- csd_plot() is interactive only from terminal
- contact_frequency() bug fix
- fiona added to dependencies
- csd_plot after Peterson 1996 added
- contact_frequency Grains method added
- utils.circstat provides most common circular statistics suitable for pandas agg
- from_coords method added to Boundary
- added eap and epa Grain methods
- surfor for Grains normalized by factor 2
- vertex_angles property added
- ortensor added to utils
- agg accepts kwargs allowing define names of aggregated columns
- shapelysmooth methods added for smoothing
- shapely and scipy upstream fixes
- jenks and quantile rules fix
- bcov shape_method added for eigenanalysis of decomposed geometry
- upstream fix for networkX 3
- Fracnet.from_boundaries bug fixed
- upstream fix for shapely 3
- topological analyses added to Fracnet
- fourier_ellipse shape method for Grains added
- eliptic fourier smoothing for Grains added
- added grainsize plot
- added accumulate method to Grains and Boundaries
- simple fiona reader implemented (fiona must be installed)
- added kde plot
- rose plot groupped according to classification
- get_class, class_iter methods added to Grains and Boundaries
- seaborn added to requirements
- several seaborn categorical plots are added as methods (swarmplot, boxplot, barplot, countplot)
- getindex method of Grains and Boundaries implemented
- Grain cdist property return centroid-vertex distance function
- Grain cdir property return centroid-vertex direction function
- Grain shape_vector property returns normalized Fourier descriptors
- Grain regularize method returns Grain with regularly distributed vertices
- Classification could be based on properties or any other values
- boundary_segments method added
- Smoothing, simplification and regularization of boundaries implemented
- Colortable for legend is persistant trough indexing. Classify method could be used to change it
- Default color table is seaborn muted for unique classification and matplotlib viridis for continuous classes
- bugfix
- added plots module (initial)
- representative_point for Grains implemented
- moments calculation including holes
- surfor and parror functions added
- orientation of polygons is unified and checked
- minbox shape method added
- shell script ipolylx opens interactive console
- Added MAEE (minimum area enclosing ellipse) to grain shape methods
- Removed embedded IPython and IPython requirements
- IPython added to requirements
- Sample has pairs property(dictionary) to map boundary id to grains id
- Sample triplets method returns list of grains id creating triple points
- Examples added to distribution
- Sample neighbors_dist method to calculate neighbors distances
- Grains and Boundaries nndist to calculate nearest neighbors distances
- Fancy indexing with slices fixed
- Affine transformations affine_transform, rotate, scale, skew, translate methods implemented for Grains and Boundaries
- Sample name atribute added
- Sample bids method to get boundary id's related to grain added
- PolyShape name forced to be string
- Creation of boundaries is Grains method
- classification is persitant trough fancy indexing
- empty classes allowed
- bootstrap method added to PolySet
- Smooth and simplify methods for Grains implemented
- Initial documentation added
properties renamed toname
- First release