diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d4960a78a6..7fae0a34aa 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1749,11 +1749,19 @@ In addition to the [standard mark options](#marks), the following optional chann
If either of the **x** or **y** channels are not specified, the corresponding position is controlled by the **frameAnchor** option.
-The following options are also supported:
+The following constant options are also supported:
+* **shape** - the shape of the vector; defaults to *arrow*
+* **r** - a radius in pixels; defaults to 3.5
* **anchor** - one of *start*, *middle*, or *end*; defaults to *middle*
* **frameAnchor** - the [frame anchor](#frameanchor); defaults to *middle*
+The **shape** option controls the visual appearance (path geometry) of the vector and supports the following values:
+* *arrow* (default) - an arrow with head size proportional to its length
+* *spike* - an isosceles triangle with open base
+* any object with a **draw** method; it receives a *context*, *length*, and *radius*
If the **anchor** is *start*, the arrow will start at the given *xy* position and point in the direction given by the rotation angle. If the **anchor** is *end*, the arrow will maintain the same orientation, but be positioned such that it ends in the given *xy* position. If the **anchor** is *middle*, the arrow will be likewise be positioned such that its midpoint intersects the given *xy* position.
If the **x** channel is not specified, vectors will be horizontally centered in the plot (or facet). Likewise if the **y** channel is not specified, vectors will be vertically centered in the plot (or facet). Typically either *x*, *y*, or both are specified.
@@ -1792,6 +1800,14 @@ Equivalent to [Plot.vector](#plotvectordata-options) except that if the **y** op
+#### Plot.spike(*data*, *options*)
+Equivalent to [Plot.vector](#plotvectordata-options) except that the **shape** defaults to *spike*, the **stroke** defaults to *currentColor*, the **strokeWidth** defaults to 1, the **fill** defaults to **stroke**, the **fillOpacity** defaults to 0.3, and the **anchor** defaults to *start*.
## Decorations
Decorations are static marks that do not represent data. Currently this includes only [Plot.frame](#frame), although internally Plot’s axes are implemented as decorations and may in the future be exposed here for more flexible configuration.
@@ -2064,6 +2080,32 @@ Bins on *y*. Also groups on *x* and first channel of *z*, *fill*, or *stroke*, i
+### Centroid
+#### Plot.centroid(*options*)
+The centroid initializer derives **x** and **y** channels representing the planar (projected) centroids for the the given GeoJSON geometry. If the **geometry** option is not specified, the mark’s data is assumed to be GeoJSON objects.
+Plot.dot(regions.features, Plot.centroid()).plot({projection: "reflect-y"})
+#### Plot.geoCentroid(*options*)
+The geoCentroid transform derives **x** and **y** channels representing the spherical centroids for the the given GeoJSON geometry. If the **geometry** option is not specified, the mark’s data is assumed to be GeoJSON objects.
+Plot.dot(counties.features, Plot.geoCentroid()).plot({projection: "albers-usa"})
### Group
diff --git a/src/index.js b/src/index.js
index aebeac3b0e..1f25d2b7d9 100644
--- a/src/index.js
+++ b/src/index.js
@@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ export {RuleX, RuleY, ruleX, ruleY} from "./marks/rule.js";
export {Text, text, textX, textY} from "./marks/text.js";
export {TickX, TickY, tickX, tickY} from "./marks/tick.js";
export {tree, cluster} from "./marks/tree.js";
-export {Vector, vector, vectorX, vectorY} from "./marks/vector.js";
+export {Vector, vector, vectorX, vectorY, spike} from "./marks/vector.js";
export {valueof, column} from "./options.js";
export {filter, reverse, sort, shuffle, basic as transform, initializer} from "./transforms/basic.js";
export {bin, binX, binY} from "./transforms/bin.js";
+export {centroid, geoCentroid} from "./transforms/centroid.js";
export {dodgeX, dodgeY} from "./transforms/dodge.js";
export {group, groupX, groupY, groupZ} from "./transforms/group.js";
export {hexbin} from "./transforms/hexbin.js";
diff --git a/src/marks/dot.js b/src/marks/dot.js
index d6198ad2c1..4109260fc7 100644
--- a/src/marks/dot.js
+++ b/src/marks/dot.js
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import {
} from "../style.js";
import {maybeSymbolChannel} from "../symbols.js";
+import {template} from "../template.js";
import {sort} from "../transforms/basic.js";
import {maybeIntervalMidX, maybeIntervalMidY} from "../transforms/interval.js";
@@ -66,9 +67,10 @@ export class Dot extends Mark {
render(index, scales, channels, dimensions, context) {
const {x, y} = scales;
const {x: X, y: Y, r: R, rotate: A, symbol: S} = channels;
+ const {r, rotate, symbol} = this;
const [cx, cy] = applyFrameAnchor(this, dimensions);
const circle = this.symbol === symbolCircle;
- const {r} = this;
+ const size = R ? undefined : r * r * Math.PI;
if (negative(r)) index = [];
return create("svg:g", context)
.call(applyIndirectStyles, this, scales, dimensions, context)
@@ -89,29 +91,39 @@ export class Dot extends Mark {
.attr("r", R ? (i) => R[i] : r);
: (selection) => {
- const translate =
- X && Y
- ? (i) => `translate(${X[i]},${Y[i]})`
- : X
- ? (i) => `translate(${X[i]},${cy})`
- : Y
- ? (i) => `translate(${cx},${Y[i]})`
- : () => `translate(${cx},${cy})`;
- A
- ? (i) => `${translate(i)} rotate(${A[i]})`
- : this.rotate
- ? (i) => `${translate(i)} rotate(${this.rotate})`
- : translate
+ template`translate(${X ? (i) => X[i] : cx},${Y ? (i) => Y[i] : cy})${
+ A ? (i) => ` rotate(${A[i]})` : rotate ? ` rotate(${rotate})` : ``
+ }`
- .attr("d", (i) => {
- const p = path(),
- radius = R ? R[i] : r;
- (S ? S[i] : this.symbol).draw(p, radius * radius * Math.PI);
- return p;
- });
+ .attr(
+ "d",
+ R && S
+ ? (i) => {
+ const p = path();
+ S[i].draw(p, R[i] * R[i] * Math.PI);
+ return p;
+ }
+ : R
+ ? (i) => {
+ const p = path();
+ symbol.draw(p, R[i] * R[i] * Math.PI);
+ return p;
+ }
+ : S
+ ? (i) => {
+ const p = path();
+ S[i].draw(p, size);
+ return p;
+ }
+ : (() => {
+ const p = path();
+ symbol.draw(p, size);
+ return p;
+ })()
+ );
.call(applyChannelStyles, this, channels)
diff --git a/src/marks/text.js b/src/marks/text.js
index 0f9a7d8997..c1414080b3 100644
--- a/src/marks/text.js
+++ b/src/marks/text.js
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import {
} from "../style.js";
+import {template} from "../template.js";
import {maybeIntervalMidX, maybeIntervalMidY} from "../transforms/interval.js";
const defaults = {
@@ -100,29 +101,9 @@ export class Text extends Mark {
.call(applyMultilineText, this, T)
- R
- ? X && Y
- ? (i) => `translate(${X[i]},${Y[i]}) rotate(${R[i]})`
- : X
- ? (i) => `translate(${X[i]},${cy}) rotate(${R[i]})`
- : Y
- ? (i) => `translate(${cx},${Y[i]}) rotate(${R[i]})`
- : (i) => `translate(${cx},${cy}) rotate(${R[i]})`
- : rotate
- ? X && Y
- ? (i) => `translate(${X[i]},${Y[i]}) rotate(${rotate})`
- : X
- ? (i) => `translate(${X[i]},${cy}) rotate(${rotate})`
- : Y
- ? (i) => `translate(${cx},${Y[i]}) rotate(${rotate})`
- : `translate(${cx},${cy}) rotate(${rotate})`
- : X && Y
- ? (i) => `translate(${X[i]},${Y[i]})`
- : X
- ? (i) => `translate(${X[i]},${cy})`
- : Y
- ? (i) => `translate(${cx},${Y[i]})`
- : `translate(${cx},${cy})`
+ template`translate(${X ? (i) => X[i] : cx},${Y ? (i) => Y[i] : cy})${
+ R ? (i) => ` rotate(${R[i]})` : rotate ? ` rotate(${rotate})` : ``
+ }`
.call(applyAttr, "font-size", FS && ((i) => FS[i]))
.call(applyChannelStyles, this, channels)
diff --git a/src/marks/vector.js b/src/marks/vector.js
index 296ce43869..3541c02f66 100644
--- a/src/marks/vector.js
+++ b/src/marks/vector.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+import {path} from "d3";
import {create} from "../context.js";
-import {radians} from "../math.js";
import {maybeFrameAnchor, maybeNumberChannel, maybeTuple, keyword, identity} from "../options.js";
import {Mark} from "../plot.js";
import {
@@ -9,18 +9,63 @@ import {
} from "../style.js";
+import {template} from "../template.js";
const defaults = {
ariaLabel: "vector",
- fill: null,
+ fill: "none",
stroke: "currentColor",
strokeWidth: 1.5,
+ strokeLinejoin: "round",
strokeLinecap: "round"
+const defaultRadius = 3.5;
+// The size of the arrowhead is proportional to its length, but we still allow
+// the relative size of the head to be controlled via the mark’s width option;
+// doubling the default radius will produce an arrowhead that is twice as big.
+// That said, we’ll probably want a arrow with a fixed head size, too.
+const wingRatio = defaultRadius * 5;
+const shapeArrow = {
+ draw(context, l, r) {
+ const wing = (l * r) / wingRatio;
+ context.moveTo(0, 0);
+ context.lineTo(0, -l);
+ context.moveTo(-wing, wing - l);
+ context.lineTo(0, -l);
+ context.lineTo(wing, wing - l);
+ }
+const shapeSpike = {
+ draw(context, l, r) {
+ context.moveTo(-r, 0);
+ context.lineTo(0, -l);
+ context.lineTo(r, 0);
+ }
+const shapes = new Map([
+ ["arrow", shapeArrow],
+ ["spike", shapeSpike]
+function isShapeObject(value) {
+ return value && typeof value.draw === "function";
+function Shape(shape) {
+ if (isShapeObject(shape)) return shape;
+ const value = shapes.get(`${shape}`.toLowerCase());
+ if (value) return value;
+ throw new Error(`invalid shape: ${shape}`);
export class Vector extends Mark {
constructor(data, options = {}) {
- const {x, y, length, rotate, anchor = "middle", frameAnchor} = options;
+ const {x, y, r = defaultRadius, length, rotate, shape = shapeArrow, anchor = "middle", frameAnchor} = options;
const [vl, cl] = maybeNumberChannel(length, 12);
const [vr, cr] = maybeNumberChannel(rotate, 0);
@@ -34,23 +79,19 @@ export class Vector extends Mark {
+ this.r = +r;
this.length = cl;
this.rotate = cr;
+ this.shape = Shape(shape);
this.anchor = keyword(anchor, "anchor", ["start", "middle", "end"]);
this.frameAnchor = maybeFrameAnchor(frameAnchor);
render(index, scales, channels, dimensions, context) {
const {x, y} = scales;
- const {x: X, y: Y, length: L, rotate: R} = channels;
- const {length, rotate, anchor} = this;
+ const {x: X, y: Y, length: L, rotate: A} = channels;
+ const {length, rotate, anchor, shape, r} = this;
const [cx, cy] = applyFrameAnchor(this, dimensions);
- const fl = L ? (i) => L[i] : () => length;
- const fr = R ? (i) => R[i] : () => rotate;
- const fx = X ? (i) => X[i] : () => cx;
- const fy = Y ? (i) => Y[i] : () => cy;
- const k = anchor === "start" ? 0 : anchor === "end" ? 1 : 0.5;
return create("svg:g", context)
- .attr("fill", "none")
.call(applyIndirectStyles, this, scales, dimensions, context)
.call(applyTransform, this, {x: X && x, y: Y && y})
.call((g) =>
@@ -60,15 +101,36 @@ export class Vector extends Mark {
.call(applyDirectStyles, this)
- .attr("d", (i) => {
- const l = fl(i),
- a = fr(i) * radians;
- const x = Math.sin(a) * l,
- y = -Math.cos(a) * l;
- const d = (x + y) / 5,
- e = (x - y) / 5;
- return `M${fx(i) - x * k},${fy(i) - y * k}l${x},${y}m${-e},${-d}l${e},${d}l${-d},${e}`;
- })
+ .attr(
+ "transform",
+ template`translate(${X ? (i) => X[i] : cx},${Y ? (i) => Y[i] : cy})${
+ A ? (i) => ` rotate(${A[i]})` : rotate ? ` rotate(${rotate})` : ``
+ }${
+ anchor === "start"
+ ? ``
+ : anchor === "end"
+ ? L
+ ? (i) => ` translate(0,${L[i]})`
+ : ` translate(0,${length})`
+ : L
+ ? (i) => ` translate(0,${L[i] / 2})`
+ : ` translate(0,${length / 2})`
+ }`
+ )
+ .attr(
+ "d",
+ L
+ ? (i) => {
+ const p = path();
+ shape.draw(p, L[i], r);
+ return p;
+ }
+ : (() => {
+ const p = path();
+ shape.draw(p, length, r);
+ return p;
+ })()
+ )
.call(applyChannelStyles, this, channels)
@@ -77,19 +139,33 @@ export class Vector extends Mark {
/** @jsdoc vector */
export function vector(data, options = {}) {
- let {x, y, ...remainingOptions} = options;
+ let {x, y, ...rest} = options;
if (options.frameAnchor === undefined) [x, y] = maybeTuple(x, y);
- return new Vector(data, {...remainingOptions, x, y});
+ return new Vector(data, {...rest, x, y});
/** @jsdoc vectorX */
export function vectorX(data, options = {}) {
- const {x = identity, ...remainingOptions} = options;
- return new Vector(data, {...remainingOptions, x});
+ const {x = identity, ...rest} = options;
+ return new Vector(data, {...rest, x});
/** @jsdoc vectorY */
export function vectorY(data, options = {}) {
- const {y = identity, ...remainingOptions} = options;
- return new Vector(data, {...remainingOptions, y});
+ const {y = identity, ...rest} = options;
+ return new Vector(data, {...rest, y});
+/** @jsdoc spike */
+export function spike(data, options = {}) {
+ const {
+ shape = shapeSpike,
+ stroke = defaults.stroke,
+ strokeWidth = 1,
+ fill = stroke,
+ fillOpacity = 0.3,
+ anchor = "start",
+ ...rest
+ } = options;
+ return vector(data, {...rest, shape, stroke, strokeWidth, fill, fillOpacity, anchor});
diff --git a/src/template.js b/src/template.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a12aa434e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/template.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+export function template(strings, ...parts) {
+ let n = parts.length;
+ // If any of the interpolated parameters are strings rather than functions,
+ // bake them into the template to optimize performance during render.
+ for (let j = 0, copy = true; j < n; ++j) {
+ if (typeof parts[j] !== "function") {
+ if (copy) {
+ strings = strings.slice(); // copy before mutate
+ copy = false;
+ }
+ strings.splice(j, 2, strings[j] + parts[j] + strings[j + 1]);
+ parts.splice(j, 1);
+ --j, --n;
+ }
+ }
+ return (i) => {
+ let s = strings[0];
+ for (let j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
+ s += parts[j](i) + strings[j + 1];
+ }
+ return s;
+ };
diff --git a/src/transforms/centroid.js b/src/transforms/centroid.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..69575135b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/transforms/centroid.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import {geoCentroid as GeoCentroid, geoPath} from "d3";
+import {identity, valueof} from "../options.js";
+import {initializer} from "./basic.js";
+/** @jsdoc centroid */
+export function centroid({geometry = identity, ...options} = {}) {
+ // Suppress defaults for x and y since they will be computed by the initializer.
+ return initializer({...options, x: null, y: null}, (data, facets, channels, scales, dimensions, {projection}) => {
+ const G = valueof(data, geometry);
+ const n = G.length;
+ const X = new Float64Array(n);
+ const Y = new Float64Array(n);
+ const path = geoPath(projection);
+ for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) [X[i], Y[i]] = path.centroid(G[i]);
+ return {data, facets, channels: {x: {value: X}, y: {value: Y}}};
+ });
+/** @jsdoc geoCentroid */
+export function geoCentroid({geometry = identity, ...options} = {}) {
+ let C;
+ return {
+ ...options,
+ x: {transform: (data) => Float64Array.from((C = valueof(valueof(data, geometry), GeoCentroid)), ([x]) => x)},
+ y: {transform: () => Float64Array.from(C, ([, y]) => y)}
+ };
diff --git a/test/data/us-county-population.csv b/test/data/us-county-population.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..892d6000c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/data/us-county-population.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,2911 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/caltrainDirection.svg b/test/output/caltrainDirection.svg
index ad5130abf2..e9f7a1fba7 100644
--- a/test/output/caltrainDirection.svg
+++ b/test/output/caltrainDirection.svg
@@ -48,93 +48,93 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/countryCentroids.svg b/test/output/countryCentroids.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54fc982920
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/output/countryCentroids.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/shorthandVector.svg b/test/output/shorthandVector.svg
index cdda4f9eab..292bb30652 100644
--- a/test/output/shorthandVector.svg
+++ b/test/output/shorthandVector.svg
@@ -77,46 +77,46 @@
Feb 25
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/shorthandVectorX.svg b/test/output/shorthandVectorX.svg
index dc281fd9e1..e50d9d2a4f 100644
--- a/test/output/shorthandVectorX.svg
+++ b/test/output/shorthandVectorX.svg
@@ -30,46 +30,46 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/usCountySpikes.svg b/test/output/usCountySpikes.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e0145d60d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/output/usCountySpikes.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,2857 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/usPresidentialElectionMap2020.svg b/test/output/usPresidentialElectionMap2020.svg
index 2c6a702ed2..042268d7cc 100644
--- a/test/output/usPresidentialElectionMap2020.svg
+++ b/test/output/usPresidentialElectionMap2020.svg
@@ -16,3117 +16,3117 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/vectorField.svg b/test/output/vectorField.svg
index 917047e503..edb081ad33 100644
--- a/test/output/vectorField.svg
+++ b/test/output/vectorField.svg
@@ -77,1030 +77,1030 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/output/vectorFrame.svg b/test/output/vectorFrame.svg
index 82fa82b96a..7b8dff39fb 100644
--- a/test/output/vectorFrame.svg
+++ b/test/output/vectorFrame.svg
@@ -14,17 +14,17 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/plots/country-centroids.js b/test/plots/country-centroids.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3344f3d1c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/plots/country-centroids.js
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import * as Plot from "@observablehq/plot";
+import * as d3 from "d3";
+import {feature} from "topojson-client";
+export default async function () {
+ const world = await d3.json("data/countries-110m.json");
+ const land = feature(world, world.objects.land);
+ const countries = feature(world, world.objects.countries).features;
+ return Plot.plot({
+ projection: "mercator",
+ marks: [
+ Plot.graticule(),
+ Plot.geo(land, {fill: "#ddd"}),
+ Plot.geo(countries, {stroke: "#fff"}),
+ Plot.text(countries, Plot.geoCentroid({fill: "red", text: "id"})),
+ Plot.text(countries, Plot.centroid({fill: "blue", text: "id"})),
+ Plot.frame()
+ ]
+ });
diff --git a/test/plots/index.js b/test/plots/index.js
index f6e18e20d3..4436ba723f 100644
--- a/test/plots/index.js
+++ b/test/plots/index.js
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ export {default as carsMpg} from "./cars-mpg.js";
export {default as carsParcoords} from "./cars-parcoords.js";
export {default as clamp} from "./clamp.js";
export {default as collapsedHistogram} from "./collapsed-histogram.js";
+export {default as countryCentroids} from "./country-centroids.js";
export {default as covidIhmeProjectedDeaths} from "./covid-ihme-projected-deaths.js";
export {default as crimeanWarArrow} from "./crimean-war-arrow.js";
export {default as crimeanWarLine} from "./crimean-war-line.js";
@@ -251,6 +252,7 @@ export {default as usCongressAgeColorExplicit} from "./us-congress-age-color-exp
export {default as usCongressAgeGender} from "./us-congress-age-gender.js";
export {default as usCongressAgeSymbolExplicit} from "./us-congress-age-symbol-explicit.js";
export {default as usCountyChoropleth} from "./us-county-choropleth.js";
+export {default as usCountySpikes} from "./us-county-spikes.js";
export {default as usPopulationStateAge} from "./us-population-state-age.js";
export {default as usPopulationStateAgeDots} from "./us-population-state-age-dots.js";
export {default as usPresidentFavorabilityDots} from "./us-president-favorability-dots.js";
diff --git a/test/plots/us-county-spikes.js b/test/plots/us-county-spikes.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..031b755b09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/plots/us-county-spikes.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+import * as Plot from "@observablehq/plot";
+import * as d3 from "d3";
+import {feature, mesh} from "topojson-client";
+export default async function () {
+ const [[nation, counties, statemesh], population] = await Promise.all([
+ d3
+ .json("data/us-counties-10m.json")
+ .then((us) => [
+ feature(us, us.objects.nation),
+ feature(us, us.objects.counties),
+ mesh(us, us.objects.states, (a, b) => a !== b)
+ ]),
+ d3
+ .csv("data/us-county-population.csv")
+ .then((data) => new Map(data.map(({state, county, population}) => [state + county, +population])))
+ ]);
+ return Plot.plot({
+ width: 960,
+ height: 600,
+ projection: "albers-usa",
+ length: {
+ range: [0, 200]
+ },
+ marks: [
+ Plot.geo(nation, {fill: "#e0e0e0"}),
+ Plot.geo(statemesh, {stroke: "white"}),
+ Plot.spike(counties.features, Plot.geoCentroid({stroke: "red", length: (d) => population.get(d.id)}))
+ ]
+ });
diff --git a/test/plots/us-presidential-election-map-2020.js b/test/plots/us-presidential-election-map-2020.js
index 4ed989e6d0..329358b044 100644
--- a/test/plots/us-presidential-election-map-2020.js
+++ b/test/plots/us-presidential-election-map-2020.js
@@ -7,23 +7,25 @@ export default async function () {
d3.json("data/us-counties-10m.json").then((us) => [feature(us, us.objects.counties), mesh(us, us.objects.states)]),
- const centroids = new Map(counties.features.map((d) => [d.id, d3.geoCentroid(d)]));
+ const geom = new Map(counties.features.map((d) => [d.id, d]));
return Plot.plot({
width: 960,
height: 600,
projection: "albers-usa",
marks: [
- Plot.vector(elections, {
- filter: (d) => d.votes > 0,
- anchor: "start",
- x: (d) => centroids.get(d.fips)?.[0],
- y: (d) => centroids.get(d.fips)?.[1],
- sort: (d) => Math.abs(+d.results_trumpd - +d.results_bidenj),
- stroke: (d) => (+d.results_trumpd > +d.results_bidenj ? "red" : "blue"),
- length: (d) => Math.sqrt(Math.abs(+d.margin2020 * +d.votes)),
- rotate: (d) => (+d.results_bidenj < +d.results_trumpd ? 60 : -60)
- })
+ Plot.vector(
+ elections,
+ Plot.geoCentroid({
+ geometry: ({fips}) => geom.get(fips),
+ filter: (d) => d.votes > 0,
+ anchor: "start",
+ sort: (d) => Math.abs(+d.results_trumpd - +d.results_bidenj),
+ stroke: (d) => (+d.results_trumpd > +d.results_bidenj ? "red" : "blue"),
+ length: (d) => Math.sqrt(Math.abs(+d.margin2020 * +d.votes)),
+ rotate: (d) => (+d.results_bidenj < +d.results_trumpd ? 60 : -60)
+ })
+ )