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Nayeli Gutierrez NayeliGutierrez
I am a computational biologist with eight years of experience analyzing several types of biological data.

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai New York

Schaudge Schaudge

Shanghai, PRC

Michael Steinbaugh mjsteinbaugh

@merck Cambridge, MA, USA

Cheng Yang ychuest
LLMs & Bioinformatics

Hunan University Changsha China

LAVIGNE lab GCMlabimbb
Characterization of molecular transactions ruling healthy/disease gene expression programs using NGS data and bioinformatics approaches

FORTH-IMBB Heraklion, GR

Shixiang Wang (王诗翔) ShixiangWang

Central South University Changsha, China

Zestel Shen metaspine
MD candidate, major in bone tumor, especially spinal metastasis; pupil in bioinformatics
Adam Youlin He adamyhe
PhD candidate in @Danko-Lab at Cornell. Transcriptional regulation, machine learning, population genetics


Chase Holdener caholdener01
Computational Biology Ph.D. student in Iwijn De Vlaminck's Lab

Cornell University Ithaca, New York, USA


SINH Shanghai,CN

Brent Chick bchick
PhD Student at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies


Noam Shtolz Noam-St
Graduate student at Ben Gurion University.

Ben Gurion University Israel

BioWalker shijianasdf
I focused on bioinformatics and computational biology via machine learning and deep learning

Madrid - Spain

爱几个扣扣 aijigekoukou-shen
Tengfei Shen

Nanjing Foresty University Nan jing; China

BioDawg JoJoTsui


Yuzhe Li ericli0419
Postdoctoral fellow in AI Biology in the lab of Qiangfeng Cliff Zhang at the School of Life Sciences of Tsinghua University. @zhangqf-lab

Tsinghua University Hangzhou, China

Cardiovascular Bioinformatics

UCSD La Jolla

Kieran K. klk246
DVM/PhD Student | Biomedical and Biological Sciences | College of Veterinary Medicine | Cornell University


Yanfeng Zhang youngorchuang
Genomics, Epigenetics, Non-coding RNA, Cancer Genetics, Autoimmune Disease, chromatin regulation

University of Alabama at Birmingham Birmingham, AL

Zhixin Li, PhD leezx
Computational biologist, bioinformatician

DFCI, HMS, Broad Institute MA, US.

Selin Jessa sjessa
Computational biologist & post-doc at Stanford: interested in the brain, functional genomics, and open science.

post-doc @kundajelab @GreenleafLab Stanford Unviersity

Alberto Peloso albertop210
PhD student @ Dept. of Women and Children's Health

University of Padua Padua, IT