- bump smqp@9
- patch some dev dependencies
- use prettier for formatting rules since they are deprecated in eslint
- acking/nacking/rejecting an already acked message kills the channel with an unknown delivery tag error (406)
- support per channel prefetch, kills connection if prefetch is called with global argument before version 3.3
- nackAll requeue argument is true by default, as per documentation
- fake connection and channel inherits from EventEmitter
- drop node 12 support
- convert to esm with exports for node
- bump
- lint some
- [email protected]
- lint some
- Always return queue name when asserting queue
- support connecting with urlish object
- smqp@6
- ack/nack all only cares about messages consumed by channel, previously everything was gone
- ack/nack all fix
- Call confirm channel callback when the message is queued, not when it is consumed!
- implement publish with empty string special case
- hide some internal props from message
- share behind the scenes broker if connection hosts and vhost are the same
- add new
helper method to be able to get a connection synchronously to facilitate testing
- be a better mimic of amqplib, some stuff didn't work at all prior to this version
- Handle different behaviours between RabbitMQ versions
- bump
- stop building for node 10 (mocha's fault)
- bump
- bump
[email protected]
- support exclusive queue and its behaviour
- emit return on channel if mandatory message was not routed
- apparently connection is killed as well when trying to consume exclusive consumed queue
- try to mimic real behaviour and throw some errors with code
- kill channel if trying to consume exclusive consumed queue