: Flow extensions
: extend function to pass to serializer
import { createRequire } from 'node:module' ;
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' ;
import { Engine } from 'bpmn-engine' ;
import { extensions } from '@onify/flow-extensions' ;
import { FlowScripts } from '@onify/flow-extensions/FlowScripts' ;
const nodeRequire = createRequire ( fileURLToPath ( import . meta. url ) ) ;
const source = `
<definitions xmlns="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL"
<process id="theProcess" isExecutable="true">
<serviceTask id="task1" camunda:expression="\${environment.services.serviceFn}" camunda:resultVariable="result" />
<sequenceFlow id="to-task2" sourceRef="task1" targetRef="task2" />
<scriptTask id="task2" camunda:resultVariable="out" scriptFormat="js">
next(null, myContextFn());
</definitions>` ;
const name = 'onify flow' ;
const engine = new Engine ( {
moddleOptions : {
camunda : nodeRequire ( 'camunda-bpmn-moddle/resources/camunda.json' ) ,
} ,
services : {
serviceFn ( scope , callback ) {
callback ( null , { data : 1 } ) ;
} ,
} ,
extensions : {
onify : extensions ,
} ,
scripts : new FlowScripts ( name , './script-resources' , {
myContextFn ( ) {
return 2 ;
} ,
} ) ,
} ) ;
engine . execute ( ( err , instance ) => {
if ( err ) throw err ;
console . log ( instance . name , instance . environment . output ) ;
} ) ;
Extract scripts with extend function
import { createRequire } from 'node:module' ;
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' ;
import BpmnModdle from 'bpmn-moddle' ;
import * as Elements from 'bpmn-elements' ;
import { Serializer , TypeResolver } from 'moddle-context-serializer' ;
import { extendFn } from '@onify/flow-extensions' ;
const nodeRequire = createRequire ( fileURLToPath ( import . meta. url ) ) ;
const source = `
<definitions id="Def_0" xmlns="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL"
<process id="process-1" name="Onify Flow" isExecutable="true">
<serviceTask id="task1">
<camunda:inputParameter name="method">GET</camunda:inputParameter>
<camunda:inputParameter name="url">/my/items/workspace-1</camunda:inputParameter>
<camunda:outputParameter name="result">
<camunda:script scriptFormat="js">
next(null, {
id: content.id,
<camunda:outputParameter name="result">\${content.output.result.statuscode}</camunda:outputParameter>
<sequenceFlow id="to-task2" sourceRef="task1" targetRef="task2" />
<scriptTask id="task2" camunda:resultVariable="out" scriptFormat="js">
next(null, 2);
</definitions>` ;
getScripts ( source ) . then ( console . log ) . catch ( console . error ) ;
async function getScripts ( bpmnSource ) {
const moddle = await getModdleContext ( bpmnSource , {
camunda : nodeRequire ( 'camunda-bpmn-moddle/resources/camunda.json' ) ,
} ) ;
const serialized = Serializer ( moddle , TypeResolver ( Elements ) , extendFn ) ;
return serialized . elements . scripts ;
function getModdleContext ( source , options ) {
const bpmnModdle = new BpmnModdle ( options ) ;
return bpmnModdle . fromXML ( Buffer . isBuffer ( source ) ? source . toString ( ) : source . trim ( ) ) ;
Extract timers
import { createRequire } from 'node:module' ;
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' ;
import BpmnModdle from 'bpmn-moddle' ;
import * as Elements from 'bpmn-elements' ;
import { Serializer , TypeResolver } from 'moddle-context-serializer' ;
import { extendFn , OnifyTimerEventDefinition } from '@onify/flow-extensions' ;
const nodeRequire = createRequire ( fileURLToPath ( import . meta. url ) ) ;
const source = `
<definitions id="Def_0" xmlns="http://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/20100524/MODEL"
<process id="cycle-1" name="Onify start at time cycle" isExecutable="true" camunda:historyTimeToLive="PT180M">
<startEvent id="start">
<timeCycle xsi:type="tFormalExpression">0 1 * * *</timeCycle>
<sequenceFlow id="to-task" sourceRef="start" targetRef="task" />
<userTask id="task" />
<boundaryEvent id="bound-timer" cancelActivity="false" attachedToRef="task">
<timeDuration xsi:type="tFormalExpression">R3/PT1M</timeDuration>
<sequenceFlow id="to-wait" sourceRef="task" targetRef="wait" />
<intermediateThrowEvent id="timer">
<timeCycle xsi:type="tFormalExpression">\${environment.settings.postpone}</timeCycle>
<sequenceFlow id="to-end" sourceRef="wait" targetRef="end" />
<endEvent id="end" />
</definitions>` ;
getTimers ( source ) . then ( console . log ) . catch ( console . error ) ;
const dummyEventActivity = { broker : { } , environment : { Logger ( ) { } } } ;
async function getTimers ( bpmnSource ) {
const moddle = await getModdleContext ( bpmnSource , {
camunda : nodeRequire ( 'camunda-bpmn-moddle/resources/camunda.json' ) ,
} ) ;
const serialized = Serializer ( moddle , TypeResolver ( Elements ) , extendFn ) ;
for ( const t of serialized . elements . timers ) {
const ed = new OnifyTimerEventDefinition ( dummyEventActivity , t . timer ) ;
try {
t . parsed = ed . parse ( t . timer . timerType , t . timer . value ) ;
} catch { }
return serialized . elements . timers ;
function getModdleContext ( source , options ) {
const bpmnModdle = new BpmnModdle ( options ) ;
return bpmnModdle . fromXML ( Buffer . isBuffer ( source ) ? source . toString ( ) : source . trim ( ) ) ;
Extend sequence flow with properties and take listeners
import { createRequire } from 'node:module' ;
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url' ;
import { Engine } from 'bpmn-engine' ;
import * as Elements from 'bpmn-elements' ;
import { OnifySequenceFlow , extensions } from '@onify/flow-extensions' ;
import { FlowScripts } from '@onify/flow-extensions/FlowScripts' ;
const nodeRequire = createRequire ( fileURLToPath ( import . meta. url ) ) ;
const source = `
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<process id="Process_1kk79yr" isExecutable="true">
<startEvent id="start" />
<sequenceFlow id="to-script" sourceRef="start" targetRef="script">
<camunda:property name="source" value="\${content.id}" />
<camunda:executionListener event="take">
<camunda:script scriptFormat="js">environment.output.fields = listener.fields; next();</camunda:script>
<camunda:field name="taken">
<camunda:field name="bar">
<sequenceFlow id="to-end" sourceRef="script" targetRef="end">
<camunda:property name="foo" value="bar" />
<scriptTask id="script" name="script" scriptFormat="js">
<script>next(null, { foo: environment.variables.required.input });</script>
<boundaryEvent id="catch-err" attachedToRef="script">
<errorEventDefinition />
<endEvent id="end-err">
<camunda:executionListener event="start">
<camunda:script scriptFormat="js">
environment.output.failedBy = content.inbound[0].properties.error;
if (next) next();
<sequenceFlow id="to-end-err" sourceRef="catch-err" targetRef="end-err">
<camunda:property name="error" value="\${content.output}" />
<endEvent id="end" />
</definitions>` ;
const engine = new Engine ( {
name : 'sequence flow extension' ,
moddleOptions : {
camunda : nodeRequire ( 'camunda-bpmn-moddle/resources/camunda.json' ) ,
} ,
extensions : {
onify : extensions ,
} ,
scripts : new FlowScripts ( 'sequence flow extension' ) ,
elements : {
...Elements ,
SequenceFlow : OnifySequenceFlow ,
} ,
variables : {
required : {
input : true ,
} ,
} ,
} ) ;
engine . execute ( ( err , instance ) => {
if ( err ) throw err ;
console . log ( instance . name , instance . environment . output ) ;
} ) ;