File tree
2,467 files changed
lines changed- .github/workflows
- media
- pkg
- core
- providers
- mock_providers
- utils
- vendor
- compute/metadata
- iam
- secretmanager/apiv1
- AlecAivazis/survey/v2
- core
- terminal
- Azure
- azure-sdk-for-go
- profiles/latest/keyvault/keyvault
- services/keyvault
- 2016-10-01/keyvault
- auth
- version
- go-autorest
- autorest
- adal
- azure
- auth
- cli
- date
- to
- validation
- logger
- tracing
- alecthomas
- assert
- colour
- kong
- repr
- armon/go-metrics
- aws
- aws-sdk-go-v2
- aws
- middleware
- protocol
- query
- restjson
- xml
- ratelimit
- retry
- signer
- internal/v4
- v4
- transport/http
- config
- credentials
- ec2rolecreds
- endpointcreds
- internal/client
- processcreds
- ssocreds
- stscreds
- feature/ec2/imds
- internal
- endpoints
- ini
- rand
- sdk
- sdkio
- strings
- sync/singleflight
- timeconv
- service
- internal/presigned-url
- secretsmanager
- internal/endpoints
- types
- ssm
- internal/endpoints
- types
- sso
- internal/endpoints
- types
- sts
- internal/endpoints
- types
- smithy-go
- encoding
- httpbinding
- json
- xml
- io
- logging
- middleware
- ptr
- rand
- time
- transport/http
- internal/io
- waiter
- cenkalti/backoff
- coreos
- go-semver
- semver
- go-systemd/v22
- journal
- dghubble/sling
- dimchansky/utfbom
- fatih/color
- form3tech-oss/jwt-go
- gogo/protobuf
- gogoproto
- proto
- protoc-gen-gogo/descriptor
- golang
- groupcache
- lru
- mock
- gomock
- protobuf
- proto
- ptypes
- any
- duration
- timestamp
- snappy
- google
- go-cmp
- cmp
- internal
- diff
- flags
- function
- value
- go-querystring
- query
- uuid
- googleapis/gax-go/v2
- hashicorp
- consul/api
- errwrap
- go-cleanhttp
- go-hclog
- go-immutable-radix
- go-multierror
- go-retryablehttp
- go-rootcerts
- go-sockaddr
- golang-lru
- simplelru
- hcl
- hcl
- ast
- parser
- scanner
- strconv
- token
- json
- parser
- scanner
- token
- serf
- coordinate
- vault
- api
- sdk
- helper
- compressutil
- consts
- hclutil
- jsonutil
- parseutil
- strutil
- heroku/heroku-go/v5
- jftuga/ellipsis
- jmespath/go-jmespath
- kballard/go-shellquote
- mattn
- go-colorable
- go-isatty
- mgutz/ansi
- mitchellh
- go-homedir
- mapstructure
- pborman/uuid
- pierrec/lz4
- internal/xxh32
- pkg/errors
- ryanuber/go-glob
- sergi/go-diff
- diffmatchpatch
- thoas/go-funk
- api/v3
- authpb
- etcdserverpb
- membershippb
- mvccpb
- v3rpc/rpctypes
- version
- client/v3
- credentials
- internal
- endpoint
- resolver
- pkg/v3
- fileutil
- logutil
- systemd
- tlsutil
- transport
- types
- internal
- tagencoding
- metric
- metricdata
- metricproducer
- plugin/ocgrpc
- resource
- stats
- internal
- view
- tag
- trace
- internal
- propagation
- tracestate
- atomic
- multierr
- zap
- buffer
- internal
- bufferpool
- color
- exit
- zapcore
- crypto
- ed25519
- internal/edwards25519
- pbkdf2
- pkcs12
- internal/rc2
- ssh/terminal
- net
- context
- ctxhttp
- http/httpguts
- http2
- hpack
- idna
- internal/timeseries
- trace
- oauth2
- google
- internal/externalaccount
- internal
- jws
- jwt
- sys
- internal/unsafeheader
- plan9
- unix
- windows
- term
- text
- secure/bidirule
- transform
- unicode
- bidi
- norm
- width
- time
- rate
- api
- internal
- impersonate
- iterator
- option
- internaloption
- transport
- cert
- grpc
- internal/dca
- appengine
- internal
- app_identity
- base
- datastore
- log
- modules
- remote_api
- socket
- urlfetch
- socket
- urlfetch
- genproto
- googleapis
- api/annotations
- cloud/secretmanager/v1
- iam/v1
- rpc/status
- type/expr
- grpc
- attributes
- backoff
- balancer
- base
- grpclb
- grpc_lb_v1
- state
- roundrobin
- binarylog/grpc_binarylog_v1
- codes
- connectivity
- credentials
- alts
- internal
- authinfo
- conn
- handshaker
- service
- proto/grpc_gcp
- google
- oauth
- encoding
- proto
- grpclog
- internal
- backoff
- balancerload
- binarylog
- buffer
- channelz
- credentials
- envconfig
- grpclog
- grpcrand
- grpcsync
- grpcutil
- metadata
- resolver
- dns
- passthrough
- unix
- serviceconfig
- status
- syscall
- transport
- networktype
- keepalive
- metadata
- peer
- resolver
- manual
- serviceconfig
- stats
- status
- tap
- protobuf
- encoding
- prototext
- protowire
- internal
- descfmt
- descopts
- detrand
- encoding
- defval
- messageset
- tag
- text
- errors
- fieldsort
- filedesc
- filetype
- flags
- genid
- impl
- mapsort
- pragma
- set
- strs
- version
- proto
- reflect
- protoreflect
- protoregistry
- runtime
- protoiface
- protoimpl
- types
- descriptorpb
- known
- anypb
- durationpb
- emptypb
- fieldmaskpb
- timestamppb
- square/go-jose.v2
- cipher
- json
- jwt
- yaml.v2
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
2,467 files changed
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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