
+EGS_Float steps_ustepi[MAX_STEP], steps_ustepf[MAX_STEP];
+int steps_n = 0;
int EGS_AdvancedApplication::shower() {
@@ -886,6 +896,9 @@ int EGS_AdvancedApplication::shower() {
#ifdef GDEBUG
steps_n = 0;
+ for (int j=0; jinitializeData();
+ }
return 0;
@@ -1261,6 +1274,260 @@ void EGS_AdvancedApplication::setLatch(int latch) {
the_stack->latch[np] = latch;
+// Utility functions for ausgab egs_radiative_splitting objects
+//necessary RNG functions
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getRngUniform() {
+ return rndm->getUniform();
+void EGS_AdvancedApplication::getRngAzimuth(EGS_Float &cphi, EGS_Float &sphi) {
+ rndm->getAzimuth(cphi,sphi);
+//add a particle (+ dnear) to the top of the stack and increment np
+void EGS_AdvancedApplication::addParticleToStack(EGS_Particle p, EGS_Float dnear) {
+ int np = the_stack->np; //np+1
+ the_stack->E[np] = p.E;
+ the_stack->wt[np] = p.wt;
+ the_stack->x[np] = p.x.x;
+ the_stack->y[np] = p.x.y;
+ the_stack->z[np] = p.x.z;
+ the_stack->u[np] = p.u.x;
+ the_stack->v[np] = p.u.y;
+ the_stack->w[np] = p.u.z;
+ the_stack->iq[np] = p.q;
+ the_stack->ir[np] = p.ir+2;
+ the_stack->latch[np] = p.latch;
+ the_stack->dnear[np] = dnear;
+ the_stack->np++;
+//get dnear from position np in the stack
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getDnear(int np) {
+ return the_stack->dnear[np];
+//set npold of stack
+void EGS_AdvancedApplication::setNpold(int npold) {
+ the_stack->npold = npold+1;
+//get total no. of media in simulation
+int EGS_AdvancedApplication::getNmed() {
+ return nmed;
+//delete particle at stack position ip
+//replace with data at position np and reduce np by 1
+void EGS_AdvancedApplication::deleteParticleFromStack(int ip) {
+ int np = the_stack->np-1;
+ if (ip < np)
+ {
+ the_stack->iq[ip] = the_stack->iq[np];
+ the_stack->E[ip] = the_stack->E[np];
+ the_stack->x[ip] = the_stack->x[np];
+ the_stack->y[ip] = the_stack->y[np];
+ the_stack->z[ip] = the_stack->z[np];
+ the_stack->u[ip] = the_stack->u[np];
+ the_stack->v[ip] = the_stack->v[np];
+ the_stack->w[ip] = the_stack->w[np];
+ the_stack->wt[ip] = the_stack->wt[np];
+ the_stack->ir[ip] = the_stack->ir[np];
+ the_stack->latch[ip] = the_stack->latch[np];
+ the_stack->dnear[ip] = the_stack->dnear[np];
+ }
+ the_stack->np--;
+ return;
+//retrieve particle information at stack position ip
+EGS_Particle EGS_AdvancedApplication::getParticleFromStack(int ip) {
+ EGS_Particle p;
+ p.q = the_stack->iq[ip];
+ p.E = the_stack->E[ip];
+ p.latch = the_stack->latch[ip];
+ p.ir = the_stack->ir[ip]-2;
+ p.wt = the_stack->wt[ip];
+ p.x = EGS_Vector(the_stack->x[ip],the_stack->y[ip],the_stack->z[ip]);
+ p.u = EGS_Vector(the_stack->u[ip],the_stack->v[ip],the_stack->w[ip]);
+ return p;
+//update particle info (+ dnear) at stack position ip
+void EGS_AdvancedApplication::updateParticleOnStack(int ip, EGS_Particle p, EGS_Float dnear) {
+ the_stack->iq[ip] = p.q;
+ the_stack->E[ip] = p.E;
+ the_stack->latch[ip] = p.latch;
+ the_stack->ir[ip] = p.ir+2;
+ the_stack->wt[ip] = p.wt;
+ the_stack->x[ip] = p.x.x;
+ the_stack->y[ip] = p.x.y;
+ the_stack->z[ip] = p.x.z;
+ the_stack->u[ip] = p.u.x;
+ the_stack->v[ip] = p.u.y;
+ the_stack->w[ip] = p.u.z;
+ the_stack->dnear[ip] = dnear;
+ return;
+//return the value of gle
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getGle() {
+ return the_epcont->gle;
+//return lgle
+int EGS_AdvancedApplication::getLgle(EGS_Float gle, int med) {
+ return the_photin->ge1[med]*gle+the_photin->ge0[med];
+//return the value of the_xoptions->ibrdst
+int EGS_AdvancedApplication::getIbrdst() {
+ return the_xoptions->ibrdst;
+//return the value of the_xoptions->ibcmp
+int EGS_AdvancedApplication::getIbcmp() {
+ return the_xoptions->ibcmp;
+//return the value of the_thresh->ap[imed]
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getAp(int imed) {
+ return the_thresh->ap[imed];
+//return the value of the_xoptions->ibr_nist
+int EGS_AdvancedApplication::getIbrnist() {
+ return the_xoptions->ibr_nist;
+//return the value of the_nist_brems->nb_lemin[imed]
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getNbLemin(int imed) {
+ return the_nist_brems->nb_lemin[imed];
+//return the value of the_nist_brems->nb_dlei[imed]
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getNbDlei(int imed) {
+ return the_nist_brems->nb_dlei[imed];
+//return the value of the_nist_brems->nb_emin[imed]
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getNbEmin(int imed) {
+ return the_nist_brems->nb_emin[imed];
+//return the_nist_brems->nb_xdata[j,imed]
+EGS_Float* EGS_AdvancedApplication::getNbXdata(int j, int imed) {
+ return the_nist_brems->nb_xdata[imed][j];
+//return the_nist_brems->nb_fdata[j,imed]
+EGS_Float* EGS_AdvancedApplication::getNbFdata(int j, int imed) {
+ return the_nist_brems->nb_fdata[imed][j];
+//return the_nist_brems->nb_wdata[j,imed]
+EGS_Float* EGS_AdvancedApplication::getNbWdata(int j, int imed) {
+ return the_nist_brems->nb_wdata[imed][j];
+//return the_nist_brems->nb_idata[j,imed]
+int* EGS_AdvancedApplication::getNbIdata(int j, int imed) {
+ return the_nist_brems->nb_idata[imed][j];
+//return value of the_brempr->delcm[imed]
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getDelcm(int imed) {
+ return the_brempr->delcm[imed];
+//functions below return value of the_brempr->dl1...dl6[i,imed]
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getDl1(int i, int imed) {
+ return the_brempr->dl1[imed][i];
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getDl2(int i, int imed) {
+ return the_brempr->dl2[imed][i];
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getDl3(int i, int imed) {
+ return the_brempr->dl3[imed][i];
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getDl4(int i, int imed) {
+ return the_brempr->dl4[imed][i];
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getDl5(int i, int imed) {
+ return the_brempr->dl5[imed][i];
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getDl6(int i, int imed) {
+ return the_brempr->dl6[imed][i];
+//EGSnrc Mortran calls used in radiative splitting
+void EGS_AdvancedApplication::callBrems() {
+ F77_OBJ_(brems,BREMS)();
+void EGS_AdvancedApplication::callAnnih() {
+ F77_OBJ_(annih,ANNIH)();
+void EGS_AdvancedApplication::callAnnihAtRest() {
+ F77_OBJ_(annih_at_rest,ANNIH_AT_REST)();
+void EGS_AdvancedApplication::callPhoto() {
+ F77_OBJ_(photo,PHOTO)();
+void EGS_AdvancedApplication::callPair() {
+ F77_OBJ_(pair,PAIR)();
+void EGS_AdvancedApplication::callCompt() {
+ F77_OBJ_(compt,COMPT)();
+void EGS_AdvancedApplication::callEgsRayleighSampling(int imed, EGS_Float E, EGS_Float gle, EGS_I32 lgle, EGS_Float& costhe, EGS_Float& sinthe) {
+ int f_imed=imed+1;
+ F77_OBJ_(egs_rayleigh_sampling,EGS_RAYLEIGH_SAMPLING)(&f_imed,&E,&gle,&lgle,&costhe,&sinthe);
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::callAliasSample1(int mxbrxs, EGS_Float* nb_xdata, EGS_Float* nb_fdata, EGS_Float* nb_wdata, int* nb_idata) {
+ return F77_OBJ_(alias_sample1,ALIAS_SAMPLE1)(mxbrxs,nb_xdata,nb_fdata,nb_wdata,nb_idata);
+//the following definitions are dependent on some array size macros
+//having been defined
+#ifndef MXSTACK
+int EGS_AdvancedApplication::getMxstack() {
+ return 0;
+int EGS_AdvancedApplication::getMxstack() {
+ return MXSTACK;
+#ifndef MXBRES
+int EGS_AdvancedApplication::getMxbres() {
+ return 0;
+int EGS_AdvancedApplication::getMxbres() {
+ return MXBRES;
+#ifndef MXBRXS
+int EGS_AdvancedApplication::getMxbrxs() {
+ return 0;
+int EGS_AdvancedApplication::getMxbrxs() {
+ return MXBRXS;
+//get max. energy of source from source
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getEmax() {
+ return source->getEmax();
+//get value of ZBRANG for medium
+EGS_Float EGS_AdvancedApplication::getZbrang(int imed) {
+ return the_brempr->zbrang[imed];
extern __extc__ void egsHowfar() {
int np = the_stack->np-1;
@@ -1338,6 +1605,7 @@ extern __extc__ void egsAusgab(EGS_I32 *iarg) {
app->top_p.latch = the_stack->latch[np];
app->Np = the_stack->np-1;
*iarg = app->userScoring(*iarg);
+ if (the_stack->wt[np] == 0) return; //allow code to force return to shower
extern __extc__ void egsStartParticle() {
@@ -1350,6 +1618,5 @@ extern __extc__ void egsStartParticle() {
the_epcont->idisc = 0;
the_useful->medium = app->getMedium(ir)+1;
- //egsInformation("start particle: ir=%d medium=%d\n",ir,the_useful->medium);
diff --git a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_advanced_application.h b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_advanced_application.h
index b77fc6093..3177f7e57 100644
--- a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_advanced_application.h
+++ b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_advanced_application.h
@@ -227,6 +227,51 @@ class APP_EXPORT EGS_AdvancedApplication : public EGS_Application {
int getNp();
int getNpOld();
+ // Utility functions for egs_radiative_splitting ausgab objects
+ //************************************************************
+ EGS_Float getRngUniform();
+ void getRngAzimuth(EGS_Float &cphi, EGS_Float &sphi);
+ void addParticleToStack(EGS_Particle p, EGS_Float dnear);
+ void updateParticleOnStack(int ip, EGS_Particle p, EGS_Float dnear);
+ EGS_Float getDnear(int np);
+ int getNmed();
+ void setNpold(int npold);
+ void deleteParticleFromStack(int ip);
+ EGS_Particle getParticleFromStack(int ip);
+ EGS_Float getGle();
+ int getLgle(EGS_Float gle, int med);
+ int getIbrdst();
+ int getIbcmp();
+ EGS_Float getAp(int imed);
+ int getIbrnist();
+ EGS_Float getNbLemin(int imed);
+ EGS_Float getNbDlei(int imed);
+ EGS_Float getNbEmin(int imed);
+ EGS_Float* getNbXdata(int j, int imed);
+ EGS_Float* getNbFdata(int j, int imed);
+ EGS_Float* getNbWdata(int j, int imed);
+ int* getNbIdata(int j, int imed);
+ EGS_Float getEmax();
+ EGS_Float getZbrang(int imed);
+ EGS_Float getDelcm(int imed);
+ EGS_Float getDl1(int i, int imed);
+ EGS_Float getDl2(int i, int imed);
+ EGS_Float getDl3(int i, int imed);
+ EGS_Float getDl4(int i, int imed);
+ EGS_Float getDl5(int i, int imed);
+ EGS_Float getDl6(int i, int imed);
+ void callBrems();
+ void callAnnih();
+ void callAnnihAtRest();
+ void callPhoto();
+ void callPair();
+ void callCompt();
+ void callEgsRayleighSampling(int imed, EGS_Float e, EGS_Float gle, EGS_I32 lgle, EGS_Float& costhe, EGS_Float& sinthe);
+ EGS_Float callAliasSample1(int mxbrxs, EGS_Float* nb_xdata, EGS_Float* nb_fdata, EGS_Float* nb_wdata, int* nb_idata);
+ int getMxstack();
+ int getMxbres();
+ int getMxbrxs();
/* Needed by some sources */
EGS_Float getRM();
/* Turn ON/OFF radiative splitting */
diff --git a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_application.h b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_application.h
index c7842f38b..6fad85282 100644
--- a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_application.h
+++ b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_application.h
@@ -1190,6 +1190,112 @@ class EGS_EXPORT EGS_Application {
virtual void setLatch(int latch) {};
+ //************************************************************
+ // Utility functions for egs_radiative_splitting ausgab objects
+ //************************************************************
+ virtual EGS_Float getRngUniform() {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual void getRngAzimuth(EGS_Float &cphi, EGS_Float &sphi) {};
+ virtual void addParticleToStack(EGS_Particle p, EGS_Float dnear) {};
+ virtual EGS_Float getDnear(int np) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual int getNmed() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual void setNpold(int npold) {};
+ virtual void deleteParticleFromStack(int ip) {};
+ virtual EGS_Particle getParticleFromStack(int ip) {
+ EGS_Particle p;
+ return p;
+ };
+ virtual void updateParticleOnStack(int ip, EGS_Particle p, EGS_Float dnear) {};
+ virtual EGS_Float getGle() {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual int getLgle(EGS_Float gle, int med) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual int getIbrdst() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual int getIbcmp() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float getAp(int imed) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual int getIbrnist() {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float getNbLemin(int imed) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float getNbDlei(int imed) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float getNbEmin(int imed) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float* getNbXdata(int j, int imed) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float* getNbFdata(int j, int imed) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float* getNbWdata(int j, int imed) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ virtual int* getNbIdata(int j, int imed) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float getEmax() {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float getZbrang(int imed) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float getDelcm(int imed) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float getDl1(int i, int imed) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float getDl2(int i, int imed) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float getDl3(int i, int imed) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float getDl4(int i, int imed) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float getDl5(int i, int imed) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual EGS_Float getDl6(int i, int imed) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual void callBrems() {};
+ virtual void callAnnih() {};
+ virtual void callAnnihAtRest() {};
+ virtual void callPhoto() {};
+ virtual void callPair() {};
+ virtual void callCompt() {};
+ virtual void callEgsRayleighSampling(int imed, EGS_Float e, EGS_Float gle, EGS_I32 lgle, EGS_Float& costhe, EGS_Float& sinthe) {};
+ virtual EGS_Float callAliasSample1(int mxbrxs, EGS_Float* nb_xdata, EGS_Float* nb_fdata, EGS_Float* nb_wdata, int* nb_idata) {
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ virtual int getMxstack() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual int getMxbres() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ virtual int getMxbrxs() {
+ return 0;
+ }
#define APP_MAIN(app_name) \
diff --git a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_ausgab_object.h b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_ausgab_object.h
index ceeda3275..eb43671f3 100644
--- a/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_ausgab_object.h
+++ b/HEN_HOUSE/egs++/egs_ausgab_object.h
@@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ class EGS_EXPORT EGS_AusgabObject : public EGS_Object {
/*! \brief Set the current event */
virtual void setCurrentCase(EGS_I64 ncase) {};
+ /*! \brief Initialize variables at the beginning of each shower */
+ virtual void initializeData() {};
/*! \brief Get a short description of this ausgab object.
* Derived classes should set #description to a short
diff --git a/HEN_HOUSE/interface/egs_c_interface2.macros b/HEN_HOUSE/interface/egs_c_interface2.macros
index 5a1a73151..042c78276 100644
--- a/HEN_HOUSE/interface/egs_c_interface2.macros
+++ b/HEN_HOUSE/interface/egs_c_interface2.macros
@@ -360,7 +360,11 @@ REPLACE {$CALL-HOWFAR-IN-PHOTON;} WITH {;
- IF (IAUSFL(IARG+1).NE.0) [call egs_ausgab(iarg);]
+ IF (IAUSFL(IARG+1).NE.0) [
+ call egs_ausgab(iarg);
+ "allow app to return to shower early"
+ IF( wt(np) = 0 ) [ np = np-1; return; ]
+ ]
diff --git a/HEN_HOUSE/interface/egs_interface2.c b/HEN_HOUSE/interface/egs_interface2.c
index 09b5843f3..1c16af8ea 100644
--- a/HEN_HOUSE/interface/egs_interface2.c
+++ b/HEN_HOUSE/interface/egs_interface2.c
@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ extern __extc__ struct EGS_IO F77_OBJ_(egs_io,EGS_IO);
extern __extc__ struct EGS_VarianceReduction F77_OBJ_(egs_vr,EGS_VR);
extern __extc__ struct EGS_Rayleigh F77_OBJ_(rayleigh_inputs,RAYLEIGH_INPUTS);
extern __extc__ struct EGS_emfInputs F77_OBJ_(emf_inputs,EMF_INPUTS);
+extern __extc__ struct EGS_NistBrems F77_OBJ_(nist_brems,NIST_BREMS);
+extern __extc__ struct EGS_Brempr F77_OBJ_(brempr,BREMPR);
+extern __extc__ struct EGS_Photin F77_OBJ_(photin,PHOTIN);
struct EGS_Stack *the_stack = & F77_OBJ(stack,STACK);
struct EGS_Bounds *the_bounds = & F77_OBJ(bounds,BOUNDS);
@@ -67,6 +70,9 @@ struct EGS_IO *the_egsio = & F77_OBJ_(egs_io,EGS_IO);
struct EGS_VarianceReduction *the_egsvr = & F77_OBJ_(egs_vr,EGS_VR);
struct EGS_Rayleigh *the_rayleigh = & F77_OBJ_(rayleigh_inputs,RAYLEIGH_INPUTS);
struct EGS_emfInputs *the_emf = & F77_OBJ_(emf_inputs,EMF_INPUTS);
+struct EGS_NistBrems *the_nist_brems = & F77_OBJ_(nist_brems,NIST_BREMS);
+struct EGS_Brempr *the_brempr = & F77_OBJ_(brempr,BREMPR);
+struct EGS_Photin *the_photin = & F77_OBJ_(photin,PHOTIN);
extern __extc__ void F77_OBJ_(egs_init_f,EGS_INIT_F)();
extern __extc__ void F77_OBJ(electr,ELECTR)(int *);
diff --git a/HEN_HOUSE/interface/egs_interface2.h b/HEN_HOUSE/interface/egs_interface2.h
index 6baeca119..a0f844415 100644
--- a/HEN_HOUSE/interface/egs_interface2.h
+++ b/HEN_HOUSE/interface/egs_interface2.h
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ struct EGS_XOptions {
/*! \brief A structure corresponding to the \c egs_vr common block
The \c egs_vr common block contains variables that can turn on/off
- internally implemented variabce reduction techniques.
+ internally implemented variance reduction techniques.
struct EGS_VarianceReduction {
/*! Maximum energy for which it is allowed to use range rejection.
@@ -642,11 +642,61 @@ struct EGS_emfInputs {
bool emfield_on;
+#define MXBRES 100
+#define MXBRXS 50
+/*! \brief A structure corresponding to the \c NIST_BREMS common block.
+ This common block contains variables used to calculate NIST brems cross-
+ sections
+ */
+struct EGS_NistBrems {
+ EGS_Float nb_fdata[MXMED][MXBRES][MXBRXS+1], nb_xdata[MXMED][MXBRES][MXBRXS+1],
+ nb_wdata[MXMED][MXBRES][MXBRXS];
+ EGS_I32 nb_idata[MXMED][MXBRES][MXBRXS];
+ EGS_Float nb_emin[MXMED],nb_emax[MXMED],nb_lemin[MXMED],nb_lemax[MXMED],
+ nb_dle[MXMED],nb_dlei[MXMED],log_ap[MXMED];
+#define MXEL 50
+#define MXPWR2I 50
+/*! \brief A structure corresponding to the \c BREMPR common block.
+ This common block contains variables used to calculate NRC brems cross-
+ sections
+ */
+struct EGS_Brempr {
+ EGS_Float dl1[MXMED][8],dl2[MXMED][8],dl3[MXMED][8],dl4[MXMED][8],dl5[MXMED][8],
+ dl6[MXMED][8],alphi[MXMED][2],bpar[MXMED][2],delpos[MXMED][2],
+ pwr2i[MXPWR2I],delcm[MXMED],zbrang[MXMED],lzbrang[MXMED];
+ EGS_I32 nne[MXMED];
+ char asym[2][MXEL][MXMED][4];
+#define MXRAYFF 100
+#define MXSGE 400
+#define MXGE 2000
+/*! \brief A structure corresponding to the \c PHOTIN common block.
+ This common block contains variables used to calculate data used in
+ photon transport
+struct EGS_Photin {
+ EGS_Float ebinda[MXMED],ge0[MXMED],ge1[MXMED],gmfp1[MXMED][MXGE],gmfp2[MXMED][MXGE],
+ gbr10[MXMED][MXGE],gbr11[MXMED][MXGE],gbr20[MXMED][MXGE],gbr21[MXMED][MXGE],
+ rco0[MXMED],rco1[MXMED],rsct0[MXMED][MXRAYFF],rsct1[MXMED][MXRAYFF],
+ cohe0[MXMED][MXGE],cohe1[MXMED][MXGE],photonuc0[MXMED][MXGE],photonuc1[MXMED][MXGE],
+ dpmfp;
+ EGS_I32 mpgem[MXMED][MXSGE],ngr[MXMED];
/*! \brief The address of the mortran \c STACK common block as a
pointer to a C-structure of type EGS_Stack */
extern __extc__ struct EGS_Stack *the_stack;
-/*! \brief The address of the morrtan \c BOUNDS common block as a
+/*! \brief The address of the mortan \c BOUNDS common block as a
pointer to a C-structure of type EGS_Bounds */
extern __extc__ struct EGS_Bounds *the_bounds;
@@ -690,6 +740,18 @@ extern __extc__ struct EGS_Rayleigh *the_rayleigh;
pointer to a C-structure of type EGS_emfInputs */
extern __extc__ struct EGS_emfInputs *the_emf;
+/*! \brief The address of the mortran NIST-BREMS common block as a
+ pointer to a C-structure of type EGS_NistBrems */
+extern __extc__ struct EGS_NistBrems *the_nist_brems;
+/*! \brief The address of the mortran BREMPR common block as a
+ pointer to a C-structure of type EGS_Brempr */
+extern __extc__ struct EGS_Brempr *the_brempr;
+/*! \brief The address of the mortran PHOTIN common block as a
+ pointer to a C-structure of type EGS_Photin */
+extern __extc__ struct EGS_Photin *the_photin;
/* ******************* EGSnrc interface functions *************************/