========== Faster version of Martin Blampied MBTwitterScroll. Remove need to pre-blurring a set of header images. This is too slow in real world usage. Accomplished the blur effect by creating one blur image and setting alpha value to zero. Increase alpha value as header scrolls.
Copy the source files MBTwitterScroll folder into your project.
Import the project
#import "MBTwitterScroll.h"
To show animation on UITableVIew use the following code:
MBTwitterScroll *myTableView = [[MBTwitterScroll alloc]
initTableViewWithBackgound:[UIImage imageNamed:@"your image"]
avatarImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"your avatar"]
titleString:@"Main title"
subtitleString:@"Sub title"
buttonTitle:@"Follow"]; // Set nil for no button
myTableView.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:myTableView];
To show animation on UIScrollView use the following code:
MBTwitterScroll *myScrollView = [[MBTwitterScroll alloc]
avatarImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"avatar.png"]
titleString:@"Main title"
subtitleString:@"Sub title"
buttonTitle:@"Follow" // // Set nil for no button
myScrollView.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:myScrollView];
MBTwitterScroll is free for all use available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more information.
Any problems or features contact me at [email protected]