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chore(deps): update dependency phpstan/phpstan to ~1.12.0 (#127)
This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | [phpstan/phpstan]( | `~1.10.0` -> `~1.12.0` | [![age](]( | [![adoption](]( | [![passing](]( | [![confidence](]( | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>phpstan/phpstan (phpstan/phpstan)</summary> ### [`v1.12.4`]( [Compare Source]( # Improvements 🔧 - Special internal error message for Larastan & Laravel (, [#&#8203;11641]( - Do not truncate offset key in error tip message ([#&#8203;3437](, thanks [@&#8203;ruudk](! - Errors with `argument.named` are ignorable now ( - Normalize path in TypeInferenceTestCase ([#&#8203;3449](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Fix duplicate paths in `composerAutoloaderProjectPaths` on Windows ([#&#8203;3451](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Update nikic/php-parser to 4.19.2 ( - Allow toggling `treatPhpDocTypesAsCertain` tip ([#&#8203;3452](, [#&#8203;11689](, thanks [@&#8203;ruudk](! # Bugfixes 🐛 - Fix conditional types in `array_map()` return value ([#&#8203;3425](, [#&#8203;10715](, [#&#8203;11056](, [#&#8203;10685](, thanks [@&#8203;rvanvelzen](! - Fix false positive when extending SplObjectStorage on PHP < 8.4 by updating BetterReflection ([](,, [#&#8203;11665](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - Prevent warning in `range()` on PHP 7.x ([#&#8203;3424](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Process expression assignments other than Variable in by-ref parameters (, [#&#8203;11667](, [#&#8203;8781]( - Allow nonexistent other-than-Variable expressions in by-ref parameters (, [#&#8203;11617](, [#&#8203;5077](, [#&#8203;9361](, [#&#8203;7251](, [#&#8203;2313](, [#&#8203;11655](, [#&#8203;2634]( - Fix false positive when type casting in If\_ statement ([#&#8203;3431](, [#&#8203;11674](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Simplify abs return type ([#&#8203;3433](, [#&#8203;9224](, thanks [@&#8203;rvanvelzen](! - Fix late static binding calls ([#&#8203;3361](, [#&#8203;10469](, thanks [@&#8203;mvorisek](! - Fix string types sorting ([#&#8203;3441](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Fix matching literal dot character ([#&#8203;3444](, [#&#8203;11699](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Fix infer new templated type from initial assign into static property ([#&#8203;3364](, [#&#8203;5551](, thanks [@&#8203;mvorisek](! - `range()` with float step should return an array of floats ([#&#8203;3447](, [#&#8203;11692](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Narrow string on `*strlen()` with positive-int ([#&#8203;3407](, [#&#8203;11558](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Fix late static binding calls for first class callable ([#&#8203;3435](, thanks [@&#8203;mvorisek](! - E_ALL value is different on PHP 8.4 ( # Function signature fixes 🤖 - Fix SplObjectStorage generic stub for PHP 8.4 ( # Internals 🔍 - Extract getMessageFromInternalError ( - Optimize NodeScopeResolverTest when running with `paratest` ([#&#8203;3440](, thanks [@&#8203;schlndh](! - Expose `Output::isDecorated` and `Output::isVeryVerbose` ([#&#8203;3436](, thanks [@&#8203;ruudk](! - Simplify SubstrDynamicReturnTypeExtension ([#&#8203;3439](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - CollectedDataNode is VirtualNode ( ### [`v1.12.3`]( [Compare Source]( # Improvements 🔧 - PHPStan Pro: debug corrupted PHAR signature message ( # Bugfixes 🐛 - Revert "Fix phar.yml workflow" (, [#&#8203;11638]( - Refactor `ArrayFilterFunctionReturnTypeReturnTypeExtension` and support first-class callable ([#&#8203;3329](, [#&#8203;11337](, thanks [@&#8203;takaram](! - Prevent resolving conditional types in callable param/return types ([#&#8203;3405](, [#&#8203;11472](, thanks [@&#8203;rvanvelzen](! - Fix wrongly convertion of `list<T>` to `array{T}` ([#&#8203;3412](, [#&#8203;11642](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Fix internal error (, [#&#8203;11649]( - Missing typehints should be consistently checked on level 6 (, [#&#8203;11657]( # Function signature fixes 🤖 - Don't prevent checking for `curl_init()` false returns ([#&#8203;3409](, [#&#8203;11640](, thanks [@&#8203;tscni](! - Update phpstorm-stubs and patch ([#&#8203;3393](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! # Internals 🔍 - The `COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION` hack should no longer be necessary ([#&#8203;3414]( - Add non regression test ([#&#8203;3416](, [#&#8203;4960](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - Add non regression test ([#&#8203;3415](, [#&#8203;10499](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! ### [`v1.12.2`]( [Compare Source]( # Improvements 🔧 - PHP 8.4 - report deprecated implicitly nullable parameter types (, [#&#8203;11413]( # Bugfixes 🐛 - Run `@mixin` class reflection extensions after all other class reflection extensions (, [#&#8203;11624](, [#&#8203;11342](, [#&#8203;10159](, []( - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Don't optimize alternations with optional groups for tagged unions ([#&#8203;3395](, [#&#8203;11604](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Narrow array on `count()` with `positive-int` ([#&#8203;3389](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Improve narrowing after string functions ([#&#8203;3390](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Add `Type::reverseArray()` ([#&#8203;3344](, thanks [@&#8203;herndlm](! # Function signature fixes 🤖 - `version_compare()` operator arg can be null ([#&#8203;3399](, [#&#8203;4457](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! # Internals 🔍 - Regression test ([#&#8203;3396](, [#&#8203;6642](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - Simplify isFloat checks ([#&#8203;3397](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! ### [`v1.12.1`]( [Compare Source]( # Bleeding edge 🔪 - Check if required file exists ([#&#8203;3294](, [#&#8203;3397](, thanks [@&#8203;Bellangelo](! - Check generics `@method` `@template` tags above traits ( - Check `@mixin` PHPDoc tag above traits ( *If you want to see the shape of things to come and adopt bleeding edge features early, you can include this config file in your project's `phpstan.neon`:* includes: - vendor/phpstan/phpstan/conf/bleedingEdge.neon *Of course, there are no backwards compatibility guarantees when you include this file. The behaviour and reported errors can change in minor versions with this file included. [Learn more](* # Improvements 🔧 - Allow dot-prefixed config files ([#&#8203;3354](, thanks [@&#8203;sreichel](! - Respect dist order over dot order ([#&#8203;3379](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - Update PhpStorm stubs + refactor WithoutSideEffectsRule classes ([#&#8203;3377](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - TypeSpecifier: Narrow `(bool) $expr` like `$expr != false` ([#&#8203;3380](, [#&#8203;8881](, [#&#8203;7685](, [#&#8203;6006](, [#&#8203;10528](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - TypeSpecifier: Narrow `(string) $expr` like `$expr != false` ([#&#8203;3387](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - TypeSpecifier: Narrow `(int) $expr` like `$expr != false` ([#&#8203;3384](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - TypeSpecifier: Narrow `(float) $expr` like `$expr != false` ([#&#8203;3391](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Add missing rule to StubValidator ( - Support `@mixin` above traits ( # Bugfixes 🐛 - Fix `array_filter` with callback optional persistance ([#&#8203;3366](, [#&#8203;11570](, thanks [@&#8203;robotomarvin](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - infer constant string types in alternations ([#&#8203;3369](, [#&#8203;11222](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - improve type inference in alternations ([#&#8203;3375](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Fix error on offset assignment to specialized strings ([#&#8203;3365](, [#&#8203;11572](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Narrow string on `strlen() ==` and `===` comparison with integer range ([#&#8203;3342](, [#&#8203;11548](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Fix `get_debug_type` produces wrong type for anonymous classes with parent ([#&#8203;3374](, [#&#8203;11562](, thanks [@&#8203;patrickkusebauch](! - Fix preserving list when setting union offset type to a ConstantArrayTypeBuilder ([#&#8203;3382](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - Fix `preg_replace()` return type ([#&#8203;3338](, [#&#8203;11547](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Detect function variadic-ness anywhere deep in the declaration file ([#&#8203;3370](, [#&#8203;11559](, [#&#8203;4753](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Add DateTimeSubMethodThrowTypeExtension ([#&#8203;3378](, [#&#8203;11503](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - Do not report `static` in PHPDoc tags above traits as an error (, [#&#8203;11591]( - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Fix alternations containing a `$`-only case ([#&#8203;3394](, [#&#8203;11622](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Do not report missing implementation abstract method from trait when it's implicitly implemented by enum (, [#&#8203;11592]( - Fix how well conditional types play with pre-existing `@param-out` variable after assignment (, [#&#8203;11580](, [#&#8203;6642]( # Internals 🔍 - Debugging function - `PHPStan\debugScope()` ( - Added regression test ([#&#8203;3368](, [#&#8203;7856](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Simplify specifyTypesForConstantBinaryExpression ([#&#8203;3392](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Refactoring: introduce MethodTagTemplateTypeCheck ( - Simplify extensions ( - Refactoring - extract MixinCheck ( - MixinCheck - prepare for trait rules ( ### [`v1.12.0`]( [Compare Source]( [**Read all about PHPStan 1.12 on »**]( # Major new features 🚀 - Precise type for `$matches` from `preg_match` generally available, out of bleeding edge ( - PHP 8.4 runtime support - PHPStan runs on PHP 8.4 without emitting deprecation notices - Full support for PHP 8.4 including new syntax and rules is coming later, after PHPStan 2.0 release # Bleeding edge 🔪 - More precise types for bcmath function parameters ([#&#8203;2217](, thanks [@&#8203;Warxcell](! - Enforce `@no-named-arguments` (, [#&#8203;5968]( - Check too wide private property type ( - Consider implicit throw points when the only explicit one is Throw\_ ( - Check existing classes in `@param-out` (, [#&#8203;10260]( - Check existing classes in `@param-closure-this` (, [#&#8203;10933]( - Check invalid `@param-closure-this` (, [#&#8203;10932]( - Check `@param-immediately-invoked-callable` and `@param-later-invoked-callable` (, [#&#8203;10932]( - Check existing classes in `@phpstan-self-out` ( - Check missing types in `@phpstan-self-out` ( - Check missing types in local type aliases ( - Check nonexistent classes in local type aliases ( - Check unresolvable types in local type aliases ( - Check generics in local type aliases ( - Check missing types in `@mixin` ( - Check types in `@property` tags (, [#&#8203;10752](, [#&#8203;9356]( - Check types in `@method` tags ( - Check `@extends`, `@implements`, `@use` for unresolvable types (, [#&#8203;11552]( *If you want to see the shape of things to come and adopt bleeding edge features early, you can include this config file in your project's `phpstan.neon`:* includes: - vendor/phpstan/phpstan/conf/bleedingEdge.neon *Of course, there are no backwards compatibility guarantees when you include this file. The behaviour and reported errors can change in minor versions with this file included. [Learn more](* # Improvements 🔧 - Internal classes made `final`, `@api` classes made `@final` ([#&#8203;3264](, - Repair `PhpParser\Node\Stmt\Class_::isAnonymous()` ([#&#8203;3343](, thanks [@&#8203;tscni](! - Improve `curl_init()` return type analysis ([#&#8203;3346](, thanks [@&#8203;tscni](! - StubValidator - added missing rules ( - Do not allow `@phpstan-self-out` above static method ( - Check unresolvable types in `@phpstan-self-out` ( - Check generics in `@phpstan-self-out` ( - ConstExprNodeResolver - support ConstFetchNode for class constants ( - allowed in default parameter values in `@method` # Bugfixes 🐛 - PHPStanDiagnoseExtension - skip showing config files in "Included configs from Composer packages" if already present in the "Extension installer" section ( - Support multiple anonymous class definitions on the same line ([#&#8203;3328](, [#&#8203;5597](, [#&#8203;11511](, thanks [@&#8203;tscni](! - Fix ConstantArrayType not accepting NeverType ([#&#8203;3327](, [#&#8203;11517](, thanks [@&#8203;tscni](! - Narrow to non-falsy-string from `strlen()` on integer range ([#&#8203;3337](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Narrow arrays in union based on `count()` with integer range ([#&#8203;3335](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Fix description escaping in UsedTraitsRule ( # Internals 🔍 - Cleanup TypeSpecifier ([#&#8203;3340](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Refactor ReplaceFunctionsDynamicReturnTypeExtension ([#&#8203;3339](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - BetterReflectionSourceLocator - playground mode ( - Internal PHPStan rule - class must be abstract or final ( - Downgrade PHP files in build/PHPStan ( - ExtendedPropertyReflection ( - Replace `highlight_string()` stub with a return type extension ([#&#8203;3350]( - Issue bot - test PHP 8.4 ([#&#8203;3358]( ### [`v1.11.11`]( [Compare Source]( # Improvements 🔧 - Narrow arrays in union based on count() with smaller/greater operator ([#&#8203;3324](, [#&#8203;11480](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - PHPStanDiagnoseExtension - show Composer packages with included config files ( # Bugfixes 🐛 - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - optional non-last groups can be empty-string ([#&#8203;3306](, [#&#8203;11479](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - fix capturing item-array-shapes for preg_match_all ([#&#8203;3307](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Fix shape of single top level alternations ([#&#8203;3299](, [#&#8203;11462](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Fix matching literal "-" in character classes ([#&#8203;3314](, [#&#8203;11490](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Improve sprintf support ([#&#8203;3310](, [#&#8203;11491](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - Handle union and mixed in plus operation ([#&#8203;3320](, [#&#8203;3759](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - Fix union with float should accept integer range ([#&#8203;3318](, [#&#8203;10248](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - Fix array_intersect_key ([#&#8203;3317](, [#&#8203;10561](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - Improve non strict `in_array()` ([#&#8203;3319](, [#&#8203;9436](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - String offset access leads to non-empty-string (single character) (, [#&#8203;11506]( - Fix `AccessoryLiteralStringType::setOffsetValueType()` ( - Fix `AccessoryNonFalsyStringType::setOffsetValueType()` ( - Improve IntDivThrowTypeExtension to support integer ranges ([#&#8203;3325](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! - Fix array intersection between HasOffsetType and HasOffsetValueType (, [#&#8203;11518]( - Fix item type in list to constant array conversion with `count()` ([#&#8203;3309](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! # Function signature fixes 🤖 - Fix imagick definition ([#&#8203;3316](, [#&#8203;10803](, thanks [@&#8203;VincentLanglet](! # Internals 🔍 - Turn Regex classes immutable where possible ([#&#8203;3305](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! ### [`v1.11.10`]( [Compare Source]( # Bleeding edge 🔪 - Precise array shape for `preg_replace_callback()` `$matches` ([#&#8203;3281](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Report invalid exclude paths in PHP config ( *If you want to see the shape of things to come and adopt bleeding edge features early, you can include this config file in your project's `phpstan.neon`:* includes: - vendor/phpstan/phpstan/conf/bleedingEdge.neon *Of course, there are no backwards compatibility guarantees when you include this file. The behaviour and reported errors can change in minor versions with this file included. [Learn more](* # Improvements 🔧 - Allow nonexistent paths in excludePaths by appending `(?)` (,, [#&#8203;11436]( - Do not report nonexistent paths in ignoreErrors if `reportUnmatchedIgnoredErrors: false` (, [#&#8203;11436]( - Narrow tagged unions based on `count()` with array size ([#&#8203;3302](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! # Bugfixes 🐛 - RegularExpressionPatternRule: fix false positive in preg_quote() handling ([#&#8203;3280](, [#&#8203;11432](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Support literal strings in RegexGroupParser ([#&#8203;3284](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Support classes of literal strings in RegexGroupParser ([#&#8203;3285](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Don't infer constant types for "i"-modfied patterns ([#&#8203;3288](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Support non-falsy-string in RegexGroupParser ([#&#8203;3289](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - RegexGroupParser: Ignore whitespaces on "x"-modified patterns ([#&#8203;3291]( ([#&#8203;3291](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher: fix preg_match_all with PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ([#&#8203;3292](, [#&#8203;11457](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Fix subject types ([#&#8203;3300](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Fix `ConstantArrayType::isSuperTypeOf()` for empty array ( - is_resource: adjust type specification for truthy context only ([#&#8203;3298](, [#&#8203;9687](, thanks [@&#8203;janedbal](! - Fix loose comparison between '1' and '+1' ([#&#8203;3301](, thanks [@&#8203;thg2k](! # Function signature fixes 🤖 - Update some mysqli function return types ([#&#8203;3279](, [#&#8203;8345](, thanks [@&#8203;mattschlosser](! # Internals 🔍 - Extracted RegexGroupParser from RegexArrayShapeMatcher ([#&#8203;3278](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - E2E test about path validation in ignoreErrors and excludePaths ( - RegularExpressionPatternRuleTest: utilize `preg_match()` array shape tests ([#&#8203;3290](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Simplify RegexArrayShapeMatcher ([#&#8203;3293](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Refactor RegexGroupParser - extract RegexAlternation class ([#&#8203;3296](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! ### [`v1.11.9`]( [Compare Source]( # Bleeding edge 🔪 - RegularExpressionPatternRule: validate preg_quote'd patterns ([#&#8203;3270](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - No implicit wildcard in FileExcluder (, [#&#8203;10299]( - Precise array shape for `preg_match_all()` $matches ([#&#8203;3256](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! *If you want to see the shape of things to come and adopt bleeding edge features early, you can include this config file in your project's `phpstan.neon`:* includes: - vendor/phpstan/phpstan/conf/bleedingEdge.neon *Of course, there are no backwards compatibility guarantees when you include this file. The behaviour and reported errors can change in minor versions with this file included. [Learn more](* # Improvements 🔧 - DefaultStubFilesProvider - consider all composerAutoloaderProjectPaths when filtering 3rd party stub files (, [#&#8203;11393]( # Bugfixes 🐛 - RegexArrayShapeMatcher: Fix non-emptiness of leading optional groups ([#&#8203;3267](, [#&#8203;11376](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher: Support resolving of constants in patterns ([#&#8203;3265](, [#&#8203;11384](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - RegexExpressionHelper - Support all bracket style delimiters ([#&#8203;3273](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Regex parsing fixes for newline characters and marker verbs ([#&#8203;3268](, [#&#8203;11360](, [#&#8203;8948](, thanks [@&#8203;Seldaek](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Support 'n' modifier ([#&#8203;3271](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Improve `abs()` return type ([#&#8203;3263](, [#&#8203;11367](, thanks [@&#8203;julienfalque](! - UselessFunctionReturnValueRule: More precise error message ([#&#8203;3266](, [#&#8203;11377](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! # Internals 🔍 - Extract RegexExpressionHelper ([#&#8203;3270](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Refactor RegexArrayShapeMatcher ([#&#8203;3274](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! ### [`v1.11.8`]( [Compare Source]( # Bleeding edge 🔪 - Report useless return values of function calls like `var_export` without `$return=true` ([#&#8203;3225](, [#&#8203;11320](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Check mixed in binary operator ([#&#8203;3231](, [#&#8203;7538](, [#&#8203;10440](, thanks [@&#8203;schlndh](! - Check vprintf/vsprintf arguments against placeholder count ([#&#8203;3126](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Check mixed in unary operator ([#&#8203;3253](, thanks [@&#8203;schlndh](! - Report "missing return" error closer to where the return is missing ( - Stricter ++/-- operator check ([#&#8203;3255](, thanks [@&#8203;schlndh](! - Check preg_quote delimiter sanity ([#&#8203;3252](, [#&#8203;11338](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! *If you want to see the shape of things to come and adopt bleeding edge features early, you can include this config file in your project's `phpstan.neon`:* includes: - vendor/phpstan/phpstan/conf/bleedingEdge.neon *Of course, there are no backwards compatibility guarantees when you include this file. The behaviour and reported errors can change in minor versions with this file included. [Learn more](* # Improvements 🔧 - Precise array shape for `$matches` from `preg_match()` improvements: - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - trailling groups are not optional when PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL ([#&#8203;3219](, [#&#8203;11311](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Fix preg_match named capturing groups ([#&#8203;3228](, [#&#8203;11323](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Fix optional groups with PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL ([#&#8203;3229](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Allow overriding the PHP 7.2 support for PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL ([#&#8203;3226](, thanks [@&#8203;Seldaek](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Fix PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL with optional leading groups ([#&#8203;3234](, [#&#8203;11331](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Support preg_quote()'d patterns ([#&#8203;3233](, [#&#8203;11332](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - Fix PREG_UNMATCHED_AS_NULL with top level alternation ([#&#8203;3238](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - More precise non-empty-string and numeric-string ([#&#8203;3249](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Fix regex parsing by completing the grammar ([#&#8203;3244](, thanks [@&#8203;Seldaek](! - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - `(\d*)` can be empty-string ([#&#8203;3257](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Add `diagnose` command to run DiagnoseExtensions ( - Diagnose extension: Info about extensions installed via extension-installer ( - Diagnose extension - where is PHPStan running from ( - Parallel scheduler becomes DiagnoseExtension ( - ResultCacheManager: output restore time in debug mode ([#&#8203;3224](, thanks [@&#8203;janedbal](! - Add hint as to what might be wrong when invalid identifiers are used ([#&#8203;3230](, thanks [@&#8203;Seldaek](! - Optimize array_map with many arrays (, [#&#8203;11297]( - Improved `sprintf()` inference ([#&#8203;3232](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Print elapsed analysis time with `-v` ([#&#8203;3239](, [#&#8203;3242](, thanks [@&#8203;janedbal](! - More precise `sprintf()` format arg-based return type ([#&#8203;3192](, [#&#8203;11248](, [#&#8203;10493](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! # Bugfixes 🐛 - Fix return type of round/ceil/floor in non strict type environment ([#&#8203;3223](, [#&#8203;11319](, thanks [@&#8203;BackEndTea](! - Fix statement analysis after early-terminating statements ([#&#8203;3227](, [#&#8203;11179](, thanks [@&#8203;takaram](! - Fix match of union of enums (, [#&#8203;11313]( - Fix `pathinfo()` return type for union type flags ([#&#8203;3120](, [#&#8203;10760](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Fix and simplify discovering composer autoloader project path ( - Ignore non-explicit NeverType in purity check ([#&#8203;3243](, [#&#8203;11207](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Non-numeric strings in `pow()` lead to error ([#&#8203;2796](, [#&#8203;10125](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Closure with by-ref parameter is impure (, [#&#8203;11361]( - PathRoutingParser - check if the file is a symlink that might be in analysed paths (, [#&#8203;6585]( # Function signature fixes 🤖 - Fix new headers functions in php 8.4 ([#&#8203;3221](, thanks [@&#8203;Seldaek](! # Internals 🔍 - Indicate file on TypeInferenceTestCase validation errors ([#&#8203;3166](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - nette/di - patch for PHP 8.4 support ( - InternalError is part of `@api` ([#&#8203;3240](, thanks [@&#8203;janedbal](! - Refactor RegexArrayShapeMatcher ([#&#8203;3248](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Refactor PrintfParametersRule ([#&#8203;3247](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Simplify RegularExpressionPatternRule ([#&#8203;3251](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Copy regex grammar from hoa/regex into the project ( - Apply Grammar.patch to reflect previous phpstan state ( - ExecutionEndNode always has a statement ( - Fix PHP_VERSION_ID comparison in test ([#&#8203;3254](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Apply the stricter signatures for PHP 8.0 after the basic ones for PHP 8.0 ([#&#8203;3259](, thanks [@&#8203;thg2k](! - Refactor function signature map files loading ([#&#8203;3262](, thanks [@&#8203;thg2k](! ### [`v1.11.7`]( [Compare Source]( # Improvements 🔧 - Rework `match` expression analysis with enum with performance in mind (, [#&#8203;11263]( - DiagnoseExtension ( - This extension can output any diagnostic information to stderr after analysis - PHPStan displays this information when running the "analyse" command with `-vvv` CLI option. - Result cache - debug message about successfully restored cache ( - Show a hint about `-vv` for unignorable errors when generating the baseline (, [#&#8203;3973]( - Limit the depth when resolving closure type for performance reasons (, [#&#8203;11283]( - `MutatingScope::resolveType()` - cache closure body analysis data (, [#&#8203;11283]( # Bugfixes 🐛 - Observe `@no-named-arguments` above class (, [#&#8203;11275]( - Fix `count()` narrowing on $matches ([#&#8203;3210](, [#&#8203;11277](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Try preventing "Method was not found in reflection of class" when getting a method prototype (, [#&#8203;11269](, [#&#8203;11251]( - RegexArrayShapeMatcher - support resetting non-capturing groups ([#&#8203;3212](, [#&#8203;11291](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Prevent out-of-memory errors while regex array shape inference ([#&#8203;3213](, [#&#8203;11292](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! # Function signature fixes 🤖 - `getimagesize`, `getimagesizefromstring`: zero is a possible value for height and width ([#&#8203;3207](, thanks [@&#8203;mfruehauf](! # Internals 🔍 - Faster `ObjectType::getEnumCases()` ([#&#8203;3203](, [#&#8203;3204](, [#&#8203;11263](, thanks [@&#8203;staabm](! - Update composer-dependency-analyser to 1.6.0 ([#&#8203;3205](, thanks [@&#8203;janedbal](! ### [`v1.11.6`]( [Compare Source]( ### [`v1.11.5`]( [Compare Source](https://red </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR is behind base branch, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 🔕 **Ignore**: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR was generated by [Mend Renovate]( View the [repository job log]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNy4zNTEuMiIsInVwZGF0ZWRJblZlciI6IjM4LjgwLjAiLCJ0YXJnZXRCcmFuY2giOiJtYWluIiwibGFiZWxzIjpbXX0=--> Co-authored-by: renovate[bot] <29139614+renovate[bot]>
1 parent 2c7a65e commit 514ad05

File tree

1 file changed

lines changed

1 file changed

lines changed


Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
"php-parallel-lint/php-console-highlighter": "^1.0",
"php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint": "^1.3",
"phpstan/extension-installer": "^1.1",
"phpstan/phpstan": "~1.10.0",
"phpstan/phpstan": "~1.12.0",
"phpstan/phpstan-mockery": "^1.0",
"phpstan/phpstan-phpunit": "^1.1",
"psalm/plugin-mockery": "^1.0.0",

0 commit comments
