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2267 lines (2260 loc) · 272 KB
0:00:00 DEB - argument: config=null (path to config file)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: area=planet (name of the extract to download if osm_url/osm_path not specified (i.e. 'monaco' 'rhode island' 'australia' or 'planet'))
0:00:00 INF - Using in-memory stats
0:00:00 INF [overall] -
0:00:00 INF [overall] - Starting...
0:00:00 DEB - argument: madvise=true (default value for whether to use linux madvise(random) to improve memory-mapped read performance for temporary storage)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: storage=mmap (default storage type for temporary data, one of [ram, mmap, direct])
0:00:00 DEB - argument: threads=32 (num threads)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: write_threads=1 (number of threads to use when writing temp features)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: process_threads=31 (number of threads to use when processing input features)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: bounds=null (bounds)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: feature_read_threads=2 (number of threads to use when reading features at tile write time)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: loginterval=10 seconds (time between logs)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: minzoom=0 (minimum zoom level)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: maxzoom=14 (maximum zoom level (limit 14))
0:00:00 DEB - argument: skip_mbtiles_index_creation=false (skip adding index to mbtiles file)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: optimize_db=false (optimize mbtiles after writing)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: emit_tiles_in_order=true (emit tiles in index order)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: force=false (overwriting output file and ignore disk/RAM warnings)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: gzip_temp=false (gzip temporary feature storage (uses more CPU, but less disk space))
0:00:00 DEB - argument: mmap_temp=true (use memory-mapped IO for temp feature files)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: sort_max_readers=6 (maximum number of concurrent read threads to use when sorting chunks)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: sort_max_writers=6 (maximum number of concurrent write threads to use when sorting chunks)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: nodemap_type=sparsearray (type of node location map, one of [noop, sortedtable, sparsearray, array])
0:00:00 DEB - argument: nodemap_storage=mmap (storage for node location map, one of [ram, mmap, direct])
0:00:00 DEB - argument: nodemap_madvise=true (use linux madvise(random) for node locations)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: multipolygon_geometry_storage=mmap (storage for multipolygon geometries, one of [ram, mmap, direct])
0:00:00 DEB - argument: multipolygon_geometry_madvise=true (use linux madvise(random) for temporary multipolygon geometry storage)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: http_user_agent=Planetiler downloader (https://github.com/onthegomap/planetiler) (User-Agent header to set when downloading files over HTTP)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: http_timeout=30 seconds (Timeout to use when downloading files over HTTP)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: http_retries=1 (Retries to use when downloading files over HTTP)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: download_chunk_size_mb=500 (Size of file chunks to download in parallel in megabytes)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: download_threads=16 (Number of parallel threads to use when downloading each file)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: min_feature_size_at_max_zoom=0.0625 (Default value for the minimum size in tile pixels of features to emit at the maximum zoom level to allow for overzooming)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: min_feature_size=1.0 (Default value for the minimum size in tile pixels of features to emit below the maximum zoom level)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: simplify_tolerance_at_max_zoom=0.0625 (Default value for the tile pixel tolerance to use when simplifying features at the maximum zoom level to allow for overzooming)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: simplify_tolerance=0.1 (Default value for the tile pixel tolerance to use when simplifying features below the maximum zoom level)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: osm_lazy_reads=false (Read OSM blocks from disk in worker threads)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: compact_db=true (Reduce the DB size by separating and deduping the tile data)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: skip_filled_tiles=false (Skip writing tiles containing only polygon fills to the output)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: tmpdir=data/tmp (temp directory)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: only_download=true (download source data then exit)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: temp_nodes=data/tmp/node.db (temp node db location)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: temp_multipolygons=data/tmp/multipolygon.db (temp multipolygon db location)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: temp_features=data/tmp/feature.db (temp feature db location)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: osm_parse_node_bounds=false (parse bounds from OSM nodes instead of header)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: only_fetch_wikidata=false (fetch wikidata translations then quit)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: fetch_wikidata=false (fetch wikidata translations then continue)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: use_wikidata=true (use wikidata translations)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: wikidata_cache=data/sources/wikidata_names.json (wikidata cache file)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: lake_centerlines_path=data/sources/lake_centerline.shp.zip (lake_centerlines shapefile path)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: free_lake_centerlines_after_read=false (delete lake_centerlines input file after reading to make space for output (reduces peak disk usage))
0:00:00 DEB - argument: lake_centerlines_url=https://github.com/acalcutt/osm-lakelines/releases/download/latest/lake_centerline.shp.zip (lake_centerlines shapefile url)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: water_polygons_path=data/sources/water-polygons-split-3857.zip (water_polygons shapefile path)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: free_water_polygons_after_read=false (delete water_polygons input file after reading to make space for output (reduces peak disk usage))
0:00:00 DEB - argument: water_polygons_url=https://osmdata.openstreetmap.de/download/water-polygons-split-3857.zip (water_polygons shapefile url)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: natural_earth_path=data/sources/natural_earth_vector.sqlite.zip (natural_earth sqlite db path)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: free_natural_earth_after_read=false (delete natural_earth input file after reading to make space for output (reduces peak disk usage))
0:00:00 DEB - argument: natural_earth_url=https://naciscdn.org/naturalearth/packages/natural_earth_vector.sqlite.zip (natural_earth sqlite db url)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: osm_path=data/sources/planet.osm.pbf (osm OSM input file path)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: free_osm_after_read=false (delete osm input file after reading to make space for output (reduces peak disk usage))
0:00:00 DEB - argument: osm_url=aws:latest (osm OSM input file url)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: mbtiles=data/output.mbtiles (mbtiles output file)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: transliterate=true (attempt to transliterate latin names)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: languages=am,ar,az,be,bg,br,bs,ca,co,cs,cy,da,de,el,en,eo,es,et,eu,fi,fr,fy,ga,gd,he,hi,hr,hu,hy,id,is,it,ja,ja_kana,ja_rm,ja-Latn,ja-Hira,ka,kk,kn,ko,ko-Latn,ku,la,lb,lt,lv,mk,mt,ml,nl,no,oc,pl,pt,rm,ro,ru,sk,sl,sq,sr,sr-Latn,sv,ta,te,th,tr,uk,zh (languages to use)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: only_layers= (Include only certain layers)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: exclude_layers= (Exclude certain layers)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: boundary_country_names=true (boundary layer: add left/right codes of neighboring countries)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: transportation_z13_paths=false (transportation(_name) layer: show all paths on z13)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: building_merge_z13=true (building layer: merge nearby buildings at z13)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: transportation_name_brunnel=false (transportation_name layer: set to false to omit brunnel and help merge long highways)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: transportation_name_size_for_shield=false (transportation_name layer: allow road names on shorter segments (ie. they will have a shield))
0:00:00 DEB - argument: transportation_name_limit_merge=false (transportation_name layer: limit merge so we don't combine different relations to help merge long highways)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: transportation_name_minor_refs=false (transportation_name layer: include name and refs from minor road networks if not present on a way)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: mbtiles_name=OpenMapTiles ('name' attribute for mbtiles metadata)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: mbtiles_description=A tileset showcasing all layers in OpenMapTiles. https://openmaptiles.org ('description' attribute for mbtiles metadata)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: mbtiles_attribution=<a href="https://www.openmaptiles.org/" target="_blank">© OpenMapTiles</a> <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" target="_blank">© OpenStreetMap contributors</a> ('attribution' attribute for mbtiles metadata)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: mbtiles_version=3.13.1 ('version' attribute for mbtiles metadata)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: mbtiles_type=baselayer ('type' attribute for mbtiles metadata)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: help=false (show arguments then exit)
0:00:00 INF - Building BasemapProfile profile into data/output.mbtiles in these phases:
0:00:00 INF - download: Download sources [lake_centerlines, water_polygons, natural_earth, osm]
0:00:00 INF [download] -
0:00:00 INF [download] - Starting...
0:00:02 INF [download] - Downloading https://naciscdn.org/naturalearth/packages/natural_earth_vector.sqlite.zip to data/sources/natural_earth_vector.sqlite.zip
0:00:02 INF [download] - Downloading https://osm-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/planet-220530.osm.pbf to data/sources/planet.osm.pbf
0:00:02 INF [download] - Downloading https://github.com/acalcutt/osm-lakelines/releases/download/latest/lake_centerline.shp.zip (redirected to https://objects.githubusercontent.com/github-production-release-asset-2e65be/342970808/9e1f7a55-2e12-4af1-a7ff-64a0834d3535?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWNJYAX4CSVEH53A%2F20220605%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20220605T153917Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=0adb3524d50f9b8c982d8436fac5dbe04a22b77bc642ec0dcadf4dc7c11efbb3&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&key_id=0&repo_id=342970808&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Dlake_centerline.shp.zip&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream) to data/sources/lake_centerline.shp.zip
0:00:02 INF [download] - Downloading https://osmdata.openstreetmap.de/download/water-polygons-split-3857.zip to data/sources/water-polygons-split-3857.zip
0:00:02 INF [download] - Finished downloading https://github.com/acalcutt/osm-lakelines/releases/download/latest/lake_centerline.shp.zip to data/sources/lake_centerline.shp.zip
0:00:12 INF [download] - lake_centerlines: [ 80M 100% 8M/s ] water_polygons: [ 332M 41% 33M/s ] natural_earth: [ 368M 85% 36M/s ] osm: [ 8.3G 12% 830M/s ] cpus: 3.2 gc: 1% heap: 70M/16G direct: 338k postGC: 69M
0:00:14 INF [download] - Finished downloading https://naciscdn.org/naturalearth/packages/natural_earth_vector.sqlite.zip to data/sources/natural_earth_vector.sqlite.zip
0:00:22 INF [download] - lake_centerlines: [ 80M 100% 0/s ] water_polygons: [ 701M 87% 36M/s ] natural_earth: [ 434M 100% 6.5M/s ] osm: [ 16G 24% 805M/s ] cpus: 2.9 gc: 0% heap: 37M/16G direct: 313k postGC: 67M
0:00:26 INF [download] - Finished downloading https://osmdata.openstreetmap.de/download/water-polygons-split-3857.zip to data/sources/water-polygons-split-3857.zip
0:00:32 INF [download] - lake_centerlines: [ 80M 100% 0/s ] water_polygons: [ 809M 100% 10M/s ] natural_earth: [ 434M 100% 0/s ] osm: [ 24G 36% 796M/s ] cpus: 2.7 gc: 0% heap: 28M/16G direct: 297k postGC: 67M
0:00:42 INF [download] - lake_centerlines: [ 80M 100% 0/s ] water_polygons: [ 809M 100% 0/s ] natural_earth: [ 434M 100% 0/s ] osm: [ 31G 46% 730M/s ] cpus: 2.3 gc: 0% heap: 33M/16G direct: 297k postGC: 68M
0:00:52 INF [download] - lake_centerlines: [ 80M 100% 0/s ] water_polygons: [ 809M 100% 0/s ] natural_earth: [ 434M 100% 0/s ] osm: [ 39G 58% 819M/s ] cpus: 2.7 gc: 0% heap: 84M/16G direct: 297k postGC: 68M
0:01:02 INF [download] - lake_centerlines: [ 80M 100% 0/s ] water_polygons: [ 809M 100% 0/s ] natural_earth: [ 434M 100% 0/s ] osm: [ 47G 69% 762M/s ] cpus: 2.5 gc: 0% heap: 60M/16G direct: 295k postGC: 68M
0:01:12 INF [download] - lake_centerlines: [ 80M 100% 0/s ] water_polygons: [ 809M 100% 0/s ] natural_earth: [ 434M 100% 0/s ] osm: [ 55G 81% 768M/s ] cpus: 2.5 gc: 0% heap: 88M/16G direct: 295k postGC: 68M
0:01:22 INF [download] - lake_centerlines: [ 80M 100% 0/s ] water_polygons: [ 809M 100% 0/s ] natural_earth: [ 434M 100% 0/s ] osm: [ 63G 92% 788M/s ] cpus: 2.5 gc: 0% heap: 91M/16G direct: 295k postGC: 68M
0:01:32 INF [download] - lake_centerlines: [ 80M 100% 0/s ] water_polygons: [ 809M 100% 0/s ] natural_earth: [ 434M 100% 0/s ] osm: [ 68G 100% 517M/s ] cpus: 1.5 gc: 0% heap: 60M/16G direct: 98k postGC: 68M
0:01:33 INF [download] - Finished downloading https://osm-pds.s3.amazonaws.com/2022/planet-220530.osm.pbf to data/sources/planet.osm.pbf
0:01:33 INF [download] - lake_centerlines: [ 80M 100% 0/s ] water_polygons: [ 809M 100% 0/s ] natural_earth: [ 434M 100% 0/s ] osm: [ 68G 100% 170M/s ] cpus: 0.4 gc: 0% heap: 85M/16G direct: 32k postGC: 68M
0:01:33 INF [download] - Finished in 1m33s cpu:3m58s avg:2.5
0:01:33 INF [download] - download-lake_centerlines_chunk-downloader 1x(0% 0.2s done:1m33s)
0:01:33 INF [download] - download-natural_earth_chunk-downloader 1x(1% 1s done:1m21s)
0:01:33 INF [download] - download-water_polygons_chunk-downloader 2x(1% 1s done:1m12s)
0:01:33 INF [download] - download-osm_chunk-downloader 16x(15% 14s sys:10s done:6s)
0:01:33 INF - no wikidata translations found, run with --fetch-wikidata to download
0:00:00 DEB - argument: config=null (path to config file)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: area=planet (name of the extract to download if osm_url/osm_path not specified (i.e. 'monaco' 'rhode island' 'australia' or 'planet'))
0:00:00 INF - Using in-memory stats
0:00:00 INF [overall] -
0:00:00 INF [overall] - Starting...
0:00:00 DEB - argument: madvise=true (default value for whether to use linux madvise(random) to improve memory-mapped read performance for temporary storage)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: storage=mmap (default storage type for temporary data, one of [ram, mmap, direct])
0:00:00 DEB - argument: threads=32 (num threads)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: write_threads=1 (number of threads to use when writing temp features)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: process_threads=31 (number of threads to use when processing input features)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: bounds=Env[-180.0 : 180.0, -85.0511287798066 : 85.0511287798066] (bounds)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: feature_read_threads=2 (number of threads to use when reading features at tile write time)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: loginterval=10 seconds (time between logs)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: minzoom=0 (minimum zoom level)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: maxzoom=14 (maximum zoom level (limit 14))
0:00:00 DEB - argument: skip_mbtiles_index_creation=false (skip adding index to mbtiles file)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: optimize_db=false (optimize mbtiles after writing)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: emit_tiles_in_order=true (emit tiles in index order)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: force=false (overwriting output file and ignore disk/RAM warnings)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: gzip_temp=false (gzip temporary feature storage (uses more CPU, but less disk space))
0:00:00 DEB - argument: mmap_temp=true (use memory-mapped IO for temp feature files)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: sort_max_readers=6 (maximum number of concurrent read threads to use when sorting chunks)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: sort_max_writers=6 (maximum number of concurrent write threads to use when sorting chunks)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: nodemap_type=array (type of node location map, one of [noop, sortedtable, sparsearray, array])
0:00:00 DEB - argument: nodemap_storage=mmap (storage for node location map, one of [ram, mmap, direct])
0:00:00 DEB - argument: nodemap_madvise=true (use linux madvise(random) for node locations)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: multipolygon_geometry_storage=mmap (storage for multipolygon geometries, one of [ram, mmap, direct])
0:00:00 DEB - argument: multipolygon_geometry_madvise=true (use linux madvise(random) for temporary multipolygon geometry storage)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: http_user_agent=Planetiler downloader (https://github.com/onthegomap/planetiler) (User-Agent header to set when downloading files over HTTP)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: http_timeout=30 seconds (Timeout to use when downloading files over HTTP)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: http_retries=1 (Retries to use when downloading files over HTTP)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: download_chunk_size_mb=100 (Size of file chunks to download in parallel in megabytes)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: download_threads=1 (Number of parallel threads to use when downloading each file)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: min_feature_size_at_max_zoom=0.0625 (Default value for the minimum size in tile pixels of features to emit at the maximum zoom level to allow for overzooming)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: min_feature_size=1.0 (Default value for the minimum size in tile pixels of features to emit below the maximum zoom level)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: simplify_tolerance_at_max_zoom=0.0625 (Default value for the tile pixel tolerance to use when simplifying features at the maximum zoom level to allow for overzooming)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: simplify_tolerance=0.1 (Default value for the tile pixel tolerance to use when simplifying features below the maximum zoom level)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: osm_lazy_reads=false (Read OSM blocks from disk in worker threads)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: compact_db=true (Reduce the DB size by separating and deduping the tile data)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: skip_filled_tiles=false (Skip writing tiles containing only polygon fills to the output)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: tmpdir=data/tmp (temp directory)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: only_download=false (download source data then exit)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: download=false (download sources)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: temp_nodes=data/tmp/node.db (temp node db location)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: temp_multipolygons=data/tmp/multipolygon.db (temp multipolygon db location)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: temp_features=data/tmp/feature.db (temp feature db location)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: osm_parse_node_bounds=false (parse bounds from OSM nodes instead of header)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: only_fetch_wikidata=false (fetch wikidata translations then quit)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: fetch_wikidata=false (fetch wikidata translations then continue)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: use_wikidata=true (use wikidata translations)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: wikidata_cache=data/sources/wikidata_names.json (wikidata cache file)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: lake_centerlines_path=data/sources/lake_centerline.shp.zip (lake_centerlines shapefile path)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: free_lake_centerlines_after_read=false (delete lake_centerlines input file after reading to make space for output (reduces peak disk usage))
0:00:00 DEB - argument: water_polygons_path=data/sources/water-polygons-split-3857.zip (water_polygons shapefile path)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: free_water_polygons_after_read=false (delete water_polygons input file after reading to make space for output (reduces peak disk usage))
0:00:00 DEB - argument: natural_earth_path=data/sources/natural_earth_vector.sqlite.zip (natural_earth sqlite db path)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: free_natural_earth_after_read=false (delete natural_earth input file after reading to make space for output (reduces peak disk usage))
0:00:00 DEB - argument: osm_path=data/sources/planet.osm.pbf (osm OSM input file path)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: free_osm_after_read=false (delete osm input file after reading to make space for output (reduces peak disk usage))
0:00:00 DEB - argument: mbtiles=data/output.mbtiles (mbtiles output file)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: transliterate=true (attempt to transliterate latin names)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: languages=am,ar,az,be,bg,br,bs,ca,co,cs,cy,da,de,el,en,eo,es,et,eu,fi,fr,fy,ga,gd,he,hi,hr,hu,hy,id,is,it,ja,ja_kana,ja_rm,ja-Latn,ja-Hira,ka,kk,kn,ko,ko-Latn,ku,la,lb,lt,lv,mk,mt,ml,nl,no,oc,pl,pt,rm,ro,ru,sk,sl,sq,sr,sr-Latn,sv,ta,te,th,tr,uk,zh (languages to use)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: only_layers= (Include only certain layers)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: exclude_layers= (Exclude certain layers)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: boundary_country_names=true (boundary layer: add left/right codes of neighboring countries)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: transportation_z13_paths=false (transportation(_name) layer: show all paths on z13)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: building_merge_z13=true (building layer: merge nearby buildings at z13)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: transportation_name_brunnel=false (transportation_name layer: set to false to omit brunnel and help merge long highways)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: transportation_name_size_for_shield=false (transportation_name layer: allow road names on shorter segments (ie. they will have a shield))
0:00:00 DEB - argument: transportation_name_limit_merge=false (transportation_name layer: limit merge so we don't combine different relations to help merge long highways)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: transportation_name_minor_refs=false (transportation_name layer: include name and refs from minor road networks if not present on a way)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: mbtiles_name=OpenMapTiles ('name' attribute for mbtiles metadata)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: mbtiles_description=A tileset showcasing all layers in OpenMapTiles. https://openmaptiles.org ('description' attribute for mbtiles metadata)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: mbtiles_attribution=<a href="https://www.openmaptiles.org/" target="_blank">© OpenMapTiles</a> <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright" target="_blank">© OpenStreetMap contributors</a> ('attribution' attribute for mbtiles metadata)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: mbtiles_version=3.13.1 ('version' attribute for mbtiles metadata)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: mbtiles_type=baselayer ('type' attribute for mbtiles metadata)
0:00:00 DEB - argument: help=false (show arguments then exit)
0:00:00 INF - Building BasemapProfile profile into data/output.mbtiles in these phases:
0:00:00 INF - lake_centerlines: Process features in data/sources/lake_centerline.shp.zip
0:00:00 INF - water_polygons: Process features in data/sources/water-polygons-split-3857.zip
0:00:00 INF - natural_earth: Process features in data/sources/natural_earth_vector.sqlite.zip
0:00:00 INF - osm_pass1: Pre-process OpenStreetMap input (store node locations then relation members)
0:00:00 INF - osm_pass2: Process OpenStreetMap nodes, ways, then relations
0:00:00 INF - sort: Sort rendered features by tile ID
0:00:00 INF - mbtiles: Encode each tile and write to data/output.mbtiles
0:00:00 INF - no wikidata translations found, run with --fetch-wikidata to download
0:00:00 DEB - ✓ 316G storage on /data (/dev/nvme1n1) requested for read phase disk, 1.8T available
0:00:00 DEB - - 78G used for temporary node location cache
0:00:00 DEB - - 10G used for temporary multipolygon geometry cache
0:00:00 DEB - - 228G used for temporary feature storage
0:00:00 DEB - ✓ 342G storage on /data (/dev/nvme1n1) requested for write phase disk, 1.8T available
0:00:00 DEB - - 228G used for temporary feature storage
0:00:00 DEB - - 114G used for mbtiles output
0:00:00 DEB - ✓ 88G storage on /data (/dev/nvme1n1) requested for read phase, 1.8T available
0:00:00 DEB - - 78G used for array node location cache (switch to sparsearray to reduce size)
0:00:00 DEB - - 10G used for multipolygon way geometries
0:00:00 INF - ⚠️️ 20G JVM heap requested for read phase, 21G available (increase JVM -Xmx setting)
0:00:00 INF - - 20G used for temporary profile storage
0:00:00 WAR - Planetiler will use ~88G memory-mapped files for node locations and multipolygon geometries but the OS only
has 44G available to cache pages, this may slow the import down. To speed up, run on a machine with more
memory or reduce the -Xmx setting.
0:00:00 INF - Using merge sort feature map, chunk size=2000mb max workers=32
0:00:01 INF - dataFileCache open start
0:00:02 INF [lake_centerlines] -
0:00:02 INF [lake_centerlines] - Starting...
0:00:04 INF [lake_centerlines] - read: [ 59k 100% 28k/s ] write: [ 0 0/s ] 0
cpus: 2.4 gc: 1% heap: 367M/21G direct: 237k postGC: 178M
read( -%) -> (0/1k) -> process( -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -%) -> (0/82k) -> write( -%)
0:00:04 INF [lake_centerlines] - Finished in 2s cpu:5s avg:2.5
0:00:04 INF [lake_centerlines] - read 1x(87% 2s)
0:00:04 INF [lake_centerlines] - process 31x(2% 0s wait:2s)
0:00:04 INF [lake_centerlines] - write 1x(0% 0s wait:2s)
0:00:04 INF [water_polygons] -
0:00:04 INF [water_polygons] - Starting...
0:00:14 INF [water_polygons] - read: [ 1.9k 13% 190/s ] write: [ 10M 1M/s ] 2G
cpus: 30.6 gc: 5% heap: 4.6G/21G direct: 52M postGC: 3.7G
read(74%) -> (1k/1k) -> process(91% 89% 89% 88% 90% 90% 87% 89% 85% 87% 90% 83% 89% 87% 91% 87% 88% 86% 87% 91% 87% 88% 91% 90% 92% 86% 89% 89% 91% 88% 79%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(15%)
0:00:24 INF [water_polygons] - read: [ 4.3k 30% 244/s ] write: [ 25M 1.5M/s ] 3G
cpus: 31 gc: 5% heap: 6.7G/21G direct: 52M postGC: 3.8G
read(48%) -> (985/1k) -> process(94% 93% 92% 94% 93% 94% 93% 94% 94% 93% 93% 92% 93% 93% 94% 94% 94% 93% 92% 93% 94% 94% 93% 94% 94% 94% 92% 94% 94% 93% 94%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(20%)
0:00:34 INF [water_polygons] - read: [ 7.3k 51% 302/s ] write: [ 59M 3.4M/s ] 5G
cpus: 27.7 gc: 4% heap: 2.4G/21G direct: 52M postGC: 1.5G
read(24%) -> (1k/1k) -> process(80% 87% 91% 86% 80% 81% 83% 94% 92% 82% 81% 86% 82% 82% 95% 80% 80% 79% 85% 80% 79% 87% 81% 95% 79% 81% 80% 81% 80% 80% 80%) -> (75k/82k) -> write(41%)
0:00:44 INF [water_polygons] - read: [ 11k 78% 387/s ] write: [ 148M 8.8M/s ] 8.7G
cpus: 9.1 gc: 1% heap: 6.4G/21G direct: 52M postGC: 1.4G
read( 1%) -> (1k/1k) -> process(24% 24% 24% 24% 24% 25% 24% 31% 25% 24% 24% 24% 24% 24% 50% 24% 24% 24% 24% 25% 24% 24% 24% 31% 25% 24% 24% 24% 24% 24% 24%) -> (76k/82k) -> write(99%)
0:00:52 INF [water_polygons] - read: [ 14k 100% 388/s ] write: [ 222M 8.9M/s ] 10G
cpus: 8.6 gc: 0% heap: 6.4G/21G direct: 52M postGC: 1.4G
read( -%) -> (0/1k) -> process( -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -%) -> (0/82k) -> write( -%)
0:00:52 INF [water_polygons] - Finished in 48s cpu:17m37s gc:2s avg:21.9
0:00:52 INF [water_polygons] - read 1x(30% 15s wait:29s done:3s)
0:00:52 INF [water_polygons] - process 31x(64% 31s wait:15s)
0:00:52 INF [water_polygons] - write 1x(53% 26s sys:7s wait:22s)
0:00:52 INF [natural_earth] - unzipping /data/data/sources/natural_earth_vector.sqlite.zip to data/tmp/natearth.sqlite
0:00:56 INF [natural_earth] -
0:00:56 INF [natural_earth] - Starting...
0:01:07 INF [natural_earth] - read: [ 333k 95% 33k/s ] write: [ 7k 699/s ] 12G
cpus: 2.5 gc: 0% heap: 4.7G/21G direct: 52M postGC: 1.4G
read(99%) -> (0/1k) -> process( 3% 2% 2% 3% 2% 3% 2% 11% 3% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 2% 3% 2% 3% 3% 2% 2% 2% 3% 3% 3% 3% 2%) -> (22k/82k) -> write( 0%)
0:01:08 INF [natural_earth] - read: [ 349k 100% 22k/s ] write: [ 33k 38k/s ] 10G
cpus: 2.7 gc: 0% heap: 5.2G/21G direct: 52M postGC: 1.4G
read( -%) -> (0/1k) -> process( -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -%) -> (0/82k) -> write( -%)
0:01:08 INF [natural_earth] - Finished in 11s cpu:27s avg:2.5
0:01:08 INF [natural_earth] - read 1x(94% 10s sys:2s)
0:01:08 INF [natural_earth] - process 31x(3% 0.3s wait:10s)
0:01:08 INF [natural_earth] - write 1x(0% 0s wait:11s)
0:01:08 INF [osm_pass1] -
0:01:08 INF [osm_pass1] - Starting...
0:01:18 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 500M 49M/s ] 6.1G ways: [ 0 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 2.1k 215/s ]
cpus: 24.6 gc: 4% heap: 5.7G/21G direct: 2.3G postGC: 4.5G hppc: 972
read(24%) -> (27/94) -> process(76% 75% 76% 75% 76% 76% 75% 75% 75% 74% 76% 76% 75% 74% 75% 75% 74% 75% 75% 76% 75% 77% 75% 76% 76% 74% 75% 75% 74% 74% 73%)
0:01:28 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 1B 53M/s ] 11G ways: [ 0 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 4.4k 232/s ]
cpus: 23.8 gc: 7% heap: 7.9G/21G direct: 3.9G postGC: 5.4G hppc: 972
read(27%) -> (63/94) -> process(70% 71% 70% 71% 69% 71% 72% 70% 70% 71% 70% 71% 71% 71% 71% 71% 71% 71% 72% 70% 71% 71% 71% 71% 71% 71% 72% 71% 71% 71% 72%)
0:01:38 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 1.6B 58M/s ] 17G ways: [ 0 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 6.7k 224/s ]
cpus: 24.5 gc: 9% heap: 7.7G/21G direct: 4G postGC: 4.3G hppc: 972
read(25%) -> (63/94) -> process(73% 73% 72% 73% 71% 73% 71% 72% 74% 72% 73% 72% 72% 72% 72% 72% 70% 71% 72% 73% 71% 73% 72% 73% 73% 72% 72% 72% 72% 73% 72%)
0:01:48 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 2.2B 57M/s ] 23G ways: [ 0 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 8.8k 207/s ]
cpus: 24.8 gc: 15% heap: 3.3G/21G direct: 4G postGC: 17G hppc: 972
read(19%) -> (61/94) -> process(68% 68% 69% 68% 69% 69% 68% 69% 70% 68% 69% 70% 68% 68% 69% 70% 69% 69% 69% 70% 69% 68% 68% 69% 69% 69% 68% 69% 69% 68% 69%)
0:01:58 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 2.9B 72M/s ] 31G ways: [ 0 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 10k 216/s ]
cpus: 27.3 gc: 12% heap: 12G/21G direct: 4G postGC: 12G hppc: 972
read(20%) -> (63/94) -> process(79% 77% 80% 79% 79% 80% 79% 78% 79% 79% 79% 81% 77% 79% 79% 80% 78% 78% 78% 79% 79% 80% 79% 80% 80% 78% 79% 79% 78% 78% 78%)
0:02:08 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 3.6B 68M/s ] 37G ways: [ 0 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 12k 198/s ]
cpus: 26.9 gc: 16% heap: 16G/21G direct: 4.2G postGC: 16G hppc: 972
read(19%) -> (55/94) -> process(75% 74% 74% 75% 75% 76% 74% 75% 75% 74% 75% 75% 75% 76% 75% 74% 75% 75% 75% 74% 76% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75% 74% 75% 74% 76% 74%)
0:02:18 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 4.3B 71M/s ] 44G ways: [ 0 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 14k 201/s ]
cpus: 27 gc: 15% heap: 8.8G/21G direct: 4.2G postGC: 5.1G hppc: 972
read(18%) -> (63/94) -> process(76% 75% 74% 75% 75% 76% 77% 74% 76% 76% 75% 76% 76% 76% 77% 76% 74% 75% 74% 74% 76% 76% 73% 75% 75% 74% 75% 75% 75% 75% 75%)
0:02:28 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 5.1B 82M/s ] 52G ways: [ 0 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 17k 233/s ]
cpus: 28.7 gc: 9% heap: 7.7G/21G direct: 4.2G postGC: 6.7G hppc: 972
read(19%) -> (0/94) -> process(86% 84% 85% 85% 85% 85% 86% 85% 85% 87% 86% 86% 85% 87% 84% 86% 86% 85% 86% 84% 86% 86% 85% 86% 86% 85% 84% 86% 87% 85% 85%)
0:02:38 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 5.8B 73M/s ] 60G ways: [ 0 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 19k 207/s ]
cpus: 27.7 gc: 12% heap: 10G/21G direct: 4.2G postGC: 6G hppc: 972
read(18%) -> (63/94) -> process(81% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 79% 78% 80% 79% 80% 79% 79% 80% 81% 79% 79% 81% 82% 80% 79% 80% 81% 79% 80% 80% 77% 80% 81% 80% 79%)
0:02:48 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 6.6B 74M/s ] 67G ways: [ 0 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 21k 205/s ]
cpus: 27.5 gc: 14% heap: 6.3G/21G direct: 4.2G postGC: 6G hppc: 972
read(18%) -> (62/94) -> process(78% 78% 79% 78% 78% 77% 79% 78% 80% 79% 77% 78% 79% 79% 77% 78% 79% 75% 77% 79% 79% 78% 78% 78% 78% 79% 78% 78% 78% 78% 78%)
0:02:58 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 7.3B 71M/s ] 74G ways: [ 0 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 23k 198/s ]
cpus: 26.9 gc: 16% heap: 13G/21G direct: 4.2G postGC: 13G hppc: 972
read(17%) -> (63/94) -> process(75% 75% 76% 76% 74% 76% 75% 75% 74% 76% 74% 76% 74% 75% 75% 75% 76% 75% 74% 74% 76% 74% 75% 77% 76% 75% 77% 73% 76% 75% 75%)
0:03:03 INF [osm_pass1:process] - Finished nodes: 7,715,618,978 (67M/s) in 1m54s cpu:50m19s gc:13s avg:26.4
0:03:08 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 7.7B 36M/s ] 78G ways: [ 49M 4.9M/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 25k 203/s ]
cpus: 27.2 gc: 16% heap: 8.9G/21G direct: 4.2G postGC: 6.1G hppc: 972
read(20%) -> (0/94) -> process(75% 75% 75% 73% 74% 75% 74% 74% 74% 74% 74% 75% 75% 73% 73% 74% 74% 74% 75% 73% 74% 74% 75% 73% 73% 74% 74% 74% 74% 74% 75%)
0:03:18 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 7.7B 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 238M 18M/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 28k 307/s ]
cpus: 28.9 gc: 8% heap: 8.3G/21G direct: 4.2G postGC: 7.2G hppc: 972
read(29%) -> (62/94) -> process(87% 87% 87% 87% 87% 87% 87% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 87% 86% 86% 87% 87% 87% 86% 87% 86% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 87% 86% 87% 87% 87%)
0:03:28 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 7.7B 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 462M 22M/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 31k 322/s ]
cpus: 30.1 gc: 11% heap: 11G/21G direct: 4.2G postGC: 8.5G hppc: 972
read(25%) -> (62/94) -> process(88% 89% 89% 89% 89% 88% 89% 88% 88% 89% 88% 89% 89% 88% 89% 89% 89% 89% 88% 88% 89% 88% 88% 88% 88% 89% 89% 89% 89% 89% 88%)
0:03:38 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 7.7B 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 697M 23M/s ] rels: [ 0 0/s ] blocks: [ 35k 324/s ]
cpus: 30 gc: 12% heap: 12G/21G direct: 4.2G postGC: 11G hppc: 972
read(21%) -> (63/94) -> process(87% 88% 87% 87% 87% 87% 87% 88% 88% 88% 88% 87% 87% 88% 87% 87% 88% 87% 87% 87% 88% 87% 87% 88% 88% 87% 87% 88% 87% 88% 88%)
0:03:47 INF [osm_pass1:process] - Finished ways: 862,758,280 (19M/s) in 44s cpu:21m30s gc:6s avg:29.1
0:03:48 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 7.7B 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 16M/s ] rels: [ 354k 35k/s ] blocks: [ 37k 227/s ]
cpus: 28.3 gc: 18% heap: 2.3G/21G direct: 4.2G postGC: 6.7G hppc: 67M
read(15%) -> (63/94) -> process(70% 69% 69% 68% 69% 70% 70% 68% 70% 69% 68% 66% 68% 67% 73% 68% 69% 70% 67% 67% 67% 70% 71% 67% 71% 70% 72% 68% 69% 70% 69%)
0:03:58 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 7.7B 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 0/s ] rels: [ 8.9M 854k/s ] blocks: [ 37k 25/s ]
cpus: 11.4 gc: 4% heap: 10G/21G direct: 4.2G postGC: 6.1G hppc: 724M
read( -%) -> (15/94) -> process(19% 20% 21% 22% 19% 23% 19% 22% 19% 20% 19% 21% 21% 19% 20% 18% 22% 20% 21% 21% 21% 19% 20% 21% 19% 20% 20% 23% 21% 22% 22%)
0:03:59 INF [osm_pass1:process] - Finished relations: 9,948,180 (812k/s) in 12s cpu:2m22s avg:11.6
0:03:59 INF [osm_pass1] - nodes: [ 7.7B 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 0/s ] rels: [ 9.9M 667k/s ] blocks: [ 37k 29/s ]
cpus: 8.8 gc: 7% heap: 7.3G/21G direct: 186M postGC: 7.5G hppc: 1G
read( -%) -> (0/94) -> process( -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -% -%)
0:03:59 DEB [osm_pass1] - Processed 37,622 blocks:
0:03:59 DEB [osm_pass1] - nodes: 7,715,618,978 (67M/s) in 1m54s cpu:50m19s gc:13s avg:26.4
0:03:59 DEB [osm_pass1] - ways: 862,758,280 (19M/s) in 44s cpu:21m30s gc:6s avg:29.1
0:03:59 DEB [osm_pass1] - relations: 9,948,180 (812k/s) in 12s cpu:2m22s avg:11.6
0:03:59 INF [osm_pass1] - Finished in 2m52s cpu:1h14m36s gc:20s avg:26.1
0:03:59 INF [osm_pass1] - read 1x(20% 34s sys:27s wait:1m8s done:3s)
0:03:59 INF [osm_pass1] - process 31x(74% 2m6s sys:5s block:9s wait:7s)
0:03:59 INF [osm_pass2] -
0:03:59 INF [osm_pass2] - Starting...
0:04:09 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 237M 3% 23M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 247M 2.5M/s ] 15G blocks: [ 1k 3% 109/s ]
cpus: 28.8 gc: 4% heap: 7G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 4G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(13%) -> (16/47) -> process(71% 74% 66% 72% 74% 73% 77% 73% 65% 68% 67% 74% 69% 76% 69% 74% 70% 63% 67% 75% 70% 71% 69% 69% 68% 73% 72% 66% 70% 66% 72%) -> (73k/82k) -> write(64%)
0:04:19 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 599M 8% 36M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 274M 2.7M/s ] 17G blocks: [ 2.5k 7% 148/s ]
cpus: 30 gc: 3% heap: 6.3G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 4.2G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(18%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 82% 82% 80% 86% 81% 82% 87% 84% 84% 82% 85% 84% 84% 83% 86% 83% 81% 77% 85% 85% 77% 88% 86% 89% 82% 83% 87% 88% 87% 83%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(74%)
0:04:29 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 1B 13% 41M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 296M 2.1M/s ] 19G blocks: [ 4.4k 12% 181/s ]
cpus: 31.2 gc: 2% heap: 10G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 4.2G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(22%) -> (15/47) -> process(94% 93% 94% 92% 92% 92% 90% 93% 91% 94% 90% 92% 94% 92% 91% 90% 91% 90% 91% 93% 89% 93% 95% 91% 91% 92% 88% 92% 92% 93% 95%) -> (60k/82k) -> write(55%)
0:04:39 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 1.4B 19% 45M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 311M 1.5M/s ] 21G blocks: [ 6.1k 16% 179/s ]
cpus: 31.2 gc: 3% heap: 11G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 4.2G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(19%) -> (16/47) -> process(96% 95% 95% 93% 95% 94% 93% 96% 93% 93% 94% 95% 95% 96% 93% 95% 96% 93% 95% 95% 91% 94% 95% 95% 94% 96% 95% 95% 95% 95% 94%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(42%)
0:04:49 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 1.9B 25% 46M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 331M 2M/s ] 23G blocks: [ 7.9k 21% 171/s ]
cpus: 31.2 gc: 3% heap: 9.3G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 4.3G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(17%) -> (13/47) -> process(95% 96% 94% 94% 96% 95% 94% 94% 94% 95% 94% 96% 95% 96% 95% 96% 94% 94% 95% 94% 96% 92% 94% 94% 94% 95% 94% 95% 94% 95% 96%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(54%)
0:05:00 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 2.3B 31% 45M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 359M 2.7M/s ] 25G blocks: [ 9.4k 25% 149/s ]
cpus: 31.1 gc: 3% heap: 9.9G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 4.4G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(15%) -> (16/47) -> process(95% 94% 95% 94% 94% 95% 95% 95% 94% 94% 95% 94% 95% 92% 93% 95% 95% 93% 95% 95% 94% 94% 94% 95% 94% 93% 93% 94% 94% 94% 95%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(67%)
0:05:10 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 2.9B 38% 51M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 375M 1.6M/s ] 26G blocks: [ 10k 29% 151/s ]
cpus: 31.3 gc: 3% heap: 12G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 4.4G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(15%) -> (16/47) -> process(95% 95% 95% 95% 96% 96% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 93% 95% 96% 95% 96% 93% 94% 94% 96% 93% 95% 95% 96% 96% 95% 96% 96% 95% 96% 96%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(43%)
0:05:20 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 3.4B 44% 49M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 391M 1.5M/s ] 28G blocks: [ 12k 33% 144/s ]
cpus: 31.1 gc: 3% heap: 14G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 4.6G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(14%) -> (15/47) -> process(95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 94% 95% 95% 95% 95% 94% 95% 95% 94% 94% 93% 94% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 94% 94% 95% 95% 95% 94% 95% 93%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(43%)
0:05:30 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 3.9B 51% 49M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 406M 1.5M/s ] 29G blocks: [ 13k 37% 142/s ]
cpus: 31.2 gc: 4% heap: 12G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 4.9G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(13%) -> (16/47) -> process(95% 96% 93% 95% 95% 95% 95% 96% 92% 96% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 94% 96% 96% 94% 94% 95% 95% 93% 95% 95% 94%) -> (24k/82k) -> write(41%)
0:05:40 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 4.4B 57% 50M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 422M 1.6M/s ] 31G blocks: [ 15k 41% 143/s ]
cpus: 31.2 gc: 4% heap: 7G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 5G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(13%) -> (16/47) -> process(96% 94% 96% 94% 96% 95% 95% 95% 96% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 94% 95% 95% 95% 94% 94% 95% 94% 94% 94% 95% 96% 96% 95% 95% 95% 94%) -> (21k/82k) -> write(43%)
0:05:50 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 4.9B 64% 52M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 436M 1.3M/s ] 33G blocks: [ 16k 44% 148/s ]
cpus: 31 gc: 4% heap: 13G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 5.1G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(14%) -> (15/47) -> process(95% 95% 96% 95% 96% 96% 96% 96% 96% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 96% 95% 95% 95% 96% 95% 95% 95% 96% 95% 95% 96%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(38%)
0:06:00 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 5.4B 71% 52M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 450M 1.3M/s ] 34G blocks: [ 18k 48% 148/s ]
cpus: 31 gc: 4% heap: 8.1G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 5.3G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(13%) -> (16/47) -> process(95% 95% 95% 95% 94% 95% 96% 95% 94% 95% 95% 95% 95% 96% 96% 94% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 96% 95% 94% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95%) -> (23k/82k) -> write(38%)
0:06:10 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 5.9B 78% 52M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 466M 1.6M/s ] 35G blocks: [ 19k 52% 146/s ]
cpus: 31.1 gc: 4% heap: 12G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 6G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(13%) -> (15/47) -> process(95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 96% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 96% 96% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 94% 95% 94% 96% 95% 96% 95%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(43%)
0:06:20 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 6.5B 85% 53M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 480M 1.3M/s ] 37G blocks: [ 21k 56% 147/s ]
cpus: 31 gc: 4% heap: 9.6G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 6.8G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(13%) -> (16/47) -> process(95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 94% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 95% 94% 95% 95% 95% 94% 95% 94% 95%) -> (19k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:06:30 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 6.9B 91% 47M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 498M 1.8M/s ] 38G blocks: [ 22k 60% 132/s ]
cpus: 30.6 gc: 5% heap: 12G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 11G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(12%) -> (16/47) -> process(93% 94% 93% 93% 93% 93% 93% 93% 93% 93% 92% 93% 93% 93% 94% 94% 94% 93% 93% 93% 93% 93% 93% 93% 93% 93% 93% 92% 92% 93% 93%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(47%)
0:06:40 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.4B 97% 48M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 511M 1.2M/s ] 39G blocks: [ 23k 63% 133/s ]
cpus: 30.1 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read(12%) -> (16/47) -> process(91% 92% 91% 91% 91% 91% 91% 91% 91% 91% 91% 91% 91% 91% 91% 90% 91% 91% 91% 91% 90% 91% 91% 91% 92% 91% 91% 91% 91% 91% 91%) -> (21k/82k) -> write(33%)
0:06:44 DEB [osm_pass2:process] - Sorting long long multimap...
0:06:44 INF [osm_pass2:process] - Finished nodes: 7,715,618,978 (46M/s) in 2m45s cpu:1h24m34s gc:6s avg:30.8
0:06:50 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 22M/s ] 78G ways: [ 0 0% 0/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 518M 677k/s ] 39G blocks: [ 24k 65% 63/s ]
cpus: 15 gc: 2% heap: 13G/21G direct: 55M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 1G mpGeoms: 277
read( 5%) -> (16/47) -> process(41% 41% 42% 43% 42% 41% 42% 42% 42% 43% 42% 42% 43% 96% 42% 42% 43% 42% 43% 42% 43% 42% 43% 43% 43% 43% 43% 42% 42% 42% 42%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(18%)
0:06:50 DEB [osm_pass2:process] - Sorted long long multimap 6s cpu:17s avg:2.9
0:07:00 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 1.5M 0% 152k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 528M 1M/s ] 40G blocks: [ 24k 65% 1/s ]
cpus: 14 gc: 2% heap: 13G/21G direct: 56M postGC: 6.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 27M
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(33% 32% 34% 44% 34% 36% 34% 33% 46% 48% 34% 41% 48% 45% 35% 44% 44% 34% 41% 47% 43% 42% 43% 52% 47% 46% 49% 45% 34% 33% 34%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(29%)
0:07:10 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 3.9M 0% 242k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 544M 1.5M/s ] 42G blocks: [ 24k 65% 6/s ]
cpus: 17.6 gc: 3% heap: 9.2G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 43M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(44% 39% 55% 53% 50% 50% 50% 63% 55% 55% 53% 62% 55% 50% 59% 54% 55% 41% 55% 51% 57% 55% 56% 58% 54% 54% 42% 55% 55% 45% 48%) -> (13k/82k) -> write(44%)
0:07:20 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 7M 1% 309k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 563M 1.9M/s ] 44G blocks: [ 24k 65% 6/s ]
cpus: 20.2 gc: 4% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 10G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 78M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(58% 57% 60% 64% 67% 65% 59% 56% 60% 60% 64% 56% 59% 64% 61% 56% 63% 64% 62% 55% 64% 68% 62% 62% 57% 63% 61% 57% 56% 59% 56%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(54%)
0:07:30 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 10M 1% 314k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 582M 1.8M/s ] 46G blocks: [ 24k 66% 7/s ]
cpus: 20 gc: 3% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 89M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(62% 59% 62% 59% 56% 61% 62% 57% 59% 64% 56% 53% 59% 55% 55% 52% 65% 63% 59% 63% 64% 61% 61% 57% 64% 64% 57% 56% 58% 60% 59%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(53%)
0:07:40 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 13M 2% 345k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 602M 2M/s ] 48G blocks: [ 24k 66% 8/s ]
cpus: 22.2 gc: 4% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 136M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(61% 67% 67% 65% 65% 73% 63% 65% 65% 65% 65% 64% 64% 67% 64% 66% 67% 67% 69% 68% 67% 67% 67% 71% 71% 69% 69% 70% 67% 64% 64%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(57%)
0:07:50 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 15M 2% 208k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 615M 1.2M/s ] 48G blocks: [ 24k 66% 4/s ]
cpus: 18.5 gc: 3% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 193M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(57% 58% 57% 56% 59% 56% 55% 55% 57% 55% 55% 54% 54% 54% 57% 56% 59% 54% 56% 56% 56% 57% 59% 55% 56% 53% 68% 54% 59% 58% 55%) -> (49k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:08:00 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 18M 2% 235k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 628M 1.3M/s ] 49G blocks: [ 24k 66% 4/s ]
cpus: 20 gc: 4% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 10G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 245M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(60% 58% 56% 58% 65% 64% 59% 58% 63% 58% 59% 56% 58% 58% 58% 57% 63% 57% 66% 57% 59% 62% 58% 59% 58% 68% 65% 62% 69% 65% 59%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:08:10 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 20M 2% 278k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 643M 1.5M/s ] 52G blocks: [ 24k 66% 6/s ]
cpus: 23.1 gc: 3% heap: 13G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 320M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(69% 70% 69% 66% 69% 71% 67% 68% 71% 67% 71% 67% 71% 68% 67% 73% 70% 70% 75% 68% 72% 76% 67% 73% 64% 70% 72% 65% 69% 68% 71%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(44%)
0:08:20 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 24M 3% 338k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 659M 1.5M/s ] 53G blocks: [ 24k 66% 7/s ]
cpus: 25.4 gc: 5% heap: 13G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 394M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(74% 84% 83% 73% 75% 73% 75% 72% 77% 83% 73% 79% 87% 77% 83% 74% 73% 85% 73% 72% 84% 74% 76% 69% 72% 75% 82% 71% 75% 84% 75%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(45%)
0:08:30 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 26M 3% 266k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 671M 1.2M/s ] 55G blocks: [ 25k 67% 5/s ]
cpus: 26.2 gc: 4% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 486M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 83% 80% 77% 80% 84% 82% 76% 83% 81% 78% 80% 79% 76% 78% 77% 82% 75% 81% 83% 79% 83% 77% 82% 80% 84% 81% 82% 78% 76% 82%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:08:40 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 29M 3% 250k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 682M 1.1M/s ] 55G blocks: [ 25k 67% 5/s ]
cpus: 26.1 gc: 4% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 10G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 578M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(90% 87% 77% 74% 81% 84% 84% 77% 85% 82% 73% 74% 75% 75% 77% 77% 85% 75% 87% 85% 78% 88% 75% 77% 78% 75% 78% 83% 75% 83% 88%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:08:50 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 32M 4% 330k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 696M 1.3M/s ] 56G blocks: [ 25k 67% 6/s ]
cpus: 25.6 gc: 4% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 641M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(79% 77% 78% 77% 79% 77% 74% 80% 79% 77% 76% 76% 81% 77% 76% 75% 76% 73% 85% 76% 75% 80% 75% 76% 74% 74% 75% 75% 76% 85% 78%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(40%)
0:09:00 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 36M 4% 342k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 709M 1.2M/s ] 57G blocks: [ 25k 67% 6/s ]
cpus: 26.2 gc: 5% heap: 7.6G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 703M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(79% 79% 80% 80% 81% 79% 78% 80% 80% 79% 78% 80% 82% 79% 82% 76% 77% 83% 78% 80% 80% 83% 83% 79% 81% 77% 77% 78% 78% 82% 78%) -> (13k/82k) -> write(38%)
0:09:10 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 40M 5% 434k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 721M 1.2M/s ] 58G blocks: [ 25k 67% 8/s ]
cpus: 27.8 gc: 5% heap: 5.1G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 4.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 745M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 86% 83% 77% 83% 85% 82% 85% 83% 87% 88% 85% 82% 87% 84% 84% 85% 83% 82% 85% 85% 82% 88% 86% 86% 83% 83% 81% 84% 83% 85%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:09:20 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 45M 5% 452k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 734M 1.2M/s ] 59G blocks: [ 25k 67% 7/s ]
cpus: 27.8 gc: 5% heap: 9.1G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 785M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 88% 85% 84% 86% 84% 84% 85% 88% 86% 85% 83% 85% 84% 86% 84% 85% 84% 87% 86% 83% 84% 85% 85% 84% 85% 87% 84% 85% 84% 83%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:09:30 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 49M 6% 440k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 746M 1.2M/s ] 59G blocks: [ 25k 68% 8/s ]
cpus: 27.6 gc: 5% heap: 13G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 9.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 834M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 84% 84% 83% 81% 82% 85% 84% 83% 82% 85% 84% 86% 85% 83% 85% 86% 83% 84% 84% 84% 84% 85% 83% 82% 84% 82% 86% 84% 82% 86%) -> (10k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:09:40 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 53M 6% 413k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 758M 1.2M/s ] 60G blocks: [ 25k 68% 7/s ]
cpus: 27.5 gc: 5% heap: 7.3G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 886M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 82% 81% 85% 80% 83% 84% 86% 85% 84% 84% 82% 84% 83% 81% 81% 84% 84% 83% 86% 82% 82% 83% 84% 83% 81% 83% 80% 83% 81% 85%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:09:50 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 57M 7% 343k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 769M 1M/s ] 62G blocks: [ 25k 68% 6/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 4% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 4.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 960M
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 85% 87% 84% 85% 87% 86% 84% 86% 86% 84% 82% 88% 86% 87% 86% 85% 83% 88% 86% 82% 86% 85% 87% 87% 86% 86% 84% 85% 85% 87%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(32%)
0:10:00 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 60M 7% 364k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 780M 1.1M/s ] 62G blocks: [ 25k 68% 6/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 4% heap: 8.9G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(89% 85% 85% 87% 84% 89% 88% 85% 90% 84% 85% 86% 86% 86% 84% 88% 87% 86% 86% 83% 84% 87% 84% 87% 85% 90% 84% 84% 87% 86% 90%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(33%)
0:10:10 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 64M 7% 349k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 791M 1.1M/s ] 63G blocks: [ 25k 68% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.5 gc: 4% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 4.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(81% 82% 82% 83% 82% 84% 85% 81% 85% 84% 87% 83% 84% 86% 84% 86% 81% 83% 83% 87% 82% 86% 85% 84% 84% 83% 82% 83% 83% 81% 87%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(33%)
0:10:20 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 68M 8% 395k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 803M 1.2M/s ] 64G blocks: [ 25k 69% 8/s ]
cpus: 27.1 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 83% 83% 81% 82% 83% 82% 81% 83% 84% 83% 82% 83% 81% 80% 86% 82% 81% 84% 84% 85% 83% 82% 82% 82% 84% 82% 83% 86% 85% 81%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:10:30 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 71M 8% 378k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 816M 1.2M/s ] 65G blocks: [ 25k 69% 7/s ]
cpus: 27.7 gc: 5% heap: 17G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 9.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 87% 85% 84% 84% 86% 82% 84% 85% 84% 85% 84% 83% 86% 85% 85% 84% 83% 83% 86% 84% 83% 84% 86% 85% 83% 85% 84% 85% 84% 83%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:10:40 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 76M 9% 423k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 829M 1.3M/s ] 66G blocks: [ 25k 69% 6/s ]
cpus: 27 gc: 4% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(79% 83% 83% 82% 83% 81% 80% 83% 79% 87% 81% 82% 85% 79% 81% 83% 83% 81% 82% 83% 83% 82% 81% 78% 82% 84% 79% 82% 79% 80% 83%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(38%)
0:10:50 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 80M 9% 438k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 843M 1.4M/s ] 66G blocks: [ 26k 69% 7/s ]
cpus: 26.9 gc: 5% heap: 9.4G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(81% 81% 81% 80% 82% 85% 78% 82% 82% 82% 83% 82% 82% 81% 80% 84% 82% 82% 82% 81% 81% 81% 80% 81% 84% 79% 81% 84% 83% 81% 81%) -> (12k/82k) -> write(40%)
0:11:00 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 84M 10% 426k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 857M 1.3M/s ] 67G blocks: [ 26k 69% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.1 gc: 5% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(82% 80% 82% 80% 81% 83% 81% 83% 81% 81% 80% 82% 82% 82% 82% 82% 81% 81% 82% 83% 81% 81% 81% 83% 80% 81% 81% 81% 80% 83% 85%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(39%)
0:11:10 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 89M 10% 438k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 871M 1.4M/s ] 69G blocks: [ 26k 70% 7/s ]
cpus: 26.9 gc: 5% heap: 13G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 83% 83% 81% 82% 83% 83% 84% 81% 84% 82% 79% 79% 82% 82% 84% 83% 81% 81% 82% 81% 82% 82% 81% 80% 82% 82% 80% 83% 82% 80%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(40%)
0:11:20 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 93M 11% 413k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 884M 1.2M/s ] 70G blocks: [ 26k 70% 6/s ]
cpus: 26.8 gc: 5% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 10G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(80% 80% 81% 79% 79% 81% 82% 82% 82% 85% 82% 80% 82% 81% 81% 83% 82% 81% 83% 82% 81% 79% 81% 82% 82% 80% 82% 82% 80% 80% 82%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:11:30 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 97M 11% 395k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 897M 1.2M/s ] 71G blocks: [ 26k 70% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.4 gc: 5% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 83% 81% 82% 83% 83% 82% 82% 82% 83% 83% 81% 85% 84% 84% 82% 84% 82% 81% 84% 83% 83% 81% 82% 81% 83% 82% 81% 82% 83% 84%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:11:40 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 101M 12% 408k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 909M 1.2M/s ] 71G blocks: [ 26k 70% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.6 gc: 5% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 4.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(82% 83% 84% 83% 84% 84% 82% 81% 83% 83% 84% 83% 81% 82% 83% 83% 84% 83% 81% 82% 82% 85% 83% 83% 83% 85% 83% 84% 82% 85% 81%) -> (13k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:11:50 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 105M 12% 429k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 922M 1.3M/s ] 72G blocks: [ 26k 70% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.1 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 82% 82% 81% 83% 82% 84% 83% 82% 82% 84% 83% 82% 84% 85% 82% 83% 80% 83% 83% 82% 84% 82% 81% 81% 81% 83% 86% 83% 83% 83%) -> (24k/82k) -> write(38%)
0:12:00 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 110M 13% 429k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 936M 1.3M/s ] 73G blocks: [ 26k 71% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.2 gc: 4% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 83% 84% 82% 81% 82% 81% 82% 82% 83% 83% 79% 83% 82% 81% 81% 84% 82% 84% 82% 81% 83% 82% 80% 82% 82% 81% 82% 81% 83% 85%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(39%)
0:12:10 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 114M 13% 420k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 949M 1.3M/s ] 74G blocks: [ 26k 71% 6/s ]
cpus: 26.7 gc: 5% heap: 8.8G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.7G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(80% 81% 81% 81% 82% 82% 82% 80% 81% 81% 81% 82% 80% 80% 81% 83% 82% 80% 83% 81% 80% 81% 80% 79% 81% 83% 81% 79% 82% 79% 82%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(39%)
0:12:20 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 118M 14% 428k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 963M 1.3M/s ] 75G blocks: [ 26k 71% 6/s ]
cpus: 26.9 gc: 5% heap: 9.8G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.7G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(81% 81% 84% 81% 80% 80% 80% 81% 83% 81% 79% 79% 81% 80% 79% 84% 82% 79% 81% 79% 81% 80% 82% 81% 87% 79% 83% 81% 79% 81% 81%) -> (12k/82k) -> write(39%)
0:12:30 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 122M 14% 424k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 977M 1.3M/s ] 77G blocks: [ 26k 71% 6/s ]
cpus: 26.5 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.7G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(78% 80% 81% 81% 81% 81% 78% 80% 80% 80% 79% 81% 79% 82% 81% 81% 81% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 80% 79% 80% 79% 80% 80% 81% 78% 82%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(39%)
0:12:40 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 126M 15% 414k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 990M 1.3M/s ] 77G blocks: [ 26k 71% 6/s ]
cpus: 26.3 gc: 4% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(80% 80% 78% 78% 80% 80% 78% 80% 81% 79% 80% 79% 80% 81% 80% 78% 79% 78% 79% 80% 79% 81% 79% 79% 77% 80% 79% 78% 82% 80% 81%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(39%)
0:12:50 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 131M 15% 418k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1B 1.3M/s ] 78G blocks: [ 26k 71% 6/s ]
cpus: 26.8 gc: 6% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 9.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(80% 81% 80% 81% 83% 80% 82% 80% 80% 81% 80% 82% 82% 82% 82% 79% 80% 80% 80% 80% 82% 81% 81% 83% 81% 82% 82% 78% 82% 81% 79%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(38%)
0:13:00 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 135M 16% 397k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1B 1.2M/s ] 79G blocks: [ 26k 72% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.6 gc: 4% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 1.9G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 85% 83% 82% 83% 83% 82% 84% 82% 83% 83% 83% 85% 83% 84% 82% 84% 83% 84% 85% 84% 82% 84% 82% 83% 83% 84% 84% 85% 82% 84%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:13:10 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 139M 16% 413k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1B 1.2M/s ] 80G blocks: [ 26k 72% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.3 gc: 5% heap: 9.9G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 83% 83% 83% 83% 85% 84% 82% 83% 84% 86% 83% 84% 86% 84% 83% 84% 81% 83% 82% 82% 81% 82% 83% 84% 81% 83% 84% 82% 82% 83%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:13:20 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 143M 17% 427k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1B 1.3M/s ] 81G blocks: [ 27k 72% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.5 gc: 5% heap: 8.3G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 83% 85% 84% 83% 83% 83% 85% 82% 84% 83% 81% 81% 83% 81% 83% 82% 84% 83% 82% 84% 85% 84% 83% 84% 82% 81% 83% 82% 82% 83%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(38%)
0:13:30 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 147M 17% 425k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1B 1.3M/s ] 81G blocks: [ 27k 72% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.1 gc: 5% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(81% 80% 81% 81% 80% 83% 80% 82% 82% 82% 79% 82% 80% 82% 82% 80% 83% 81% 79% 80% 81% 81% 81% 80% 80% 81% 83% 80% 82% 80% 81%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:13:40 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 152M 18% 417k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1B 1.2M/s ] 82G blocks: [ 27k 72% 6/s ]
cpus: 27 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(81% 82% 82% 83% 82% 83% 85% 83% 83% 81% 81% 82% 82% 83% 82% 81% 81% 83% 82% 83% 83% 81% 83% 82% 83% 83% 83% 82% 84% 80% 83%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:13:50 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 156M 18% 445k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1B 1.3M/s ] 84G blocks: [ 27k 72% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.9 gc: 5% heap: 6.4G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(81% 83% 83% 83% 83% 85% 86% 84% 85% 83% 83% 84% 84% 83% 84% 85% 82% 82% 84% 86% 85% 85% 84% 83% 87% 84% 85% 84% 85% 85% 84%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(38%)
0:14:00 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 160M 19% 444k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1B 1.3M/s ] 85G blocks: [ 27k 73% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 6% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 4.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(81% 80% 88% 89% 89% 82% 83% 82% 84% 85% 84% 85% 85% 87% 84% 85% 85% 89% 83% 81% 88% 81% 87% 87% 84% 87% 81% 84% 82% 84% 83%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:14:10 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 165M 19% 425k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 1.2M/s ] 85G blocks: [ 27k 73% 6/s ]
cpus: 26.8 gc: 5% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 79% 81% 82% 82% 81% 84% 80% 82% 83% 83% 82% 81% 82% 81% 82% 81% 81% 82% 82% 82% 82% 80% 83% 83% 82% 81% 82% 81% 81% 83%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:14:20 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 169M 20% 410k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 1.2M/s ] 86G blocks: [ 27k 73% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.2 gc: 4% heap: 8.7G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(80% 80% 81% 82% 82% 83% 81% 81% 81% 82% 88% 82% 84% 82% 81% 83% 80% 82% 82% 86% 82% 85% 82% 81% 85% 85% 81% 81% 80% 83% 81%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:14:30 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 173M 20% 415k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 1.3M/s ] 87G blocks: [ 27k 73% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.1 gc: 5% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 83% 84% 82% 82% 83% 84% 82% 83% 85% 81% 82% 82% 81% 86% 82% 81% 83% 82% 82% 81% 82% 83% 84% 83% 81% 82% 83% 82% 80% 84%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(38%)
0:14:40 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 177M 21% 417k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 1.2M/s ] 88G blocks: [ 27k 73% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.1 gc: 4% heap: 13G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(81% 84% 82% 82% 81% 83% 84% 82% 81% 81% 83% 82% 81% 81% 81% 83% 83% 90% 82% 82% 80% 80% 81% 81% 81% 81% 81% 82% 81% 80% 82%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:14:50 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 181M 21% 428k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 1.2M/s ] 89G blocks: [ 27k 73% 6/s ]
cpus: 27 gc: 5% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(80% 80% 82% 81% 82% 83% 80% 81% 81% 80% 82% 81% 81% 81% 82% 80% 80% 80% 83% 81% 82% 82% 81% 82% 82% 80% 82% 79% 83% 80% 80%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:15:00 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 186M 22% 438k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 1.2M/s ] 89G blocks: [ 27k 74% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.3 gc: 5% heap: 9.4G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 4.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(81% 82% 80% 83% 83% 82% 82% 81% 81% 81% 82% 81% 82% 83% 81% 82% 81% 82% 82% 82% 81% 83% 81% 82% 82% 82% 81% 84% 81% 81% 83%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:15:10 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 190M 22% 456k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 1.3M/s ] 90G blocks: [ 27k 74% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 5% heap: 8.4G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 86% 87% 85% 86% 86% 86% 84% 85% 86% 85% 86% 86% 84% 87% 86% 85% 85% 85% 86% 86% 87% 85% 86% 86% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:15:20 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 195M 23% 435k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 1.3M/s ] 91G blocks: [ 27k 74% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.3 gc: 5% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 82% 82% 81% 81% 81% 82% 82% 82% 83% 83% 82% 81% 84% 83% 81% 83% 84% 82% 82% 83% 82% 83% 83% 82% 81% 83% 84% 83% 82% 82%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:15:30 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 199M 23% 418k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 1.2M/s ] 91G blocks: [ 27k 74% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.5 gc: 6% heap: 9.1G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 84% 86% 84% 83% 83% 83% 85% 83% 85% 85% 84% 86% 83% 83% 85% 83% 82% 82% 83% 83% 82% 85% 83% 82% 83% 84% 82% 84% 83% 84%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:15:40 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 203M 24% 441k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 1.2M/s ] 92G blocks: [ 27k 74% 7/s ]
cpus: 27.8 gc: 5% heap: 5.7G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 84% 85% 85% 83% 85% 83% 84% 84% 84% 85% 82% 85% 85% 83% 87% 85% 83% 83% 85% 82% 81% 83% 83% 83% 85% 84% 84% 83% 83% 84%) -> (12k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:15:50 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 208M 24% 470k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 1.2M/s ] 93G blocks: [ 28k 75% 8/s ]
cpus: 28.3 gc: 6% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 83% 87% 86% 86% 88% 86% 85% 86% 85% 85% 87% 86% 87% 86% 85% 86% 85% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 87% 85% 87% 85% 86% 86% 86% 87%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:16:00 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 213M 25% 467k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 1.2M/s ] 93G blocks: [ 28k 75% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.4 gc: 5% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 84% 85% 85% 87% 86% 87% 87% 85% 86% 86% 85% 86% 86% 85% 84% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 85% 86% 87% 85% 84% 86% 85% 87% 85% 85%) -> (12k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:16:10 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 217M 25% 464k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 1.2M/s ] 95G blocks: [ 28k 75% 7/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 6% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 9.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.9G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 84% 84% 85% 83% 84% 84% 85% 85% 83% 86% 85% 85% 85% 86% 84% 84% 87% 84% 85% 82% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 84% 85% 84% 84% 84%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:16:21 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 222M 26% 440k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 1.2M/s ] 96G blocks: [ 28k 75% 7/s ]
cpus: 27.9 gc: 5% heap: 8G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.9G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 84% 84% 84% 85% 83% 87% 84% 83% 84% 81% 84% 85% 82% 86% 82% 84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 84% 82% 83% 82% 86%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:16:31 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 226M 26% 438k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 1.2M/s ] 97G blocks: [ 28k 75% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.6 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 2.9G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 82% 83% 83% 84% 85% 82% 84% 84% 85% 84% 84% 81% 85% 84% 83% 82% 82% 84% 84% 83% 83% 82% 84% 84% 83% 84% 83% 85% 83% 83%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:16:41 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 231M 27% 434k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 1.2M/s ] 97G blocks: [ 28k 76% 7/s ]
cpus: 27.5 gc: 6% heap: 5.5G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(81% 79% 82% 82% 82% 82% 85% 83% 82% 81% 82% 85% 80% 82% 82% 82% 81% 85% 82% 81% 81% 83% 82% 85% 82% 81% 83% 83% 81% 83% 84%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:16:51 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 235M 27% 442k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 1.2M/s ] 98G blocks: [ 28k 76% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.3 gc: 5% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(81% 82% 80% 83% 81% 82% 84% 81% 80% 82% 82% 82% 81% 83% 85% 83% 84% 82% 82% 82% 82% 82% 82% 82% 82% 85% 81% 83% 83% 81% 83%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:17:01 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 239M 28% 441k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 1.2M/s ] 99G blocks: [ 28k 76% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.4 gc: 5% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 85% 85% 84% 83% 84% 83% 82% 84% 84% 83% 84% 83% 84% 84% 85% 84% 84% 85% 84% 85% 84% 84% 84% 83% 85% 84% 84% 84% 84% 83%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:17:11 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 244M 28% 432k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 1.2M/s ] 99G blocks: [ 28k 76% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.4 gc: 5% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 81% 83% 82% 82% 83% 82% 82% 84% 83% 82% 85% 81% 82% 83% 83% 83% 83% 81% 83% 83% 83% 83% 83% 82% 82% 84% 83% 81% 84% 83%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:17:21 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 248M 29% 430k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 1.2M/s ] 100G blocks: [ 28k 76% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.1 gc: 5% heap: 17G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 9.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(82% 83% 83% 83% 83% 83% 83% 82% 81% 82% 83% 82% 82% 82% 82% 83% 84% 81% 84% 82% 83% 83% 82% 82% 81% 83% 83% 82% 83% 82% 82%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:17:31 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 252M 29% 436k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 1.2M/s ] 101G blocks: [ 28k 77% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.7 gc: 5% heap: 8.2G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 81% 85% 81% 84% 84% 85% 84% 83% 85% 84% 84% 84% 83% 82% 83% 84% 85% 82% 85% 82% 83% 83% 85% 83% 84% 83% 85% 82% 84% 82%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:17:41 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 257M 30% 432k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 1.2M/s ] 102G blocks: [ 28k 77% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.5 gc: 5% heap: 5G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 83% 84% 82% 82% 84% 84% 82% 82% 83% 83% 83% 83% 82% 83% 82% 83% 82% 83% 82% 81% 82% 82% 82% 84% 84% 82% 82% 82% 86% 83%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:17:51 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 261M 30% 438k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 1.2M/s ] 102G blocks: [ 28k 77% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.4 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(82% 83% 85% 83% 83% 83% 84% 85% 83% 83% 83% 82% 83% 83% 85% 84% 84% 84% 84% 83% 83% 83% 83% 84% 84% 84% 84% 83% 83% 83% 83%) -> (21k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:18:01 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 266M 31% 450k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 1.2M/s ] 103G blocks: [ 28k 77% 7/s ]
cpus: 27.5 gc: 5% heap: 8.9G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 84% 82% 82% 83% 83% 81% 83% 83% 83% 84% 82% 84% 85% 84% 81% 84% 82% 82% 83% 82% 80% 83% 82% 84% 83% 83% 81% 83% 82% 82%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:18:11 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 271M 31% 490k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 1.2M/s ] 104G blocks: [ 29k 77% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.8 gc: 5% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 85% 84% 83% 85% 84% 84% 86% 83% 86% 84% 85% 82% 84% 83% 85% 87% 84% 86% 84% 84% 85% 84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 84% 84% 84% 83%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:18:21 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 275M 32% 481k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 1.1M/s ] 104G blocks: [ 29k 77% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 5% heap: 5.8G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 86% 84% 86% 84% 85% 85% 84% 83% 85% 84% 83% 86% 85% 85% 83% 82% 86% 83% 84% 85% 85% 83% 84% 85% 84% 83% 85% 83% 84% 83%) -> (12k/82k) -> write(33%)
0:18:31 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 280M 33% 497k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 1.2M/s ] 105G blocks: [ 29k 78% 6/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 6% heap: 8.5G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.7G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 86% 86% 85% 83% 88% 82% 83% 87% 85% 82% 83% 86% 86% 88% 84% 86% 85% 82% 85% 87% 83% 83% 86% 85% 83% 85% 84% 85% 84% 85%) -> (13k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:18:41 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 285M 33% 463k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 1.2M/s ] 107G blocks: [ 29k 78% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.5 gc: 5% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.7G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(81% 81% 84% 84% 83% 84% 83% 81% 82% 83% 82% 81% 83% 83% 83% 81% 83% 84% 84% 82% 80% 84% 85% 81% 83% 83% 83% 84% 82% 82% 84%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:18:51 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 290M 34% 455k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 1.2M/s ] 108G blocks: [ 29k 78% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.7 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.7G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 82% 83% 82% 83% 85% 83% 84% 83% 82% 84% 83% 83% 83% 85% 83% 85% 83% 84% 83% 84% 84% 83% 83% 83% 83% 83% 84% 85% 82% 84%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:19:01 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 294M 34% 446k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 1.2M/s ] 108G blocks: [ 29k 78% 7/s ]
cpus: 27 gc: 5% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(79% 80% 81% 82% 82% 82% 82% 80% 80% 82% 83% 84% 83% 82% 81% 82% 84% 81% 81% 83% 82% 81% 82% 81% 82% 81% 81% 82% 81% 80% 82%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:19:11 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 299M 35% 448k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 1.2M/s ] 109G blocks: [ 29k 78% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.2 gc: 6% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(82% 81% 81% 83% 85% 81% 81% 81% 83% 85% 81% 82% 80% 82% 82% 81% 83% 83% 80% 83% 83% 81% 81% 82% 82% 84% 82% 84% 81% 83% 85%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:19:21 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 303M 35% 458k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 1.2M/s ] 110G blocks: [ 29k 79% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 3.9G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 84% 85% 84% 86% 84% 85% 86% 86% 84% 82% 85% 83% 84% 84% 87% 85% 86% 85% 85% 85% 84% 84% 83% 86% 84% 86% 85% 85% 85% 84%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:19:31 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 308M 36% 460k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 1.2M/s ] 110G blocks: [ 29k 79% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.7 gc: 5% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 86% 85% 84% 84% 83% 82% 85% 84% 83% 83% 83% 81% 84% 83% 84% 84% 84% 84% 82% 84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 85% 85% 83% 84% 82% 85%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:19:41 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 313M 36% 474k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 1.2M/s ] 111G blocks: [ 29k 79% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.5 gc: 5% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(82% 84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 84% 82% 83% 84% 84% 85% 84% 83% 83% 84% 84% 83% 84% 84% 82% 83% 84% 85% 84% 83% 85% 82% 84% 84% 84%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:19:51 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 317M 37% 481k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 1.2M/s ] 112G blocks: [ 29k 79% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 85% 86% 86% 83% 86% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 84% 85% 85% 85% 87% 85% 85% 86% 85% 84% 85% 84% 85% 85% 87% 85% 84%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:20:01 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 322M 37% 470k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 1.2M/s ] 112G blocks: [ 29k 79% 6/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 5% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 84% 83% 84% 84% 86% 85% 85% 81% 88% 86% 83% 85% 84% 82% 86% 85% 84% 86% 86% 84% 83% 85% 85% 84% 85% 84% 84% 86% 84% 82%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:20:11 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 327M 38% 487k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 1.2M/s ] 113G blocks: [ 29k 79% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.3 gc: 6% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 88% 85% 84% 86% 86% 89% 86% 85% 85% 87% 86% 87% 86% 85% 84% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 85% 85% 85% 86% 87% 86% 84% 84% 86% 87%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:20:21 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 332M 39% 507k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 1.2M/s ] 114G blocks: [ 29k 80% 7/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 82% 86% 82% 87% 84% 86% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 83% 86% 85% 85% 83% 85% 84% 84% 85% 85% 85% 84% 84% 85% 83% 82% 84% 83% 84%) -> (20k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:20:31 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 337M 39% 493k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 1.2M/s ] 115G blocks: [ 30k 80% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 5% heap: 13G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 85% 84% 84% 86% 83% 84% 84% 84% 85% 84% 87% 83% 84% 82% 86% 84% 86% 84% 82% 85% 82% 84% 85% 86% 84% 85% 84% 86% 85% 86%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:20:41 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 342M 40% 476k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 1.2M/s ] 115G blocks: [ 30k 80% 7/s ]
cpus: 27.8 gc: 6% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 84% 86% 85% 86% 84% 84% 82% 83% 83% 84% 84% 84% 85% 86% 85% 84% 83% 84% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 84% 85% 84% 85% 84% 85% 82%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:20:51 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 346M 40% 468k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 1.2M/s ] 116G blocks: [ 30k 80% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.4 gc: 5% heap: 7.8G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(82% 82% 83% 82% 83% 82% 83% 82% 82% 81% 82% 82% 83% 84% 83% 82% 82% 82% 83% 83% 82% 83% 83% 83% 84% 80% 82% 81% 82% 82% 81%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:21:01 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 351M 41% 468k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 1.2M/s ] 117G blocks: [ 30k 80% 7/s ]
cpus: 27.9 gc: 5% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 4.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 85% 85% 85% 84% 85% 83% 84% 84% 87% 85% 86% 85% 85% 85% 84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 85% 84% 86% 84% 83% 85% 84% 85% 85% 81% 86%) -> (12k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:21:11 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 356M 41% 478k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 1.2M/s ] 117G blocks: [ 30k 81% 7/s ]
cpus: 27.7 gc: 5% heap: 13G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 83% 83% 83% 83% 84% 82% 83% 84% 84% 84% 83% 83% 84% 84% 84% 84% 85% 84% 82% 83% 83% 83% 85% 83% 83% 83% 84% 85% 82% 82%) -> (13k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:21:21 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 361M 42% 492k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 1.2M/s ] 118G blocks: [ 30k 81% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.9 gc: 6% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 85% 85% 85% 86% 86% 85% 84% 84% 86% 84% 86% 82% 85% 85% 84% 86% 83% 84% 86% 84% 84% 86% 84% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 84% 84%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:21:31 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 366M 42% 483k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 1.2M/s ] 119G blocks: [ 30k 81% 6/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 5% heap: 6G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 85% 86% 84% 83% 83% 83% 85% 83% 83% 85% 86% 83% 85% 84% 85% 83% 86% 82% 86% 83% 87% 85% 83% 84% 84% 85% 84% 84% 84% 83%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:21:41 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 371M 43% 487k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 1.2M/s ] 119G blocks: [ 30k 81% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.3 gc: 6% heap: 9.6G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 85% 85% 87% 88% 87% 85% 87% 87% 86% 86% 86% 85% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 87% 85% 85% 86% 86% 85%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:21:51 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 375M 44% 470k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 1.2M/s ] 120G blocks: [ 30k 81% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.5 gc: 5% heap: 17G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 88% 86% 85% 87% 86% 85% 88% 84% 88% 88% 85% 86% 87% 87% 86% 85% 86% 85% 85% 84% 86% 87% 85% 85% 86% 87% 85% 85% 85% 86%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:22:01 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 380M 44% 488k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 1.2M/s ] 121G blocks: [ 30k 81% 6/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 5% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 84% 86% 84% 86% 83% 85% 85% 83% 84% 85% 83% 85% 85% 84% 85% 83% 86% 83% 86% 84% 83% 84% 85% 83% 84% 84% 85% 83% 85% 85%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:22:11 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 385M 45% 476k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 1.2M/s ] 121G blocks: [ 30k 82% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.7 gc: 5% heap: 7.5G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.9G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 85% 84% 85% 83% 83% 84% 83% 83% 83% 84% 84% 84% 82% 83% 82% 84% 84% 83% 82% 83% 84% 83% 82% 82% 84% 83%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:22:21 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 390M 45% 495k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 1.2M/s ] 123G blocks: [ 30k 82% 7/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 5% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 4.9G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 83% 83% 86% 85% 83% 86% 85% 85% 83% 83% 84% 84% 86% 85% 85% 86% 83% 85% 84% 85% 85% 85% 82% 84% 84% 85%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:22:31 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 395M 46% 495k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 1.2M/s ] 124G blocks: [ 30k 82% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 6% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 84% 84% 83% 82% 85% 84% 84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 85% 86% 82% 83% 82% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 83% 85% 82% 84% 85% 86% 83% 83% 83%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:22:41 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 400M 46% 513k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 1.2M/s ] 124G blocks: [ 30k 82% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 5% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 85% 85% 86% 84% 87% 86% 86% 87% 87% 87% 85% 86% 86% 85% 86% 85% 86% 86% 86% 86% 88% 86% 84% 87% 85% 85% 85% 86% 86% 85%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:22:51 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 405M 47% 498k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 1.2M/s ] 125G blocks: [ 31k 82% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 5% heap: 8.5G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5G
read( 1%) -> (15/47) -> process(83% 86% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 85% 86% 84% 86% 85% 84% 83% 83% 84% 84% 85% 85% 86% 82% 84% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 84%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:23:01 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 410M 48% 497k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 1.2M/s ] 126G blocks: [ 31k 83% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.6 gc: 5% heap: 13G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 85% 86% 86% 84% 86% 86% 84% 84% 87% 87% 85% 86% 86% 86% 86% 84% 84% 85% 87% 83% 85% 88% 86% 87% 84%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:23:11 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 415M 48% 511k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 1.2M/s ] 126G blocks: [ 31k 83% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 5% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 85% 84% 86% 85% 84% 87% 86% 85% 85% 88% 86% 86% 87% 84% 85% 85% 86% 86% 86% 85% 86% 85% 86% 85% 85% 84% 87% 86% 86% 88%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:23:21 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 420M 49% 507k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 1.2M/s ] 127G blocks: [ 31k 83% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.6 gc: 6% heap: 8G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 86% 84% 89% 85% 87% 87% 86% 87% 85% 84% 85% 85% 85% 86% 84% 87% 85% 85% 87% 85% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 87%) -> (13k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:23:31 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 425M 49% 503k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 1.2M/s ] 128G blocks: [ 31k 83% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.3 gc: 5% heap: 9.3G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 84% 86% 86% 85% 85% 85% 86% 87% 85% 83% 85% 84% 83% 84% 86% 84% 86% 84% 87% 84% 87% 87% 87% 86% 85% 85% 85% 85% 86% 87%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:23:41 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 430M 50% 513k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 1.2M/s ] 128G blocks: [ 31k 83% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.7 gc: 5% heap: 17G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 87% 87% 86% 87% 87% 86% 86% 87% 87% 88% 87% 86% 88% 86% 85% 87% 87% 87% 86% 88% 87% 87% 87% 89% 86% 86% 87% 87% 87% 89%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:23:51 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 435M 51% 500k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 1.2M/s ] 129G blocks: [ 31k 83% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 6% heap: 7.2G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 84% 83% 84% 86% 84% 83% 82% 84% 83% 83% 84% 88% 85% 86% 83% 86% 85% 86% 85% 85% 85% 84% 82% 84% 83% 83% 83% 84% 84% 84%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:24:01 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 440M 51% 494k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 1.2M/s ] 130G blocks: [ 31k 84% 7/s ]
cpus: 27.9 gc: 5% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 86% 85% 86% 86% 86% 85% 86% 85% 85% 86% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 86% 85% 85% 86% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 86% 86%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:24:11 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 445M 52% 488k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 1.2M/s ] 130G blocks: [ 31k 84% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.9 gc: 5% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 85% 84% 83% 83% 85% 86% 84% 82% 84% 84% 84% 84% 85% 83% 84% 85% 83% 83% 85% 84% 85% 81% 84% 83% 83% 84% 86% 81% 83% 85%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:24:21 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 450M 52% 491k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 1.2M/s ] 131G blocks: [ 31k 84% 6/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 6% heap: 5.8G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 83% 86% 84% 84% 85% 83% 84% 83% 85% 83% 85% 85% 84% 83% 82% 83% 85% 84% 83% 82% 84% 84% 86% 84% 84% 85% 83% 84% 83% 83%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:24:31 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 455M 53% 515k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 1.3M/s ] 132G blocks: [ 31k 84% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 5% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 86% 86% 86% 87% 85% 86% 85% 87% 86% 87% 85% 85% 87% 87% 87% 85% 86% 86% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 85% 86% 85% 86% 86% 86% 87%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:24:41 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 460M 53% 514k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 1.2M/s ] 132G blocks: [ 31k 84% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 5% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 84% 86% 84% 85% 83% 84% 83% 84% 84% 85% 85% 86% 85% 84% 84% 83% 85% 83% 85% 84% 84% 85% 86% 85% 86% 83% 85% 85% 85% 83%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:24:51 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 466M 54% 522k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 1.2M/s ] 133G blocks: [ 31k 85% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.6 gc: 5% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(88% 84% 88% 88% 86% 86% 87% 86% 86% 84% 86% 87% 85% 86% 83% 83% 85% 85% 85% 85% 86% 86% 86% 87% 88% 85% 87% 86% 86% 85% 85%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:25:01 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 471M 55% 521k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 1.2M/s ] 134G blocks: [ 31k 85% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.4 gc: 6% heap: 17G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 85% 86% 84% 84% 83% 87% 85% 85% 86% 85% 87% 85% 83% 85% 86% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 83% 86% 84% 86% 84% 83% 84% 84% 85% 83%) -> (13k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:25:11 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 476M 55% 508k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 1.2M/s ] 134G blocks: [ 31k 85% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.4 gc: 5% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 87% 83% 85% 86% 85% 85% 87% 84% 85% 86% 85% 85% 85% 85% 87% 86% 85% 88% 88% 86% 84% 87% 87% 86% 86% 86% 87% 87% 88% 85%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:25:21 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 481M 56% 522k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 1.2M/s ] 135G blocks: [ 32k 85% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.7 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 85% 85% 88% 88% 88% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 84% 87% 86% 88% 89% 87% 88% 87% 87% 83% 85% 87% 87% 83% 87% 89% 89% 88% 88% 85%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:25:31 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 487M 56% 536k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 1.2M/s ] 136G blocks: [ 32k 85% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.9 gc: 5% heap: 9G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 85% 87% 87% 89% 88% 87% 86% 87% 89% 87% 88% 88% 88% 85% 84% 87% 87% 88% 86% 88% 87% 86% 88% 85% 87% 88% 87% 86% 87% 87%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:25:41 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 492M 57% 529k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 1.2M/s ] 136G blocks: [ 32k 86% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.8 gc: 6% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 86% 86% 85% 85% 88% 84% 87% 86% 85% 87% 84% 88% 87% 87% 86% 86% 85% 86% 87% 86% 88% 88% 88% 86% 86% 86% 86% 85% 86% 87%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:25:51 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 497M 58% 529k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 1.2M/s ] 137G blocks: [ 32k 86% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 6% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.7G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 86% 85% 86% 86% 88% 84% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 87% 87% 88% 85% 87% 86% 86% 86% 84% 86% 86% 84% 85% 85% 87% 85% 87% 87% 86%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:26:01 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 502M 58% 506k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 1.2M/s ] 138G blocks: [ 32k 86% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 5% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.7G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 83% 86% 86% 86% 86% 85% 84% 85% 84% 85% 85% 84% 85% 86% 85% 87% 84% 86% 84% 84% 86% 83% 84% 85% 82% 84% 85% 88% 84% 88%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:26:11 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 507M 59% 507k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2B 1.2M/s ] 138G blocks: [ 32k 86% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.5 gc: 5% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 84% 86% 88% 86% 88% 87% 86% 86% 87% 87% 87% 85% 89% 83% 84% 86% 87% 86% 87% 86% 85% 85% 85% 85% 87% 83% 85% 87% 85% 86%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:26:21 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 512M 59% 494k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2B 1.2M/s ] 139G blocks: [ 32k 86% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 85% 87% 85% 87% 84% 84% 86% 86% 82% 84% 84% 86% 85% 86% 84% 85% 86% 84% 83% 85% 85% 85% 86% 83% 85% 85% 83% 84% 86% 85%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:26:31 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 517M 60% 508k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2B 1.2M/s ] 140G blocks: [ 32k 86% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.8 gc: 5% heap: 6G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.9G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 88% 86% 88% 86% 86% 88% 86% 86% 85% 86% 85% 89% 86% 86% 88% 87% 86% 88% 87% 86% 86% 86% 87% 84% 87% 87% 87% 87% 83% 87%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:26:41 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 523M 61% 518k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2B 1.2M/s ] 140G blocks: [ 32k 87% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.4 gc: 6% heap: 9.5G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.9G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 86% 86% 87% 86% 86% 85% 88% 85% 86% 86% 85% 85% 85% 87% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 86% 85% 86% 87% 85% 87% 87% 87% 85% 84% 86%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:26:51 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 528M 61% 535k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2B 1.2M/s ] 141G blocks: [ 32k 87% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.8 gc: 5% heap: 9.9G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 5.9G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(88% 86% 86% 88% 86% 86% 86% 88% 87% 86% 87% 88% 85% 85% 85% 86% 86% 86% 89% 87% 85% 85% 86% 86% 87% 86% 87% 85% 86% 87% 85%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:27:01 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 533M 62% 496k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2B 1.2M/s ] 142G blocks: [ 32k 87% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 5% heap: 8.1G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 84% 85% 85% 87% 85% 84% 84% 83% 85% 86% 86% 84% 85% 84% 86% 83% 84% 85% 86% 85% 84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 86% 84% 85% 84% 84%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:27:11 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 538M 62% 482k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2B 1.1M/s ] 142G blocks: [ 32k 87% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.6 gc: 5% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 87% 84% 87% 85% 86% 87% 87% 86% 85% 87% 89% 87% 90% 88% 85% 87% 86% 87% 85% 85% 87% 85% 88% 86% 87% 86% 85% 86% 85% 87%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(33%)
0:27:21 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 543M 63% 474k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2B 1.1M/s ] 143G blocks: [ 32k 87% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 6% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 85% 84% 83% 85% 84% 84% 85% 84% 83% 84% 84% 84% 85% 84% 85% 86% 84% 84% 85% 83% 84% 84% 82% 84% 84% 84% 84% 83% 82% 85%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:27:31 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 547M 64% 483k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 1.2M/s ] 144G blocks: [ 32k 88% 6/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 5% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 85% 86% 84% 85% 86% 86% 85% 87% 86% 85% 87% 86% 86% 84% 85% 86% 85% 85% 85% 86% 86% 85% 85% 84% 85% 86%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:27:41 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 552M 64% 488k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 1.2M/s ] 144G blocks: [ 33k 88% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.9 gc: 5% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 84% 84% 85% 84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 85% 84% 83% 84% 84% 84% 84% 83% 83% 84% 83% 84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 83% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84%) -> (13k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:27:51 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 557M 65% 478k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 1.2M/s ] 145G blocks: [ 33k 88% 7/s ]
cpus: 27.5 gc: 5% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(82% 83% 82% 83% 84% 82% 84% 82% 85% 81% 84% 82% 83% 82% 82% 83% 83% 83% 83% 83% 84% 82% 82% 84% 82% 83% 83% 83% 82% 85% 83%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:28:02 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 562M 65% 460k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 1.1M/s ] 146G blocks: [ 33k 88% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.5 gc: 5% heap: 8.1G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(82% 82% 82% 82% 82% 82% 84% 82% 79% 82% 80% 81% 82% 80% 80% 82% 82% 82% 81% 81% 82% 81% 82% 81% 80% 80% 81% 80% 80% 82% 81%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:28:12 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 567M 66% 478k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 1.2M/s ] 147G blocks: [ 33k 88% 7/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 5% heap: 6.7G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 85% 86% 84% 86% 83% 84% 85% 84% 85% 84% 86% 85% 84% 84% 83% 85% 84% 84% 83% 85% 84% 84% 83% 85% 85% 84% 85% 84% 86% 84%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:28:22 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 571M 66% 488k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 1.2M/s ] 147G blocks: [ 33k 88% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.7 gc: 5% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 85% 83% 83% 83% 84% 85% 86% 85% 85% 83% 84% 86% 84% 85% 85% 84% 85% 86% 85% 84% 86% 85% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 83% 84% 84%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:28:32 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 576M 67% 493k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 1.2M/s ] 148G blocks: [ 33k 89% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 5% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 85% 84% 84% 84% 85% 84% 83% 85% 85% 86% 84% 84% 84% 84% 83% 87% 86% 85% 84% 86% 84% 83% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 86% 84% 85%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:28:42 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 581M 67% 491k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 1.2M/s ] 149G blocks: [ 33k 89% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 5% heap: 6.8G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 85% 84% 85% 84% 84% 85% 86% 85% 84% 85% 84% 86% 86% 84% 84% 85% 85% 85% 82% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 85% 84% 84%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:28:52 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 586M 68% 523k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 1.2M/s ] 149G blocks: [ 33k 89% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.6 gc: 5% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 85% 86% 85% 86% 87% 85% 85% 87% 85% 88% 86% 86% 87% 85% 86% 87% 84% 87% 87% 87% 87% 86% 88% 88% 85% 85% 84% 85% 87% 87%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:29:02 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 592M 69% 517k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 1.3M/s ] 150G blocks: [ 33k 89% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 85% 84% 84% 86% 85% 84% 83% 84% 85% 85% 82% 83% 83% 85% 85% 85% 84% 86% 84% 84% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 83% 85% 86% 86% 83%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:29:12 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 597M 69% 507k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 1.2M/s ] 152G blocks: [ 33k 89% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.3 gc: 5% heap: 9.2G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 87% 85% 85% 86% 86% 85% 87% 86% 85% 86% 86% 85% 87% 85% 85% 85% 84% 85% 83% 85% 84% 84% 84% 86% 85% 84% 85% 85% 86% 85%) -> (13k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:29:22 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 602M 70% 505k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 1.2M/s ] 152G blocks: [ 33k 90% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 6% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 83% 84% 82% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 84% 82% 84% 84% 83% 84% 85% 84% 83% 83% 84% 84% 84% 85% 84% 84% 84% 84% 85%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:29:32 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 607M 70% 534k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 1.3M/s ] 153G blocks: [ 33k 90% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 5% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 86% 83% 85% 86% 86% 85% 85% 86% 82% 85% 86% 86% 87% 85% 84% 84% 86% 86% 84% 85% 87% 86% 85% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 86% 85%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:29:42 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 612M 71% 529k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 1.3M/s ] 154G blocks: [ 33k 90% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.3 gc: 5% heap: 9.6G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.7G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 83% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 85% 84% 84% 83% 86% 85% 84% 84% 83% 86% 82% 83% 85% 86% 84% 85% 84% 84% 84% 85% 84% 85% 85% 84%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:29:52 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 617M 72% 488k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 1.2M/s ] 155G blocks: [ 33k 90% 6/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 5% heap: 13G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 84% 84% 86% 84% 84% 85% 84% 84% 82% 85% 83% 84% 85% 83% 86% 86% 84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 83% 84% 83% 85% 83%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:30:02 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 622M 72% 507k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 1.2M/s ] 155G blocks: [ 33k 90% 6/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 5% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 86% 85% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 85% 86% 84% 84% 86% 87% 84% 87% 85% 85% 85% 87% 85% 87% 86% 86% 84% 87% 86% 85% 86% 87% 87%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:30:12 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 627M 73% 496k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 1.2M/s ] 156G blocks: [ 34k 91% 6/s ]
cpus: 27.8 gc: 5% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 6.9G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 84% 84% 85% 84% 83% 82% 84% 84% 84% 85% 86% 83% 85% 85% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 84% 83% 82% 84% 84% 83% 85% 84% 84%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:30:22 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 633M 73% 516k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 1.2M/s ] 157G blocks: [ 34k 91% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 5% heap: 6.7G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 85% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 85% 84% 84% 85% 84% 86% 84% 85% 84% 85% 85% 86% 85% 85% 83% 84% 84% 84% 84% 86% 83% 87% 86% 85%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:30:32 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 637M 74% 480k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 1.1M/s ] 157G blocks: [ 34k 91% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 5% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 85% 84% 85% 84% 83% 84% 85% 85% 84% 87% 83% 85% 87% 84% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 86% 85% 85% 85% 84% 84% 88% 84% 84% 87% 84%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(33%)
0:30:42 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 642M 75% 499k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 1.2M/s ] 158G blocks: [ 34k 91% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 5% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 84% 85% 85% 84% 86% 86% 84% 83% 87% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 86% 85% 86% 85% 85% 85% 86% 87% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 87% 85% 85%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:30:52 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 648M 75% 531k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 1.2M/s ] 159G blocks: [ 34k 91% 8/s ]
cpus: 28.3 gc: 4% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 86% 86% 87% 86% 86% 85% 86% 86% 85% 85% 86% 87% 86% 85% 86% 86% 87% 85% 86% 86% 86% 88% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 87% 85% 86%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:31:02 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 653M 76% 529k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 1.2M/s ] 159G blocks: [ 34k 91% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 5% heap: 8G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 84% 84% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 86% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 86% 84% 84% 84% 83% 84% 85% 83% 84% 85% 85%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:31:12 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 658M 76% 522k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 1.2M/s ] 160G blocks: [ 34k 92% 7/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 5% heap: 6G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 84% 85% 83% 84% 84% 87% 83% 85% 85% 85% 83% 84% 84% 85% 84% 86% 86% 85% 83% 84% 84% 85% 84%) -> (19k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:31:22 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 664M 77% 532k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 1.3M/s ] 161G blocks: [ 34k 92% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 5% heap: 13G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 84% 84% 82% 83% 83% 84% 86% 84% 84% 84% 85% 84% 84% 85% 83% 82% 83% 85% 84% 85% 86% 85% 83% 84% 82% 85% 86% 83% 83% 85%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:31:32 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 669M 78% 549k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 1.3M/s ] 162G blocks: [ 34k 92% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.4 gc: 5% heap: 9G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 87% 87% 87% 86% 87% 86% 87% 87% 86% 87% 87% 88% 87% 87% 86% 86% 87% 86% 88% 87% 87% 86% 87% 88% 87% 86% 85% 87% 86% 87%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(37%)
0:31:42 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 674M 78% 484k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 1.2M/s ] 162G blocks: [ 34k 92% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.6 gc: 5% heap: 6.6G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 85% 84% 89% 85% 85% 84% 84% 83% 90% 82% 83% 91% 83% 85% 85% 83% 84% 85% 84% 84% 84% 87% 83% 85% 82% 83% 85% 86% 84% 83%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:31:52 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 679M 79% 532k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 1.3M/s ] 163G blocks: [ 34k 92% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.4 gc: 4% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 87% 86% 86% 88% 86% 86% 87% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 87% 85% 85% 86% 85% 85% 86% 86%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:32:02 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 685M 79% 536k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 1.2M/s ] 164G blocks: [ 34k 93% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.4 gc: 5% heap: 8.9G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 84% 86% 87% 87% 87% 85% 87% 85% 85% 84% 86% 85% 85% 85% 85% 87% 86% 86% 86% 86% 85% 86% 86% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 85% 86%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:32:12 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 690M 80% 541k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 1.3M/s ] 164G blocks: [ 34k 93% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 6% heap: 9.3G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 9.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 85% 85% 86% 85% 86% 86% 85% 84% 85% 85% 85% 87% 86% 85% 87% 85% 87% 86% 86% 85% 85% 86% 85% 86% 87% 87% 87% 86% 85% 86%) -> (13k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:32:22 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 695M 81% 540k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 1.2M/s ] 165G blocks: [ 35k 93% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.5 gc: 5% heap: 8.7G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 86% 84% 86% 85% 87% 87% 86% 86% 85% 85% 85% 87% 85% 86% 86% 85% 85% 87% 86% 86% 85% 86% 85% 85% 86% 86% 85% 85% 86% 86%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:32:32 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 701M 81% 524k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 1.2M/s ] 166G blocks: [ 35k 93% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.6 gc: 5% heap: 9.5G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.7G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 86% 86% 87% 86% 85% 86% 86% 86% 87% 85% 84% 85% 86% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 85% 86% 87% 88% 86% 85% 87% 85%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:32:42 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 706M 82% 535k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 1.2M/s ] 166G blocks: [ 35k 93% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.3 gc: 5% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.7G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 85% 85% 84% 83% 86% 85% 84% 86% 86% 85% 84% 86% 85% 85% 84% 85% 84% 85% 85% 85% 87% 86% 85% 85% 86% 86% 85% 85% 85% 85%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:32:52 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 711M 83% 528k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 1.2M/s ] 167G blocks: [ 35k 94% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.4 gc: 6% heap: 9.1G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 85% 85% 84% 85% 87% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 86% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 86% 84% 85% 84% 84% 84% 86% 84% 85%) -> (19k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:33:02 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 717M 83% 544k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 1.2M/s ] 168G blocks: [ 35k 94% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.4 gc: 5% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 87% 86% 87% 86% 88% 87% 88% 87% 87% 86% 87% 86% 87% 87% 86% 87% 87% 88% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 87% 87% 87% 88% 88% 87%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:33:12 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 722M 84% 530k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 1.2M/s ] 168G blocks: [ 35k 94% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.3 gc: 5% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 8.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.9G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 85% 85% 86% 85% 85% 87% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 86% 86% 85% 85% 85% 84% 86% 84% 85% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:33:22 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 728M 84% 546k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 1.2M/s ] 169G blocks: [ 35k 94% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.5 gc: 6% heap: 7.7G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 7.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.9G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 85% 84% 87% 84% 85% 87% 85% 85% 86% 86% 85% 84% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 87% 85% 85% 84% 86% 85% 86% 85% 86% 86% 87% 86% 84%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:33:32 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 733M 85% 536k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 1.2M/s ] 170G blocks: [ 35k 94% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 5% heap: 6.7G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 7.9G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 86% 84% 84% 85% 85% 85% 85% 84% 85% 84% 85% 84% 85% 85% 84% 86% 86% 85% 86% 86% 86% 85% 84% 85% 85% 86% 86% 84% 84% 85%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:33:42 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 739M 86% 556k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 1.2M/s ] 171G blocks: [ 35k 95% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.4 gc: 5% heap: 7.7G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 85% 86% 84% 85% 86% 84% 86% 85% 86% 86% 85% 85% 85% 86% 85% 86% 85% 87% 84% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 84% 86% 85% 86% 86%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:33:52 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 744M 86% 549k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 1.2M/s ] 171G blocks: [ 35k 95% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.6 gc: 5% heap: 7.2G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 87% 86% 87% 85% 86% 86% 85% 87% 87% 85% 87% 86% 88% 86% 87% 87% 87% 86% 87% 86% 85% 87% 86% 86% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 86%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:34:02 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 750M 87% 556k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 1.2M/s ] 172G blocks: [ 35k 95% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.7 gc: 5% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 87% 87% 86% 88% 86% 87% 85% 86% 86% 86% 86% 85% 86% 87% 87% 85% 88% 87% 86% 86% 87% 88% 86% 86% 85% 88% 87% 86% 87% 87%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:34:12 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 755M 88% 560k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 1.2M/s ] 173G blocks: [ 35k 95% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.8 gc: 5% heap: 9.6G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 86% 86% 88% 87% 87% 87% 87% 88% 86% 87% 88% 87% 85% 86% 86% 86% 87% 86% 88% 87% 88% 87% 87% 87% 88% 86% 87% 89% 87% 86%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:34:22 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 761M 88% 548k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 1.2M/s ] 173G blocks: [ 35k 95% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.5 gc: 5% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.1G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 89% 85% 87% 84% 86% 85% 86% 85% 86% 87% 85% 86% 86% 85% 87% 84% 86% 86% 86% 87% 85% 86% 87% 87% 85% 86% 84% 86% 85% 87%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:34:32 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 766M 89% 541k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 1.2M/s ] 174G blocks: [ 35k 96% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.5 gc: 6% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 86% 84% 85% 85% 86% 85% 86% 86% 85% 85% 86% 84% 85% 85% 86% 86% 85% 86% 87% 87% 85% 87% 84% 84% 86% 86% 87% 85% 84% 85%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:34:42 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 772M 89% 536k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 1.2M/s ] 175G blocks: [ 36k 96% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.8 gc: 5% heap: 7.5G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 4.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 85% 86% 86% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 86% 85% 85% 85% 85% 86% 87% 87% 84% 86% 86% 85% 86% 87% 86% 86% 85% 86% 85% 84% 85% 86%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:34:52 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 777M 90% 539k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 1.2M/s ] 175G blocks: [ 36k 96% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.5 gc: 5% heap: 6.5G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 86% 88% 86% 87% 87% 86% 87% 86% 88% 86% 86% 86% 88% 87% 86% 86% 88% 87% 87% 86% 86% 86% 85% 85% 85% 86% 88% 85% 87% 87%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:35:02 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 782M 91% 536k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 1.2M/s ] 176G blocks: [ 36k 96% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 5% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 84% 86% 86% 87% 85% 85% 84% 85% 84% 85% 89% 85% 86% 85% 86% 85% 87% 85% 86% 86% 85% 86% 87% 85% 86%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(36%)
0:35:12 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 788M 91% 524k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 1.2M/s ] 178G blocks: [ 36k 96% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.4 gc: 5% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 86% 85% 86% 85% 86% 86% 87% 85% 87% 86% 85% 85% 86% 87% 86% 85% 84% 85% 85% 85% 86% 86% 87% 84% 85% 86% 86% 87% 86% 86%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:35:22 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 793M 92% 520k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 1.2M/s ] 178G blocks: [ 36k 97% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.6 gc: 5% heap: 13G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 84% 86% 85% 85% 85% 84% 85% 84% 85% 84% 85% 86% 83% 84% 85% 84% 85% 85% 85% 85% 86% 85% 86% 84% 86% 84% 86% 83% 85% 85%) -> (19k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:35:32 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 798M 93% 533k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 1.2M/s ] 179G blocks: [ 36k 97% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.6 gc: 5% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.4G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 85% 85% 87% 86% 88% 86% 85% 86% 87% 86% 85% 86% 86% 88% 85% 87% 86% 86% 87% 86% 87% 86% 87% 87% 87% 88% 86% 86% 87% 87%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:35:42 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 803M 93% 536k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 1.2M/s ] 180G blocks: [ 36k 97% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.6 gc: 5% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 88% 87% 86% 87% 85% 86% 89% 83% 85% 86% 86% 86% 86% 86% 87% 86% 87% 85% 86% 87% 86% 84% 86% 87% 85% 86% 86% 86% 89% 87%) -> (21k/82k) -> write(35%)
0:35:52 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 809M 94% 520k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 1.2M/s ] 180G blocks: [ 36k 97% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.6 gc: 5% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 86% 84% 83% 87% 86% 88% 84% 85% 84% 84% 84% 85% 87% 85% 87% 83% 85% 87% 86% 86% 83% 86% 85% 85% 86% 86% 84% 87% 83% 87%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(33%)
0:36:02 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 814M 94% 529k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 1.2M/s ] 181G blocks: [ 36k 97% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.7 gc: 5% heap: 17G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.5G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 86% 85% 86% 87% 87% 86% 87% 86% 86% 87% 87% 86% 85% 87% 88% 87% 87% 87% 87% 87% 85% 85% 87% 87% 86% 86% 86% 85% 88% 87%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:36:12 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 819M 95% 514k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 1.2M/s ] 182G blocks: [ 36k 98% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.5 gc: 5% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(88% 86% 85% 84% 85% 84% 86% 83% 85% 84% 85% 84% 85% 85% 85% 84% 85% 83% 85% 83% 85% 83% 84% 85% 84% 85% 85% 82% 87% 85% 83%) -> (25k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:36:22 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 824M 96% 528k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 1.2M/s ] 182G blocks: [ 36k 98% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.7 gc: 5% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.6G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 87% 87% 87% 90% 86% 87% 86% 88% 87% 86% 86% 87% 87% 87% 86% 87% 86% 88% 87% 87% 86% 86% 86% 87% 88% 86% 87% 87% 87% 87%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:36:32 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 830M 96% 514k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 1.1M/s ] 183G blocks: [ 36k 98% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.5 gc: 6% heap: 8.5G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.7G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(84% 83% 84% 84% 84% 86% 86% 84% 85% 85% 84% 84% 84% 85% 85% 84% 84% 84% 86% 85% 84% 85% 83% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85% 84% 85% 85%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(33%)
0:36:42 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 835M 97% 528k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.8B 1.2M/s ] 183G blocks: [ 36k 98% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.8 gc: 4% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 8.7G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 86% 88% 87% 86% 88% 87% 89% 86% 87% 89% 87% 87% 86% 87% 87% 87% 88% 87% 87% 89% 87% 87% 87% 88% 88% 87% 87% 87% 88% 86%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:36:52 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 840M 97% 504k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.8B 1.1M/s ] 184G blocks: [ 36k 98% 6/s ]
cpus: 28.3 gc: 5% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 83% 84% 83% 82% 84% 83% 85% 82% 84% 84% 87% 83% 82% 84% 83% 83% 83% 83% 81% 83% 84% 83% 81% 84% 83% 83% 82% 83% 82% 83%) -> (13k/82k) -> write(33%)
0:37:02 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 845M 98% 520k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.8B 1.1M/s ] 185G blocks: [ 37k 99% 7/s ]
cpus: 29.1 gc: 4% heap: 13G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 82% 86% 89% 86% 88% 90% 83% 88% 84% 87% 85% 87% 86% 85% 87% 87% 84% 84% 85% 84% 84% 84% 83% 85% 87% 85% 84% 85% 86% 87%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:37:12 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 850M 99% 532k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.8B 1.1M/s ] 185G blocks: [ 37k 99% 7/s ]
cpus: 29.1 gc: 4% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.2G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 85% 88% 86% 87% 86% 86% 86% 88% 87% 86% 89% 88% 87% 86% 87% 86% 84% 85% 88% 86% 85% 88% 84% 87% 87% 89% 84% 83% 86% 87%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(33%)
0:37:22 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 856M 99% 514k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.8B 1.1M/s ] 186G blocks: [ 37k 99% 7/s ]
cpus: 28.6 gc: 4% heap: 6.4G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 86% 86% 86% 84% 87% 86% 83% 85% 84% 85% 85% 84% 85% 86% 87% 84% 84% 84% 85% 85% 84% 85% 84% 84% 86% 84% 86% 86% 85% 87%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:37:32 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 861M 100% 520k/s ] rels: [ 0 0% 0/s ] features: [ 2.8B 1.1M/s ] 187G blocks: [ 37k 99% 7/s ]
cpus: 29.1 gc: 4% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 1%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 85% 86% 84% 85% 86% 85% 84% 86% 86% 85% 85% 86% 85% 83% 85% 84% 87% 86% 86% 88% 85% 84% 84% 85% 86% 84% 85% 86% 85% 87%) -> (18k/82k) -> write(34%)
0:37:37 INF [osm_pass2:process] - Finished ways: 862,758,280 (465k/s) in 30m53s cpu:14h7m36s gc:1m32s avg:27.4
0:37:42 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 144k/s ] rels: [ 184k 2% 18k/s ] features: [ 2.8B 412k/s ] 187G blocks: [ 37k 99% 3/s ]
cpus: 22 gc: 2% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 4.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(62% 41% 45% 61% 88% 68% 67% 58% 73% 76% 52% 50% 83% 82% 67% 54% 54% 66% 74% 47% 68% 57% 82% 69% 49% 72% 67% 53% 77% 73% 83%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(12%)
0:37:52 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 396k 4% 21k/s ] features: [ 2.8B 134k/s ] 187G blocks: [ 37k 99% <1/s ]
cpus: 26.5 gc: 1% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 4.9G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 81% 83% 88% 85% 83% 87% 86% 84% 90% 84% 82% 86% 86% 87% 89% 87% 84% 84% 81% 84% 88% 84% 85% 82% 81% 83% 86% 86% 81% 84%) -> (16k/82k) -> write( 6%)
0:38:02 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 564k 6% 16k/s ] features: [ 2.8B 131k/s ] 187G blocks: [ 37k 99% <1/s ]
cpus: 27.2 gc: 1% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 85% 85% 87% 84% 89% 85% 85% 86% 87% 83% 82% 88% 88% 90% 87% 84% 85% 88% 86% 88% 92% 87% 88% 84% 84% 87% 84% 85% 84% 87%) -> (17k/82k) -> write( 6%)
0:38:12 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 734k 7% 16k/s ] features: [ 2.8B 149k/s ] 188G blocks: [ 37k 99% <1/s ]
cpus: 26.9 gc: 2% heap: 14G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 77% 90% 83% 82% 87% 85% 90% 86% 86% 84% 84% 85% 89% 86% 86% 83% 84% 90% 86% 90% 91% 90% 87% 88% 83% 85% 81% 83% 83% 83%) -> (16k/82k) -> write( 7%)
0:38:22 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 921k 9% 18k/s ] features: [ 2.8B 570k/s ] 188G blocks: [ 37k 99% <1/s ]
cpus: 27.6 gc: 2% heap: 8.5G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 79% 86% 89% 88% 87% 90% 89% 84% 86% 87% 85% 96% 88% 86% 84% 86% 90% 86% 84% 89% 85% 95% 85% 88% 87% 90% 89% 87% 89% 84%) -> (19k/82k) -> write(11%)
0:38:32 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 1.1M 11% 19k/s ] features: [ 2.8B 299k/s ] 188G blocks: [ 37k 99% <1/s ]
cpus: 27.9 gc: 1% heap: 16G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 87% 91% 89% 88% 88% 90% 90% 86% 86% 87% 86% 87% 85% 83% 88% 85% 85% 89% 86% 87% 88% 94% 87% 89% 90% 91% 87% 84% 86% 89%) -> (14k/82k) -> write( 9%)
0:38:42 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 1.3M 13% 20k/s ] features: [ 2.8B 189k/s ] 190G blocks: [ 37k 99% 1/s ]
cpus: 27.5 gc: 2% heap: 9.7G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(83% 87% 84% 90% 85% 87% 88% 87% 86% 87% 87% 86% 84% 89% 86% 86% 88% 88% 89% 87% 85% 90% 92% 87% 90% 89% 92% 88% 88% 86% 86%) -> (15k/82k) -> write( 8%)
0:38:52 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 1.5M 16% 23k/s ] features: [ 2.8B 211k/s ] 190G blocks: [ 37k 99% <1/s ]
cpus: 27.9 gc: 3% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(89% 88% 89% 88% 86% 88% 88% 88% 87% 86% 90% 86% 87% 88% 86% 88% 90% 90% 85% 85% 87% 87% 92% 87% 89% 86% 90% 88% 86% 88% 86%) -> (13k/82k) -> write( 9%)
0:39:02 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 1.8M 18% 25k/s ] features: [ 2.8B 194k/s ] 190G blocks: [ 37k 99% <1/s ]
cpus: 28.3 gc: 1% heap: 10G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(92% 91% 91% 89% 90% 89% 91% 88% 92% 90% 92% 87% 89% 91% 89% 91% 91% 89% 88% 90% 91% 90% 94% 88% 90% 90% 89% 88% 90% 90% 93%) -> (18k/82k) -> write( 8%)
0:39:12 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 2M 21% 27k/s ] features: [ 2.8B 426k/s ] 191G blocks: [ 37k 99% 1/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 2% heap: 6.6G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(90% 86% 86% 91% 78% 88% 91% 86% 90% 90% 86% 84% 87% 91% 91% 89% 86% 93% 88% 90% 87% 87% 92% 91% 91% 84% 83% 82% 87% 87% 86%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(11%)
0:39:22 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 2.3M 24% 29k/s ] features: [ 2.8B 806k/s ] 191G blocks: [ 37k 99% <1/s ]
cpus: 27.3 gc: 3% heap: 7.2G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(88% 86% 83% 85% 79% 88% 93% 85% 86% 89% 85% 83% 87% 86% 88% 84% 83% 96% 83% 89% 84% 85% 87% 85% 85% 85% 83% 84% 88% 82% 75%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(14%)
0:39:32 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 2.7M 27% 31k/s ] features: [ 2.8B 209k/s ] 191G blocks: [ 37k 99% <1/s ]
cpus: 27.9 gc: 2% heap: 8.1G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.8G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(89% 88% 77% 90% 88% 91% 90% 87% 86% 92% 87% 88% 89% 89% 89% 86% 90% 92% 88% 91% 87% 92% 89% 89% 89% 90% 90% 87% 87% 90% 84%) -> (15k/82k) -> write( 9%)
0:39:42 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 3M 30% 31k/s ] features: [ 2.8B 172k/s ] 193G blocks: [ 37k 99% 1/s ]
cpus: 28.1 gc: 2% heap: 6.8G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.4G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(88% 88% 91% 90% 91% 86% 87% 88% 88% 90% 89% 88% 88% 88% 85% 87% 87% 81% 85% 85% 86% 90% 90% 87% 93% 86% 90% 90% 87% 86% 87%) -> (14k/82k) -> write( 9%)
0:39:52 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 3.3M 33% 31k/s ] features: [ 2.9B 216k/s ] 193G blocks: [ 37k 99% <1/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 2% heap: 7.8G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(82% 88% 88% 89% 86% 88% 90% 88% 86% 89% 91% 91% 87% 90% 90% 88% 82% 97% 87% 87% 86% 89% 91% 86% 94% 87% 91% 88% 86% 90% 85%) -> (13k/82k) -> write( 9%)
0:40:02 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 3.6M 37% 33k/s ] features: [ 2.9B 233k/s ] 193G blocks: [ 37k 99% <1/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 1% heap: 8.4G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(90% 91% 93% 90% 88% 90% 92% 88% 88% 89% 91% 92% 91% 88% 93% 92% 88% 93% 89% 88% 91% 92% 89% 90% 89% 83% 92% 89% 89% 90% 88%) -> (19k/82k) -> write( 9%)
0:40:12 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 3.9M 40% 33k/s ] features: [ 2.9B 168k/s ] 194G blocks: [ 37k 100% 1/s ]
cpus: 27.9 gc: 1% heap: 12G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(90% 86% 93% 87% 90% 93% 87% 90% 85% 85% 85% 89% 89% 89% 83% 92% 88% 87% 84% 86% 86% 85% 91% 88% 90% 89% 86% 92% 86% 86% 85%) -> (13k/82k) -> write( 8%)
0:40:22 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 4.3M 44% 36k/s ] features: [ 2.9B 168k/s ] 194G blocks: [ 37k 100% <1/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 2% heap: 11G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 89% 92% 88% 89% 88% 88% 91% 86% 91% 88% 87% 89% 91% 84% 89% 88% 88% 88% 88% 89% 88% 91% 87% 92% 86% 88% 97% 86% 88% 87%) -> (16k/82k) -> write( 7%)
0:40:32 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 4.7M 48% 36k/s ] features: [ 2.9B 320k/s ] 194G blocks: [ 37k 100% 1/s ]
cpus: 28.2 gc: 2% heap: 17G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.3G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 90% 89% 86% 89% 91% 89% 89% 84% 89% 88% 89% 85% 85% 87% 87% 92% 86% 89% 89% 87% 87% 86% 87% 91% 89% 87% 97% 86% 87% 89%) -> (14k/82k) -> write(12%)
0:40:43 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 5M 51% 35k/s ] features: [ 2.9B 284k/s ] 196G blocks: [ 37k 100% <1/s ]
cpus: 27.7 gc: 3% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.7G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 86% 87% 87% 88% 90% 88% 87% 89% 82% 86% 85% 86% 81% 86% 86% 90% 87% 87% 83% 88% 86% 88% 86% 87% 87% 86% 94% 86% 87% 87%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(11%)
0:40:53 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 5.4M 55% 39k/s ] features: [ 2.9B 262k/s ] 196G blocks: [ 37k 100% <1/s ]
cpus: 27.8 gc: 2% heap: 9.1G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.1G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 88% 89% 88% 85% 91% 86% 85% 84% 85% 86% 87% 89% 85% 88% 88% 87% 85% 88% 89% 88% 89% 86% 87% 87% 89% 87% 90% 86% 86% 88%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(10%)
0:41:03 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 5.8M 59% 36k/s ] features: [ 2.9B 436k/s ] 198G blocks: [ 37k 100% 1/s ]
cpus: 27.9 gc: 1% heap: 7.4G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.5G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(87% 89% 91% 89% 86% 88% 86% 87% 87% 88% 91% 93% 90% 87% 89% 89% 89% 89% 89% 88% 89% 87% 86% 91% 90% 89% 89% 88% 88% 87% 91%) -> (16k/82k) -> write(15%)
0:41:13 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 6.1M 62% 34k/s ] features: [ 2.9B 578k/s ] 199G blocks: [ 37k 100% 1/s ]
cpus: 27.6 gc: 2% heap: 15G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 6G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(86% 85% 85% 89% 84% 83% 87% 83% 87% 87% 88% 86% 91% 86% 87% 86% 90% 86% 91% 87% 85% 87% 84% 84% 87% 88% 87% 87% 86% 83% 90%) -> (17k/82k) -> write(18%)
0:41:23 INF [osm_pass2] - nodes: [ 7.7B 100% 0/s ] 78G ways: [ 862M 100% 0/s ] rels: [ 6.5M 66% 40k/s ] features: [ 2.9B 307k/s ] 199G blocks: [ 37k 100% <1/s ]
cpus: 28 gc: 2% heap: 9.7G/21G direct: 57M postGC: 5.2G relInfo: 970M mpGeoms: 9.3G
read( 0%) -> (16/47) -> process(85% 85% 85% 88% 86% 87% 88% 88% 85% 88% 89% 89% 88% 86% 89% 86% 89% 90% 89% 88% 90% 88% 85% 85% 89% 85% 86% 87% 84% 86% 85%) -> (15k/82k) -> write(11%)