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LMD22® LMD22z
CEO on Shield Script [Discord] Dev Discord and moore! NO COPY AND PASTE! ENTER ⬇

LMD22® Italia

NewEdit NewEditOfficial
FiveM research guy, web-development

self-employed, Czech Republic, Pardubice

Joe drkshrk

@jcmj-software USA, VA

Dave Moore dwmoore
Lead Fullstack Software Engineer, ex-commercial photographer, adult beverage connoisseur, and partaker of shenanigans.

Knoxville, TN

EE ninja-1337
Interested in Computer Science, Ethical Hacking, Fullstack Web Development and Smart Contracts/Web3 Dapp Development
Integration Hell is my favorite part of software development


Matheus Marques mthsmb
Hi, I'm 25 years old and I'm a DevOps Engineer, studying Computer Science at University of Vila Velha.

@stone-payments Brazil

Ryan Erickson Ryan-Erickson
Currently a Lambda student, studying Full Stack web development.

Port Saint Lucie, FL

Nicholas Davidson ndavidson7
B.A. in Computer Science from the University of Virginia

Charlottesville, Virginia

Kopter kop7er

@RustTools @RustCONxyz Portugal

Kowa77 Kowa77

EIGT Uruguay

Khoi Ho minhkhoi0975
A rookie game programmer.
Tj Johnston, K4TFJ CatMeat
Oxide plugins for Rust (Steam game) and associated tools. Ham Radio Operator.

Discord: CatMeat#5266 FM17qj - Virginia, USA

Shane shanejs

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Rust server admin | girl gamer | custom map maker | dog lover | open source advocate. If only I could code as well as I play. #playrust
Daniel Gibbs dgibbs64
🎮 Developer of LinuxGSM. 💻 Platform Engineer.⚓️ Ex Royal Navy Engineer

@gameservermanagers Kidderminster, UK

RWAAHAHA 3453-315h
located somewhere inbetween that vector and some slackspace
Shady14u shady14u
Full Stack Developer predating the Internet.. Working on Rust Plugins and making the world a little better :-)
Death Deathicated
C# Programmer working on RustEZ, Codefling, and Carbon.
Thomas P. tzv0
Я люблю сир і хліб. Learning ukrainian and german. I try to make things sometimes.


TreblesomeTenor TreblesomeTenor
Owner for

@ExiledRust Australia

Jon Pugh jondpugh
The Former Mike Hawke, The Current RustRadio


Jacob lonelyplanetdev
I enjoy doing little side programming projects
