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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ana Alice Baptista analice1pt
Professor at the Information Systems Department and researcher at ALGORITMI Center, UMinho, Portugal. Past chair of the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.

University of Minho Portugal

Giovanni Gentili ggentili
#agendadigitale #trasformazionedigitale #innovazione #pa #umbria #ingegnere

Perugia, Italy

🔓 Open Data & 🌍 GIS Developer
Augusto Herrmann augusto-herrmann
Creator of, co-founder of, data engineer and contributor to open data and free software projects.

Brasília, DF, Brazil

Arne arne-bdt
private account German living in Belgium

Germany and Belgium

SIGSEGV dncampo
github: dncampo, dncampo42
Óscar oxcar
Working at the intersection of human rights, technology, data, and open knowledge.

Tech Lead @codeandomexico Madrid • Mexico City • Washington DC

Daniel B. danielbakas
Passionate programmer with a profound love for knowledge.

@semantyk CDMX, Mexico

Sloane Ortel 🏳️‍⚧️ srvo
Mostly lurk. Chief Investment Officer at Ethical Capital.

Ethical Capital Utah


Aveiro, Portugal

Went through a long, painful path full of letdown and loss. 22 y.o. Worked with a dozen software stacks in roles: Back, Front, DE, DevOps, and others. I ❤️ OSS

@melmedia @DataRubrik

Vahagn Zaqaryan Vahagn-Zaqaryan
Senior Software Engineer in Information Systems Agency of Armenia 🇦🇲

Information Systems Agency of Armenia Yerevan, Armenia

Tudor astudor
ORCID 0000-0002-6516-9531
ICT, organization, finance and life: empowerment ignites! Strengthening individuals, and stimulating growth through optimism and pragmatism


Daoud Urdu dwur

Wageningen University & Research

Jitse De Cock jitsedc
Semantic Web & Interoperability


Gonçalo Fontoura gesf
I am looking into raising funds to push SAPI (API Management Platform) forward.

@lawstab @simple-api-app Stockholm, Sweden

Gabriel Franco gfrancov
Systems Administrator and Web Developer.

Generalitat de Catalunya Badalona, Països Catalans

Mads Hjorth madsh

Udlændinge- og Integrationsministeriet Copenhagen, Denmark

André Castro andrecastro0o
@DANS-KNAW Integrations Systems Team

DANS Netherlands

Current CS Student @vrije-universiteit-brussel | Previous Intern @ArxusCloud | Previous Student @itfactory-tm


Priyanka O priya-gitTest
Love everything Python (Pandas) and SQL, Data Management, Open Data, Open Source, Open Science in that order ... [* relaxed Tiger Mom ]


Mohsan Ali Mohsanaliac
Data Scientist, Natural Language Processing Enthusiast, Open Data Ecosystem Researcher

ICSD Greece

Héctor Ochoa Ortiz Robot8A
Informatics B. Eng. // Cartography M.Sc. // Currently Ph.D. student at Unicam

Università degli Studi di Camerino Europe