Currently, there is no official Fedora package for Paperwork.
Note that Paperwork depends on Pillow. Pillow may conflict with the package python-imaging (aka PIL).
# Python3 dependencies
$ sudo dnf install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-devel
# Pillow build dependencies
$ sudo dnf install libjpeg-turbo-devel zlib-devel redhat-rpm-config
# PyEnchant dependencies
$ sudo dnf install python3-enchant enchant-devel
Note that yum
is deprecated since Fedora 22 and replaced by dnf
. If
you use an older Fedora, replace instances of dnf
above by yum
. The
rest of the commands are the same.
$ sudo python3 -m pip install paperwork
Some dependencies cannot be installed automatically. You can find all the missing dependencies by running 'paperwork-chkdeps'.
$ paperwork-shell chkdeps paperwork_backend
$ paperwork-shell chkdeps paperwork
Since Paperwork 1.2, you can add a Paperwork entry in your desktop menus with the following command:
$ paperwork-shell install
If you used "paperwork-shell install", a shortcut should be available in the menus of your window manager (you may have to log out first).
You can also start Paperwork by running the command 'paperwork'.
Enjoy :-)