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Nafiseh Kakhani nafisehkakhani
AI-based Geo-spatial Science

Tuebingen University Germany

Santiago Mota santiagomota
Freelance Data Scientist | Big Data Professor at UCM and UNED | Kaggle Master

Freelance Madrid (Spain)

Rubencho Rubencho6661
I am glaciologist interested in study tropical glaciers in Andes region. In situ monitoring, photogrammetry and remote sensing earth observations

Universidad Yachay Tech Urcuquí, Ecuador

Sargent Shriver sjshriver

Alaska Satellite Facility Washington DC

Negin Moghaddam NMoghaddam
Senior Scientist

Remote Sensing Center Brisbane

Ishfaqul Haque IsfacoolGIS
PGDRS JMI,23 || AMU Geography,22 || UGC-NET,23 || Geonformatics || Pyhton || MATLAB

Tezpur, Assam

Chenhui Zhang danielz02
MIT IDSS 28' | UIUC CS 23'

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA

Tariah tariah7
Surveyor, A seismic Navigator and a GIS Analyst.

Tariahvictorconsulting Port - Harcourt

Ross Slater rossawslater
Earth Observation PhD Student studying the Antarctic Ice Sheet with @SENSE-Earth-Observation-CDT

University of Leeds Leeds

John Truckenbrodt johntruckenbrodt
Geospatial Data Architect

@dlr-eoc Germany

YoungDon Choi DavidChoi76
Principal Researcher in K-water (Korea Water Resources Corporation)

K-water Daejeon, South Korea

GIS analyst

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Jaweed Nazary JaweedNazary
PhD student in Civil and Environmental Engineering

University of Missouri-Columbia Columbia, MO

Cole Speed cmspeed

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Jemma Stachelek jsta

Los Alamos National Laboratory New Mexico, USA

Yin-Hsuen Chen Y-HChen

Old Dominion University

Vanesa Martin Arias vanesa-martin-arias

UAH Earth System Science Center, NASA SERVIR SCO

Congrong Wang TsungRungWang
PhD Student UAF Atmospheric Chemistry

Fairbanks, Alaska

Oğuzhan Yaşar oguzhannysr
Geomatics Engineer


Antony John iantonyjohn
Aspiring geospatial scientist with a background in agriculture and a passion for leveraging Machine Learning (ML) for geospatial applications.


Cyle Hawkins cylehawk
I like making cool things that help people. I have expertise in synthetic aperture radar detection products, micro SaaS, and data science.

Solopreneur Washington, DC

Yi-Chieh Lee yichiehlee

Missouri S&T Rolla, MO

Jan Krecke jan-krecke

@synspective Tokyo

Gustavo Argote gusmann

Booz Allen Hamilton