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Matt Gruler m00timus
Bsc Computer science & engineering graduate from UCT.
Postdoctoral Fellow @ ARO Israel. Implementing Multiomics Data analysis Approach to decipher Molecular & Biochemical mechanism of Specialized Metabolites

Newe Yaar Research Centre, ARO Volcani Israel

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mohammed Khellafi mohakhlf

MKIT consulting Paris

Cherian M Paul cherianmpaul
Service to mankind is service to God! Independent Software/Business Consultant. I believe in Free and Open Source software for everyone.

Houston, TX, USA

Anish Ghimire anishghimire603
Computer science and Information Technology undergrad learning, teaching and flourishing my skills on Web, AI, IOT and Embedded system.

@fractron Kathmandu,Nepal

Anthony Ritter phpwun
Look at him, those are the eyes of a crazy man. Feel free to message with any inquiries.

ASquared Chicago, IL

Backend Developer and Accountant with a passion for using technology as a tool to solve problems that humans grapple with.
Trần Trung Trực tructransecure
Mỗi ngày mới là một trải nghiệm mới cho cuộc sống

Ngân Trâm - The Kitchen Lab Vietnam

John Magdy Lotfy Kamel Zorono
Founder and CEO of @BrownTurbo | interested in Multipurpose Programming and Gaming

@BrownTurbo Egypt, Alexandria

Davi Clemente kuchinawa

Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido Mossoró

BBFlyer BBFlyer1
System Architect, Programmer: C, C++, Java, Python, Machine Controls; Private Pilot; Retired

Renton, Wa

jgcollinson JGCollinson
Analytics Implementation Engineer & Full Stack MERN Web Developer

New York, New York

Emma caffeinefriend

Steamboat Springs, CO

Joey Joey0980

United States

Atul Maurya creato77

GLA University, Mathura

Marty Gold Marty-Au79
US Navy Veteran • Chief Agronomist @GoldLabelGrower • Expert: Controlled Environment Agriculture Systems • ML • Data • Motto: FAIL-LEARN-GROW-SHARE-REPEAT!

Gold Label Growers Brigham City, Utah

Just learning/gathering resources. Compulsive starrer. Don't mind me.
ricardo ricmonmol
Fullstack developer.

Tandil, Argentina.

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Charith Madhuranga charithmadhuranga
🚀Self Learn Passionate Open Source Contributor in Automation, Edge Computing,Computer Vision,machine learning, Ecommerce and IoT 🌐

@Vioneta Sri Lanka

Sam samvmdev
Software and Other Solutions Developer

Los Angeles, CA

Marco marcodi65

Perth, Western Australia

Machine learning / deep learning researcher
