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Arkajyoti Sarkar arka2696
Doctoral Fellow ImAge-D MSCA, LIVR Lab, VUB, Jette, Brussels

VUB Brussels, Belgium

Dave Bunten d33bs
Research Software Engineer with the Department of Biomedical Informatics at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

University of Colorado Anschutz Denver, CO

shenjun conanyangqun
Coding for Biology.


Fernanda Fossa fefossa
Computational Biology | Image analysis. I am interested in quantitative image analysis and open-source tools!


Jean-Paul Courneya j-p-courneya
Bioinformatics Analyst @ U of Maryland CVD, Developer, Carpentries Instructor, Open-Source Contributor and Maintainer, Entrepreneur, Consultant.

Malaria Research Group - CVD - UMB / WGB LLC United States

Rocco D'Antuono RoccoDAnt
Principal Microscopist (and image analyst)

The Francis Crick Institute London

Marco Dalla Vecchia marcodallavecchia
Image analyst, microscopist and biochemist

ISTA Vienna, Austria

Beth Cimini bethac07
Bioimage analysis, @broadinstitute We make tools (like @CellProfiler + @piximi + @bilayer-containers ) and resources (@COBA-NIH) for less-computational scienti

Broad Institute Cambridge, MA, USA