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389 lines (272 loc) · 14.1 KB
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Supun Setunga ([email protected])
Supun Setunga ([email protected])

Introduce Built-in Mutability Entitlements


The objective of this proposal is to introduce a set of built-in entitlements to control mutable operations on arrays, dictionaries and composite types.


A previous version of Cadence ("Secure Cadence") restricted the potential foot-gun of mutating container-typed let fields/variables via the Cadence mutability restrictions FLIP (#703).

However, there are still ways to mutate such fields by:

  • Directly mutating a nested composite typed field.
  • Mutating a field by calling a mutating function on the field.
  • Mutating the field via a reference.

More details on this problem is described in the FLIP for improving mutability restrictions.

With an aim of moving one step closer to solving these existing problems, another FLIP was proposed previous to this, to change member access semantics for container types.

Going another step further, this FLIP proposes introducing a set of built-in entitlements, that can be used along with the change of member-access semantics, to better control who can perform mutating operations through the references. With that, it is also proposed to remove the restrictions introduced in the previous Cadence mutability restrictions FLIP (#703).

The Mutability Restrictions Vision explains how this proposed changes contribute to solving the aforementioned problems, and how the final solution looks like, with examples.

User Benefit

The changes suggested in this proposal eliminate the potential for users to accidentally expose mutable fields through references.

Design Proposal

Before going into the details of the proposal, it is important to note that these proposed changes depend on the change to member-access semantics and the introduction of Entitlements.

The main change proposed in this FLIP is to introduce a set of built-in entitlements:

  • Insert
  • Remove
  • Mutate

Along with that, built-in array/dictionary mutating functions such as append, remove, etc., would get a corresponding entitlement access, instead of the pub/access(all) access that they currently possess. Thus, only a reference (to an array/dictionary) that has the correct entitlement can call such methods.


Array functions would now have the below entitlements:

  • access(all) fun contains(_ element: T): Bool
  • access(all) fun firstIndex(of: T): Int?
  • access(all) fun slice(from: Int, upTo: Int): [T]
  • access(all) fun concat(_ array: T): T
  • access(Mutate | Insert) fun append(_ element: T): Void
  • access(Mutate | Insert) fun appendAll(_ element: T): Void
  • access(Mutate | Insert) fun insert(at: Int, _ element: T): Void
  • access(Mutate | Remove) fun remove(at: Int): T
  • access(Mutate | Remove) fun removeFirst(at: Int): T
  • access(Mutate | Remove) fun removeLast(at: Int): T

Thus, for any arbitrary array:

var arrayRef = &array as &[String]
arrayRef.contains("John")          // OK
arrayRef.append("John")            // Static Error: doesn't have the required entitlement
arrayRef.remove(2)                 // Static Error: doesn't have the required entitlement

var insertableArrayRef = &array as auth(Insert) &[String]
insertableArrayRef.contains("John") // OK
insertableArrayRef.append("John")   // OK
insertableArrayRef.remove(2)        // Static Error: doesn't have the required entitlement

var removableArrayRef = &array as auth(Remove) &[String]
removableArrayRef.contains("John")  // OK
removableArrayRef.append("John")    // Static Error: doesn't have the required entitlement
removableArrayRef.remove(2)         // OK

var mutableArrayRef = &array as auth(Mutate) &[String]
mutableArrayRef.contains("John")   // OK
mutableArrayRef.append("John")     // OK
mutableArrayRef.remove(2)          // OK


Dictionary functions would now have the below entitlements:

  • access(all) fun containsKey(key: K): Bool
  • access(all) fun forEachKey(_ function: ((K): Bool)): Void
  • access(Mutate | Insert) fun insert(key: K, _ value: V): V?
  • access(Mutate | Remove) fun remove(key: K): V?

Thus, for any arbitrary dictionary:

var dictionaryRef = &dictionary as &{String:AnyStruct}
dictionaryRef.containsKey("John")               // OK
dictionaryRef.insert("John", "Doe")             // Static Error: doesn't have the required entitlement
dictionaryRef.remove("John")                    // Static Error: doesn't have the required entitlement

var insertableDictionaryRef = &dictionary as auth(Insert) &{String:AnyStruct}
insertableDictionaryRef.containsKey("John")     // OK
insertableDictionaryRef.insert("John", "Doe")   // OK
insertableDictionaryRef.remove("John")          // Static Error: doesn't have the required entitlement

var removableDictionaryRef = &dictionary as auth(Remove) &{String:AnyStruct}
removableDictionaryRef.containsKey("John")      // OK
removableDictionaryRef.insert("John", "Doe")    // Static Error: doesn't have the required entitlement
removableDictionaryRef.remove("John")           // Ok

var mutableDictionaryRef = &dictionary as auth(Mutate) &{String:AnyStruct}
mutableDictionaryRef.containsKey("John")        // OK
mutableDictionaryRef.insert("John", "Doe")      // OK
mutableDictionaryRef.remove("John")             // OK


Similar to functions, the assignment operator for arrays/dictionaries would also have the Mutate and Insert entitlements. Think of assignment as a built-in function with Mutate and Insert entitlements. e.g:

access(Mutate | Insert) set(keyOrIndex, value) { ... }

Thus, for any arbitrary array:

var arrayRef = &array as &[String]
arrayRef[2] = "John"               // Static Error: updating via a read-only reference

var mutableArrayRef = &array as auth(Mutate) &[String]
mutableArrayRef[2] = "John"        // OK

var insertableArrayRef = &array as auth(Insert) &[String]
insertableArrayRef[2] = "John"     // OK

var removableArrayRef = &array as auth(Remove) &[String]
removableArrayRef[2] = "John"     // Static Error: doesn't have the required entitlement

This would behave the same way for dictionaries as well.

Removing existing restrictions

The changes (mutable annotation in particular) introduced in FLIP #703 are very similar to the ones that are suggested in this FLIP. The mutable annotation introduced there for built-in functions, can be replaced with the proposed entitlements.

The major difference in the two approaches is that, changes in FLIP#703 also apply to 'owned' values, whereas the entitlement-based solution (this proposal) only applicable for references.

However, for an owned value, since it is possible to take a reference to members with any desired entitlement, having those restrictions as in FLIP#703 doesn't make much sense.

For an example:

pub resource Collection {
    pub var ownedNFTs: @{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT}

// Consider an 'owned' value.
var collection: @Collection <- ...

// Mutating from outside of the resource is prohibitted as per existing type-checking rules.
collection.ownedNFTRef[1234] <- nft

// However, can take a mutable reference and mutate the field via the reference
var mutableOwnedNFTRef = &collection as auth(Mutate) @{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT}
mutableOwnedNFTRef[1234] <- nft

Thus, the existing restrictions can be confusing, and would rather be better to keep a consistent behavior by undoing those changes, and leaning towards an entitlement-based solution.

Putting It All Together

Now let's see how this solves the mutability foot-gun. Let's consider the NonFungibleToken.Collection example:

pub resource Collection: NonFungibleToken.Collection {

    // Requirement: This field must be read-only for outsiders.
    pub var ownedNFTs: @{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT}


The original intention of the Collection resource is to make ownedNFTs readable to outsiders, but must not be mutable.

// `collection.ownedNFTs` result in a `&{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT}`
var ownedNFTsRef: &{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT} = collection.ownedNFTs

The field collection.ownedNFTs is readable since it is pub access modifier. It is not mutable since it has no entitlements.

var len = ownedNFTsRef.length         // OK: read only operation

ownedNFTsRef["someNFT"] <- someNft    // Static Error: `append` needs `Mutate` entitlement

Making the Field Mutate

Assume the author wanted to make ownedNFTs field mutable for some reason. Given that field-access now always returns a non-auth reference, now the author needs to introduce a function to return an authorized reference.

pub resource Collection: NonFungibleToken.Collection {

    pub var ownedNFTs: @{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT}

    // Provide a function that returns a mutable reference.
    pub fun getMutableNFTs() auth(Mutate) &{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT} {
        return &self.ownedNFTs as auth(Mutate) &{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT}

Now the mutable operation is possible via the auth(Mutate) reference,

// Get a mutable reference
var ownedNFTsRef = collectionRef.getMutableNFTs()

// `ownedNFTsRef` is a dictionary reference with auth{Mutate} entitlement.

var len = ownedNFTsRef.length        // OK

ownedNFTsRef["someNFT"] <- someNft   // OK


It is now possible to have a function that modifies the receiver, but is declared without the Mutate entitlement requirements.

pub resource Collection: NonFungibleToken.Collection {

    pub var ownedNFTs: @{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT}

    pub fun delete(_ id: UInt64) {
        destroy ownedNFTs.remove(key: id)

Assume the author set the access modifier of the delete method to be pub instead of access(Mutate). Now anyone with an un-entitled reference to Collection can modify ownedNFTs.

However, this is in a way a good thing to have, and eliminates the problem of the previous FLIP proposed to eliminate the mutability foot-gun, where having to annotate each and every mutating function could quickly become an overkill. Also, certain mutating operations are in-fact safe. For example: deposit() function of Collection does mutate the object, however, it is of no harm of anyone calling the deposit() function.

Alternatives Considered

There were three alternatives considered for the mutability problem:

1) Introducing additional static checks preventing mutations

FLIP: #58

The drawback was that the added checks makes it too restrictive, and having to mark each function that modifies the receiver value as 'mutating' seems to exponentially explode in the code.

However, some of the proposed changes in current FLIP resembles to the above-mentioned FLIP, specially with the 'mutable' references concept.

On contrary, the notable difference is, not all mutating functions needs to be marked as mutating. It is upto the author of the function to determine whether the function needs to be exposed/restricted as a mutating operation using entitlements.

Comparing using the same example:

pub resource Collection: NonFungibleToken.Collection {

    pub var ownedNFTs: @{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT}

    // Provide a function that returns a mutable reference.
    pub fun getMutableNFTs() &{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT} {
        return &self.ownedNFTs as &{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT}

Then, on the usage:

// Directly updating is rejected.
collection.ownedNFTs["someNFT"] <- someNft    // Static Error

// Taking a mutable reference is rejected.
var ownedNFTsMutableRef = &collection.ownedNFTs as &{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT}    // Static Error

// Taking immutable reference is OK, but updating via immutable ref is rejected.
var ownedNFTsImmutableRef = &collection.ownedNFTs as immutable &{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT}  // OK
ownedNFTsImmutableRef["someNFT"] <- someNft                                                     // Static Error

// Updating via a mutable reference is OK.
var ownedNFTsRef = collectionRef.getMutableNFTs()
ownedNFTsRef["someNFT"] <- someNft    // OK

2) Restricting usage of let fields

FLIP: #59

pub resource Collection: NonFungibleToken.Collection {

    priv var(set) ownedNFTs: @{UInt64: NonFungibleToken.NFT}

    // Provide functions to expose functionalities to the inner dictionary.
    pub fun size() Int {
        return self.ownedNFTs.length

Drawback is author have to decide/anticipate what information to be exposed via delegator functions. These delegator functions may add a lot of boilerplate code.

3) Keeping the current behavior

Considering the added complexity of the proposed solutions, and considering that some of these solutions may only 'hide' the problem rather than completely solving them, keeping the current behavior and properly documenting it is a possible alternative solution.

Performance Implications



Engineering Impact

This change has medium complexity in the implementation.


This is a backward incompatible change.

User Impact

Almost all deployed contracts might be affected by this change.

Related Issues


Prior Art


Questions and Discussion Topics

The naming (should be a verb/noun/adjective?) and the styling (should be camel-case/lower-case?) of the three entitlements need to be discussed and finalized.