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Blue darkgamer120
I host stuff and do things.

United Kingdom.

I make things.
Del sycomix

GLP Technologies Dallas, TX, USA

JillTheSomething jll123567
Going by multiple names and working on multiple things. Have a good day!
Joel Robert Justiawan JOELwindows7
Founder of @Perkedel Technologies Share and Serve for Gratis, Open Source, and FULL VERSION!!! Softwares Coding: GNU GPL v3 Documents & Assets: CC4.0-BY-SA

@Perkedel Technologies Jakarta, Indonesia

cute_coffee666 evlyou666
Just read my readme so yap

WorldBalancer fallen angel

Adam Beckingham beckadamtheinventor
I program in a variety of languages, including: python, C/C++, HLSL, [e]Z80 assembly, HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Some experience in C# and Java.


NotAKidoS NotAKidoS
pp codepp codepp code

Never Gonna Give

Luca LucHeart
Backend Developer in C#, DevOps, OpenShock Project Lead
