From 918faa1f9b7d371540f30e60f2a86e073485f633 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Roshan Kumar <>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 20:10:10 +0530
Subject: [PATCH] [qa] Switched to prettier for CSS/JS formatting
.github/workflows/ci.yml | 2 +-
.jshintrc | 7 -
.jslintrc | 49 ------
.stylelintrc.json | 15 --
docs/developer/installation.rst | 2 +-
.../radius-monitoring/js/device-change.js | 163 +++++++++---------
.../static/openwisp-radius/css/freeradius.css | 4 +-
.../openwisp-radius/css/mode-switcher.css | 4 +-
.../openwisp-radius/css/radiusbatch.css | 2 +-
.../openwisp-radius/js/mode-switcher.js | 60 +++----
.../js/organization-setting-inline.js | 40 +++--
.../openwisp-radius/js/strategy-switcher.js | 96 ++++++-----
run-qa-checks | 3 -
13 files changed, 194 insertions(+), 253 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 .jshintrc
delete mode 100644 .jslintrc
delete mode 100644 .stylelintrc.json
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index 3098eea4..c120dccf 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ jobs:
libspatialite-dev \
spatialite-bin \
- sudo npm install -g jslint stylelint jshint
+ sudo npm install -g prettier
pip install -U pip wheel setuptools
pip install -U -r requirements-test.txt
pip install -e .[saml,openvpn_status]
diff --git a/.jshintrc b/.jshintrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 99b4b79c..00000000
--- a/.jshintrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- "unused": true,
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- "strict": "global",
- "browser": true
diff --git a/.jslintrc b/.jslintrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 7141f331..00000000
--- a/.jslintrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
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- "passfail": false
diff --git a/.stylelintrc.json b/.stylelintrc.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fba2ab0..00000000
--- a/.stylelintrc.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- "rules": {
- "block-no-empty": null,
- "color-no-invalid-hex": true,
- "comment-empty-line-before": ["always", {
- "ignore": ["stylelint-commands", "after-comment"]
- }],
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- "except": ["first-nested"],
- "ignore": ["after-comment", "inside-block"]
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diff --git a/docs/developer/installation.rst b/docs/developer/installation.rst
index e8aaf526..59a5fc6a 100644
--- a/docs/developer/installation.rst
+++ b/docs/developer/installation.rst
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ Install development dependencies:
pip install -e .[saml,openvpn_status]
pip install -r requirements-test.txt
- sudo npm install -g jshint stylelint
+ sudo npm install -g prettier
Install WebDriver for Chromium for your browser version from and Extract ``chromedriver`` to one
diff --git a/openwisp_radius/integrations/monitoring/static/radius-monitoring/js/device-change.js b/openwisp_radius/integrations/monitoring/static/radius-monitoring/js/device-change.js
index 47aac605..3dd01478 100644
--- a/openwisp_radius/integrations/monitoring/static/radius-monitoring/js/device-change.js
+++ b/openwisp_radius/integrations/monitoring/static/radius-monitoring/js/device-change.js
@@ -1,68 +1,73 @@
(function ($) {
- 'use strict';
+ "use strict";
- const onlineMsg = gettext('online');
+ const onlineMsg = gettext("online");
- $(document).ready(function () {
- if (!$('#radius-sessions').length) {
- // RADIUS sessions tab should not appear on Device add page.
- return;
- }
- // Move the "RADIUS Sessions" tab after the "Credentials" tab.
- $('ul.tabs li.credentials').after($('ul.tabs li.radius-sessions'));
+ $(document).ready(function () {
+ if (!$("#radius-sessions").length) {
+ // RADIUS sessions tab should not appear on Device add page.
+ return;
+ }
+ // Move the "RADIUS Sessions" tab after the "Credentials" tab.
+ $("ul.tabs li.credentials").after($("ul.tabs li.radius-sessions"));
- const deviceMac = encodeURIComponent($('#id_mac_address').val()),
- apiEndpoint = `${radiusAccountingApiEndpoint}?called_station_id=${deviceMac}`;
+ const deviceMac = encodeURIComponent($("#id_mac_address").val()),
+ apiEndpoint = `${radiusAccountingApiEndpoint}?called_station_id=${deviceMac}`;
- function getFormattedDateTimeString(dateTimeString) {
- // Strip the timezone from the dateTimeString.
- // This is done to show the time in server's timezone
- // because RadiusAccounting admin also shows the time in server's timezone.
- let strippedDateTime = new Date(dateTimeString.replace(/[-+]\d{2}:\d{2}$/, ''));
- return strippedDateTime.toLocaleString();
- }
+ function getFormattedDateTimeString(dateTimeString) {
+ // Strip the timezone from the dateTimeString.
+ // This is done to show the time in server's timezone
+ // because RadiusAccounting admin also shows the time in server's timezone.
+ let strippedDateTime = new Date(
+ dateTimeString.replace(/[-+]\d{2}:\d{2}$/, ""),
+ );
+ return strippedDateTime.toLocaleString();
+ }
- function fetchRadiusSessions() {
- if ($('#radius-session-tbody').children().length) {
- // Don't fetch if RADIUS sessions are already present
- // in the table
- return;
- }
- $.ajax({
- type: 'GET',
- url: apiEndpoint,
- xhrFields: {
- withCredentials: true
- },
- crossDomain: true,
- beforeSend: function() {
- $('#radius-sessions .loader').show();
- },
- complete: function () {
- $('#radius-sessions .loader').hide();
- },
- success: function (response) {
- if (response.length === 0) {
- $('#no-session-msg').show();
- return;
- }
- // The called_station_id in the response is in the format accepted by
- // RadiusAccountingAdmin. This ensures that we use the same format for
- // filtering the RadiusAccountingAdmin table, avoiding any problem with
- // different formats of MAC address in the backend.
- let called_station_id = response[0].called_station_id,
- radiusAccountingAdminUrl = `${radiusAccountingAdminPath}?called_station_id=${encodeURIComponent(called_station_id)}`;
- $('#view-all-radius-session-wrapper a').attr('href', radiusAccountingAdminUrl);
+ function fetchRadiusSessions() {
+ if ($("#radius-session-tbody").children().length) {
+ // Don't fetch if RADIUS sessions are already present
+ // in the table
+ return;
+ }
+ $.ajax({
+ type: "GET",
+ url: apiEndpoint,
+ xhrFields: {
+ withCredentials: true,
+ },
+ crossDomain: true,
+ beforeSend: function () {
+ $("#radius-sessions .loader").show();
+ },
+ complete: function () {
+ $("#radius-sessions .loader").hide();
+ },
+ success: function (response) {
+ if (response.length === 0) {
+ $("#no-session-msg").show();
+ return;
+ }
+ // The called_station_id in the response is in the format accepted by
+ // RadiusAccountingAdmin. This ensures that we use the same format for
+ // filtering the RadiusAccountingAdmin table, avoiding any problem with
+ // different formats of MAC address in the backend.
+ let called_station_id = response[0].called_station_id,
+ radiusAccountingAdminUrl = `${radiusAccountingAdminPath}?called_station_id=${encodeURIComponent(called_station_id)}`;
+ $("#view-all-radius-session-wrapper a").attr(
+ "href",
+ radiusAccountingAdminUrl,
+ );
- response.forEach((element, index) => {
- element.start_time = getFormattedDateTimeString(element.start_time);
- if (!element.stop_time) {
- element.stop_time = `${onlineMsg}`;
- } else {
- element.stop_time = getFormattedDateTimeString(element.stop_time);
- }
- $('#radius-session-tbody').append(
- `
+ response.forEach((element, index) => {
+ element.start_time = getFormattedDateTimeString(element.start_time);
+ if (!element.stop_time) {
+ element.stop_time = `${onlineMsg}`;
+ } else {
+ element.stop_time = getFormattedDateTimeString(element.stop_time);
+ }
+ $("#radius-session-tbody").append(
+ `
${element.session_id} |
${element.username} |
@@ -71,25 +76,25 @@
${element.calling_station_id} |
${element.start_time} |
${element.stop_time} |
- );
- });
- $('#no-session-msg').hide();
- $('#device-radius-sessions-table').show();
- $('#view-all-radius-session-wrapper').show();
- }
- });
- }
- $(document).on('tabshown', function (e) {
- if (e.tabId === '#radius-sessions') {
- fetchRadiusSessions();
- }
- });
- if (window.location.hash == '#radius-sessions') {
- $.event.trigger({
- type: 'tabshown',
- tabId: window.location.hash,
- });
- }
+ `,
+ );
+ });
+ $("#no-session-msg").hide();
+ $("#device-radius-sessions-table").show();
+ $("#view-all-radius-session-wrapper").show();
+ },
+ });
+ }
+ $(document).on("tabshown", function (e) {
+ if (e.tabId === "#radius-sessions") {
+ fetchRadiusSessions();
+ }
+ if (window.location.hash == "#radius-sessions") {
+ $.event.trigger({
+ type: "tabshown",
+ tabId: window.location.hash,
+ });
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/css/freeradius.css b/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/css/freeradius.css
index 6703fdda..b7fbe8db 100644
--- a/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/css/freeradius.css
+++ b/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/css/freeradius.css
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-table, th, td{
+td {
text-align: center;
padding: 10px;
diff --git a/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/css/mode-switcher.css b/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/css/mode-switcher.css
index 6f2d5641..5c3612dc 100644
--- a/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/css/mode-switcher.css
+++ b/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/css/mode-switcher.css
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-.form-row:not(.field-mode){ display: none; }
+.form-row:not(.field-mode) {
+ display: none;
.form-row.field-group label,
.form-row.field-groupname label,
.form-row.field-user label,
diff --git a/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/css/radiusbatch.css b/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/css/radiusbatch.css
index d5701109..c7f92389 100644
--- a/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/css/radiusbatch.css
+++ b/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/css/radiusbatch.css
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
.field-csvfile label,
.field-prefix label,
-.field-number_of_users label{
+.field-number_of_users label {
font-weight: bold;
color: #000;
diff --git a/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/js/mode-switcher.js b/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/js/mode-switcher.js
index 780844fc..99d38eda 100644
--- a/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/js/mode-switcher.js
+++ b/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/js/mode-switcher.js
@@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
(function ($) {
- 'use strict';
- $(document).ready(function () {
- var mode = $('#id_mode'),
- allExceptMode = $('.form-row:not(.field-mode)'),
- neutral = $('.form-row:not(.field-group, .field-groupname, ' +
- '.field-user, .field-username)'),
- guided = $('.field-group, .field-user'),
- custom = $('.field-groupname, .field-username');
- mode.change(function () {
- allExceptMode.hide();
- if (mode.val() === 'guided') {
- $('#id_groupname').val('');
- $('#id_username').val('');
- } else if (mode.val() === 'custom') {
- $('#id_group').val(null).change();
- $('#id_user').val(null).change();
- }
- });
- if ($('#id_group').val() || $('#id_user').val()) {
- mode.val('guided');
- } else if ($('#id_groupname').val() || $('#id_username').val()) {
- mode.val('custom');
- }
- mode.trigger('change');
+ "use strict";
+ $(document).ready(function () {
+ var mode = $("#id_mode"),
+ allExceptMode = $(".form-row:not(.field-mode)"),
+ neutral = $(
+ ".form-row:not(.field-group, .field-groupname, " +
+ ".field-user, .field-username)",
+ ),
+ guided = $(".field-group, .field-user"),
+ custom = $(".field-groupname, .field-username");
+ mode.change(function () {
+ allExceptMode.hide();
+ if (mode.val() === "guided") {
+ $("#id_groupname").val("");
+ $("#id_username").val("");
+ } else if (mode.val() === "custom") {
+ $("#id_group").val(null).change();
+ $("#id_user").val(null).change();
+ }
+ if ($("#id_group").val() || $("#id_user").val()) {
+ mode.val("guided");
+ } else if ($("#id_groupname").val() || $("#id_username").val()) {
+ mode.val("custom");
+ }
+ mode.trigger("change");
+ });
diff --git a/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/js/organization-setting-inline.js b/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/js/organization-setting-inline.js
index 32d55c7e..64090e85 100644
--- a/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/js/organization-setting-inline.js
+++ b/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/js/organization-setting-inline.js
@@ -1,21 +1,23 @@
(function ($) {
- 'use strict';
- $(document).ready(function () {
- $('#id_radius_settings-0-sms_verification').on('change', function () {
- var smsVerificationEnabled = $(this).val(),
- smsOptions = $('.org-sms-options:visible .form-row:not(.field-sms_verification)');
- if (smsVerificationEnabled === '') {
- smsVerificationEnabled = $(this).data('default-value');
- }
- switch (smsVerificationEnabled) {
- case 'True':
- break;
- case 'False':
- smsOptions.hide();
- break;
- }
- });
- $('#id_radius_settings-0-sms_verification').trigger('change');
+ "use strict";
+ $(document).ready(function () {
+ $("#id_radius_settings-0-sms_verification").on("change", function () {
+ var smsVerificationEnabled = $(this).val(),
+ smsOptions = $(
+ ".org-sms-options:visible .form-row:not(.field-sms_verification)",
+ );
+ if (smsVerificationEnabled === "") {
+ smsVerificationEnabled = $(this).data("default-value");
+ }
+ switch (smsVerificationEnabled) {
+ case "True":
+ break;
+ case "False":
+ smsOptions.hide();
+ break;
+ }
+ $("#id_radius_settings-0-sms_verification").trigger("change");
+ });
diff --git a/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/js/strategy-switcher.js b/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/js/strategy-switcher.js
index e070bf91..ac5ba94f 100644
--- a/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/js/strategy-switcher.js
+++ b/openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/js/strategy-switcher.js
@@ -1,53 +1,55 @@
(function ($) {
- 'use strict';
- $(document).ready(function () {
- var strategy = $('#id_strategy'),
- prefixRows = $('#id_prefix, #id_name, ' +
- '#id_expiration_date, #id_number_of_users').parents('.form-row'),
- csvRows = $('#id_csvfile, #id_name, ' +
- '#id_expiration_date').parents('.form-row'),
- prefixField = $('.form-row.field-prefix'),
- pdfField = $('.form-row.field-pdf'),
- csvField = $('.form-row.field-csvfile'),
- strategyField = $('.form-row.field-strategy .readonly')["0"];
+ "use strict";
+ $(document).ready(function () {
+ var strategy = $("#id_strategy"),
+ prefixRows = $(
+ "#id_prefix, #id_name, " + "#id_expiration_date, #id_number_of_users",
+ ).parents(".form-row"),
+ csvRows = $("#id_csvfile, #id_name, " + "#id_expiration_date").parents(
+ ".form-row",
+ ),
+ prefixField = $(".form-row.field-prefix"),
+ pdfField = $(".form-row.field-pdf"),
+ csvField = $(".form-row.field-csvfile"),
+ strategyField = $(".form-row.field-strategy .readonly")["0"];
- function csv_strategy() {
- prefixRows.hide();
- prefixField.hide();
- pdfField.hide();
- }
+ function csv_strategy() {
+ prefixRows.hide();
+ prefixField.hide();
+ pdfField.hide();
+ }
- function prefix_strategy() {
- csvRows.hide();
- csvField.hide();
- }
+ function prefix_strategy() {
+ csvRows.hide();
+ csvField.hide();
+ }
- if (strategyField !== undefined) {
- if (strategyField.innerHTML === "Import from CSV") {
- csv_strategy();
- } else if (strategyField.innerHTML === "Generate from prefix") {
- prefix_strategy();
- }
- }
+ if (strategyField !== undefined) {
+ if (strategyField.innerHTML === "Import from CSV") {
+ csv_strategy();
+ } else if (strategyField.innerHTML === "Generate from prefix") {
+ prefix_strategy();
+ }
+ }
- strategy.change(function () {
- if (strategy.val() === 'prefix') {
- prefix_strategy();
- } else if (strategy.val() === 'csv') {
- csv_strategy();
- } else {
- prefixRows.hide();
- prefixField.hide();
- pdfField.hide();
- csvRows.hide();
- csvField.hide();
- }
- });
- strategy.trigger('change');
+ strategy.change(function () {
+ if (strategy.val() === "prefix") {
+ prefix_strategy();
+ } else if (strategy.val() === "csv") {
+ csv_strategy();
+ } else {
+ prefixRows.hide();
+ prefixField.hide();
+ pdfField.hide();
+ csvRows.hide();
+ csvField.hide();
+ }
+ strategy.trigger("change");
+ });
diff --git a/run-qa-checks b/run-qa-checks
index 5dde1520..f55dc5cb 100755
--- a/run-qa-checks
+++ b/run-qa-checks
@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
set -e
-echo 'Check JavaScript Linting'
-jslint ./openwisp_radius/static/openwisp-radius/js/*.js
echo ''
echo 'Compiling translations'
cd openwisp_radius