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Marcos C.R. szaumoor
Software developer.


Alxy Savin xsa-dev
Mutation... 🌪️
Julian Paquerot Kajiih
AlaisFcZ salaisFCZ
Algunas traducciones al español de BG1 Y BG2 --------------------------------------------- Some spanish translations

South America

Lasse Guldhammer LasseGuldhammer

Illumi Denmark

Benjamin Framke bframke

SYNGENIO AG Germany - Bonn

Kanah Belflower Manhattan01

Chronical Georgia, United States

Martin Capraro MartinCapraro
I'm a software developer with a background in theoretical physics.
Terence Russell TerenceRussell
Software Development Director at @XSENSOR-Technology. Hobby side projects: (

XSENSOR Technology Corp Calgary

Hayden Stilley haydenstilley
Software Developer with an interest in procedural design and improving my code!
Wen Kokke wenkokke
tries to walk the line between programming languages and a̸i̸ | good job, y'all ruined ai


A spanish fan from Baldur's Gate saga.


dark0dave dark0dave
The voice of the Machine.

Flux Engine LTD Virgo Supercluster

Rod Batten gregariousmonk
I [break|make] things.


LoboGuardian 🐺 LoboGuardian
📡 Telecommunications Engineer ⌨ sudo root 🐺

JARwareZ Port

Nathan Miller nam20485
Here you will find all manner of things.

@hackoregon Wilsonville, Oregon