Uninstallation won't delete your work directory.
If you installed Paperwork using Flatpak, uninstalling it is easy:
flatpak --user uninstall work.openpaper.Paperwork
This section assumes you installed Paperwork with Python tools (Pip or python3 ./setup.py install
If you installed it with your distribution package manager, please use it to uninstall Paperwork.
Pip is Python package manager.
Pip may install side by side many versions of a same package. It is useful since programs may request very specific versions of libraries. However, it creates problems when it comes to programs and their data, and when it comes to uninstalling.
When you ask Pip to uninstall something, by default, it actually uninstall only the latest version. So in case you had many versions you may have to run it many times.
Libraries most likely only used by Paperwork:
sudo pip3 uninstall pyocr # run it as many times as required
sudo pip3 uninstall pyinsane2 # run it as many times as required
sudo pip3 uninstall pypillowfight # run it as many times as required
Paperwork itself:
sudo pip3 uninstall paperwork-backend # run it as many times as required
sudo pip3 uninstall paperwork # run it as many times as required
Files installed by paperwork-shell install
rm -f ~/.local/share/applications/paperwork.desktop
rm -f ~/.local/share/applications/work.openpaper.Paperwork.desktop
rm -f ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/*/apps/paperwork.png
rm -f ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/*/apps/work.openpaper.Paperwork.png
rm -f ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/paperwork.svg
rm -f ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/work.openpaper.Paperwork.svg
rm -f ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/paperwork_halo.svg
Old versions: Bug reports indicate that Pip may loose track of data files and even not replace them later. So, just to be safe, you can also run:
rm -f /usr/bin/paperwork /usr/local/bin/paperwork
rm -f /usr/bin/paperwork-shell /usr/local/bin/paperwork-shell
rm -rf /usr/share/paperwork /usr/local/share/paperwork
Many libraires have been created especially for Paperwork.
These libraries may be used by other programs installed with Pip, and there is no easy way to know which ones. When in doubt, it's usually safer to just keep them installed (they don't take much space ; they don't have much data files). It's also usually safe to uninstall them just to update them next.
sudo pip3 uninstall pyocr # run it as many times as required
sudo pip3 uninstall pyinsane2 # run it as many times as required
sudo pip3 uninstall pypillowfight # run it as many times as required