We use alembic to manage the database schema migrations.
DB_URL=<your_db_url> poetry run alembic upgrade head
When we change the data models of the database we will need to run a database migration.
First you need to have a database in the state before the migration you want to apply.
Usually this can be done by starting a local database and running all the migrations
so far. This should look like running git checkout main
followed by the steps in the previous
section (alembic upgrade head
Edit the sqlmodels.py file to reflect the changes you want to bring to the schema.
In most cases, you can have alembic generate a migration automatically:
DB_URL=<your_db_url> poetry run alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Some comment explaining the change"
Make sure that the generated code makes sense. Adjust if needed.
Run your latest migration:
DB_URL=<your_db_url> poetry run alembic upgrade head`
Make sure everything looks good in the database.
Commit the migrations to the repo, make a pull request and tag someone for review.
This will run all the migrations an update the database in production / development TODO Set up task definition using terraform The current solution is to oopen ssh tunnel and run the migrations from there
docker run \
-it --rm \
-e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
-p 54545:5432 postgres:14-alpine \
The corresponding DB_URL
will be